Скачать презентацию Define It Maltsev Gregory True story of Скачать презентацию Define It Maltsev Gregory True story of

Employer Branding.pptx

  • Количество слайдов: 25

Define It! Maltsev Gregory Define It! Maltsev Gregory

True story of branding What is brand? Main two • Product information • Quality True story of branding What is brand? Main two • Product information • Quality information parts 4

Inception High competition in the labor market High standards for employees 5 Inception High competition in the labor market High standards for employees 5

Stay linked! Internal Marketing Employer Brand External Marketing Internal Advertising 6 Stay linked! Internal Marketing Employer Brand External Marketing Internal Advertising 6

Let me tell you a story… Dobrosotskaya Natalya Let me tell you a story… Dobrosotskaya Natalya

How EB forms? Marketing principles Employer Branding Field of personnel recruitment 8 How EB forms? Marketing principles Employer Branding Field of personnel recruitment 8

Its history… December 1996 – Defined by Tim Ambler, Simon Barrow 2005 – the Its history… December 1996 – Defined by Tim Ambler, Simon Barrow 2005 – the first book published “The Employer Brand: Bringing the best of Brand Management to People at Work” by Simon Barrow, Richard Mosley 9

Most active scientists Europe – F. Ansel, F. Lievens, G. Hoye (Belgium), S. Erlenkemper, Most active scientists Europe – F. Ansel, F. Lievens, G. Hoye (Belgium), S. Erlenkemper, T. Hintsdorf, C. von Taden (Germany) USA – K. Backhouse, S. D. Miles, G. Mangold, S. Tico Australia – M. Ankls, B. Minchington, L. Moroka 10

Five Holy Steps! Solntsev Artem Five Holy Steps! Solntsev Artem

5 stages of employer branding Study Formation of the value proposition of the employer 5 stages of employer branding Study Formation of the value proposition of the employer Plan for Communications Material Communication Measurement, evaluation and optimization 12

First two steps Determine how the task force sees the employer Find out what First two steps Determine how the task force sees the employer Find out what are the target group requirements to the employer Analyze the differences between internal and external perception of the company 13

Steps 3, 4 and 5 Choose the appropriate channels Coordinate interaction Determine the material Steps 3, 4 and 5 Choose the appropriate channels Coordinate interaction Determine the material Implement & measure results of all the steps 14

Manage it! Kharlanov Anton Manage it! Kharlanov Anton

Developing an employer brand strategy Questions to be asked beforehand: • How will a Developing an employer brand strategy Questions to be asked beforehand: • How will a strong employer brand support a business strategy? • What is the current situation with employees motivation and how it can be improved? • What kind of values a firm aims to cultivate in its employees? • How a firm stands in a context of external labor market? 16

Developing an employer brand strategy Internal brand positioning models Monolithic Parent Subsidiary 17 Developing an employer brand strategy Internal brand positioning models Monolithic Parent Subsidiary 17

Customer and Employer Brand 18 Customer and Employer Brand 18

Employer Brand Proposition 19 Employer Brand Proposition 19

Systematic approach to an employer brand Five key tasks to be performed • Establishing Systematic approach to an employer brand Five key tasks to be performed • Establishing the required nature of a brand • Crafting the Brand Proposition • Reaching out to target Audiences • Internal Communications • Benchmarking and Closing the Gaps 20

Example it! Vysokovskiy Michael Example it! Vysokovskiy Michael

The image of your organization as a ‘great place to work’ Definition of employer The image of your organization as a ‘great place to work’ Definition of employer brand by Brett Minchigton Who succeeded? 22

3 complicated examples Alcohol Tobacco Military Service Belgian Army 23 3 complicated examples Alcohol Tobacco Military Service Belgian Army 23

Main goals: Attract Achieving high visibility and awareness of the Company among the candidates. Main goals: Attract Achieving high visibility and awareness of the Company among the candidates. Creation and maintenance of positive image as an employer on the local labor market. Motivate Achieving high level of satisfaction, engagement and motivation of employees. Retain Talent development, clear career opportunities. Competitive social package and compensation level. Implementation of “Living the Brand” concept. 24

Finally! It’s Final! 25 Finally! It’s Final! 25