- Количество слайдов: 12
Declarative Sentences Повествовательные предложения
Word Order in the Declarative Sentence Subject + Predicate + Objects + Adverbial Modifiers (подлежащее) (сказуемое) 1 2 (дополнения) 3 (обстоятельства) 4 Our teacher is explaining the students a new grammar rule now. 1 2 3 3 4
Word Order in the Declarative Sentence (2) Objects Subject Predicate Indirect Direct I bought He gave a book I met him Prepositional of manner of place him I Adverbial Modifiers of time a book. his friend a book. to his friend. yesterday. by chance at theatre a few days ago.
Word Order in the Declarative Sentence (3) 1)Adverbial Modifiers of degree: - That is very good. - These words were especially important for you. 2) Adverbial Modifiers of time: - I met him in the park on Sunday. - On Sunday I met him in the park. - They seldom go to the club now. - We have never heard of such a thing.
Unusual Word Order in the Declarative Sentence 1) There is a telephone in that room. There was a meeting at the club yesterday. 2) “I am glad to see you, ” said the old man. “What is the matter with you? ” asked the doctor. “I don′t smoke, ” he said. 3)From the window came sounds of music. On the right is the National Library.
Unusual Word Order in the Declarative Sentence (2) 4)Here is the book you are looking for. There is your book! 5) “I get up very early. ” “So do I. ” “She didn′t see him yesterday. ” “Neither did I. ” 6) Never in my life have I seen such a thing. No sooner had he arrived than he fell ill.
Negative Declarative Sentences Повествовательные отрицательные предложения The Negation not English Russian I have not (haven′t) seen him today. Я не видел его сегодня. He is not (isn′t) waiting for you. Он не ждет вас. He will not (won′t) go there. Он не пойдет туда. She cannot (can′t) come today. Она не может прийти сегодня. He does not (doesn′t) work here. Он не работает здесь. They did not (didn′t) tell me about it. Они не говорили мне об этом. It has not been done yet. Это еще не сделано.
Negative Declarative Sentences Повествовательные отрицательные предложения The Negation not (2) Russian English Эта газета выходит не каждый день. This newspaper does not come out every day. Он обедает не дома. He does not have his dinner at home. Ему потребовалось не много времени, чтобы перевести эту статью. It did not take him much time to translate this article. Он изучает не английский язык, он изучает немецкий. He does not learn English, he learns German.
Negative Declarative Sentences Повествовательные отрицательные предложения The Negation not (3) Russian English Я не просил его не делать этого. I asked him not to do it. Я не просил его делать это. I did not ask him to do it. Они имели право не приступать к погрузке до 15 сентября. They had the right not to begin loading before the 15 th September. Они не имели права приступать к погрузке до 15 сентября. They did not have the right to begin loading before the 15 th September.
Negative Declarative Sentences Повествовательные отрицательные предложения The Substitution 1) I received no letters yesterday. I did not receive any letters yesterday. Я не получал никаких писем вчера. 2) We found nobody (no one) at home. We did not find anybody at home. Мы никого не застали дома. 3) I have read nothing about it. I have not read anything about it. Я ничего не читал об этом.
Negative Declarative Sentences Повествовательные отрицательные предложения The Substitution (2) 4) We went nowhere after supper. We did not go anywhere after supper. Мы никуда не ходили после ужина. 5) I could remember neither the name of the author nor the title of the book. I could not remember either the name of the author or the title of the book. Я не мог вспомнить ни фамилии автора, ни названия книги.
Negative Declarative Sentences Повествовательные отрицательные предложения There is …, there are … English Russian 1) There is nobody in the garden. There isn′t anybody in the garden. В саду нет никого. 2) There is nothing in the box. There isn′t anything in the box. В коробке нет ничего.