
- Количество слайдов: 57
December 09, 2014 Coordination Group Meeting CG Agenda Items FGDC Committee Meeting Summaries FGDC Business Update Ken Shaffer Deputy Executive Director 703 -648 -5740 kmshaffer@usgs. gov 12/9/2014 – v 6
Background This presentation contains information that supplements a set of read-aheads on the topics covered in the CG meeting and will be used as a walk-though of all the topics at the CG meeting. Use this presentation before reviewing the read-aheads in order to gain context. Materials will not be presented in full at the meeting, it is the responsibility of the attendees to review the material prior to the meeting, as per CG standard operating procedures. CG Agenda Items - Items on the Coordination Group (CG) agenda with references to any read-ahead materials FGDC Committee Meeting Summaries FGDC Business Update - Current FGDC initiatives/activities 2
CG Agenda Items Geodetic Control Subcommittee NDOP Subcommittee Other Agency Announcements Fed Session Only Meeting 11: 30 – 12: 30 p. m. (Eastern) 3
Geodetic Control Subcommittee Presentation/ update on activities Contact: Juliana Blackwell, NOAA Read ahead: Federal Geodetic Control Update. ppt 4
National Digital Orthoimagery Program Presentation on current activities Contact: Dick Vraga, USGS, dvraga@usgs. gov, Shirley Hall, USDA, shirley. hall@wdc. usda. gov Read ahead: NDOP for FGDC CG Dec 2014 Alaska_v 2. pptx 5
Other Agency Announcements Opportunity for FGDC agencies to share information on their activities. 6
FGDC Committee Reports Committees’Decisions Summary CG and SC Monthly Membership Changes Steering Committee Executive Committee National Geospatial Advisory Committee (NGAC) Next Coordination Group Meeting 2015 Coordination Group Meeting Dates 7
Committees’ Decisions Summary Executive Committee Note: Executive Committee members are working on the NSDI Strategic Plan actions and status reports for FY 2014. Steering Committee Chair reiterated the need for a CG Co-Chair and encouraged the agencies to nominate their members Contact: Lucia Foulkes, FGDC OS, lfoulkes@usgs. gov Read ahead: none 8
CG and SC Monthly Membership Changes No changes this month. Contact: Lucia Foulkes, FGDC OS, lfoulkes@usgs. gov Read Aheads: none 9
Steering Committee 2015 Meetings: March 19, June 11, September 3, in Washington D. C. FGDC Chair n n Anne Castle, DOI Assistant Secretary for Water & Science, departed in September Jennifer Gimbel – DOI Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Water and Science w Served as Anne’s Counsel in 2013 w Leading the ongoing priorities w Official designation of FGDC Chair pending from the Secretary w OMB’s FGDC Vice Chair position is also awaiting a new designee Contact: Lucia Foulkes, FGDC OS, lfoulkes@usgs. gov Read ahead: none 10
Executive Committee Planning for a meeting in January 2015 Contact: Lucia Foulkes, FGDC OS, lfoulkes@usgs. gov Read ahead: None 11
December 2014 NGAC Web Meeting AGENDA: n n n n n Introductions FGDC Update National Address Database Subcommittee Landsat Advisory Group Education & Workforce Subcommittee Privacy Subcommittee 2015 FGDC Guidance to NGAC Planning for 2015 Activities Public Comment Period Member Announcements 12
NGAC Papers The NGAC adopted two papers: n n DECISION: The NGAC adopted the paper developed by the Address Subcommittee: “NGAC National Address Database Use Case Paper - December 2014” DECISION: The NGAC adopted the paper developed by the Landsat Advisory Group: “NGAC Landsat Economic Value Paper - 2014 Update” 13
Subcommittee Reports Geospatial Privacy Subcommittee n n n Subcommittee discussed draft briefing materials on geospatial privacy issues. FGDC/NGAC will brief CIO Council Privacy Subcommittee – early 2015 Briefing materials can be used with multiple audiences Education & Workforce Subcommittee n Report on 2014 activities: w Professional certification w Revisions to geospatially-related Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) Codes 14
2015 NGAC Guidance 1. Priority Study Topics 2015 priority study topics were identified based on discussions and suggestions from NGAC Leadership/Members, FGDC Community, FGDC Leadership. Study topics include: n n n NSDI Outreach and Communication Crowd-Sourced Geospatial Data Geolocation Privacy Landsat Advisory Group 3 D Elevation Program 15
2015 NGAC Guidance 2. Ongoing Initiatives The FGDC will also seek continuing feedback and advice from the NGAC on key ongoing FGDC and agency initiatives on an as-needed basis. Initiatives may include: n NSDI Strategic Plan/NGDA Management Plan n Geospatial Platform n GAO Review n Open Water Data Initiative n NGAC Points of Contact: w National Address Data w Geospatial Workforce Development w Tribal Geospatial Activities 16
Planning for 2015 Activities Subcommittee Assignments n ACTION: NGAC members provide first and second choices for subcommittee assignments by Monday, December 8 n Chair/DFO will determine subcommittee membership and chair/cochair assignments – December 2015 Subcommittee Meetings n Subcommittees hold initial meetings – January 2015 March 17 -18 NGAC Meeting n Initial subcommittee reports n Possible spotlight session – Crowd-Sourced Geospatial Data 17
Announcements/Actions NGS Datum n ACTION: Gary Thompson and FGDC staff will work with the National Geodetic Survey to schedule a webinar discussion with NGAC members on the NGS datum modernization initiative in early 2015. National Address Data n ACTION: The Census Bureau and the Department of Transportation are planning a stakeholder meeting in Spring 2015 to discuss National Address Database business requirements. FGDC will provide additional information about this workshop to NGAC members, including a request to identify potential participants. 18
Tentative 2015 Meeting Schedule March 17 -18 March 19 NGAC Meeting (DOI) FGDC Steering Committee Meeting (DOI) June 9 -10 June 11 NGAC Meeting (DOI) FGDC Steering Committee Meeting (DOI) September 1 -2 September 3 NGAC Meeting (NCTC – Shepherdstown) FGDC Steering Committee Meeting (DOI) December (TBD) NGAC Webinar meeting 19
Next Coordination Group Meeting Tuesday, January 13, 9: 00 a. m. to 3: 00 p. m. EDT (at Rachel Carson Room) Primary meeting focus will be to discuss changes that should be made to CG meetings, operations, and areas of focus. Member participation is paramount Submitted ideas for revitalization will be presented Contact: Lucia Foulkes, FGDC OS, lfoulkes@usgs. gov Read ahead: none 20
2015 Coordination Group Meeting Dates Ø December 9 – Webinar Ø FY 2015 tentative meeting dates. These will be formalized once the Coordination Group planning meeting occurs in January 2015 and decisions on meeting length, location, etc. are made. Ø Feb 17, Mar 10, Apr 14, May 12, June 16, Jul 14, Aug 11, Sep 8, Oct 13, Nov 10, Dec 8 Contact: Lucia Foulkes, FGDC OS, lfoulkes@usgs. gov Read ahead: none 21
FGDC Business Update 2012 and 2014 GAO Engagements NGDA Management Plan Update NSDI Strategic Plan Update Geospatial Line of Business and Geospatial Platform Update Call for Nominations – CG Co-Chair 2014 FGDC Annual Report FGDC Standards Update 22
2012 and 2014 GAO Engagements 2014 GAO Engagement (311299) – Geospatial Data 2014 issues under review: n Implementation status of 2012 actions w NSDI Strategic Plan w NGDA Management Plan n n Types of geospatial data selected federal agencies and States are acquiring Extent to which selected federal agencies and States invest in potentially duplicative geospatial data w Focus on imagery and addresses GAO interviewed representatives from 5 States n MD, OH, SC, MT, WA Contact: Ivan De. Loatch, FGDC, ideloatch@fgdc. gov Read ahead: none 23
2014 GAO Engagement – Next Steps Projected timeline: n n GAO is completing final draft report November 2014 - GAO provided Statement of Facts to agencies for their review and response – exit meetings held in mid-November December 2014 - GAO to provide draft report to participating agencies with a 30 -day comment and response period February 2015 – GAO to release final report Follow-up: n FGDC may seek NGAC feedback/comment on responses to GAO report, as needed (per 2015 guidance). 24
NGDA Management Plan Update Continuing activities for NGDA Theme Leads and Dataset Managers n n Action 1 D. 1: Baseline Dataset Assessment Survey - development of tool is high priority Action 1 B. 2: FGDC NGDA team is working with Theme Leads and Dataset managers to register NGDA Datasets in Geo. Platform. gov/Data. gov catalog Action 1 E. 1: Geospatial investment and budget report codes n n Interagency Team formed to review geo investment codes and to develop a scoping doc Meeting will be held in 1 st part of January when contract staff is available to support the team Action 1 B. 3: Develop Process for Nomination/Removal of NGDA Datasets n n Documentation of process nearing completion and will be shared with CG Tool to be developed when contract staff available Community Resources on Geo. Platform. gov n n Internal Theme Lead Community available to Theme Leads NGDA/A-16 Theme Community content management training provided to Theme Leads and Dataset Managers on October 21 Contact: Gita Urban-Mathieux, FGDC, burbanma@fgdc. gov Read ahead: none 25
NGDA Theme Lead Changes Climate and Weather Theme Lead n n From: Anne Ball, Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) To: Kari Sheets (kari. sheets@noaa. gov, 202 -748 -6942), Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 26
NGDA Management Plan Actions Completed Actions Start Date Completion Date Lead Progress FY 13 Q 2 FY 14 Q 2 Theme Lead Complete 5/13/14 FY 12 Q 1 FY 14 Q 3 Theme Lead Complete 7/2/14 Action 1 C. 1: Activate NGDA Theme Lead Collaboration Community on Geoplatform. gov FY 13 Q 2 FY 14 Q 3 Geo. Platform Team Complete 4/23/2014 Action 2 C. 1: Manage and Maintain Content for each NGDA Theme Public Website on Geo. Platform. gov FY 14 Q 2 FY 14 Q 3 Theme Lead Complete 9/3/2014 Action 1 A. 1: Develop a Process for Selecting and Maintaining Executive NGDA Theme Champions, NGDA Theme Leads, and NGDA Dataset Managers FY 12 Q 1 FY 14 Q 4 Theme Lead Agency Complete 10/3/2014 Action from the NGDA Management Plan Action 2 C. 3: Establish and Maintain Coordination Mechanism across NGDA Themes Action 1 B. 1: Identify Initial Baseline of NGDA Datasets 27
NGDA Management Plan Actions Action from the NGDA Management Plan Start Date Action 1 D. 1: Develop NGDA Dataset Maturity Annual Assessment Survey and Tool Action 1 D. 3: Develop NGDA Theme Administrative Maturity Assessment Survey and Tool FY 13 Q 2 FY 14 Q 1 Completio n Date Lead Progress FY 14 Q 4 Dataset Manager In progress. Projected to be completed FY 15 Q 2 FY 14 Q 4 Theme Lead In progress. Projected to be completed FY 15 Q 2 FY 12 Q 1 FY 15 Q 1 Dataset Manager FY 14 Q 2 target complete. 25% NGDA registered. In progress. FY 14 Q 3 FY 15 Q 1 Theme Lead In progress FY 14 Q 3 FY 15 Q 1 Steering Committee In progress. Team to meet Sept 19. Action 1 B. 3: Develop an Process for Nomination/Removal of NGDA Datasets FY 14 Q 3 FY 15 Q 2 Action 1 D. 4: Develop Support Theme Strategic Plan Template and Tool FY 14 Q 4 Action 1 D. 5: Develop Annual Theme Report Template and Tool FY 14 Q 4 Action 2 A. 1: Complete and Submit NGDA Dataset Maturity Annual Assessment FY 15 Q 1 Action 1 B. 2: Register Baseline NGDA Datasets and Services Metadata on the Geo. Platform. gov/Data. gov Catalog with Appropriate NGDA and Theme “tags” Action 1 D. 2: Develop NGDA Dataset Report Template and Tool Action 1 E. 1: Review/Revise the Definition of Geospatial Investment and Budget Reporting Codes 28 SC, Exec Theme In progress. Initial Champions, template in use. Theme Leads, In progress. Initial draft FY 15 Q 2 Geo. Platform in work. Team Theme Leads, FY 15 Q 3 Geo. Platform In progress Team FY 15 Q 3 Dataset Managers In progress.
NGDA Management Plan Actions Action from the NGDA Management Plan Action 2 A. 2: Complete and Submit NGDA Theme Administrative Maturity Annual Assessment Action 2 D. 1: Complete and Submit Annual NGDA Dataset Report Action 2 E. 1: Develop the A– 16 NGDA Portfolio-level Processes, Reporting Requirements, and Roles and Responsibility Requirements for Federal Geospatial Portfolio Management Action 2 C. 2: Establish and Engage the NGDA Theme Committees and Communities to Further Strategic Planning Efforts Start Date Completion Date FY 15 Q 1 FY 15 Q 4 Theme Leads FY 15 Q 2 FY 15 Q 4 Dataset Managers FY 14 Q 3 FY 15 Q 4 SC, Exec Theme Champions In process FY 13 Q 2 FY 16 Q 1 Theme Leads In process Action 1 D. 6: Develop NGDA Services/Applications Investment Report Template, Tool, and Report FY 15 Q 3 FY 16 Q 2 Action 1 D. 7: Develop NGDA Portfolio Summary Report Template and Tool FY 15 Q 3 FY 16 Q 2 Action 1 C. 2: Develop A– 16 Theme Collaboration Community Templates and Tools on Geo. Platform. gov FY 13 Q 4 29 FY 16 Q 3 Lead Exec Theme Champions, Theme Leads, Geo. Platform Team, SC, Exec Theme Champions, Theme Leads, Geo. Platform Team Theme Leads, Geo. Platform Team Progress To be initiated when dataset assessments completed. Not initiated In process
NGDA Management Plan Actions Start Date Action from the NGDA Management Plan Action 2 B. 1: Complete and Submit NGDA Theme Strategic Plan Action 2 D. 2: Complete and Submit Annual NGDA Theme Reports Action 1 E. 2: Apply the Geospatial Investment Definition and Budget Reporting Codes Action 2 D. 3: Report Theme progress to FGDC Steering Committee and FGDC Coordination Group Completion Date FY 15 Q 3 FY 16 Q 3 Theme Leads Not initiated FY 15 Q 4 FY 16 Q 3 Theme Leads Not initiated FY 15 Q 2 FY 16 Q 4 OMB, Theme Lead Agency(s) Not initiated FY 16 Q 4 Exec Theme Champions, Theme Leads FY 14 Q 4 complete. 25% Theme reported to SC. In Progress. Themes reporting to SC. SC, Exec Theme Champions, Theme Lead Agency(s) In progress. Examples include NDOP, NWI, and Elevation. SC, Exec Theme Champions, Geo. Platform Team Not initiated FY 13 Q 4 Action 2 E. 2: Develop a Process for Federal Agencies to Identify Resources Required for Managing Geospatial Data Beyond Their Agency's Mission FY 15 Q 1 Action 2 D. 4: Compile NGDA Theme Reports into A– 16 Portfolio Summary FY 16 Q 4 30 FY 16 Q 4 FY 17 Q 3 Lead Progress
NGDA Management Plan Contact: Gita Urban-Mathieux, FGDC, burbanma@fgdc. gov Read ahead: none 31
Action 1 B. 2: Register NGDA Baseline Datasets As of December 1, 2014 Action 1 B. 2 due December 31 NGDA Dataset Inventory http: //www. fgdc. gov/initiatives/resources/ngda-master-dataset-list 32
Action 1 D. 1: Baseline Dataset Assessment Survey Adjudication process completed in November n n n Accepted virtually all editorial comments Addressed concerns re annual reporting process and data sets with recurring/cyclic updates Dialogue underway on assessment evaluation process An electronic ballot for adoption of the NGDA Baseline Assessment Survey was sent to the CG 12/3/14 n n Votes are due back by December 12, 2014 Theme Lead and Dataset manager concerns should be provided via their Agency CG member Will conduct an evaluation of the tool after first round of assessments are complete to identify any required mid-course adjustments 33
Action 1 D. 1: Baseline Dataset Assessment Survey Next Steps Baseline Survey Tool/ Spreadsheet n Will post to the Theme Lead Collaboration Site once adopted by the CG n Soliciting volunteers to begin theme-wide NGDA assessment in January Automated web tool on the National Geospatial Platform n Completion is a top priority for the new contract staff n Slated to be available no later than March 31, 2015 Adjudication Team/Baseline Assessment Support Group n Shift focus of team to facilitating the baseline assessment implementation process n Develop lesson learned documents, additional implementation guidance, and FAQs n Soliciting additional members 34
Questions? Contacts: What Who Dataset/Service Registration in Geo. Platform. gov/Data. gov Catalog Jen Carlino, jcarlino@usgs. gov, Melissa Wegner, wegner@usgs. gov or geodata@usgs. gov NGDA Metadata Focus Group Jen Carlino, jcarlino@usgs. gov Geoplatform. gov – Registration And Theme Lead Community page Gita Urban-Mathieux (Federal Sponsor), burbanma@usgs. gov Geoplatform. gov – Theme Community pages Managed by Theme Leads Support - Gita Urban-Mathieux, burbanma@usgs. gov NGDA Baseline Assessment Survey Lorri Peltz-Lewis, llpeltzlewis@fs. fed. us, Wendy Blake-Coleman, blake-coleman. wendy@epa. gov 35
NSDI Strategic Plan – Status Dec 2013: NSDI Strategic Plan approved n n FGDC Ex. Com leadership role in implementation Executive champions designated for each Objective in Plan June 2014: NSDI Implementation Plans completed n n Implementation Plans for 7 of 9 Objectives completed 2 Objectives scheduled for 2015 implementation Oct 2014: FY 2014 NSDI Plan Status Report completed n n Summarizes FGDC performance in addressing FY 2014 targets Includes updates on draft FY 2015 and 2016 targets Outreach/Communication - ongoing n n n Discussion/status reports with FGDC community, NGAC, meetings/conferences, etc. NSDI Leaders Forum meetings NSDI Outreach/Communication Plan - 2015 36
NSDI Plan – Implementation Status Goal 1 – National Shared Services Objective Executive Champion Obj. 1. 1 Reference Architecture Obj. 1. 2 Geo Platform Webbased Services Obj. 1. 3 Cloud Computing Obj. 1. 4 Acquisition Vehicles Objective Obj. 2. 1 Portfolio Management Obj. 2. 2 Collaborative Investments Objective Obj. 3. 1 Standards Development Obj. 3. 2 Convene Leaders Obj. 3. 3 Raise Awareness Status Dan Cotter (DHS) Action Plan completed (June 2014) Jerry Johnston (DOI) Action Plan completed (June 2014) Angela Smith (GSA), Stephen Lowe Action Plan completed (June 2014) (USDA) Angela Smith (GSA) Organizing (2015 implementation) Goal 2 – Accountability & Management Executive Champion Adrian Gardner (FEMA) Status Action Plan completed (June 2014) Jerry Johnston (DOI) Action Plan completed (June 2014) Goal 3 – Convene Leadership Executive Champion Michelle Motsko (NGA), Ivan De. Loatch (FGDC) Kevin Gallagher (USGS), Tim Trainor (DOC) 37 Status Action Plan completed (June 2014) Organizing (2015 implementation)
NSDI Plan - FY 2014 Status Report § Completed Oct 30, 2014 § Summarizes FGDC performance in addressing FY 2014 targets, and includes updates on draft FY 2015 and 2016 targets. § Distributed to FGDC community, NGAC, and GAO § Status report will be summarized in FGDC 2014 Annual Report NEXT STEPS § Validate and update FY 2015 targets § Work with Geospatial Platform PMO on implementation & communication strategies 38
Geospatial Line of Business/Platform Managing Partner Activities: n Closed out the Interagency Agreements collection process for FY 14 (supports FY 15 activities) w Contact Roxanne Lamb with questions pertaining to the IA document or the process. Final collection breakdown: n n 17 completed and approved 1 Received after the Deadline 5 No Response Drafted the Interagency Agreements for collection process for FY 15 to be distributed January 2015 (supports Fy 16 activities) w Please notify Roxanne Lamb of any changes to POC n n Completed EVM and DOI E-Gov Investment Tracking reports Continued the processes for completing BY 16 Exhibit 300 Documents w Library Resources Documents w Funding tables Contact: Roxanne Lamb, FGDC OS, rhlamb@fgdc. gov Read ahead: None 39
FY 14 Interagency Document Status Agency Senior Agency Official Agriculture Stephen Lowe Commerce Do. D - NGA Education Energy EPA GSA HHS Tim Trainor Jeff Bell John Easton Russell Periera Harvey Simon Angela Smith Cynthia Colton DHS Luke Mc. Cormack HUD Justice Labor NARA NASA Jean Lin Pao Nick Loulou Holly Donnelly Paul Wester Keith Keller (acting) CIO Point of Contact CG Representative Marisa Capriotti John M. Bebris & Shirley Hall Barbara Lawton Betsy Kanalley Dan Rooney Tony Lavoi John Murtaugh Alex Ferry Chanel Hicks Tai Phan Christina Santangelo Teddy Dyer Brenda Gibson Wendy Blake-Coleman Autumn Wallin John Sullivan Stephanie Foster Richard Spires & Lew Summers George Begay Angela Morse Jon Sperling Carla Aikens Myra Bambacus Edith Truvilion NSF John Mc. Iver Gerald Smith Eva Zanzerkia SBA SSA State Deborah Anderson Lew Sandford Cecelia Henderson Asghar Noor Mike Higgins Carolyn Johnson Asghar Noor David Timmons Cecelia Henderson Transportation Patricia Hu Tracey Lancaster Mark Bradford Treasury USACE USAID VA Jimmy Amoaka-Atta James Dalton Carrie Stokes Dat P. Tran Elaine Boston Jean Gilleo Ken Kertula Dat P. Tran Jimmy Amoaka-Atta Nancy Blyler Pheakdey Lim Contact: Roxanne Lamb, FGDC OS, rhlamb@fgdc. gov 40 current as of 11/20/14 Date Signed 2/18/14 7/9/14 3/25/14 3/19/14 6/20/14 5/14/14 7/8/14 8/13/14 3/19/14 9/23/14 6/23/14 5/20/14 8/13/14 5/20/14 7/8/14 Received After Deadline 8/15/14 3/19/14
FY 15 Interagency Document POCs current as of 11/20/14 Agency Senior Agency Official CIO Point of Contact Agriculture Stephen Lowe John M. Bebris & Barbara Lawton Commerce Do. D - NGA Education Energy Tim Trainor Jeff Bell John Easton Russell Periera Dan Rooney John Murtaugh Chanel Hicks Christina Santangelo Tony Lavoi Alex Ferry Tai Phan Teddy Dyer EPA Harvey Simon Brenda Gibson Wendy Blake-Coleman GSA HHS Angela Smith Cynthia Colton DHS Luke Mc. Cormack HUD Justice Labor NARA NASA NSF SBA SSA State Transportation Treasury USACE USAID VA Jean Lin Pao Nick Loulou Holly Donnelly Paul Wester Keith Keller (acting) Deborah Anderson Lew Sandford Cecelia Henderson Patricia Hu Jimmy Amoaka-Atta James Dalton Carrie Stokes Dat P. Tran Autumn Wallin John Sullivan Stephanie Foster Richard Spires & Lew Summers George Begay Angela Morse Jon Sperling Carla Aikens John Mc. Iver Gerald Smith Edith Truvilion Asghar Noor Mike Higgins Carolyn Johnson Tracey Lancaster Elaine Boston Jean Gilleo Ken Kertula Dat P. Tran Contact: Roxanne Lamb, FGDC OS, rhlamb@fgdc. gov 41 CG Representative Marisa Capriotti Shirley Hall Betsy Kanalley Myra Bambacus Eva Zanzerkia Asghar Noor David Timmons Cecelia Henderson Mark Bradford Jimmy Amoaka-Atta Nancy Blyler Pheakdey Lim
Geospatial Platform Contract Support Awards Program Management Support n Ardent Management Consulting (Contract #G 14 PC 0053, Task Order #G 14 PD 00851) Technical Support n Image Matters, LLC (Contract #G 14 PC 0051, Task Order #G 14 PD 00850) TBD n Five-9 Group (Contract #G 14 PC 0054) Contact: Roxanne Lamb, FGDC OS, rhlamb@fgdc. gov 42
Call for Nominations – CG Co-Chair Discussion item for January CG meeting Call for self nominations for new Co-Chair: n Steering Committee members have been asked by FGDC Chair Anne Castle to provide nominations of candidates from their agencies. n SAOGIs must submit a statement of support for each nomination – resource commitment. n Nominations will be compiled and put out to the CG for a blind vote via email. n ~ 4 to 5 weeks of commitment annually. Contact: Lucia Foulkes, FGDC OS, lfoulkes@usgs. gov; Ken Shaffer, FGDC OS, kmshaffer@usgs. gov Read ahead: none 43
2014 FGDC Annual Report All contributions (text and graphics) have been received The draft is in work Contact: Gita Urban-Mathieux - burbanma@fgdc. gov, 703 -648 -5175 Thank you to all who provide text and graphics Contact: Gita Urban-Mathieux, FGDC, burbanma@fgdc. gov Read ahead: none 44
FGDC Standards Update – December 2014 FGDC Standards Activities INCITS L 1/U. S. TAG Standards Activities OGC Standards Activities GWG Standards Activities Other Contact: Julie Binder Maitra, FGDC OS, jmaitra@fgdc. gov, 703 -648 -4627, www. linkedin. com/in/juliebindermaitra 45
FGDC Standards Activities CG approved public review of Part 2: Digital orthoimagery (revised) of the Geographic Information Framework Data Standard: n n n The draft Part 2: Digital Orthoimagery (revised) seeks to establish a common baseline for the semantic content of orthoimagery databases. It also seeks to decrease costs, simplify the exchange of orthoimagery data, and discourage duplicative data collection. The CG ballot opened November 17 and closed December 3. Voting results: Yes No Not voting Totals n 11 0 23 34 Affirmative/Non-Responses The Federal Register Notice for the public comment period should be published this month. 46
FGDC Standards Activities Next FGDC Standards WG meeting n n n Thursday, December 11, 2014, 9: 30 AM-3: 30 PM For logistics, meeting materials, etc. , see https: //www. fgdc. gov/standards/organization/FGDC-SWG/2014 -1211_SWG Informative briefings (confirmed): w USGS Standards DB Explorer w NASA Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS) Standards Office 47
FGDC Standards Activities Next FGDC Standards WG meeting n Recommendation for FGDC endorsement: National Shoreline Data Content Standard w Provides a framework for data development, sharing, transformation and fusion. w Provides technical guidance on semantics, data structures and their relationships. w Defines common attributes or elements and provides suggested domains. w Defines data models, schemas, entities, relationships, definitions, and crosswalks to related standards. w Applies to shorelines of navigable waters within the U. S. and its territories. w Legal controversy surrounds shoreline definitions because of boundary implications. The standard provides a framework inclusive of multiple shoreline interpretations. w Applies to Water – Inland Water - Oceans and Coasts NGDA Themes 48
FGDC Standards Activities Next FGDC Standards WG meeting n Recommendation for public review: draft Geographic Information Framework Data Content Standard, Part 4: Geodetic Control (revised) w Provides a common methodology for creating datasets of horizontal and vertical coordinate values for geodetic control points w Provides a single data structure for relating coordinate values obtained by one geodetic survey method (for example, line-of-sight traverse) with coordinate values obtained by another method (for example, GNSS) w Applies to any geodetic control dataset, but can be used as a model for other control points and coordinated points w Facilitates a common methodology to create, manage, and share geodetic control datasets from various organizations w Applies to Geodetic Control NGDA theme. 49
INCITS L 1/U. S. TAG Standards Activities L 1/U. S. TAG voted to confirm ISO 19144 -1: 2009, Geographic information -- Classification systems -- Part 1: Classification system structure, as part of systematic review L 1/U. S. TAG voted to approve ISO/DTS 19159 -2, Geographic information -- Calibration and validation of remote sensing imagery sensors -- Part 2: Lidar, with comments from USGS 2014 -10 -31 L 1/U. S. TAG meeting n L 1/U. S. voted to adopt ISO 19110: 2005/AMD 1. : 2011, Geographic information -- Methodology for feature cataloguing, as an American National Standard 50
INCITS L 1/U. S. TAG Standards Activities 2014 -11 -24/28 ISO/TC 211 plenary and meetings, China. For plenary resolutions, see http: //www. isotc 211. org/Shenzhen/ISO-TC 211 N 3924_Resolutions_39 th_meeting_Shenzhen_2014 -1128. pdf (open to all) 2014 -12 -10 L 1/U. S. TAG meeting 51
OGC Standards activities The OGC adopted GML in JPEG 2000 (“GMLJP 2”) Encoding Standard Version 2 n n n JPEG 2000 is an image compression format widely used to store and transport imagery. Geography Markup Language (GML) is used for encoding for transport and storage of geographic information. The GMLJP 2 geospatial data encoding standard defines how GML is to be used within JPEG 2000 images for adding geographic content to imagery. 52
OGC Standards activities RFC on candidate Earth Observation Metadata Profile of the OGC Observations and Measurements (O&M) Standard n n n The EO Metadata profile provides a standard schema for encoding EO product metadata to support description and cataloguing of products acquired by sensors aboard EO satellites. Deadline for comments is December 17. For more information, visit http: //www. opengeospatial. org/standards/requests/127 53
OGC Standards activities OGC members approved KML 2. 2 validator as part of the OGC Compliance Testing Facility. It tests whether implementations correctly publish KML data. OGC members adopted the OGC Sensor Observation Service 2. 0 Hydrology Profile as an OGC Best Practice. n n SOS 2. 0 defines a Web service interface for discovering, gathering, and querying collections of observation data. The OGC SOS 2. 0 Hydrology Profile Best Practice specifies semantics and structure requests and defines technical details to implement an interoperable hydrology SOS profile. 54
GWG Standards activities The 14 -3 GWG voting meeting was held October 29 at Scitor in Reston, Virginia. Items of interest: n n OGS Web Coverage Service extensions WGS 84 The GWG Geospatial Web Services Focus Group met November 13. 55
Other The United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) called for the adoption of common standards so that geospatial data can be seamlessly shared and used around the world. At request of UN-GGIM, IHO, ISO/TC 211, and OGC cowrote the Guide to the Role of Standards in Geospatial Information Management, which provides guidelines for the adoption of common standards. 56
QUESTIONS? www. fgdc. gov 57