PPT to Ukraine.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 27
Dear Nikita, My name is Andrew Knight. I woke up at 7: 25. I dressed up and left at 7: 45 and got there at 8: 12. We are supposed to be there at 8: 15 -8: 25. I got there by car. That is when your parents drive you to school. First at school we go to the floor in a circle. This is called circle time. After circle we go do math and science. We did not do that today. After taking a vocabulary test, we saw the presentations. I like your sash, or was that your clothing? I liked it though. Tell me if I ramble. I have a tendency to talk on without making sense. Wait, did I spell your name wrong? Well, after that we went to lunch. (see opening image) Seriously though, that sash or clothing in your photo is awesome Nikita. I wish I could see you in real life. What is Ukranian for bye? I’m just going to say soyanara. Me eating my favorite: fiesta tacos!
My School Day Me and my Hi Liza! I’m so glad you wrote back to me! I found out some things we share in common, I also love to sing and dance! I know that you want to friends at here about my school life so I’ll tell you about that! I usually wake up at 6: 30 and get ready for the day, I don’t know about you but at my school we have uniform that consists of a polo shirt and cacti skirts/shorts. By the time I am ready to leave my house and go to school it’s about 7: 45. lunch. When I get to school I go to news crew which is a school job I have when I talk to the whole school about our day! When I get to my classroom I greet my best friend Annie I have known her since I was 2 months old! My favorite school subject is science because I like learning about new things such as animals and weather! My favorite part of the day is recess, I play a game called infected it’s kind of like tag but if you tag one person their also it to! But anyways when I get back to my classroom after news crew I do my morning work, we just have to correct a sentence! After we all go over our morning work we come to circle and Mrs. Roche picks a topic that we have to talk about! After circle we start math which is my lest favorite part of the day! We work on a 100 day count down which is 5 problems that we have to work on (more of like torture if you ask me) When we have finally finished torture we move on to science, we watch videos on the topic we are learning about! After that we go to lunch and recess. When we come back from recess and lunch we read a chapter from our book A View from Saturday After we read our books we go to centers, in centers we either go to computers, USA weekly, which is a article about history and then we answer questions, Mrs. Roche which is when we go to the back table and work with her on a story. Mountain language is where we fix spelling and social studies is an other story with questions! After centers we go to related arts! When related arts is finished we pack up and go home Well I am so glad I got to wright back to you please wright back to me and tell me all about your school day. Sincerely, Bianca.
My School Day Dear Sofiya, this is Caleb I really liked your slide, one of my favorite colors is green to. I’m glad that you like cats. I had three cats but one of them ran away, now I only have two cats. Their names are Sage and Dava. I am also 11, my birthday was May 28. I go to school for 7 hours a day. We do reading, math, science, and writing. My favorites are subjects are reading writing. We usually do math and science in the morning, and reading in the afternoon. Right in between we go to lunch and recess. We go to recess after lunch so that we can have a break from being inside, and so that we can have sometime to run around, and burn off some energy. At the end of the day, we go to related arts. We have music on Monday, Art on Tuesday, Technology on Wednesday, and P. E. on Thursday, and Friday. They are a series of classes that are not taught in home room. Those classes are 50 minutes each. After that we go back to our official classrooms, by the time we get back we only have about 20 minutes left until it is time to go home. Some people ride the bus home, and others get picked up in their parent’s cars. It has been a pleasure meeting you. This is me eating my lunch that I brought from home. From, Caleb
Dear Ann, Hi Ann. I was just wondering do you have any other pets beside Tisha. I have a cat named Angel, a dog named Onyx, and a hamster named Peaches. I’m in 5 th grade and my favorite subject is reading. Enough about me, lets move on to a different topic. Why do you want to become an Olympic Gymnast and visit London? How long is a regular school day in Ukraine? In my country, school starts at 8: 25 and ends at 2: 45. In this picture we are doing a project called The Tower of Pasta. Its basically where we have a certain amount of materials and we have to make a tower that will hold a certain amount of grams. I am in the top left corner of the table. Do you guys do projects? I have a best friend to and her name is Savanah. I hope to talk and meet you in person but for now I have to go so bye. Sincerely, Dakota
Hi there, Nikita! You know, a part of me kind of wants to learn Ukrainian to be able to talk to you, hehe. I really enjoyed the slide. Anyway, I bet you want to know a bit more about my average day in school. Well, at first I start off with my morning Caught. YA! Sentence, which is an English sentence with lots of grammar and spelling mistakes which we have to fix. Then we move onto our Divergent Thinking board, where we do four things: the Plexer, the Dooriddle, the Adage/Proverb, and the Quote/Value. In the Plexer, we’re given a box with things in it, and usually words. We have to use the position of the words within the box to figure out what it means. In the Dooriddle, it’s just a riddle that has to do with words and grammar. In the Adage/Proverb, we look at age-old adages and proverbs and then decipher their meaning. In the Quote/Value, we look at old quotes and values (a lot like adages and proverbs) and then decipher their meaning, and then write a reflection on what that quote means to us. Continued on the next slide
After that, we come to circle and talk about the Daily Journal. Every day of the week, someone has to do the Daily Journal, and we do it in order. The Daily Journal recites what we did on a certain day, kind of like a newspaper. After that, we hang it up on the Daily Journal board. Anyway, when we come to circle, we pick a topic from the topic pile to speak on, like, “What do you want to be when you grow up? ” or “ 5 words about your weekend” or “ 1 word describing yesterday’s substitute teacher. ” Stuff like that. Anyway, once we get up, we usually get down to mathematics, where we do our Four-Square Math, which is four mathematical problems organized into a square shape, and then out 100 Days Countdown, which is mathematical problems counting down each day until our math test in the spring. We’re on day twelve, or something like that. After that, we oftentimes get down to science, where we do ALL SORTS of stuff, like experiments on all sorts of subjects, thought experiments, that kind of thing. Then we go to lunch. My family is an organic family, meaning they don’t buy anything with Genetically Modified Organisms within it (GMO’s), which can harm your body. But I hear most European countries have outlawed GMO’s, so it’s kind of dumb that the U. S. still has them. Anyway, as seen in the picture, I have a granola bar, a banana, and an apple. My granola bar is comprised of dark chocolate chips, granola, flax and sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, and pomegranate. Behind me is Nicholas Bullock, and behind him, in the pink shirt, is Philip Hajar. Ahead of me, although you can’t see him, is one of my best friends Justin, and then ahead of him is Zachary, ahead of him being also one of my best friends, Henry. (Continuation) From, Ethan Marlow Eating my lunch!
(Further Continuation) Here are some of my best friends. This is my friend, Kayla Raiser (pronounced “Riser”). I talk and walk with her a lot, and she likes to talk about stuff like Five Nights at Freddy’s, and a You. Tuber called Markiplier. This is my friend, Justin Wang. He makes quite a few unfunny jokes, but he’s generally considered the smart one by me, because for some reason that’s what he goes by. This is Henry Takacs (pronounced Taa kiss), I do all sorts of stuff with him all the time, like go over to his house. He plays football and is a cool guy.
Our School Dear Polina Mikulina, I enjoy to hear about your personality. I don’t have any animals, but I LOVE them. I used to have a cat, but then we gave her away. Cats are my favorite type of animal. I am also engaged in dancing too. I don’t have a dance club or anything, but I dance a lot at home. Also, I love to swim. I am not a perfect swimmer, but it’s very fun. My favorite foods are pizza and French toast. By the way, you said your favorite food was pizza and rolls. But, what kind of rolls? ? My favorite seasons are Spring and Fall. I like winter too, but it doesn’t snow where I live. By the way, if you were wondering a little bit about my school, here are some facts about my school and what I do. First off, I get up at 6: 00 a. m. in the morning, only because I have this program that’s called “Safety Patrol. ” I take car because you need to come to school at 7: 45 a. m. and the bus comes later than that. What you basically do in safety patrol is wear this bright yellowish-green looking sash, which has a badge on it. What the safety patrols do is protect our school. There are different jobs, like car line, bus loop, kindergarten playground, and much, much more. We switch jobs every month. Our safety patrol boss is Mrs. Kozel. She is very funny and nice once you get to know her. My job right now is car line. Basically, there is a line of cars that pass by. Then, when one stops right in front of you, you open the door, let the student out, say “have a nice day!, ” and then close it. You do that until Mrs. Kozel lets you go to class. And then, I start the rest of my morning. When I go into class, I start by doing a spelling practice assignment, only on Mondays though. Then, I do the Caught Ya’ sentence. You are given a sentence and there a bunch of grammar mistakes. So, you right the sentence in a yellow notebook, but correctly. And you also do plexers, which are kind of like brain teasers. You also do dooriddles, which are like Who am I? riddles. Then we do math and science, which is are favorite subjects. Then we go to lunch. I am eating French toast which syrup. It is SOOO good. I usually bring in other things too, like nachos or pizza. The other picture is the picture with all the girls As you can see, I am the only one who isn’t looking at the camera. But the girl right next to me is Sandra. She is my best friend. I talk to her every day at lunch. She is the best friend ever. And that is basically a bunch of facts about my school. Sincerely, Ezzah
Dear Vladislav, This is my lunch. Is it different? I thought I would share with you that I enjoyed seeing your slide. I thought it was so neat to see what you do in Ukraine. You shared with me what you do in school so I thought I would share with you how school goes for me where I live. I will start off with what time I get up for school. I get up at around six-thirty am every day. Then I get ready and go to school. We start off by doing morning work. That is maybe correcting a paragraph with mistakes. Then we go to circle and talk about what we are going to do for the rest of the day. After that we do some math and maybe work on a project my teacher told us we had to do. Then we go to lunch. I am not sure what you guys eat for lunch but I want to tell you what I eat. I have a picture next to this paragraph so that you can see. I bring my lunch to school from home. I ate a ham sandwich, a bag of chips ( Doritos), Chex mix, yogurt, and coconut chips. Is it different from what you eat? Maybe you can tell me that in the next slide you give me. That would be interesting. After lunch we go to recess. That is a time where we can run around and play games to get our energy out before we go back to our classroom. After we get back to our classroom we read part of our classroom book. This book is called “A View From Saturday Morning”. After we finish reading a couple of pages we go back to our seat and work on something my teacher tells us to do. Then we go to specials. Specials are classes like P. E, art, technology, and music. My favorite is P. E because we play things like soccer and dodge ball. After we get back from specials we go home. I go home on a buss with my little sisters. I think I already told you this but I have a really big family. I actually have eight kids total in my family. Is that a lot where you live or no? To pass time I play soccer and I also go shopping to look for toys and clothes that I want. What do you go shopping for? My favorite subject is reading because I enjoy reading books. My favorite book that I've ever read was “Eragon”. It was about a boy who goes on battles with his dragon. He tried to defeat a evil king. It was really interesting. I cant wait to hear back from you! -Grace(e-pal)
Dear Polina Sorry in advance if you know what all these words mean, but I did not know if you knew them. I really enjoyed hearing about you and your home town. I think it is amazing how you have learned how to sing and dance. I would like to share my school day with you. First I awoke at seven and then ate a breakfast of fruit, toast and sausage. After breakfast I rode in my car at seven fifty to go to school. When I arrived at school me and my class took a vocabulary test, a vocabulary test is basically a test when you have find a words meaning. Next I read your message to me. Afterwards I worked on a science project. For my project my group of four people are making a game about the human body. Even though my group did not finish we made some great progress. After my project I went to lunch and ate a sandwich. On my sandwich I had roast beef, lettuce, tomatoes and mayonnaise. I also had pretzels and strawberries. Now I am at the computer lab. A computer lab is a room designed to have around twenty computers. While I am here I am typing this letter. In about five minutes I will be going to a book fair. At the book fair my class will buy a couple books. Then I will go to music. When me and my class is at music we sing holiday songs. At two thirty we go back to my class and go home. I hope you enjoyed. Sincerely, Henry This is my lunch And below it is The table I sat at.
Hello, Valery Thank you so much for sending me your slide. I loved to hear from you. My mom loves to make pasta salad. I read that you liked pasta. It has pasta, meat, cheese, and pepper. I also like to draw. If you draw you could maybe send some pictures. Speaking of food, we had a great lunch today. I sat with my friends. My best friends are Hailee and Bella and Ethan. I love my class. I am a safety portal, so I have to get up at 6: 00. What time do you get up. Also safety patrol is when we protect kids from hurting them selves. Hailee and Bella are also safety patrol. Ethen is news crew. Each morning we watch the news. It tells us the things we need to know. From, Kayla This is a picture of me at lunch. The one bag has peperoni in it. The red this is cheese. The other bag has fruit in it. The juice is kiwi. I also have gummies in it and the last two things is a cookie called a Oreo and Ritz bits a type od cookie.
Michael Brandenburg OUR SCHOOL DAY Hi Eveline, This is Michael I also love gaming and art. I’ve never heard of Tony Rayt but, it sounds like good music. I am going to tell you about our normal school day. First we drive to school in our cars. We get dropped off at the front of the school where the carline is. Also people can ride on the bus. I don’t know if you have busses but, the are basically just long yellow cars. When we get to school we start our morning work. The teacher Mrs. Roche, writes a sentence on the white board that we need to correct, because she purposely makes mistake so that we have to fix it. Then, the school news starts. I'm in the news crew. After the morning news we correct the sentences with the teacher. then, we form a circle on the carpet and talk for about 1520 minutes. Then, we do math. After that, we go to lunch. Todays lunch was chicken nuggets or tacos we go back to the class room and read. Then, we do our center work after that write our homework down and pack and stack. We go to related arts. On Mondays its music. After music we go back to the class room and line up to go home. That’s how our normal day goes. Hope that you write back about you school day. FROM; MICHAEL BRANDENBURG THIS IS ME EATING LUNCH AT THE BOYS TABLE IN THE CAFE
Dear Danil, I really enjoyed learning about your hobbies and what you like to do. I really love my school, my mother is even the art teacher here at Vineyards Elementary School. What time does your school start what does it end. Like you said in your letter you have a big family, I do too! I have a mother, a father, two older brothers named Brooks and Drew, and a black fluffy cat named Coco. What do you eat for lunch each school day? I bet what we eat is very different. Once in school we did an experiment and we put some American candy in water and after a while it grew! The candy we used is called gummy bears. What type of things do you do in school. I can’t wait to hear back to from you! From, Mollie
My School Day Hi Vanya I liked your slide, also I like the color red. I’ll show you how my school day goes. First, I wake up to go to school at about 7: 20. How about you? I go to school in my car, but I go home in my yellow bus. My school day is seven hours, but it feels shorter. In the morning we usually do math and science. I like science and math. I like science because of the experiments we do. I also like math because I just like measuring stuff. Later we go to lunch and have recess. At last my favorite part of the day recess. We have a basketball court. It has four hoops. A grass court where I play infected or soccer. Then there is a playground where mostly everyone plays infected when we come back we read all together. After that we do centers. In related arts we have technology, P. E( physical education) , music and, art. I am not sure if you have this so I will tell you about it. It is something where we go every day to learn stuff. They are just like classes based on the name. Sincerely, Yonis I am here eating chicken nuggets, chocolate milk, and, juice. In the cafeteria.
My School Day Hi Emil, I am here to teach you about my school day in U. S. A, before we get to that I have to say thank you for making the slide for me to read and I enjoyed it. I get to school at 7: 50 on the bus, and then by the time I get to school it is usually 8: 05. My school day is about 7 hours long but it feel's like 4. In school I like to do math because I am vary fluent at it. At related art like music and P. E and tech, I like music the most. At lunch I eat the school lunch it is actually good sometimes if you try it, the best thing is there French fries. We have recess witch is around 15 min. at the most it is a time we can have to have fun at school. The most exiting time of the day is coming to school and saying hello and getting ready for the day. When the day is over I go to a camp called sports club and we get to play lots of sports and fun games like soccer(football) and basketball and American football. Sincerely Phillip Hajjar Eating lunch at our Garage sale Me at lunch table This is me on the bus with my friends At dare a class to stop bad things like smoking
School Days Dear Nikita, I really enjoyed learning about you and your hobbies! I really didn’t know there was such thing as Greek-Roman wrestling but it sounds really cool. Anyway, our school day here in Florida starts at 8: 20 but we are supposed to be here before that so we have time to complete assignments. Our school day is 6 hours and 25 minutes long. We have a lot of things to do throughout the day! In the morning, some kids get here by bus. A bus is a long, yellow vehicle that transports children to school. Students can also get to school by car. In my class, my favorite subject is Science because we get to make experiments! In my class, we do a lot of those! At school we have Physical Education, Art, Music and Technology. My favorite is Art because I love to draw. Physical Ed. consists of running laps and playing workout games. Sometimes, it’s fun to play! Before related arts, we have lunch at 11: 10. I usually have chicken sandwiches and pizza. After lunch we have recess. Recess is a time where we can play games outside for 15 minutes. Some kids play tag and I join them sometimes. It is super fun! But my favorite part of the school day has to be lunch because I see many of my old friends in other classes. I hope that you liked to learn about my school days! Sincerely, Sophia Science experiment with pennies! Me in the cafeteria with my friends
School Dear Denis, I loved hearing about your mom and dad. I am sure their job is so exciting. I was really wondering what time you get up for school. I have to get up at around 6: 00 for my safety patrol job. I have to get to my job in time for the bell to ring. This month I am watching over the kindergarteners. Since I have to get to school so early I cannot ride the school bus to school. I have to ride to school with my mom or dad, depending on what day. When I get to school and I see that we are writing or doing math I get all giddy. I love writing because you get to express yourself in many ways. I love math because it is challenging and you have to think before you answer. What is your favorite subject? Once we are in class for a while we go to lunch. I usually have turkey, fruit and a few other snacks. After lunch we go back to our classroom and read a book. We are reading the book, “A View From Saturday. ” A little while after that we going to specials, or related arts. After that we stack our chairs and pack up our book bags. Once we get out of the classroom we get in line and we all go on our bus. Sincerely, Hailee This is me at lunch. Here I am eating turkey, snacks, goldfish and some fruit.
Dear Danil, I am so glad to meet you, and learn about you! It is so cool learning about someone from a different country! I would like to share my school day with you. First I get up around 6: 50 am and get ready for school. I get dressed, eat breakfast, and make my lunch. After that I get on my school bus that takes me to school. A school bus is a large vehicle that takes many students to school. When the school bus arrives at school, I get off and head to my classroom. When I get into the classroom, I sit down and do my morning work. When I am done with it, my classmates and I correct it and we find our mistakes. After that we do some math, reading, writing, and some science. My favorite is math because I am vary good at it. When we are done with that, we go to lunch. I bring my lunch from home because the lunch at school is disgusting. (it is very bad food) I have some fruit, meat, a drink, and some chips. After we are done with lunch, we go outside to recess. Recess is a 15 minute free time where you can do anything you want outside. When recess is over, we go back to our classroom. We usually read a book and then go to centers. When I am done with centers, I read a book or to unfinished work. Around 1: 40 pm we go to related arts. We have music, art, technology (computers), and physical education. Each day we go to a different one. We go back to our classroom around 2: 30 pm. When we get back to the classroom we pack up and go home. Sincerely, Zachary My Lunch
A Day in My School Dear Sofia Onipko, I am honored to meet you. In my free time, I like to draw and read too! I wish I had told you more about my normal school day. School starts at 8: 25 but I leave my house at 7: 45. I get dropped off and begin heading to my classroom. The first thing we do is do our morning work, which consists of fixing grammar mistakes and a couple brainteasers. The brainteasers are plexers and dooriddles. A plexer is a type of brainteaser that is based on wordplay. The dooriddle is just a riddle that uses prefixes and affixes in an elaborate poem. The goal is to figure out what the topic is. There is also an adage or proverb and a quote. We are supposed to figure out the meaning of the adage, or saying, and figure out the meaning of the quote and compare it to our lives. Usually, after fifteen minutes of morning work, we check it together. But, I wish it was a bit easier! After checking our morning work, we go down onto the floor and sit in a circle. At that time, we tell a little bit about our selves, and our teacher, Mrs. Roche, tells us that day’s highlights. We get off the floor and go back to our tiny desks. Our desks are a bit cramped, so I have to put some of my stuff on the floor. I hope you have more spacious desks! After going back to our desks, we begin our mathematics lesson. The first part is just a jumble of simple math problems. The second part is more math problems that are more tricky and time cons, but there are only 5. Sometimes there is a 3 part, which is our teacher giving us a short lesson on something we need to work on. Right now, we are adding and subtracting fractions, but I feel like I have got it mastered. Continued on the next two slides
(Continuation) After our mathematics session, we begin science. Sometimes, we don’t have enough time to do science. In science, we learn about sound, the human body, or something else. Right now, in science, we are learning about the human body. We are supposed to make a game that teaches about the human body. Different people get to teach about different systems of the body. I am supposed to make the skeletal system game. We have 15 minutes of that, and then we line up for lunch. I bring my own lunch, because I believe the lunch they serve at school is disgusting. Today, I had soup in a thermos. I put it in a thermos to keep it warm. When we finish eating our lunch, we go to recess. Recess is the time that we get to play and relax. We have 15 minutes of that, and go back to the classroom. Lunch Time!
(Continuation of continuation) When we are done with recess, we go back to the classroom. When we get back into the classroom, we are all sweating, so we read a book. When we finish reading, we go to centers. During centers, we do English/Reading related activities. Each day, we do a different activity at centers. Near the end of center time, we write down our homework. We don’t have much homework, but some people still manage not to do it! Then we go to related arts, which is just different subjects like art or technology. I hate PE the most. Sincerely, Justin Wang
Our School Day Dear Vlad, Its nice to meet you. I also like musical instruments. I like the drums. I am going to tell you about our school routine. We usually wake up at 7: 00 am. I get to school by getting dropped off by car. We don’t wear what we want, we have to wear uniforms. Uniforms are clothes that you have to wear (with collars and buttons). We start our day off with morning work. Morning work is work that you start with when you get to school. Some people in our class does safety patrol. Safety patrol is a program that 5 th graders do to make sure kids are safe and don’t hurt themselves. After morning work, we form a circle on the floor for 15 -20 min and talk about what we do over the weekend. When we finished circle, Everyone has to go to their seats and get ready for math. After math we work on science. In science, my group and I are working on the human body. We have to make notes about the words you are given. Mine were Bladder, Kidney, and intestine. It’s a really interesting project. When the clock struck 11: 00 AM and it was time to go to lunch. After eating we went outside to play. Today we played on the soccer field. I played soccer outside. We came back to class and read a book called A View From Saturday. When we finished reading a couple of pages. Then we went to the computer lab. After the computer lab we went to related arts. Today we had music. After music we got ready to leave. I have to wait for my car. Well that is my school day see you Sincerely Ezra Bershadski
My school day Hello Polina, I loved hearing about you and what you are like. During my school day we do a lot of things. First off, it starts at 8: 25 and usually, I wake up at 6: 00 -6: 30 to get ready for school. I really just want some free time to myself before school. School usually lasts about 7 hours (8: 25 to 2: 50). After school, I sometimes go home in a car but most of the time I go to a afterschool program (vineyards park or sports club). In school, I don’t really have a favorite subject but my favorite books are diary of a wimpy kid and harry potter. I also love Pokémon and any kind of sport. We have P. E. on Thursday and Friday, tech on Wednesday music on Monday and art on Tues. By the way, those are classes we call related arts. At lunch, I eat a sandwich, an apple, some cookies some crackers and water. During a 10 to 15 minute recess and I usually play infected, a tagging game, basketball, and football, as we say soccer. I really don’t have a favorite part of school. I really would like to hear about your school day. ------NICK
My Normal School Day Hey Olga, I really enjoyed learning about you! We have things in common, I like to listen to music, and relax a lot. But I am going to tell you about how I get ready for school, and I what I do when I am at school. So first I wake up at 6: 50 am to get ready for school. Once I get up I eat my breakfeast. My breakfeast is usually cereal. After that I go to my room and change into my uniform. The type of uniform I wear is a colored collared shirt with a navy blue or cacti skirt. Then I put on my shoes, brush my teeth, do something to my hair, then pack my backpack. After all that is done I get in the car usually at 7: 30 and leave for school. School is about 8 hours long which is to long for me. Once I get to school I do my morning work. It’s called Divergent Thinking. We have to do a plexer, dooriddle, adage, and a famous quote. Once everyone is done with that we check it with green pens because our teachers favorite color is green. After that we go to circle and pick a topic and say a word thought about. After that we do math which is a 4 square math thing we do. When one person finishes it they go up to the teacher to see if the answers are correct and if all of their answers are correct they can check someone else. Once math is done we move on to science. Usually when we are in the middle of science we go to lunch. In this picture I am eating my lunch. I am eating a sandwich with ham and mayonnaise with green grapes, doritos which are a type of chip cookies, and a drink. After lunch we go to recess. Recess is where we go to a certain area like the playground, basketball court, or the grass field and we do whatever we want to do there. After we were done with recess we went back to the classroom and read a chapter book. When finished the chapter we started our centers. We have social studies, reading, computers, mountain language, and USA weekly. After that we go to Related Arts which is technology, music, pe, and art. When that is over we come back to the classroom pack up, and stack our chairs. Then I go home on the bus. Our bus which is a long four wheeled vehicle that is yellow with 11 seats in each row. That is how I go home. Hope to get back to you soon, Annie.
Dear Nastia, It was wonderful to here from you and learn about you. I can’t wait to be E-pals with you. You are already getting the hang of our language. How long have you been studying it? I have the feeling that our cultures and school days are very different. That is what is exiting. I am going to tell you about my school day. In the morning I get ready and eat breakfast. As you my already see, we have school uniforms, were we have to wear a collar shirt with shorts or pant, or skirts for the girls. A typical breakfast for me can be a lot of things. I really enjoy eating cereal with fruit in the morning. Cereal is toasted, shaped, and cut pieces of bread that you put in a bowl and pore milk into. Then you eat it with a spoon. Then when my sister and I are both ready and have eaten breakfast, my mom drives us to school in her car. When I get there and I am in my classroom I do my “ morning work” when I am doing that I must correct a sentence that has many mistakes, including grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. In the morning at school I even get to go to a room in the school library and broadcast out to the school. then I come back to the class to finish " morning work". After we are done with that we check it. Then we came together on the floor in the front of the room to talk and listen. Next we get started on the subjects. First is math, then science, lastly is reading and language arts. I am assuming that you know most of those subjects. But I am not sure that you know what language arts is. It is when we learn English, just like you. I have to admit that English is probably one of the most difficult languages to learn. As you can see, even we have room for improvement. Back to the schedule, in between science and reading and language arts we have lunch and recess. I believe that you know what lunch is, and recess is a time when we get to go outside and play and talk with you friends. The most popular games are basketball, infected ( a version of tag), and soccer, which I think is called football were you live. After reading and language arts we usually have centers. Centers are when our assigned groups disperse and do the activity designated for us for the day. Sometimes it is social studies, language arts, or something else topic wise. After centers we go to related arts. There are four related art classes, music, P. E. , art, and computers. P. E. stands for physical education. in P. E. we practice sports and athletic skills. After related arts we come back to class, get packed up, then head out to either car, bus, or after school. My mom picks me up shortly after. From, Caitlin My Lunch (from left to right) -chocolate milk -chettoes( chips covered in chesse dust - Twix and kit-kat ( chocolate coverd treats) -Grapes (fruit) - cereal bar ( fruit goo with bread around it) -chesse casidia (tortia bread with melted chesse inside
Our School Day Hi, Roman. I did not know that you danced but I dance as well. I dance to Indian music because my family is from India, but I am from here. Anyway, I am pretty sure that you want know about my school day. I wake up every morning at 6: 30. I catch the bus to go to school. (The bus comes to our street. ) When we get to school I unpack my backpack and start Caught’Ya which is when we have to correct a sentence. Then, I do Divergent Thinking which is a plexer (which is a play with words), a Dooriddle (which is a riddle), a Adage or Proverb (a saying), and a Quote or Value (which is a saying said by someone). After, we finish that we check it with our green pens. We go to circle and choose a topic to talk about and then we read the Daily Journal (it is what did from the day before) and the Figurative Language Board (which consists of metaphors, similes, idioms, alliterations, onomatopoeia, personification, hyperbole, analogy). Then we do math and science. We go to lunch and recess (which is a time that we play outside for 15 minutes after lunch). Then we come back to class and read our chapter book together. Then we do reading and writing and go to related arts (which is music, art, P. E. and technology). Then we come back to class and go home. Love, Sandra This is me with my friends at lunch
Greetings Arina Thank you so much for complementing my name. I also think you have a beautiful name. I was wondering what time you get up to go to your school I get up at 6: 00. What do you normally eat on daily basis? Could you possibly send some pictures of drawings I would love to see them! I also forgot to mention how beautiful your dress is! I have a cat now because sadly my dog died. Do you ride buses or cars to school my buses are yellow? I have learned that you like orange juice I do as well but my all time favorite drink especially around the holidays is hot chocolate with marshmallows. Also my dream is to someday go to London and visit every trademark there. Also to go to a great collage. With much love, Bella This is my lunch it contains fruit, snacks, chips, yogurt, turkey, juice, and a homemade rice krispes. (Which is marshmallows and cereal. )