Скачать презентацию Dear Customers You may not recognize the company Скачать презентацию Dear Customers You may not recognize the company


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Dear Customers, You may not recognize the company name on the letterhead, but I’m Dear Customers, You may not recognize the company name on the letterhead, but I’m sure it will become highly recognized. I started my own FAA approved repair station for engine repairs/ overhauls, certified for both: • JT 8 D-1 thru 17 R • JT 8 D-200 series • Full in house capabilities such as NDT, Rotor Shop, Welding, Rework and Machine shop.

 TURBINE ENGINE OVERHAUL P&W JT 8 D & JT 8 D-200 13570 S. TURBINE ENGINE OVERHAUL P&W JT 8 D & JT 8 D-200 13570 S. W. 129 th Street, Miami Florida 33186 Ph. : (305) 254 -0034 Fax (305) 254 -0037 FAA Approved Repair Station No. Q 6 GR 293 Y

I have worked in the engine overhaul business for over 25 years. Having managed I have worked in the engine overhaul business for over 25 years. Having managed an FAA repair station for over 17 years has provided me with the knowledge to overhaul your engine in the most efficient and cost affective manner in the industry. Our highly skilled employees will guarantee the customer the best qualified personal working on your engine. I am sure that we will meet or exceed you expectations and you will become one of our valued customers.

Our facility is located next to the Tamiami Airport in South Dade County, 20 Our facility is located next to the Tamiami Airport in South Dade County, 20 minutes from the Miami International Airport. Please feel free to visit our website, currently under construction www. turbineenginesolutions. com Best Regards, Neil Bazain President Turbine Engine Solutions, Inc 13570 S. W. 129 Street Miami, FL 33186 305 -254 -0034 PH 305 -254 -0037 FX 305 -793 -3980 Cell nbazain@turbineenginesolutions. com

 We look forward to having you as another valued customer! We look forward to having you as another valued customer!