Dear Appy, How committed are you? Signed, Lost and Forgotten Data Dear Appy, I'm having trouble with long-term commitment -- not on my end, heaven knows, but from the apps that created me and with whom I like to associate. Over time, these pesky apps evolve and they simply don't recognize the data that they once helped create! But, we data progeny -- and there are lots of us -- feel that as our creators, should be responsible for eternal support. But the little problem with recognition isn't the worst of it – sometimes the apps even disappear altogether. I ask you, is it expecting too much for 20 -something year old data like me to be interpretable by my app (e. g. Acrobat, DB 2, Draw, Eudora, Office, Quicken, or Real. Networks), or am I just associating with irresponsible apps? If things continue on their current path, it seems I will be completely gone and un-interpretable within 20 to 50 years! My apps will move to other platforms, or evolve to be more Internet- or Next-Big-Thing-centric. . .
Email as a carrier for many document types Any personal info Calendar, contact Clipping… biographical Correspondence (all) Diary, log, scrapbook Financial, forms, legal Photo, music, video Property Recommendation … Personal library Professional Plan, project, proposal Computer source code Correspondence Org chart Presentation & speeches Ad, announcement, cards (many kinds), certificate, ephemera & memorabilia, instruction,
The guinea pig
“By region” and “by time” should be facets!