Dealing with Celts.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 12
“An English king best known for his campaigns to subdue Wales and Scotland, Edward was also responsible for significant legal and administrative reform in England. ”
Wales. Edward concentrated on an aggressive foreign policy. A major campaign to control Llywelyn ap Gruffydd, the last independent king of Wales, began in 1277 and lasted until Llywelyn's death in 1282. aggressive foreign policy – агрессивная внешняя политика
. Wales was divided into shires, English civil law was introduced, and the region was administered by appointed justices. In the manner of earlier monarchs, Edward constructed many new castles to ensure his conquest. In 1301, the king's eldest son was named Prince of Wales, a title still granted to all first-born male heirs to the crown. shires – графства was administered – были вводимы to ensure - обеспечить heir - наследник
Scotland. Edward's involvement in Scotland had far reaching effects. The country had developed a feudal kingdom similar to England in the Lowlands the Celtic tribal culture dispersed to the Highlands. dispersed - рассеялись
After the death of the Scottish king, Alexander III, Edward negotiated a treaty whereby Margaret, Maid of Norway and legitimate heir to the Scottish crown, would be brought to England to marry his oldest son, the future Edward II. Margaret, however, died in 1290 during the route to England, leaving a disputed succession in Scotland negotiated - договор legitimate – законный disputed - оспариваемая succession - преемственность
Edward claimed the right to intercede as feudal lord of the Scottish kings through their Anglo-Norman roots. Edward arbitrated between thirteen different claimants and chose John Baliol did homage to Edward as his lord, but the Scots resisted Edward's demands for military service. In 1296, Edward invaded Scotland soundly defeated the Scots under Baliol Р. Baliol was forced to abdicate and the Scottish barons did homage to Edward as their king. intercede – ходатайствовать arbitrated- выносить решение claimants – заявители did homage – принес присягу military service – военная служба was forced to abdicate - был вынужден отречься от престола
William Wallace incited a rebellion in 1297, defeated the English army at Stirling, and harassed England's northern counties. The next year, Edward defeated Wallace at the Battle of Falkirk but encountered continued resistance until Wallace's capture and execution in 1304. incited – подстрекал rebellion - восстание defeated – поражение harassed – преследованиям encountered – столкнулся resistance – сопротивление execution - казнь
Robert Bruce, the grandson of a claimant to the throne in 1290, instigated another revolt in 1306 and would ultimately defeat the army of Edward II at Bannockburn. Edward's campaigns in Scotland were ruthless and aroused in the Scots a hatred of England that would endure for generations. claimant – претендент instigated – подстрекаемая ultimately – в конечном счете ruthless – безжалостный aroused – вызвала hatred – ненависть endure - продолжаться
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