- Количество слайдов: 53
DDC Review Meeting Rural Development Department Government of Bihar
MGNREGA Key Issues Toilets Mahadalit Tola: PCC Connecting Roads MGNREGA Bhawan Social Forestry Strengthening of manpower 60: 40 ratio Action Taken Reports Ranking/Grading of districts on parameters Monitoring and evaluation system till panchayat level for all MGNREGA functionaries CFT Strategy: Convergence of MGNREGA and NRLM EPF Contribution for MGNREGA employees
Status of Toilet Construction
Sr. No. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Districts 2 Patna Siwan Darbhanga Supaul Munger Purbi Champaran Lakhisarai Sheikhpura Kaimur (Bhabua) Jamui Muzaffarpur Vaishali Kishanganj Jehanabad Samastipur Auranagabad Bhagalpur Khagaria Rohtas Nalanda Pashchim Champaran Gaya Madhepura Buxar Sitamarhi Arwal Sheohar Saharsa Begusarai Banka Bhojpur Madhubani Araria Nawada Saran Purnia Gopalganj Katihar Total Reports on IHHL Works MGNREGA (Financial Year 2014 -15) Rural Sanitation No of IAY Target(100 IHHL per Beneficiaries release No. of IHHL % of IHHL Works No. of Panchayat + IAY Beneficiaries 1 st Installment on Works Started w. r. to Panchayats released 1 st Instl. In FY 2013 Awaas Soft in FY 2013 Started Completed Target 14 On Awaas Soft) -14 3 4 5 6 7 8 327 20194 52894 123 3 0. 2 293 13819 43119 1850 0 4. 3 324 20206 52606 2528 0 4. 8 181 13106 31206 2456 44 7. 9 101 2686 12786 1037 0 8. 1 405 19680 60180 5158 69 8. 6 80 3239 11239 970 0 8. 6 54 2581 7981 733 0 9. 2 151 12270 27370 2842 108 10. 4 153 8464 23764 2819 46 11. 9 385 18256 56756 7190 0 12. 7 290 14957 43957 5910 13. 4 126 16951 29551 3989 126 13. 5 93 8664 17964 2635 43 14. 7 381 7220 45320 6754 1 14. 9 20340 40640 6247 18 15. 4 242 15724 39924 7355 852 18. 4 129 7921 20821 3949 19 19. 0 246 14140 38740 7871 286 20. 3 249 15372 40272 8239 478 20. 5 315 14479 45979 9919 0 21. 6 332 31825 65025 14316 582 22. 0 170 8759 25759 6168 15 23. 9 142 8937 23137 5932 534 25. 6 273 14893 42193 11981 360 28. 4 65 4007 10507 3023 0 28. 8 53 2871 8171 2365 74 28. 9 151 10040 25140 7436 45 29. 6 231 10487 33587 10305 180 30. 7 185 10052 28552 9377 190 32. 8 228 10303 33103 10973 192 33. 1 399 19010 58910 21269 1858 36. 1 218 9639 31439 11488 528 36. 5 187 17230 35930 13705 2960 38. 1 330 18029 51029 22956 2855 45. 0 246 13010 37610 18314 4100 48. 7 234 12925 36325 17931 6799 49. 4 238 25721 49521 31027 1604 62. 7 8410 498007 1339007 309140 25099 23. 1
Status of Bharat Nirma Rajiv Gandhi Sewa Kendra
Reports on BNRGSK (Cumulative of all Years) Sr. No. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Districts 2 Siwan Begusarai Gopalganj Arwal Purbi Champaran Bhagalpur Muzaffarpur Nalanda Madhubani Khagaria Saran Bhojpur Munger Lakhisarai Rohtas Patna Sheohar Kaimur (Bhabua) Auranagabad Darbhanga Pashchim Champaran Vaishali Sheikhpura Madhepura Sitamarhi Jamui Saharsa Buxar Gaya Jehanabad Supaul Araria Samastipur Banka Nawada Purnia Katihar Kishanganj Total Target (Total No. of Panchayats + No. of Blocks) No. of Works Santioned till date No. of Works Started No. of Works Completed % Works Started w. r. to Colmn 3 3 4 5 6 7 312 249 248 70 432 258 401 269 420 136 350 242 110 87 265 351 58 162 214 342 333 306 60 183 290 163 161 153 356 100 192 227 401 196 201 260 254 133 8945 13 13 36 70 184 237 69 266 368 43 193 175 39 59 196 131 16 85 195 161 115 148 21 87 166 99 146 79 349 64 150 166 274 185 150 260 254 133 5395 8 11 18 6 45 40 63 46 75 26 77 54 25 21 65 87 15 44 67 110 111 104 21 69 118 73 74 76 179 51 105 131 236 129 141 214 252 132 3119 0 6 0 0 3 0 10 19 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 3 7 27 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 2 1 0 0 1 21 28 0 136 2. 56 4. 42 7. 26 8. 57 10. 42 15. 50 15. 71 17. 10 17. 86 19. 12 22. 00 22. 31 22. 73 24. 14 24. 53 24. 79 25. 86 27. 16 31. 31 32. 16 33. 33 33. 99 35. 00 37. 70 40. 69 44. 79 45. 96 49. 67 50. 28 51. 00 54. 69 57. 71 58. 85 65. 82 70. 15 82. 31 99. 25 34. 87
Social Forestry : Target and Impact MORD, GOI declared Muzaffarpur model as National model of plantations under MGNREGA MORD targets to plant 200 crore trees across India in 2014 -15 Target: 20, 000 horticulture, biofuel and timber plants per Gram Panchayat Increase forest cover by 3. 33% (Total 16 crore trees planted in Bihar) 100 man-days generated everyday in that GP, 400 families get continuous employment for 3 years Continuous 100 days of employment for 32 lakh families Labour Expenditure of Rs. 59. 13 Lakhs per year, Material Expenditure of Rs. 39. 22 Lakhs of pucca work per year, such as IHHL, PCC roads Focus on individual development schemes: Poultry shelter, goat shelter, vermicompost units Total Expenditure in MGNREGA for Bihar can increase from 1900 crores to 8000 crores So far 1 Lakh people have been allotted 20 trees each under Vriksha Sanrakhshan Yojna GIS Mapping of social forestry program (Before and After) Mukhyamantri Mulberry Vikas Yojna: Pilot in 350 acres across 3 districts (Madhepura, Saharsa and Supaul)
Target for MGNREGA FY 14 -15 • Mahadalit PCC Roads • Construct internal roads across all Mahadalit Tolas in Bihar • Give first priority to flag hoisting Mahadalit tolas • Plantation of 20000 plants (100 units) per GP • Construction of 100 IHHL toilets (other than IAY) per GP • In light of impending drought minimum 100 Mandays/GP
Status of Wage Material Ratio Violation in FY 2013 -14
Reports on MGNREGA (Financial Year 2013 -14) Wage Material ration Violation report Sr. No. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Districts 2 Gopalganj Gaya Jamui Arwal Saharsa Sheikhpura Sitamarhi Muzaffarpur Nalanda Supaul Madhubani Siwan Pashchim Champaran Rohtas Madhepura Purbi Champaran Kaimur (Bhabua) Araria Begusarai Jehanabad Darbhanga Katihar Nawada Bhagalpur Khagaria Vaishali Purnia Bhojpur Munger Auranagabad Samastipur Banka Kishanganj Saran Lakhisarai Sheohar Buxar Patna Total No. of Panchayats Violated Wage Material ratio(60: 40) Excess Expenditure on Material (In Lakhs) % of Panchayats Violated Wage Material Ratio 3 4 5 6 234 332 153 65 151 54 273 385 249 181 399 293 315 246 170 405 151 218 231 93 324 238 187 242 129 290 246 228 101 203 381 185 126 330 80 53 142 327 8410 33 47 23 13 32 13 71 101 66 49 119 91 103 85 66 159 60 90 101 41 152 113 93 125 71 165 140 130 60 123 237 116 81 217 56 39 118 285 3684 123. 92 231. 46 142. 54 17. 52 342. 71 69. 44 398. 96 445. 48 307. 06 189. 18 373. 91 179. 97 604. 55 429. 49 377. 72 1241. 26 316. 19 470. 90 832. 70 282. 39 586. 77 743. 45 519. 44 1207. 39 325. 16 759. 33 1041. 44 579. 63 285. 23 1306. 22 1289. 74 867. 66 519. 10 1447. 23 497. 23 542. 49 1479. 63 5515. 02 26889. 52 14. 10 14. 16 15. 03 20. 00 21. 19 24. 07 26. 01 26. 23 26. 51 27. 07 29. 82 31. 06 32. 70 34. 55 38. 82 39. 26 39. 74 41. 28 43. 72 44. 09 46. 91 47. 48 49. 73 51. 65 55. 04 56. 90 56. 91 57. 02 59. 41 60. 59 62. 20 62. 70 64. 29 65. 76 70. 00 73. 58 83. 10 87. 16 43. 80
Status of Persondays (Persondays per Panchayat per Day (target-100))
Financial Year 2014 -15 Persondays Report Sr. No. Districts Total No. of Panchayats Total Achieved Persondays Avg. Persondays per Panchayats per Day (Col 4/(Col 3*Total No. of Days from 1 st April 14 to 20 th June 2014) Total=81 days 1 2 3 4 5 327 101 273 293 381 399 290 228 246 54 80 238 65 181 324 405 385 218 242 142 315 93 151 246 231 185 126 330 249 187 53 203 234 332 170 129 151 153 8410 0 45437 140089 151748 203529 239314 213952 221972 245051 56358 83635 249446 68941 198831 358528 454051 462290 265836 307820 186156 428948 128094 215787 368559 364184 301776 206445 556309 421718 337700 117556 454750 532220 802322 418807 327952 438431 589935 11164477 0. 0 5. 6 6. 3 6. 4 6. 6 7. 4 9. 1 12. 0 12. 3 12. 9 13. 1 13. 6 13. 7 13. 8 14. 8 15. 1 15. 7 16. 2 16. 8 17. 0 17. 6 18. 5 19. 5 20. 1 20. 2 20. 8 20. 9 22. 3 27. 4 27. 7 28. 1 29. 8 30. 4 31. 4 35. 8 47. 6 16. 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Patna Munger Sitamarhi Siwan Samastipur Madhubani Vaishali Bhojpur Purnia Sheikhpura Lakhisarai Katihar Arwal Supaul Darbhanga Purbi Champaran Muzaffarpur Araria Bhagalpur Buxar Pashchim Champaran Jehanabad Kaimur (Bhabua) Rohtas Begusarai Banka Kishanganj Saran Nalanda Nawada Sheohar Auranagabad Gopalganj Gaya Madhepura Khagaria Saharsa Jamui Total
Financial Statement
Sl. No. 1 District 2 1 Siwan 2 Munger 3 Madhubani 4 Samastipur 5 Vaishali 6 Patna 7 Arwal 8 Muzaffarpur Pashchim 9 Champaran 10 Darbhanga 11 Bhagalpur 12 Banka 13 Supaul 14 Purbi Champaran 15 Rohtas 16 Jehanabad 17 Bhojpur 18 Nalanda 19 Saran 20 Sheikhpura 21 Katihar 22 Sitamarhi 23 Purnia 24 Kaimur (Bhabua) 25 Araria 26 Khagaria 27 Madhepura 28 Begusarai 29 Nawada 30 Gopalganj 31 Kishanganj 32 Jamui 33 Buxar 34 Saharsa 35 Auranagabad 36 Lakhisarai 37 Gaya 38 Sheohar Total Financial Report(Financial Year 2014 -15) Total Average Exp per Payment Total No. of Available Total Actual Exp. (Actual % Actual Exp. Panchayat per Day Due(In Panchayats Fund on Exp. (In Lakhs) Exp. + Payment On MIS including payment Lakhs) MIS(In Lakhs) Due)(In Lakhs) Due( In No. ) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 293 101 399 381 290 327 65 385 1768. 11 616. 69 2685. 45 3417. 03 2570. 08 5755. 45 685. 95 3772. 94 274. 66 101. 91 406. 63 379. 38 233. 77 783. 04 57. 20 341. 47 158. 87 61. 79 307. 09 331. 68 338. 89 56. 50 114. 39 748. 59 433. 53 163. 70 713. 72 711. 06 572. 66 839. 54 171. 59 1090. 06 15. 53 16. 53 15. 14 11. 10 9. 10 13. 61 8. 34 9. 05 1826. 7 2001. 0 2208. 4 2304. 1 2437. 9 3169. 6 3259. 1 3495. 5 315 3066. 15 341. 66 735. 38 1077. 04 11. 14 4221. 2 324 242 185 181 405 246 93 228 249 330 54 238 273 246 151 218 129 170 231 187 234 126 153 142 151 203 80 332 53 8410 2250. 03 4136. 83 1706. 21 3963. 57 4160. 82 2403. 87 1591. 78 2452. 70 2755. 59 2510. 23 510. 38 3885. 70 3393. 24 3339. 21 1907. 86 2837. 64 1310. 48 1818. 94 3009. 34 2022. 34 2468. 85 1614. 97 1864. 58 2016. 42 4217. 62 3239. 91 1373. 20 6709. 93 1273. 48 101083. 57 559. 17 423. 09 227. 06 537. 76 1094. 78 760. 42 267. 79 881. 84 618. 70 795. 32 200. 35 881. 56 1210. 21 954. 06 482. 74 843. 80 396. 91 473. 45 992. 88 931. 82 794. 20 725. 71 212. 77 836. 72 455. 54 990. 39 573. 51 2178. 91 407. 17 23628. 35 581. 92 485. 02 482. 39 270. 27 758. 32 419. 78 189. 78 258. 99 630. 10 881. 52 77. 20 342. 81 205. 55 324. 42 329. 81 331. 74 436. 10 628. 86 506. 53 313. 48 818. 25 208. 64 940. 80 258. 46 718. 73 643. 38 76. 31 1054. 14 157. 35 16183. 83 1141. 09 908. 11 709. 45 808. 03 1853. 10 1180. 20 457. 57 1140. 83 1248. 80 1676. 84 277. 55 1224. 37 1415. 76 1278. 48 812. 55 1175. 54 833. 01 1102. 31 1499. 41 1245. 30 1612. 45 934. 35 1153. 57 1095. 18 1174. 27 1633. 77 649. 82 3233. 05 564. 52 39812. 18 24. 85 10. 23 13. 31 13. 57 26. 31 31. 63 16. 82 35. 95 22. 45 31. 68 39. 26 22. 69 35. 67 28. 57 25. 30 29. 74 30. 29 26. 03 32. 99 46. 08 32. 17 44. 94 11. 41 41. 50 10. 80 30. 57 41. 76 32. 47 31. 97 23. 38 4348. 0 4632. 7 4734. 4 5511. 4 5648. 8 5922. 9 6074. 2 6177. 3 6191. 7 6273. 3 6345. 5 6351. 1 6402. 4 6416. 1 6643. 4 6657. 3 7972. 2 8005. 2 8013. 5 8221. 4 8507. 2 9154. 9 9308. 2 9521. 6 9600. 8 9936. 0 10028. 1 12022. 3 13149. 8
Status of Work Completion
Financial Year 2014 -15 Work Status Sr. No. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 District Total No. of Works taken up in FY 2013 -14 ( Including Spill over Works) Total Works Completed 2 3 4 Madhubani Saharsa Sitamarhi Katihar Saran Arwal Madhepura Khagaria Banka Bhojpur Purbi Champaran Kishanganj Gaya Begusarai Muzaffarpur Jamui Purnia Bhagalpur Gopalganj Sheikhpura Pashchim Champaran Samastipur Supaul Auranagabad Rohtas Kaimur (Bhabua) Darbhanga Jehanabad Nawada Vaishali Nalanda Buxar Sheohar Araria Munger Lakhisarai Siwan Patna Total 28532 13309 27325 36132 28515 4577 9797 5969 13770 17303 29277 9173 29517 20237 19730 9637 30946 13500 23608 3134 % Work Completed 1904 70 585 1833 3227 35 169 67 226 232 645 256 1860 644 233 83 5343 1056 7197 80 20167 26 13241 6755 12235 12749 8507 10849 4465 16880 17321 15099 11933 4552 19210 2055 4905 5113 7440 567464 239 158 65 437 341 270 106 3446 365 523 1687 511 966 6 36 16 197 35140 5 6. 7 0. 5 2. 1 5. 1 11. 3 0. 8 1. 7 1. 1 1. 6 1. 3 2. 2 2. 8 6. 3 3. 2 1. 2 0. 9 17. 3 7. 8 30. 5 2. 6 0. 1 1. 8 2. 3 0. 5 3. 4 4. 0 2. 5 2. 4 20. 4 2. 1 3. 5 14. 1 11. 2 5. 0 0. 3 0. 7 0. 3 2. 6 6. 2 Total No. of Works started Works Taken whose estimated Since completion date is Inception over 6 36980 20078 42684 47742 37904 7023 14619 9343 22132 26987 45471 15984 42948 32508 37248 16228 46092 22258 31470 5876 34947 24368 12313 26077 26566 13950 25104 10773 34581 39578 34147 24136 9730 32741 6125 10453 15614 22178 964956 7 30730 18597 39035 35811 33668 6061 12431 8217 18774 21882 35154 14561 31070 25949 33727 12611 39476 18278 27439 4783 25113 19679 9828 24396 23534 9466 23833 10281 32992 35372 29855 21027 8593 21321 5943 8055 14470 18232 810244 Out of Coln 7 No. of Work Completed % Work Completed Since Inception(Colm 8/ Colm 7) 8 9 9964 6503 13922 13098 12365 2342 4928 3417 8287 9869 16482 6882 15150 12868 17118 6443 20358 9744 14840 2657 14020 11029 5519 13836 14222 5722 14431 6358 20900 22558 19498 13837 5658 14441 4036 5499 10274 14866 423941 32. 42 34. 97 35. 67 36. 58 36. 73 38. 64 39. 64 41. 58 44. 14 45. 10 46. 89 47. 26 48. 76 49. 59 50. 75 51. 09 51. 57 53. 31 54. 08 55. 55 55. 83 56. 04 56. 16 56. 71 60. 43 60. 45 60. 55 61. 84 63. 35 63. 77 65. 31 65. 84 67. 73 67. 91 68. 27 71. 00 81. 54 52. 32
Status of e. MR Issued Vs Filled
Financial Year 2014 -15 e. FMS Issued Vs Filled Sr. No. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 District e. MR Issued e. MR Filled( Including zero Attendance e. MR) 2 3 4 Patna Sitamarhi Katihar Madhubani Arwal Supaul Lakhisarai Munger Darbhanga Jehanabad Purnia Bhojpur Samastipur Sheohar Siwan Auranagabad Gaya Sheikhpura Nawada Kaimur (Bhabua) Rohtas Buxar Kishanganj Bhagalpur Muzaffarpur Madhepura Saharsa Jamui Vaishali Banka Khagaria Nalanda Pashchim Champaran Gopalganj Purbi Champaran Araria Begusarai Saran Total 0 20981 40179 39879 5533 13792 7414 2637 21918 6128 19847 18443 20900 7249 6608 16220 48532 3836 20535 16498 22463 11869 10261 20094 34637 18233 14991 16860 13829 9453 8920 22470 22989 18504 31034 20051 27896 21212 682895 0 2394 6045 9324 1448 3809 2277 883 7744 2214 7428 6952 7981 2818 2596 6475 19573 1587 8900 7264 9998 5336 4800 9488 16858 9064 7730 8935 7400 5102 4921 13014 13353 10871 18610 12329 18738 15105 299364 % e. MR Filled 5 0. 0 11. 4 15. 0 23. 4 26. 2 27. 6 30. 7 33. 5 35. 3 36. 1 37. 4 37. 7 38. 2 38. 9 39. 3 39. 9 40. 3 41. 4 43. 3 44. 0 44. 5 45. 0 46. 8 47. 2 48. 7 49. 7 51. 6 53. 0 53. 5 54. 0 55. 2 57. 9 58. 1 58. 7 60. 0 61. 5 67. 2 71. 2 43. 8
Status of Bank Accounts
Financial Year 2014 -15 Freezing of Accounts reports (For EFMS) Sr. No. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 District 2 Muzaffarpur Araria Darbhanga Khagaria Supaul Vaishali Katihar Kishanganj Banka Jehanabad Sheikhpura Lakhisarai Samastipur Sitamarhi Patna Saharsa Madhepura Purbi Champaran Madhubani Begusarai Rohtas Auranagabad Pashchim Champaran Jamui Saran Buxar Purnia Munger Bhagalpur Nalanda Kaimur (Bhabua) Arwal Sheohar Siwan Gaya Nawada Bhojpur Gopalganj Total No. of Accounts (Bank + Post Office) No. of Accounts freezed on MIS 3 217255 155272 193308 82119 125329 120315 192855 80839 127803 61007 40874 65371 142407 172576 147476 132915 124587 196507 151142 126366 154445 119567 160955 116491 127442 89320 187252 50681 129603 125039 78871 37078 53112 85067 236744 175897 75164 89985 4749036 4 26529 21053 28943 12527 19893 21277 36174 15748 25490 12726 8652 13934 30649 40285 37307 34005 32542 52026 42159 35369 43980 34444 46691 35903 39537 27787 58838 16573 42563 41445 26675 13652 21928 35719 109035 87059 38896 53910 1321923 % Accounts Freezed 5 12. 2 13. 6 15. 0 15. 3 15. 9 17. 7 18. 8 19. 5 19. 9 20. 9 21. 2 21. 3 21. 5 23. 3 25. 6 26. 1 26. 5 27. 9 28. 0 28. 5 28. 8 29. 0 30. 8 31. 0 31. 1 31. 4 32. 7 32. 8 33. 1 33. 8 36. 8 41. 3 42. 0 46. 1 49. 5 51. 7 59. 9 27. 8
Status of Accounts Freezing
Financial Year 2014 -15 Accounts Freezing Status for efms Sr. No. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 District Total No. of Accounts in Bank % Accounts opened in Bank 2 3 4 5 Muzaffarpur Araria Darbhanga Khagaria Supaul Vaishali Katihar Kishanganj Banka Jehanabad Sheikhpura Lakhisarai Samastipur Sitamarhi Patna Saharsa Madhepura Purbi Champaran Madhubani Begusarai Rohtas Auranagabad Pashchim Champaran Jamui Saran Buxar Purnia Munger Bhagalpur Nalanda Kaimur (Bhabua) Arwal Sheohar Siwan Gaya Nawada Bhojpur Gopalganj Total 217255 155272 193308 82119 125329 120315 192855 80839 127803 61007 40874 65371 142407 172576 147476 132915 124587 196507 151142 126366 154445 119567 160955 116491 127442 89320 187252 50681 129603 125039 78871 37078 53112 85067 236744 175897 75164 89985 4749036 26529 21053 28943 12527 19893 21277 36174 15748 25490 12726 8652 13934 30649 40285 37307 34005 32542 52026 42159 35369 43980 34444 46691 35903 39537 27787 58838 16573 42563 41445 26675 13652 21928 35719 109035 87059 38896 53910 1321923 12. 2 13. 6 15. 0 15. 3 15. 9 17. 7 18. 8 19. 5 19. 9 20. 9 21. 2 21. 3 21. 5 23. 3 25. 6 26. 1 26. 5 27. 9 28. 0 28. 5 28. 8 29. 0 30. 8 31. 0 31. 1 31. 4 32. 7 32. 8 33. 1 33. 8 36. 8 41. 3 42. 0 46. 1 49. 5 51. 7 59. 9 27. 8
Status of VIP/General Complains
S. NO DISTRICT NO. OF COMPLAINT RECEIVED(MORD) NO OF COMPLAINT SUBMITTED TO MORD ATR RECEIVED NO. OF COMPLAINT PENDING WITH DISTRICT 1 ARARIA 2 0 0 2 2 AURANGABAD 3 2 0 1 3 BANKA 1 0 4 BEGUSARAI 1 0 0 1 5 BHAGALPUR 1 0 6 BHABHUA 3 0 0 3 7 DARBHANGA 4 0 1 3 8 E. CHAMPARAN 4 0 0 4 9 GAYA 6 0 0 6 10 GOPALGANJ 1 0 0 1 11 JAMUI 3 0 2 1 12 JEHANABAD 1 0 0 1 13 KHAGARIA 2 1 1 0 14 KISHANGANJ 2 0 0 2 15 LAKHISARAI 2 0 1 1 16 MADHUBANI 5 0 1 4 17 MADHEPURA 1 0 0 1 18 MUNGER 2 0 0 2 19 MUZAFFARPUR 4 0 0 4 20 NALANDA 3 2 0 1 21 PATNA 1 0 22 PURNEA 2 0 0 2 23 SAHARSA 3 0 0 3 24 SAMASTIPUR 4 2 0 2 25 SARAN 8 0 1 7 26 SHEOHAR 1 0 0 1 27 SITAMARHI 5 0 0 5 28 SIWAN 4 0 0 4 29 SUPAUL 4 0 1 3 30 VAISHALI 13 1 0 12 31 W. CHAMPARAN 2 0 0 2 Total 98 8 11 79
Mgnrega Diwas
MGNREGA INSPECTION REPORT 2013 -14 कर 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 ज ल क न म अरर य अरवल औरग ब द ब क बगसर य भ गलपर भ जपर बक सर दरभग परव चम प रण गय ग प लगज जमई जह न ब द कमर कट ह र खगड य क शनगज लख सर य मधपर मधबन मगर मजफफरपर न लन द नव द पटन परण य र हत स सहरस समस त पर स रण शखपर श वहर स त मढ स व न सप ल वश ल कल कल पच यत क सख य अत म अपल ड क त थ 218 26. 03. 14 65 203 22. 01. 14 185 231 31. 12. 13 242 228 26. 03. 14 142 324 04. 12. 13 405 332 15. 01. 14 234 153 05. 03. 14 93 151 29. 01. 14 238 129 08. 01. 14 126 80 26. 02. 14 170 399 26. 02. 14 101 385 12. 02. 14 249 187 05. 02. 14 328 246 29. 01. 14 246 151 05. 03. 14 381 330 26. 03. 14 54 53 05. 03. 14 273 293 19. 02. 14 181 290 12. 02. 14 8411 ज च क गई पच यत क सख य 29. 01. 14 26. 03. 14 26. 02. 14 05. 03. 14 18. 09. 13 11. 12. 13 08. 02. 14 26. 02. 14 12. 03. 14 05. 02. 14 12. 02. 14 20. 02. 14 12. 03. 14 05. 03. 14 22. 01. 14 08. 01. 14 26. 03. 14 19. 03. 14 क रण पच छ न रगत क सख य सव मक त क सख य (मनरग करम ( कल वसल क गई र श (In Lakh) पर थम क दरज 208 31 203 151 131 192 220 113 149 171 177 99 147 76 121 174 77 125 63 76 186 93 142 148 184 225 125 224 61 82 224 39 53 99 118 176 123 22 0 274 340 76 299 364 51 107 0 229 102 35 46 55 36 9 0 3 31 121 61 266 130 89 121 9 75 25 2 331 0 34 11 122 283 69 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 7 0 3 3 5 0 0 0 8 0 3 0. 41 0. 00 2. 18 6. 17 2. 51 8. 30 0. 00 1. 17 0. 00 0. 11 0. 00 5. 76 0. 00 0. 33 0. 00 7. 64 18. 27 0. 18 0. 00 0. 04 0. 69 0. 00 9. 07 0. 00 5. 94 0 0 0 22 0 0 1 0 28 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 5 3 0 2 0 0 2 6 1 0 0 0 8 2 1 5152 4109 38 69. 55 85
MGNREGA INSPECTION REPORT 2014 -15 (UP TO 18. 06. 2014) कर 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 ज ल क न म अरर य अरवल औरग ब द ब क बगसर य भ गलपर भ जपर बक सर दरभग परव चम प रण गय ग प लगज जमई जह न ब द कमर कट ह र खगड य क शनगज लख सर य मधपर मधबन मगर मजफफरपर न लन द नव द पटन परण य र हत स सहरस समस त पर स रण शखपर श वहर स त मढ स व न सप ल वश ल कल कल पच यत क सख य अत म अपल ड क त थ 218 04. 06. 14 65 203 31. 05. 14 185 231 04. 06. 14 242 228 28. 05. 14 142 324 405 332 234 153 21. 05. 14 93 151 238 129 04. 06. 14 126 80 04. 06. 14 170 399 101 385 28. 05. 14 249 187 11. 06. 14 328 246 21. 05. 14 246 151 28. 05. 14 381 330 18. 06. 14 54 53 11. 06. 14 273 293 181 290 18. 06. 14 8411 ज च क गई पच यत क सख य 04. 06. 14 18. 06. 14 07. 05. 14 11. 06. 14 28. 05. 14 04. 06. 14 15. 05. 14 18. 06. 14 क रण पच छ न रगत क सख य सव मक त क सख य (मनरग करम ( कल वसल क गई र श (In Lakh) पर थम क दरज 30 14 18 6 11 49 38 11 0 0 0 22 8 0 0 0 3 28 4 14 0 5 8 22 33 0 9 32 18 14 92 4 2 20 0 0 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 547 29 0 0. 00 0
E-FMS Account Verification and Freeze Status
Digital Forms and Training Status
FTO Generation Status
Issuance of Digital Signature & Roll out plan
Facility of EPF Extended to PRS & PTA vide letter no. 8882 dated 13. 07. 2011. v The contribution is to be made from 01. 04. 2011. v Directions regarding implementing this facility has been sent through letter no. 173317 dated 06. 01. 2014 letter no. 176830 dated 10. 02. 2014. v A training of two related personnel from each DRDA was organised at Regional Office of EPFO at Patna, Muzaffarpur and Bhagalpur (Letter No. 162708 dated 12. 09. 2013. v Letter No. 173317 dated 06. 01. 2014 was sent detailing the process of generating ECR url of the concerned web page was also communicated through this letter. v Despite repeated verbal assurance almost no progress is visible in depositing the amount of EPF in the concerned bank account. v. Present status of EPF work Serial No. Name of District Month upto which amount deposit in the EPF through ECR 1. Sheikhpura March 2014 2. Kishanganj March 2014 3. Munger 4. Gaya February 2014 March 2012 Rest of the Districts have not reported any progress.
FLOW CHART REG. ECR GENERATION www. epfindia. gov. in Employer E-sewa Distt. Login ID & Password Uploading of Text File Submit Printout of ECR / Acknowledgment Slip / Member details Note – 1. Conversion of employers detail excel sheet in Text File formats. 2. Submission of amount within 15 days of Challan Generation in SBI Branch.
IAY Key Issues Toilets: UC with achievement IAY target: 2014 -15 Filtration of right beneficiary One day administrative sanction All orders through chowkidar, sdo to beneficiary, put up in file Bank account opening Material assessment: Procurement of material based on schedule of rates Action taken report CM incentive schemes on IAY Listing of total number of houses: GAS and GAP monitoring GOI UC: Audit objections, 2 nd installment Manpower status Opening balance in IAY Awaas Soft updation
Recruitments of IAY field staff Graameen Awas Sahayaks (GAS)- 8422 @ 1/ panchayat Graameen Awas Paryavekshak (GAP)- 921 @ 1/ 15 panchayats Lekha Sahayak- 534 @ 1/ block • • Recruitment process completed in 35 districts Partially completed – Saran Not Completed - Begusarai & Sitamarhi. List of selected candidate uploaded by 10 Districts (Araria, Buxar, Jainabad, Kishanganj, Lakhisarai, Muzaffarpur, Nawada, Rohtas, Saran & Supaul) • Hardcopy of recruitment status sent by 17 Districts. Kayapalak Sahayak- 900 @ 1/10 panchayats. Recruitment process completed in 28 districts. Cleansing of IAY waiting list परत कष सच कर. स. 1 पर व र क क मख य न म 2 Cleansing to be done by GAS; steps required • House to house visit to ascertain • Whether family dwells in pucca house. • Whether allotted IAY earlier. • Whether any of family member is in Govt Service. • Place the list before Gram Sabha. • Exercise to be completed by June end. प त / पत क न म 3 BPL सख य 4 BPL स क र 5 गर म क न म 6 Action Plan • Issue Sanction letter by July end. • Delivery of Sanction letter through Chaukidars/ Grameen Awas Sahayaks- by August. • Opening of Bank Accounts- August- September. • Generate Order Sheet on Awaas Soft- September. • Fund Transfer in one go on 2 nd October.
IAY Social audit Grameen Awaas Sahayaks are assigned duty of IAY Social Audit Action Required Collect basic data from block office Place it before Gram Sabha. Field visit to ascertain Status Register the view/ recommendations of Gam Sabha. Fill in the information in following format: Left out families to be given priority in the allotment. Ward member, Panchayat Sachiv, Mukhia, BDO or BDO’s representative & DM’s representative to certify the list. Exercise to be completed by June end. कर. स. परत कष सच क कर. स. 1 2 पर व र क मख य क न म BPL No. 4 5 3 यद आव स पर व र भ त क रप स उपसथ त नह थ 12 प त / पत क न म स व कत नह क गर म क न म BPL स क र 6 7 गय ह त स व कत पर व र क प स व स स थल हत भम उपलब ध नह थ परव म इद र आव स क ल भ म ल ह 13 14 इद र व तत य वरष आव स परव स व कत परद न उसक व वरण क गय ह त स व कत इक ई ल गत अदयतन व मक त क गय र श अदयतन भ त क सथ त 9 10 11 8 नह क करन क क रण स पक क पर व र क सदस य मक न ह सरक र न कर म ह 15 16 गर म सभ क अभ मत 17
Action Plan Issue Sanction letter by July end. Delivery of Sanction letter through Chaukidars/ Grameen Awas Sahayaks- by August. Opening of Bank Accounts- August- September. Generate Order Sheet on Awaas Soft- September. Fund Transfer in one go on 2 nd October. Road map for better completion rate. 1. Timely fund transfer including 2 nd installment. 2. Assessment of availability of material. 3. Meeting with suppliers to discover rates. 4. Identification of defaulters & appropriate action against them. 5. Continuous monitoring & follow-up.
IAY New initiatives Mukhyamantri Shatabdi Indira Awas Protsahan Yojna. Mahadalit beneficiaries on completion of houses within 2 months of getting 2 nd installment will get Rs 2000 as an incentive. Allocation in 2014 -15 - Rs 10. 00 Cr. Mukhyamantri Shatabdi Indira Awas Jeernoddhar Yojna. Proposal for assistance to those SC/ST families who were allotted IAY before 1. 04. 2004 to complete their unfinished house. Assistance money – Rs 30000. 00 Only for SC/ST BPL family (Approx 1. 5 lac families) Required Allocation – Rs. 450 crores Android based mobiles will be provided to GAS and GAP Special drive to identify beneficiaries who have not completed their houses and take appropriate action against them Special BPL Updation drive in ST/SC saturated Panchayats Fund transfer to the beneficiaries account through NEFT/RTGS: - Entry on Awaas Soft mandatory; Payment through system generated advise
Pending issues Sl. No. issue timeline 1 Preparation of database 31 August 2 Social Audit 30 June 3 Cleansing of waitlist 30 June 4 RTPS type counter for 2 nd installment claims 15 November 2013 5 Compliance of MORD conditions for fund release As Earliest 6 ATR on NLMS report 12 June 2014 7 ATR on complaints received from MORD 30 june 8 Proposal for special package 15 June 2014 9 Block wise report from F. Y 2004 -05 30 june 10 IAY recruitment 01 June 2014 11 100% disbursement against 2013 -14 target Date to be given by Districts
Aawas soft updation Physical Districts Sanction As per MPR Financial 1 st Install as per Aawas Soft Expenditure as per MPR Physical Expenditure as per Aawas Soft Districts Sanction As per MPR Financial 1 st Install as per Aawas Soft MPR Aawas Soft Araria 16544 9476 11926. 820 5421. 000 Madhubani 21484 19010 17863. 247 9530. 050 Arwal 4005 3999 2677. 290 2172. 235 Munger 2686 1736. 927 1472. 185 Aurangabad 21036 20319 11069. 400 10736. 865 Muzaffarpur 20197 18283 16864. 454 10221. 650 Banka 10158 10052 5655. 708 5286. 650 Nalanda 17853 14912 9739. 007 8370. 400 Begusarai 14477 10283 8479. 700 5159. 200 Nawada 21159 17265 9541. 847 9310. 645 Bhagalpur 15634 15724 9112. 980 8302. 550 Paschim Champaran 17044 14477 14469. 090 7745. 830 Bhojpur 10320 10305 5872. 440 5327. 600 20243 20194 13291. 394 10210. 250 8827 8937 5527. 526 4870. 900 Purbi Champaran 19904 19663 13547. 490 10416. 150 Darbhanga 23932 20157 15074. 630 10079. 500 Purnea 13007 13010 12688. 143 8951. 500 Gaya 36309 31087 18268. 786 15918. 470 Rohtas 15789 14120 8347. 890 7045. 885 Gopalganj 13826 12925 9254. 500 6609. 450 Saharsa 11250 10040 8392. 850 5312. 900 Jamui 9461 8453 5007. 360 4383. 260 Samastipur 27288 7072 6601. 871 3782. 550 Jehanabad 9039 8650 4789. 870 4431. 995 Saran 19849 17845 10483. 830 9340. 900 Kaimur 12715 11981 9309. 619 6082. 750 Shekhpura 3489 2496 1570. 949 1256. 100 Katihar 25774 25721 16645. 390 13311. 350 Sheohar 2940 2871 2578. 180 1497. 200 9128 7921 5805. 861 4184. 800 Sitamarhi 16569 14871 12481. 518 7925. 485 Kishanganj 18053 16739 10398. 099 9182. 150 Siwan 15475 13819 6785. 850 7066. 100 Lakhisarai 5738 3239 1729. 700 1554. 550 Supaul 13368 13010 9972. 780 6854. 350 Madhepura 10442 8759 12309. 900 4427. 500 Vaishali 22081 14938 12961. 970 7432. 900 Buxar Khagaria Patna
Action against defaulter beneficiaries Financial year: - 2013 -14 Sl. No District White Notice Red Notice Certificate FIR case Month: -March 2014 Sl. No District White Notice Red Notice 1 Araria 12162 2611 1034 21 madhubani 2 Arwal 554 432 247 22 Munger 3 Aurangabad 1505 786 566 23 Muzaffarpur 4 Banka 24 nalanda 3168 5 Begusarai 1245 25 Nawada 4106 6 Bhagalur 26 Patna 7865 7 Bhojpur 27 Purnea 8 Buxar 28 rohtas 9 darbhanga 17642 7990 549 29 10 E Champaran 30495 6435 466 11 gaya 9547 1764 12 Gopalganj 6331 13 Jamui 14 jahanabad 15 Kaimur 16 Katihar 17 Khagaria 18 Kishanganaj 19 lakhisarai 20 Madhepura Certificate FIR case 10570 7045 1348 1495 803 12049 2235 21 4353 1146 195 7 19885 8383 1735 0 555 1752 147 26 36755 13064 5214 711 0 0 Saharsa 15045 9250 296 3 30 Samastipur 35872 8337 1027 6 1191 31 Saran 8718 3115 65 3802 187 32 Sheikhpura 243 243 4307 2497 472 33 Sheohar 9793 1046 220 2782 1976 200 34 Sitamarhi 35 siwan 2656 1095 99 1595 36 Supaul 16686 3910 15 15 37 vaishali 21486 7964 919 60 38 w Champaran 8670 1436 46301 2800 3 37106 13259 700 111 Total 383965 2488 122857 20367 115
NRLM Key Issues Convergence of skill development programs with RSETI (building progress) and PMEGP IAP district: Interest subvention Total number of HH’s: Coverage and penetration in villages Total number of SHG’s, VO’s and CLF’s Financial inclusion across target groups SC/ST participation Use govt symbol Manpower of Jeevika CFT Strategy: Convergence of NRLM and MGNREGA Roll out of World Bank BIF Partner, Access to Entitlement Project (MGNREGA)
SECC Disposal of Claims & Objection. Uploading of Claims & Objection on NIC Server. Physical verification of assets given to Districts as well as Charge Centers for SECC work. Audited Utilization Certificate (UC) of SECC by 15 th July 2014. 49, 55, 955 claims and objections have been received through COTS 27, 58, 853 applications have been uploaded on the NIC server Out of which 22, 78, 578 claims have been disposed off and total 18, 03, 952 applications have been approved Demand for Executive Assistant, etc payment in prescribed format. (Departmental Letter No: - 188553, Dated: -17. 06. 2014
Block Buildings • • Total 77 (38+39) block offices/block cum residential buildings have been sanctioned Status of 38 blocks in first phase (26 block cum residential buildings & 12 only residential complexes) Status of second phase 39 block cum residential buildings 3 -5 Lakhs fund would be allotted for office/residential repair Community toilet for Women: Maintenance has to be ensured by BDOs Status of 100 block IT centers have been proposed for construction through RIDF (From NABARD) List of blocks sought vide Deptt. Letter No: 188753 Dated: 18. 06. 2014 Information regarding block land & assets in block campus sought vide Deptt. Letter No: 188755 Dated: 18. 06. 2014 Name of Block Land Not Available Mohanpur (Lakhisarai) Yes Bind (Nalanda) Yes Karaipursarai (Nalanda) Yes Ben (Nalanda) Yes Chausa (Buxar) Yes Pratapganj (Supaul) Land/Site Dispute Issue Yes Rahika (Madhubani) Yes Patna Sadar (Patna) Yes Kochas (Rohtas) Yes Silao (Nalanda) Yes
Other Important Projects/Issues e-Shakti Roll out of e-Shakti project Enquiry reports CAG Training Posting of RDOs as BDO Detailed information in prescribed format vide Lt. No. 188550 Dated: 17/06/14 regarding training details of RDO not made available except by Vaishali
Hariyali Financial/Physical Monthly report for all district is pending Total number of schemes: 608 One installment release schemes – 551 Two installment release schemes – 19 Three installment release schemes – 37 Four installment release schemes – 1 Updating documents required for the implementation of scheme Utilization Certificate Physical /Financial Progress report )QPER ( Income & Expenditure Statement Non embezzlement certificate Details of assets created under the project Exit protocol and system of management of assets created Activity wise physical & Financial Progress made so far Reasons for pending of the project Details of training and Community mobilization Details of WDF, UG and SHG
District wise Pending Report of Janta Darbar Sl No. District Name 1 Araria 2 Pending List Sl No. District Name Pending List 38 20 Madhepura 14 Arwal 14 21 Madhubani 24 3 Aurangabad 24 22 Munger 5 4 Banka 13 23 Muzaffarpur 34 5 Begusarai 32 24 Nalanda 48 6 Bhagalpur 22 25 Nawada 27 7 Bhojpur 46 26 Patna 103 8 Buxar 27 27 Purnea 9 9 Darbhanga 32 28 Rohtash 1 10 Motihari 59 29 Saharasa 13 11 Gaya 49 30 Samastipur 58 12 Gopalganj 9 31 Saran 41 13 Jehanabad 18 32 Shekhpura 13 14 Jamui 19 33 Sheohar 7 15 Kaimur 11 34 Sitamarhi 38 16 Katihar 4 35 Siwan 10 17 Khagaria 17 36 Supaul 20 18 Kishanganj 1 37 Vaishali 104 19 Lakhisarai 34 38 Bettiah 35
District wise Pending Report of Chief Secretary Sl No. District Name 1 Araria 2 Pending List Sl No. District Name Pending List 29 20 Madhepura 16 Arwal 4 21 Madhubani 55 3 Aurangabad 15 22 Munger 17 4 Banka 11 23 Muzaffarpur 31 5 Begusarai 19 24 Nalanda 20 6 Bhagalpur 18 25 Nawada 32 7 Bhojpur 26 26 Patna 59 8 Buxar 10 27 Purnea 31 9 Darbhanga 41 28 Rohtash 31 10 Motihari 29 29 Saharasa 28 11 Gaya 55 30 Samastipur 45 12 Gopalganj 21 31 Saran 27 13 Jehanabad 19 32 Shekhpura 4 14 Jamui 6 33 Sheohar 10 15 Kaimur 9 34 Sitamarhi 26 16 Katihar 26 35 Siwan 27 17 Khagaria 22 36 Supaul 17 18 Kishanganj 11 37 Vaishali 28 19 Lakhisarai 19 38 Bettiah 15
District wise Pending Report of Seva Yatra Sl No. District Name 1 Araria 2 Pending List Sl No. District Name 2 20 Motihari 28 Arwal 10 21 Bhagalpur 15 3 Aurangabad 21 22 Buxar 1 4 Banka 76 23 Gopalganj 1 5 Darbhanga 1 24 Kishanganj 7 6 Motihari 10 25 Supaul 9 7 Kaimur 8 8 Katihar 3 9 Lakhisarai 1 10 Madhepura 1 11 Madhubani 6 12 Muzaffarpur 95 13 Nalanda 1 14 Purnea 15 15 Rohtash 6 16 Saharasa 24 17 Samastipur 20 18 Shekhpura 14 19 Siwan 2 Total Pending List 381
Dispose Report of Vishwas Yatra Sl No. District Name DDC Forwarded Petition Dispos ATL Pending Petition 1 Araria 8 0 8 2 Arwal - - - 3 Aurangabad 1 0 1 4 Banka 9 6 3 5 Begusarai 44 23 21 6 Bhagalpur 2 0 2 7 Bhojpur - - - 8 Buxar 1 0 1 9 Darbhanga 14 1 13 10 Motihari 43 28 15 11 Gaya 3 1 2 12 Gopalganj 2 2 0 13 Jamui 3 2 1 14 Jehanabad 3 2 1 15 Kaimur 2 1 1 16 Katihar 8 7 1 17 Kishanganj 6 5 1 18 Khagaria 4 0 4
21 Madhubani 43 29 14 22 Munger - - - 23 Muzaffarpur 27 12 15 24 Nalanda 1 1 0 25 Nawada 2 0 2 26 Patna - - - 27 Purnea 4 2 2 28 Rohtash 3 0 2 29 Saharasa 6 0 6 30 Samastipur 29 18 11 31 Saran 10 3 7 32 Shekhpura - - - 33 Sheohar - - - 34 Sitamarhi 28 12 16 35 Siwan - - - 36 Supaul 10 7 3 37 Vaishali 1 0 1 38 Bettiah 7 5 2 - - - 337 178 159 Total