Скачать презентацию Days of the week The 9 -th of Скачать презентацию Days of the week The 9 -th of


  • Количество слайдов: 20

Days of the week The 9 -th of November Методическая разработка к 1 уроку Days of the week The 9 -th of November Методическая разработка к 1 уроку 2 четверти в 3 классе (английский язык) Автор Додонова В. А.

Задачи урока • Повторить правила чтения межзубных звуков и дифтонга ea • Повторить личные Задачи урока • Повторить правила чтения межзубных звуков и дифтонга ea • Повторить личные местоимения • Познакомить с названиями дней недели и отработать их употребление в речи учащихся • Ввести слова before и after • Повторить названия магазинов

th [ ] в начале и в конце значимых слов [ ] в начале th [ ] в начале и в конце значимых слов [ ] в начале служебных слов и между гласными three mouth the mother

Read and fill in the table. • • • my father you and I Read and fill in the table. • • • my father you and I my dog her pen miss Chatter my grandmother Jim I and my friend my father and mother my friends he she we it they

We dance on Sunday We write on Wednesday We work on Monday We count We dance on Sunday We write on Wednesday We work on Monday We count on Thursday We read on Tuesday We speak on Friday And we play on Saturday

Which day is before / after…? before - перед after - после • Which Which day is before / after…? before - перед after - после • Which day is before Sunday? • Which day is after Tuesday? • Which day is before Monday?

Which day is before / after…? before - перед after - после • Which Which day is before / after…? before - перед after - после • Which day is before Saturday? • Which day is after Friday? • Which day is before Thursday? • Which day is after Wednesday?

ea [ i: ] please read teacher meat cream tea ea [ i: ] please read teacher meat cream tea

I can buy … in Green Shop. I can buy … in Green Shop.

I can buy … in White Shop. I can buy … in White Shop.

I can buy … in Sweet Shop. I can buy … in Sweet Shop.

I can buy … in School Shop. I can buy … in School Shop.

May I have some coffee? Можно мне немного кофе? - Here you are. You May I have some coffee? Можно мне немного кофе? - Here you are. You are welcome. - Вот, пожалуйста. На здоровье.

-May I come in ? -Можно войти ? -Yes, -Да. you may. -May I come in ? -Можно войти ? -Yes, -Да. you may.

Look at the ceiling! Look at the door! Look at the window! Look at Look at the ceiling! Look at the door! Look at the window! Look at the floor!

New words nose eyes ears face neck teeth tail New words nose eyes ears face neck teeth tail

Say: -зелёная лягушка -ленивый мальчик -толстый кот -длинный хвост -храбрая собака -сильный лев -большой Say: -зелёная лягушка -ленивый мальчик -толстый кот -длинный хвост -храбрая собака -сильный лев -большой слон -a green frog -a lazy boy -a fat cat -a long tail -a brave dog -a strong lion -a big elephant

Read the texts of ex. 4, p. 33 and guess who the animals are. Read the texts of ex. 4, p. 33 and guess who the animals are.

Answer the questions about the texts: 1. Can crocodile swim well ? 2. Has Answer the questions about the texts: 1. Can crocodile swim well ? 2. Has kangaroo got a strong tail ? 3. Does it like carrots and cabbages ? 4. Who has got a funny face and a black nose ?

Answer the questions about the texts: 5. Does crocodile like meat ? 6. Who Answer the questions about the texts: 5. Does crocodile like meat ? 6. Who has got a long neck ? 7. Has it got nice eyes and funny ears ? 8. Who likes to eat oranges and apples ?