Day of the Holy Spirit, Spirits day

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Day of the Holy Spirit,  Spirits day  Day of the Holy Spirit, Spirits day

 • the Christian holiday is celebrated next day after the Trinity Sunday. It is celebrated • the Christian holiday is celebrated next day after the Trinity Sunday. It is celebrated in reminiscence described in the book of apostolic acts of a soshestviye of the Holy Spirit on pupils Christ’s. The liturgical holiday is devoted to glorification of the Holy Spirit.

The New Testament story  •  Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles atThe New Testament story • Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles at Pentecost in Acts of the Apostles. In the fiftieth day after the Resurrection of Christ (the tenth day after Ascension) the apostles were in Jerusalem, «. . . suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them tongues as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all of the Holy Spirit and began to speak other languages, as the Spirit allowed them to broadcast»

National traditions • In Russia, the people's church culture there was very strict ban on workNational traditions • In Russia, the people’s church culture there was very strict ban on work in Spirits day as the day of the Annunciation. In the Russian Federation this day, as on Monday, almost always — working. • In the folk tradition with spirits afternoon thunderstorms are often associated, according to other legends, weather Whit determines the weather for the rest of the summer.

Countries in which the Day of the Holy Spirit is not a working day. • AustriaCountries in which the Day of the Holy Spirit is not a working day. • Austria • Germany • Ukraine • Switzerland • Denmark • France • Netherlands • Norway • Luxembourg • Greece • Cyprus • Belgium

As Spirits day is the beginning of mermaid ’s week As Spirits day is the beginning of mermaid ’s week