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  • Количество слайдов: 9

Day 10 AD 63 Paul martyred under Nero (? ) AD 64 Persecution of Day 10 AD 63 Paul martyred under Nero (? ) AD 64 Persecution of Christians at Rome AD 66 Jewish revolt against Rome begins AD 70 Temple destroyed

HEBREWS Congregational History Phase 1: Spirit-filled (2: 3 -4) Phase 2: persecution (10: 32 HEBREWS Congregational History Phase 1: Spirit-filled (2: 3 -4) Phase 2: persecution (10: 32 -34) Phase 3: lethargy (5: 11; 6: 12; 10: 25) Intro: God has spoken (1: 1 -2: 4) Thesis (2: 5 -9) God has promised glory & honor God’s people do not see this now Yet they do “see” Jesus 1. Journey to God’s Sabbath Journey through wilderness (2: 10 -5: 10) Digression (5: 11 -6: 20) 2. Journey into the Sanctuary Journey into sanctuary (7: 1 -10: 25) Digression (10: 26 -39) 3. Journey to Zion (11: 1 -12: 24) Digression (12: 25 -27) Conclusion: True worship (12: 28 -13: 25) Day 10

Day 10 1 PETER Salutation (1: 1 -2) Thanksgiving (1: 3 -12) Body (1: Day 10 1 PETER Salutation (1: 1 -2) Thanksgiving (1: 3 -12) Body (1: 13 -5: 11) You are God’s holy people (1: 13 -2: 10) Your conduct bears witness (2: 11 -3: 12) Suffer in imitation of Christ (3: 13 -5: 11) Conclusion (5: 12 -13)

Day 10 JAMES Promised new birth comes through God’s word (1: 17 -18) Warning Day 10 JAMES Promised new birth comes through God’s word (1: 17 -18) Warning about failure to put the word into practice (1: 22 -2: 1 -13) Faith without works is dead (2: 14 -26)

Day 10 JUDE Problem: grace turned into license (sin) (v. 4) Response: • warning Day 10 JUDE Problem: grace turned into license (sin) (v. 4) Response: • warning of divine judgment using examples from Israel’s history (vv 5 -19) • Exhortation to faithfulness (vv 20 -23)

Day 10 2 PETER Problem: Grace turned into license (2: 1 -3) Response: Warning Day 10 2 PETER Problem: Grace turned into license (2: 1 -3) Response: Warning of judgment using examples from Israel’s history (2: 4 -22) Problem: Apparent delay of Christ’s return & final judgment (3: 3 -4) Response: With God one day is like 1000 years, which gives people more time to repent (3: 8 -9)

JOHANNINE LETTERS 1 JOHN Purpose: Proclaming the word of life to bring about fellowship JOHANNINE LETTERS 1 JOHN Purpose: Proclaming the word of life to bring about fellowship (1: 1 -4) Context: Schism in the community • Sin and animosity (1: 5 -10; 2: 9) • Dispute over Jesus (2: 19 -23) Message: Authentic faith & love • True faith means confessing that Jesus came tangibly, in the flesh (4: 1 -3) • True love is also tangible, it is love for fellow Christians (4: 20 -21) 2 JOHN Warning against support for false missionaries (2 Jn 10) 3 JOHN Encouragement to support true missionaries (3 Jn 5 -10) Day 10

Day 10 REVELATION Basic assumptions • Read it as a whole • Take 1: Day 10 REVELATION Basic assumptions • Read it as a whole • Take 1: 4 seriously: it’s a letter Prologue (1: 1 -8) Seven Churches (1: 9 -3: 22) Seven Seals (4: 1 -8: 5) Seven Trumpets (8: 2 -11: 19) Seven Visions (12: 1 -15: 4) Seven Bowls (15: 1 -19: 10) Seven Visions (19: 11 -22: 5) Epilogue (22: 6 -21) The end is a person: God and Christ are the Alpha & Omega (1: 8, 17; 21: 6; 22: 13)

Day 10 PAUL JAMES FAITH Relationship of trust Believing information JUSTIFY Enter right relationship Day 10 PAUL JAMES FAITH Relationship of trust Believing information JUSTIFY Enter right relationship Show something is right