Day 10 AD 63 Paul martyred under Nero (? ) AD 64 Persecution of Christians at Rome AD 66 Jewish revolt against Rome begins AD 70 Temple destroyed
HEBREWS Congregational History Phase 1: Spirit-filled (2: 3 -4) Phase 2: persecution (10: 32 -34) Phase 3: lethargy (5: 11; 6: 12; 10: 25) Intro: God has spoken (1: 1 -2: 4) Thesis (2: 5 -9) God has promised glory & honor God’s people do not see this now Yet they do “see” Jesus 1. Journey to God’s Sabbath Journey through wilderness (2: 10 -5: 10) Digression (5: 11 -6: 20) 2. Journey into the Sanctuary Journey into sanctuary (7: 1 -10: 25) Digression (10: 26 -39) 3. Journey to Zion (11: 1 -12: 24) Digression (12: 25 -27) Conclusion: True worship (12: 28 -13: 25) Day 10
Day 10 1 PETER Salutation (1: 1 -2) Thanksgiving (1: 3 -12) Body (1: 13 -5: 11) You are God’s holy people (1: 13 -2: 10) Your conduct bears witness (2: 11 -3: 12) Suffer in imitation of Christ (3: 13 -5: 11) Conclusion (5: 12 -13)
Day 10 JAMES Promised new birth comes through God’s word (1: 17 -18) Warning about failure to put the word into practice (1: 22 -2: 1 -13) Faith without works is dead (2: 14 -26)
Day 10 JUDE Problem: grace turned into license (sin) (v. 4) Response: • warning of divine judgment using examples from Israel’s history (vv 5 -19) • Exhortation to faithfulness (vv 20 -23)
Day 10 2 PETER Problem: Grace turned into license (2: 1 -3) Response: Warning of judgment using examples from Israel’s history (2: 4 -22) Problem: Apparent delay of Christ’s return & final judgment (3: 3 -4) Response: With God one day is like 1000 years, which gives people more time to repent (3: 8 -9)
JOHANNINE LETTERS 1 JOHN Purpose: Proclaming the word of life to bring about fellowship (1: 1 -4) Context: Schism in the community • Sin and animosity (1: 5 -10; 2: 9) • Dispute over Jesus (2: 19 -23) Message: Authentic faith & love • True faith means confessing that Jesus came tangibly, in the flesh (4: 1 -3) • True love is also tangible, it is love for fellow Christians (4: 20 -21) 2 JOHN Warning against support for false missionaries (2 Jn 10) 3 JOHN Encouragement to support true missionaries (3 Jn 5 -10) Day 10
Day 10 REVELATION Basic assumptions • Read it as a whole • Take 1: 4 seriously: it’s a letter Prologue (1: 1 -8) Seven Churches (1: 9 -3: 22) Seven Seals (4: 1 -8: 5) Seven Trumpets (8: 2 -11: 19) Seven Visions (12: 1 -15: 4) Seven Bowls (15: 1 -19: 10) Seven Visions (19: 11 -22: 5) Epilogue (22: 6 -21) The end is a person: God and Christ are the Alpha & Omega (1: 8, 17; 21: 6; 22: 13)
Day 10 PAUL JAMES FAITH Relationship of trust Believing information JUSTIFY Enter right relationship Show something is right