Скачать презентацию Day 1 History of Israel Recounted in the Скачать презентацию Day 1 History of Israel Recounted in the


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Day 1 History of Israel Recounted in the Bible History of Israel Dates People Day 1 History of Israel Recounted in the Bible History of Israel Dates People Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah, Jacob, Joseph Recounted in the Bible 1. Ancestral Period 2000 -1700 BC Genesis 12 -50 2. Sojourn in Egypt 1700 -1275 BC 3. Exodus & Wilderness Wanderings 1275 -1235 BC Moses, Aaron, Miriam Exodus – Deuteronomy 34 4. Occupation & Period of the Judges 1235 -1050 BC Joshua, Deborah, Gideon, Samson Joshua, Judges, Ruth 5. United Monarchy 1050 -922 BC Samuel, Saul, David, Nathan, Solomon, 1 Samuel — 1 Kings 11 6. Divided Monarchy A. Israel (Northern) B. Judah (Southern) 922 -722 BC 922 -587 BC Jeroboam I, Ahab, Jezebel, Elijah, Elisha Amos, Hosea Rehoboam, Hezekiah, Isaiah, Josiah, Jeremiah 1 Kings 12 – 2 Kings 17 Amos, Hosea Exodus l 1 Kings 12— 2 Kings 25 Isaiah 1 -39, Zephaniah Nahum, Jeremiah Habakkuk

Day 1 History of Israel Recounted in the Bible History of Israel Dates People Day 1 History of Israel Recounted in the Bible History of Israel Dates People Recounted in the Bible 7. Babylonian Exile 587 -539 BC Ezekiel, Obadiah, Lamentations, Isaiah 40 -55 8. Persian Period 539 -332 BC Cyrus, Ezra, Nehemiah Haggai, Zechariah Ezra, Nehemiah, Haggai, Zechariah, Joel, Malachi Esther, Daniel 9. Hellenistic Period 332 -165 BC Alexander the Great 10 Maccabean Period. 165 -63 BC Judah Maccabee 1 & 2 Maccabees 11. Roman Period A. Life of Jesus B. Christian Mission 63 BC on 5 BC – 30 AD 30 – 100 AD Herod the Great Mary, Joseph, Jesus John the Baptist, Peter, Mary Magdalene Peter, Stephen, Philip Paul, Barnabas, Silas Matthew, Mark, Luke, John Acts and Letters

Day 1 GENESIS 1 -11 Word & creation (Gen 1) God said…and it came Day 1 GENESIS 1 -11 Word & creation (Gen 1) God said…and it came to be Word & relationship (Gen 2) Adam names creatures Adam speaks of Eve Word & sin (Gen 3 -4) Serpent & Eve Adam & Eve blame Cain denies – Abel’s blood cries Word & faith (Gen 6 -9) God speaks warning and promise Noah trusts God’s word Word & confusion (Gen 11) People use speech to seize greatness God confuses their speech

Day 1 GENESIS 12 -25 Promise made (Gen 12: 1 -3) Land, Descendants, Blessing Day 1 GENESIS 12 -25 Promise made (Gen 12: 1 -3) Land, Descendants, Blessing Promise in jeopardy (Gen 12 -14) Scarcity & abundance Promise kept (Gen 15 -21) Abraham appoints heir (Eliezer) Abraham to conceive heir (Ishmael) God gives heir through Sarah (Isaac) Promise in jeopardy (Gen 21 -23) Testing over Ishmael & Isaac Sarah’s death Promise continues (Gen 24) Isaac & Rebekah Abraham’s death

Day 1 GENESIS 26 -50 Jacob fools Isaac & Esau Younger disguised as older Day 1 GENESIS 26 -50 Jacob fools Isaac & Esau Younger disguised as older Laban fools Jacob Older disguised as younger Jacob fools Laban Has flocks bear speckled lambs Sons fool Jacob Blood implies that Joseph is dead Joseph fools brothers Keeps his identity hidden God fools everyone Carrying out his good intentions Despite harmful intentions of people

Day 1 Abraham and Messengers (Genesis 18) Lot and Messengers (Genesis 19) Abraham offers Day 1 Abraham and Messengers (Genesis 18) Lot and Messengers (Genesis 19) Abraham offers hospitality Lot offers hospitality Messengers announce that a child will be born Abraham sends messengers on their way Abraham negotiates for Sodom Lot decides to give children away Messengers send Lot on his way when he delays Lot negotiates for himself

Day 1 Testing and Ishmael Testing and Isaac Sarah tells Abraham to send Hagar Day 1 Testing and Ishmael Testing and Isaac Sarah tells Abraham to send Hagar & Ishmael away God tells Abraham to sacrifice Isaac God affirms his promises Abraham affirms that God will provide Abraham sends Hagar & Ishmael into the desert Abraham prepares to sacrifice Isaac Angel intervenes and water is provided Angel intervenes and a ram is provided God affirms his promises

Jacob born and gains blessing (Gen 25 -35) Day 1 Jacob dies after he Jacob born and gains blessing (Gen 25 -35) Day 1 Jacob dies after he gives blessing (Gen 48 -50) Introduction (Gen 37) Climax (Gen 44 -47) Joseph dreams of others bowing to him Judah decides to sell Joseph as a slave Joseph’s death revealed Jacob thinks Joseph is dead Brothers bow to Joseph Judah says he will serve as Joseph's slave Joseph's identity revealed Jacob learns Joseph is alive Joseph & Egyptians (Gen 39 -41) Joseph & Brothers (Gen 42 -43) Joseph as Potiphar's overseer Wife tricks Potiphar Joseph interprets dreams in prison Joseph's identity hidden from brothers Simeon in prison until Benjamin comes Money placed in brothers' sacks Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dreams Joseph advises Pharaoh Joseph as Pharaoh's overseer Joseph's identity hidden from brothers Simeon released when Benjamin comes Money & cup placed in brothers' sacks