- Количество слайдов: 28
Dawn of an ERA European Commission Research DG POL Tour November 2002 Dawn of the Era, Slide no 1
Barcelona and RTDI l Council pushed EP for FP 6 - 600 changes l Reaffirmed importance of R&D-I l Set target of 3% of GDP for RTDI Investment l Reaffirmed Lisbon Targets l Urges removal of mobility barriers l Emphasises Frontier Technologies POL Tour November 2002 Dawn of the Era, Slide no 2
The European Research Area l A blueprint for the future of research in Europe l Large support at the highest political, scientific and industrial levels l Being implemented >70 actions, review of progress soon. National programmes European Research Policy «Open Coordination» Framework programme POL Tour November 2002 European organisations Dawn of the Era, Slide no 3
Budgets of the EU Framework Programmes 3% of GDP = 240 B€ annually, so EU = 6% or target! POL Tour November 2002 Dawn of the Era, Slide no 4
ERA must address a gamut of issues MNetworking of existing centres of excellence in Europe and the creation of virtual centres by the use of interactive communication tools. M A common approach to the needs and means of financing large research facilities in Europe. M More coherent implementation of national and European research activities and relations between the various organisations of scientific and technological cooperation in Europe. M Better use of instruments and resources to encourage investment in research and innovation: M Improved Systems of indirect aid (within Community rules on State aid), patents, risk capital) M Establishment of a common system of scientific and technical reference for policies. M More abundant and more mobile S&T related human resources: M Greater mobility of researchers and introduction of a European dimension to scientific careers. M More prominence to the place and role of women in research M Stimulating young people’s taste for research and careers in science. M Greater European cohesion in research based on the best experiences of knowledge transfer at regional and local levels and on the role of the regions in the European research efforts M Bringing together the scientific communities and researchers of Western and Eastern Europe. M Improving the attraction of Europe for researchers from the rest of the world. M Promotion of common social and ethical values in scientific and technological matters. " POL Tour November 2002 Dawn of the Era, Slide no 5
EU research: changing priorities POL Tour November 2002 Dawn of the Era, Slide no 6
Sixth Framework Programme - Main components FOCUSING and INTEGRATING European research STRUCTURING the European Research Area STRENGTHENING the foundations of the European Research Area BASIC PRINCIPLES Concentration: on selected priority research areas POL Tour November 2002 Structuring effect : through a stronger link with national, regional and other European initiatives Coordination Simplification Dawn of the Era, Slide no 7
Sixth Framework Programme POL Tour November 2002 Dawn of the Era, Slide no 8
« Integrating research » : Specific activities covering a wider field of research l 7 thematic priorities l Specific activities covering a wider field of research : : Supporting policies and anticipating scientific and technological needs: activities in support of EU policies and research responding to new and emerging needs (annual programming) : Horizontal research activities involving SMEs: to boost technological capacities of SMEs in traditional or new areas and develop their ability to operate internationally (co-operative and collective research) : Specific measures in support of international co-operation: developing countries, Mediterranean countries including the Western Balkans; Russia and the CIS POL Tour November 2002 Dawn of the Era, Slide no 9
Sixth Framework Programme POL Tour November 2002 Dawn of the Era, Slide no 10
« Structuring the ERA » : 4 categories of activities l Research and innovation : : : Networking the players and users Encouraging trans-regional co-operation New tools and approaches concerning technological innovation Putting services in place and consolidating them (CORDIS) Economic and technological intelligence Analysing innovation in EU-funded research projects l Human resources and mobility - Marie Curie : Host-driven actions: MC research training networks, MC host fellows for early stage training and for transfer of knowledge, Conferences/Training : Individual-driven: MC intra-European & outgoing/incoming internat. fellowships, : Excellence promotion and recognition: excellence grants & awards, MC chairs : Return and reintegration mechanisms POL Tour November 2002 Dawn of the Era, Slide no 11
« Structuring the ERA » : 4 categories of activities l Research infrastructures : : : Transnational access to research infrastructures Integrating activities Communication network development Design studies Development of new infrastructures l Science/society : Bringing research closer to society: science and governance, scientific advice and reference systems : Responsible research and application of science and technology: ethics, uncertainty, risk, precautionary principle : Stepping up the science/society dialogue, Gender: public understanding, young people’s & scientific careers, women in science POL Tour November 2002 Dawn of the Era, Slide no 12
Sixth Framework Programme POL Tour November 2002 Dawn of the Era, Slide no 13
« Strengthening the foundations of ERA » : 2 categories of activities l Support for the co-ordination of activities è Co-ordination of national activities in areas such as: 9 Health: major diseases, diseases linked to poverty, development of European databases, co-ordination of clinical trials etc. 9 Biotechnology: non-health and non-food applications 9 Environment: urban environment, marine environment, seismic risk 9 Energy: new generation of power plants, energy storage etc. è Co-ordination at European level 9 Other co-operation frameworks (COST. EUREKA etc) 9 Joint initiatives of specialised European scientific organisations (CERN, ESA? ESO, EMBL etc) POL Tour November 2002 Dawn of the Era, Slide no 14
« Strengthening the foundations of ERA » : 2 categories of activities l Coherent development of research and innovation policies in Europe 9 Analyses and studies (foresight, indicators etc. ) 9 Benchmarking of research and innovation policies 9 Mapping excellence in Europe 9 Regulatory and administrative environment for research and innovation POL Tour November 2002 Dawn of the Era, Slide no 15
Instruments l Action Areas: Priority thematic areas: 9 Networks of excellence + Integrated projects 9 Specific targeted research projects + Specific research projects for SMEs 9 Specific targeted research and innovation projects 9 Integrated infrastructure initiatives 9 Actions to promote human resources and mobility l Throughout the FP: 9 Specific support actions 9 Co-ordination actions 9 Participation of the Community in programmes implemented jointly by several MS (Article 169) (Variable Geometry) POL Tour November 2002 Dawn of the Era, Slide no 16
3 “new” instruments l Networks of excellence l Integrated projects l Programmes implemented jointly In priority thematic areas, the new instruments: l Will be used from the start of FP 6 l As a priority means, while maintaining the use of specific targeted projects and co-ordination actions l Will be assessed in 2004 POL Tour November 2002 Dawn of the Era, Slide no 17
3 new instruments-I l Networks of excellence: : Lasting integration of research capacities : Long-term and multidisciplinary objectives : Implemented by a joint programme of activities : Genuine ‘virtual centres of excellence’ : High level of management autonomy : Gradual integration of work programmes : Selected on the basis of calls for proposals l Integrated projects l Programmes implemented jointly POL Tour November 2002 Dawn of the Era, Slide no 18
3 new instruments-II/III l Integrated Projects: : To boost competitiveness or to address major societal needs : To provide results applicable to products, processes or services : Research activities complemented by demonstration, innovation activities : High level of management autonomy : Implemented through overall financing plans : Selected on the basis of calls for proposals l Programmes Implemented Jointly - Article 169 : Joint implementation of national/regional programmes (article 169 of the Treaty) via harmonised work programmes, common, jt or co-ordinated Cf. Ps : Specific implementation structure : May be used in all FP activities POL Tour November 2002 Dawn of the Era, Slide no 19
Other Instruments l Specific Targeted Research or Innovation Projects: : Specific targeted research projects: to improve competitiveness; need to be sharply focussed; either a RTD project (to gain knowledge) or a demonstration project (to prove the viability of new technologies which cannot be commercialised directly) : Specific targeted innovation projects: test, validate, disseminate new concepts, methods l Specific research projects (for SMEs) : Co-operative projects for the benefit of numbers of SMEs on common interest : Collective research projects for industrial associations or industry groupings in sectors where SMEs are prominent l Actions to promote and develop human resources and mobility : Promote training, development of expertise or transfer of knowledge : Support actions by individuals, host structures, training networks, European teams l Co-ordination actions l Specific support actions l Integrated infrastructure initiatives POL Tour November 2002 Dawn of the Era, Slide no 20
Other instruments (bis) l Coordination actions : To support co-ordinated initiatives undertaken by a range of stakeholders involved in research and innovation (with the aim of improving integration) : Actions: conferences, meetings, studies, exchange of personnel, exchange of good practices, information systems, expert groups etc l Specific support actions : To complement FP 6 implementation : To prepare future RTD activities (monitoring, assessment, etc) : Actions: conferences, meetings, studies, awards, information and communication activities, support of research infrastructures, feasibility l Integrated infrastructure initiatives : To develop research infrastructures in order to provide services at European level : Combine networking activities with support or research (eg. improve performance) : Financing for new infrastructures is excluded (see ‘Specific support actions’) POL Tour November 2002 Dawn of the Era, Slide no 21
Evaluation - much as FP 5! l. Transparency - Equity - Impartiality Core criteria & for new instruments: l to be specified and complemented in work programmes according to instrument and activity Exclusion criteria: l Violation of fundamental ethical principles l Financial irregularities POL Tour November 2002 Dawn of the Era, Slide no 22
Financing: Grants to Budget, Integration & Flat-rate POL Tour November 2002 Dawn of the Era, Slide no 23
Financing -Modalities l Periodical (yearly) advances l Participants’ own accounting rules l Audit certificate by external auditor l Marginal cost l Possibility of average rates by type of expenditure POL Tour November 2002 Dawn of the Era, Slide no 24
Where are we NOW? l Political Portends Positive l 8000+ People at Launch Event Nov 02 l Momentum gathering, WP out 17 Dec l ERA framework policies developing l Expression of Interest VERY helpful l Continuity assured! l New Instruments being spread l Accession bringing good science in l ERA is being built around by others POL Tour November 2002 Dawn of the Era, Slide no 25
ERA will not stand alone No E Flow of Knowledge No. E Flow of Human Capital POL Tour November 2002 Dawn of the Era, Slide no 26
ERA aims to l consolidate EU R&D 15+2 ->25+2 -> 1 l allow MS to function “together” l offer a better GLUE to R&D l manage overlaps, duplication l enable a policy space to emerge l offer systemic support to strategy l allow systematic future thinking POL Tour November 2002 Dawn of the Era, Slide no 27
Information-The Start l General information on research: http: //europa. eu. int/comm/research l General information on 6 FP: http: //europa. eu. int/comm/research/nfp. html l Programmes and projects : http: //www. cordis. lu l Information requests: research@cec. eu. int CORDIS is the Gateway to all Areas! POL Tour November 2002 Dawn of the Era, Slide no 28