Скачать презентацию David s Life Historical Psalms Goal to show Скачать презентацию David s Life Historical Psalms Goal to show


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David’s Life – Historical Psalms Goal: to show the life of a person who David’s Life – Historical Psalms Goal: to show the life of a person who is reflects and mediates on the Lord. To show the life of an expressive servant.

Bethlehem Bethlehem

Bethlehem ¨ I Samuel 16: -13, 17: 15 ¨ David anointed as king. He Bethlehem ¨ I Samuel 16: -13, 17: 15 ¨ David anointed as king. He travels back and forth between Bethlehem and Gibeah.

Bethlehem ¨ Psalm 78: 70 -72 ¨ From sheep to people. ¨ His job Bethlehem ¨ Psalm 78: 70 -72 ¨ From sheep to people. ¨ His job as a shepherd; – Dangerous – Lonely – 8 th and youngest son so the job was his. - But it allowed him time to become a meditative and reflective person.

Amos 6: 5 invented instruments Amos 6: 5 invented instruments

Socoth- Valley of Elah Socoth- Valley of Elah

Socoth-Valley of Elah ¨ Killing of Goliath Socoth-Valley of Elah ¨ Killing of Goliath

Gibeah- Saul’s Headquarters Gibeah- Saul’s Headquarters

Gibeah- Saul’s headquarters ¨ I Samuel 18: 1 -19: 17 ¨ The Women’s Song Gibeah- Saul’s headquarters ¨ I Samuel 18: 1 -19: 17 ¨ The Women’s Song ¨ David set over all the men of war. ¨ Saul’s attempts to kill David. ¨ The marriage price for Michal ¨ David escapes out the window ¨ Psalm 59, Play Psalm 121 cassette tape

Ramah Ramah

Ramah-circuit city of Samuel ¨ David fled to Samuel at Ramah. ¨ I Samuel Ramah-circuit city of Samuel ¨ David fled to Samuel at Ramah. ¨ I Samuel 19: 18 -24 ¨ Saul sent messengers to get him and they all end up prophesying including Saul.

Outskirts of Gibeah ¨ I Samuel 20 ¨ Meeting with Jonathan where Jonathan warns Outskirts of Gibeah ¨ I Samuel 20 ¨ Meeting with Jonathan where Jonathan warns David with the arrow signal. ¨ Their covenant: Don’t destroy the house of Jonathan.

Nob Nob

Nob- Place of the Tabernacle ¨ Ahimelech gives David bread. I Samuel 21 ¨ Nob- Place of the Tabernacle ¨ Ahimelech gives David bread. I Samuel 21 ¨ Gets Goliath’s sword. – I Samuel 31: 10 - Saul’s armor in the temple of Philistines. ¨ Doeg the Edomite Saul’s herdsman is there and overhears everything. ¨ David a fugitive.

David the Fugitive ¨ On the run from Saul for 8 to 10 years. David the Fugitive ¨ On the run from Saul for 8 to 10 years. ¨ Hiding in an area with a radius of about 40 miles. ¨ Hardship: preparation for a King.

Gath- Philistine city Gath- Philistine city

Gath- Philistine Area ¨ I Samuel 21: 10 -15. ¨ David flees to the Gath- Philistine Area ¨ I Samuel 21: 10 -15. ¨ David flees to the Philistine city of Gath to King Achish. Goliath’s home town. ¨ The people know the song. ¨ Feigned madness before the King. ¨ Psalm 34 ¨ Psalm 56

Adullam- hiding in caves Adullam- hiding in caves

Adullam- I Samuel 22: 1, 2 ¨ Hiding in the limestone caves. ¨ His Adullam- I Samuel 22: 1, 2 ¨ Hiding in the limestone caves. ¨ His family joins him. ¨ 400 men join him. – Type of people that join him: • His brothers and all his father’s house • Everyone who was in distress • Debt and discontent

Moab- I Samuel 22: 3 ¨ Parents taken to Moab for safety. ¨ Why Moab- I Samuel 22: 3 ¨ Parents taken to Moab for safety. ¨ Why Moab?

Stronghold of Engedi Stronghold of Engedi

Stronghold of Engedi ¨ I Samuel 22: 5 -23 ¨ Goes here two times. Stronghold of Engedi ¨ I Samuel 22: 5 -23 ¨ Goes here two times. An Oasis on the barren western shore of the Dead Sea. 35 miles south of Jerusalem on the edge of the Wilderness of Judah. 5 or 6 waterfalls. ¨ The prophet Gad told him to go into Judah.

Forest of Hereth Forest of Hereth

Forest of Hereth ¨ I Samuel 22: 5 -23 ¨ Where David learns of Forest of Hereth ¨ I Samuel 22: 5 -23 ¨ Where David learns of Doeg’s treachery. ¨ Psalm 52

Keilah Keilah

Keilah- I Samuel 23: 1 -13 ¨ David rescues Keilah from raiding Philistines. ¨ Keilah- I Samuel 23: 1 -13 ¨ David rescues Keilah from raiding Philistines. ¨ The Word from the Lord and David’s interpretation. ¨ Flees the walled city.

Wilderness of Ziph Wilderness of Ziph

Wilderness of Ziph ¨ I Samuel 23: 14 -24 ¨ Place that is unsuitable Wilderness of Ziph ¨ I Samuel 23: 14 -24 ¨ Place that is unsuitable for farming. Useful for grazing animals. ¨ Ziphites tell where David is hiding. ¨ At Horesh , Jonathan comes and encourages David. ¨ Psalm 54 ( look at the title)

Moan Moan

Moan ( Rock)- I Samuel 23: 24 b ¨ A close call with Saul. Moan ( Rock)- I Samuel 23: 24 b ¨ A close call with Saul. ¨ Delivered at the Rock of Escape. V. 26 – Philistines attack and Saul retreats. Philistines the real enemy that Saul should have been fighting. ¨ Read Psalm 54

Engedi – ( 2 nd time) ¨ I Samuel 23: 29, 24: 1 -22. Engedi – ( 2 nd time) ¨ I Samuel 23: 29, 24: 1 -22. ¨ David spares Saul’s life. He cuts off his skirt but does not kill God’s anointed. ¨ Read Psalm 57 ¨ Play Psalm 57 Cassette tape

Carmel Carmel

Carmel- I Samuel 13 -34 ¨ The contrast of Nabal’s folly and pride and Carmel- I Samuel 13 -34 ¨ The contrast of Nabal’s folly and pride and Abigail’s wisdom and humility. ¨ David kept from doing something rash.

Wilderness of Ziph ¨ I Samuel 26: 2 ¨ The Ziphites for the 2 Wilderness of Ziph ¨ I Samuel 26: 2 ¨ The Ziphites for the 2 nd time tell Saul where David is hiding. Saul takes 3000 men. David has 600. David goes into the camp and takes Saul’s spear and water while all Saul’s camp is asleep. ¨ David does not destroy God’s anointed.

Gath- for the 2 nd time ¨ David decided to leave Israel and dwell Gath- for the 2 nd time ¨ David decided to leave Israel and dwell in Philistine territory. This is to preserve his life. ¨ He finds favor with King Achish son of Maoch. Glad to have him as a defector. ¨ This is a desperate measure on David’s part. ¨ Lived there a year and 4 months. ¨ David becomes Achish’s Bodyguard.

Ziklag Ziklag

Ziklag- I Samuel 27: 5 -12, and 30: 26 -2 Samuel 1: 27 ¨ Ziklag- I Samuel 27: 5 -12, and 30: 26 -2 Samuel 1: 27 ¨ City given to David ¨ David’s raiding parties against the Amalekites But the Philistines never know it.

Aphek- ( Jezreel and Gilboa) Aphek- ( Jezreel and Gilboa)

Aphek- I Samuel 29: 1 ¨ Philistines gather for battle against Israel. ¨ David Aphek- I Samuel 29: 1 ¨ Philistines gather for battle against Israel. ¨ David is sent back to Ziklag and not allowed to fight. ¨ David retrives his wives and possessions.

Hebron and Jerusalem Hebron and Jerusalem

Hebron and Jerusalem ¨ Hebron- 2 Samuel 2: 4. David is made king of Hebron and Jerusalem ¨ Hebron- 2 Samuel 2: 4. David is made king of Judah. 30 years old. ¨ Reigned 7 ½ years in Hebron. ¨ Jerusalem- King of United Kingdom. 2 Samuel 5: 4. ¨ Reigned 33 years in Jerusalem.

Other Historical Psalms ¨ Psalm 60 - Battle with Edom ¨ Psalm 51 - Other Historical Psalms ¨ Psalm 60 - Battle with Edom ¨ Psalm 51 - Sin with Bathsheba ¨ Psalm 7 - Concerning Cush the Benjaminite maybe when leaving Jerusalem during Absalom’s rebellion. ¨ Psalm 3 & Psalm 63 - Wilderness of Judah when fleeing Absalom. 2 Sam. 15; 23, 16: 14

Other Historical Psalms ¨ Psalm 18 - Also in I Samuel 22. ¨ Psalm Other Historical Psalms ¨ Psalm 18 - Also in I Samuel 22. ¨ Psalm 30 - dedication of the Temple

What can we learn? What can we learn?

David’s Historical Psalms ¨ A record of his heart, words, pleas and prayers especially David’s Historical Psalms ¨ A record of his heart, words, pleas and prayers especially during difficult times. ¨ What kept his heart right? ¨ What kept him God focused?

Application for us ¨ How can we resolve to be more expressive and intentional Application for us ¨ How can we resolve to be more expressive and intentional in our relationship with the Lord? ¨ How can we become a people who take time to meditate on the Lord and his works?

Some ideas…. . ¨ Take time to meditate/ reflect. … an early morning stroll… Some ideas…. . ¨ Take time to meditate/ reflect. … an early morning stroll… an after dinner walk? ¨ Write down your thoughts about the Lord. ¨ Prayer- make an event of some situations by writing out your prayer. ¨ Speak out in Worship. ¨ Pray more in intercession. ¨ Write Psalms

Some ideas…. ¨ Paint to express God’s glory. ¨ Dance…. Or leap for joy. Some ideas…. ¨ Paint to express God’s glory. ¨ Dance…. Or leap for joy. ¨ Sing ¨ Shout ¨ Make noise ¨ Play skillfully ¨ Record what God has done in order to teach others. ¨ Write Music ¨ Other ideas……Turn off the TV, DVD? ?