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Database Design Course Introduction Chulsoon Park Industrial & Systems Engineering Changwon National Univ.
Information Systems Lab
Information Systems Lab
What is a Database System? Database System = Database + DBMS n Data ü A piece of information n Database ü A large, integrated collection of data ü Models a real-world enterprise. – – Entities (e. g. , students, courses) Relationships (e. g. , Kim takes DB Course) n Database Management System (DBMS) ü A software package designed to store and manage databases easily and efficiently Information Systems Lab
Why Use a DBMS? n Suppose we need to build University Information System. How do we ü ü store the data? (use file structures…) query the data? (write programs…) update data safely? (more programs…) provide different views on the same data? (registrar versus students) (more programs…) ü deal with crashes? (more programs…) Þ Too complicated ! Þ Solution ? Buy a DBMS ! Information Systems Lab
What Does a DBMS Offer? n n n n n Efficient data storage. Abstract data model. Query & data manipulation language. Different views of the data. Data integrity & security. Support application development. Concurrent access by multiple users. Crash recovery. Data analysis, mining, visualization, … Information Systems Lab
How to Use a DBMS n Requirement Analysis n Conceptual modeling ü Decide what entities should be part of the application and how they are related n Schema design and database creation ü Decide on a database schema ü Define the schema to the DBMS ü Load data into the database n Access to data ü Use a database language ü Write database application programs ü Use database application programs Information Systems Lab
Topics in Database System n Modeling & Design ü ü How useful DB? What information to DB? How is information structure? How to connect data items? n Programming ü How to express queries and other operations? ü How to use DBMS’ capability? n Implementation ü How to build a DBMS (query, transaction processing)? ü How to organize storage for efficient access? n In this course … Modeling & Design Information Systems Lab
Overview of Database Design 1 Steps in building a database for an application n Requirement analysis ü Specify what need to be modeled in a real-world domain n Conceptual design. ü Specify a high level schema using a database design model n Logical design ü Refine a conceptual design to a schema using the data model of a DBMS n Physical design. ü Define the schema using the DDL of the DBMS n Database creation. ü Load data into a database Information Systems Lab
The Procedure for Relational Database Design n Requirement Analysis n Data Modeling (Conceptual Model) ü Entity-Relationship Model <= SA&D ü ODL (Object-oriented Design Language) <= OOA&D n Relational Model (Logical Model) ü ODL/ER to Relation transformation ü Relational Algebra n Physical Model ü Database Schema using DDL of a DBMS n Database Creation Information Systems Lab
Topics in This Course n Review of Database Basics ü SQL Basics (DDL, DML) n Conceptual Modeling ü ER Model ü ODL Model – OMT Basics n Logical (logical) Modeling ü ER to Relation Conversion ü ODL to Relation Conversion n Normalization Issues in Relations ü Function Dependency ü Anomaly n Physical Schema with DDL of SQL Server Information Systems Lab
Tools to use in Class n ERwin 4. x ü ER Modeling Tool n SQL Server 2000 ü Database Management System Information Systems Lab
Term Project n 1 st Presentation ü Subject to model ü Topics : will be given later n 2 nd Presentation ü ER Model ü Physical Database Schema Information Systems Lab
Look Ahead n Next Topic: SQL Basics n Read from the textbook ü Chapter 6 Information Systems Lab
n 2011년 1월 1일부터 현재까지 출입한 차량 리스트를 알고 싶다. n 한 사람이 2대 이상의 차량을 등록하여 이용하여 현황을 알 고 싶다 n 2010년 1월 1일부터 2010년 12월 31일 사이에 총 수입을 알고 싶다 n 등록차량과 일반차량의 출입현황을 알고 싶다 n 시간대별 출입현황을 알고 싶다 n 체류시간 크기 별 현황을 알고 싶다. n Gate 별 시간대별 출입현황을 알고 싶다 Information Systems Lab
n 고객별 제품별 주문현황을 알고 싶다 n 부품A 가 사용되어 제작, 출고된 제품의 클레임 현황을 알 고 싶다 n B사에서 납품된 부품들이 사용되어 제작, 출고된 제품의 클레임 현황을 알고 싶다 n 클레임 된 제품들에서 가장 많은 부품을 납품한 순서로 협 력업체 리스트를 알고 싶다 n 부품A를 납품한 협력회사에서 납품된 부품들을 사용해서 조립된 제품의 총 매출액을 알고 싶다 n 부품A를 납품한 협력회사에서 납품된 부품들을 사용해서 조립된 제품의 총 매출액이 5천 만윈이 넘는 협력회사 리 스트를 알고 싶다 Information Systems Lab
n 학생 A가 수강한 교과목 리스트를 알고 싶다 n 학생 A가 종합시험으로 신청 가능한 교과목 리스트를 알고 싶다 Information Systems Lab