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Data transport with SOAP message • There is a W 3 C note proposing Data transport with SOAP message • There is a W 3 C note proposing the SOAP with attachment: – http: //www. w 3. org/TR/SOAP-attachments 2005/08/31 ACS WG - Data transport with SOAP message 1

OASIS WSS TC • SOAP Messages with Attachments (Sw. A) Profile 1. 1 – OASIS WSS TC • SOAP Messages with Attachments (Sw. A) Profile 1. 1 – OASIS Public Review Draft 01, 28 June 2005 is being discussed in the OASIS Web Services Security TC. – This document describes how to use the OASIS Web Services Security: SOAP Message Security standard [WSS-Sec] with SOAP Messages with Attachments [Sw. A]. More specifically, it describes how a web service consumer can secure SOAP attachments using SOAP Message Security for attachment integrity, confidentiality and origin authentication, and how a receiver may process such a message. – http: //www. oasis-open. org/committees/download. php/13288/wss-v 1. 1 -spec-pr-Sw. AProfile 01. html 2005/08/31 ACS WG - Data transport with SOAP message 2

WS-I • Attachments Profile 1. 0 (http: //www. ws-i. org/Profiles/Attachments. Profile-1. 0 -2004 -08 WS-I • Attachments Profile 1. 0 (http: //www. ws-i. org/Profiles/Attachments. Profile-1. 0 -2004 -08 -24. html) refers this as below: – SOAP Messages with Attachments (Sw. A) defines a MIME multipart/related structure for packaging attachments with SOAP messages. This profile complements the Basic Profile 1. 1 to add support for conveying interoperable Sw. A-based attachments with SOAP messages. – Attachments Profile 1. 0 is referred from WS-I Basic Profile 1. 1 (http: //www. ws-i. org/Profiles/Basic. Profile-1. 1 -2004 -08 -24. html) 2005/08/31 ACS WG - Data transport with SOAP message 3

Some other specifications. • Relevant specifications for data transport with SOAP. – SOAP 1. Some other specifications. • Relevant specifications for data transport with SOAP. – SOAP 1. 2 Attachment Feature • http: //www. w 3. org/TR/2004/NOTE-soap 12 -af-20040608/ – SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism • http: //www. w 3. org/TR/2005/REC-soap 12 -mtom-20050125/ 2005/08/31 ACS WG - Data transport with SOAP message 4

Other Information on the Web • Overview - SOAP Attachments http: //n. ethz. ch/student/jodaniel/37 Other Information on the Web • Overview - SOAP Attachments http: //n. ethz. ch/student/jodaniel/37 -310/slides/christian_wassmer. ppt • SAAJ: SOAP Attachment API for Java http: //www. cse. buffalo. edu/gridforce/fall 2004/SAAJOct 1. ppt • SOAP 1. 2, Introduction http: //www-serl. cs. colorado. edu/downloads/serl-talks/2002. 04 -SOAP. ppt • Web Services Support over J 2 EE 1. 4 http: //www. javapassion. com/webservices/J 2 EE 1. 4 Web. Services. Short 4. pdf • Java Web Services Developer Pack 1. 5 http: //javaoneonline. mentorware. net/mw/subsystems/2000/system/docs/sunw_wb 1215. p df – SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) 1. 2 2005/08/31 ACS WG - Data transport with SOAP message 5

SOAP message and MIME • A SOAP message with MIME header. MIME-Version: 1. 0 SOAP message and MIME • A SOAP message with MIME header. MIME-Version: 1. 0 Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8 bit Content-ID: Content-Location: claim 061400 a. xml . . . . 2005/08/31 ACS WG - Data transport with SOAP message 6

SOAP message with attachment(1) • A SOAP message with attachment can be stored in SOAP message with attachment(1) • A SOAP message with attachment can be stored in a multipart MIME structure. – The SOAP message itself will be stored in the “root” body part* of the multipart MIME structure. – Attachments to the SOAP will be stored in other parts in a multipart MIME structure. The SOAP message will contain reference to the attachment. – See examples in following pages. • Sw. A proposes how the reference for the parts in MIME is resolved. See the quotes from the Sw. A doc to be more precise. • An ACS request as a SOAP message can be contained in the “root” body part of the Multipart/Related MIME structure and has a reference to the attachments, if there any. * RFC 2387 specifies that “root” body part can be indicated with “start” attribute in the Content-Type header and the first one in the parts by default. 2005/08/31 ACS WG - Data transport with SOAP message 7

SOAP message with attachment(2) • RFC 2396 specifies a process skeleton for establishing a SOAP message with attachment(2) • RFC 2396 specifies a process skeleton for establishing a base URI, based on the following options, listed in order of precedence. 1. Base URI within Document Content: the mechanism for explicit specification of a base URI within a SOAP 1. 1 message will be the XML base mechanism. 2. Base URI from an Encapsulating Entity: If there is a Content-Location header containing an absolute URI in any MIME entity enclosing the primary SOAP 1. 1 message, then the URI from the closest such Content-Location header is the base URI for the entity. 3. Base URI from the Retrieval URI: the retrieval URI for a SOAP message package is never allowed to be used as a base URI. 4. Default Base URI: the default base URI will be "thismessage: /" in accordance with RFC 2557. • Sw. A proposes how the reference for the parts in MIME is resolved. – Every MIME part in the Multipart/Related structure that constitutes a SOAP message package has at least one absolute URI label. There are three cases. 1. If a Content-Location header is present with an absolute URI value then that URI is a label for the part. 2. If a Content-Location header is present with a relative URI value then rules 2 and 4 above are applied to establish the base URI for the process of converting the relative URI to an absolute one. The resulting absolute URI is a label for the part. 3. If a Content-ID header is present, then an absolute URI label for the part is formed using the CID URI scheme as described in RFC 2111. 2005/08/31 ACS WG - Data transport with SOAP message 8

SOAP message with attachment(3) MIME-Version: 1. 0 Content-Type: Multipart/Related; boundary=MIME_boundary; type=text/xml; start= SOAP message with attachment(3) MIME-Version: 1. 0 Content-Type: Multipart/Related; boundary=MIME_boundary; type=text/xml; start="" Content-Description: This is the optional message description. Content-Location: http: //claiming-it. com/ --MIME_boundary Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8 bit Content-ID: Base URI Content-Location: claim 061400 a. xml SOAP message . . referencing URI to the attachment. . Referenced URI --MIME_boundary Content-Type: image/tiff Attachment to the SOAP Content-Transfer-Encoding: base 64 message, as another Content-Location: claim 061400 a. tiff. . . base 64 -encoded TIFF data. . . part of the multipart --MIME_boundary-- 2005/08/31 ACS WG - Data transport with SOAP message MIME message 9

ACS request as a SOAP message • ACS requests are represented in SOAP message. ACS request as a SOAP message • ACS requests are represented in SOAP message. • ACS (ARI) Create request is accompanied with AA document. • The AA document itself can be embedded in the request message or an attachment to the message. 2005/08/31 ACS WG - Data transport with SOAP message 10

ACS Create message (1) • Discrete files in multipart MIME: <ari: Create> <ari: AA ACS Create message (1) • Discrete files in multipart MIME: Each refers to other parts in MIME multipart structure (or external storage). : 2005/08/31 ACS WG - Data transport with SOAP message 11

Discrete files in multipart MIME - Structure of the ACS Create message Create Request Discrete files in multipart MIME - Structure of the ACS Create message Create Request (SOAP) AAD AC-1 AC-2 AC-n 2005/08/31 ACS WG - Data transport with SOAP message 12

ACS Create message (2) • A bundled file in a MIME structure: <ari: Create> ACS Create message (2) • A bundled file in a MIME structure: 2005/08/31 ACS WG - Data transport with SOAP message This refers to another parts in MIME multipart structure. 13

A bundled file in multipart MIME - Structure of the ACS Create message Create A bundled file in multipart MIME - Structure of the ACS Create message Create Request (SOAP) A bundled file containing AAD and multiple AC’s 2005/08/31 ACS WG - Data transport with SOAP message 14

In summary… • The AA document for ACS Create request can be embedded in In summary… • The AA document for ACS Create request can be embedded in the SOAP message itself without attachments, making a single XML document. • Alternatively, it can be transported as SOAP with attachment. • There are two possible embodiment to the attachment. – Discrete files in multiple MIME – A bundled file in a MIME 2005/08/31 ACS WG - Data transport with SOAP message 15