- Количество слайдов: 20
GROUP EDITOR Group Editor (4 or 5): The Group Editor is in charge of their group. The editor makes sure everyone is on task and is a runner for all group members. Before a mini deadline is due midweek the editor will conduct a staff proofreading session, ensuring that all pages are errorfree or that proper corrections are made before they are due to the chief editor at the end of the week. The editor also does a final review before all pages are sent to the printing press. Yearbook editors review all proofs from the printer, and fix any problems that arise.
SALES MANAGER Sales Manager (1): The Sales Manager keeps track of sales by reporting to the ASB clerk every two weeks to collect a sales report. The Sales Manager also calculates percentage of books sold and sets sales goals.
MARKETING MANAGER Marketing Manager: The marketing team will come up with various marketing schemes to advertise the books and carry out the advertising project. The Marketing team will also make yearbook presentations at Rallies. Must be an excellent public speaker.
ONLINE ADVERTISING MANAGER Online Advertising Manager (1): The Online Advertising Manager will have control of the Yearbook Facebook account and post upcoming events, yearbook sales and specials.
REGULAR STAFF MEMBER REGULAR Staff Member: Work on assigned spreads, proof read spreads and help the marketing team with projects.
YEARBOOK PRODUCTS FOR SALE YEARBOOK: $80/$85 (after Dec) Reserve $20 Can be purchased online www. Yearbookforever. com PERSONALIZATION: $4 for icons $7. 00 1 line of text, $14 for 2 lines of text ADS: students, parents, teachers, businesses $300 for full page, $150 for half, $100 for ¼, $80 for business card size.
Selling Sponsor Ads Yearbook
SPONSOR ADS Allow businesses to enhance their business visibility and show their community support by being one of our sponsors. A sponsorship ad helps our yearbook and our school connect to the community. There are three levels of recognition: Bronze Donate $80. 00 – Business card size ad Silver: Donate $100 – ¼ page business ad Gold: Donate $150. 00 – ½ page business ad Platinum: Donate $300 - full page business ad
Fundraising for yearbook - You must try to get at least 1 business to buy a sponsorship ad. - You want to visit the business you or your family buy from or visit the most. For example: auto shop, dentist, doctor, hair salon, restaurant, donut shop, video store, music store, car wash, auto parts, pet store, grocery store, , etc.
Extra credit ASSIGNMENT Print out letters with the sponsorship ad flyer. (Can be found on the template drive in Ms. Kezios’s folder) Put your name on the line and sign the bottom. Give it to the business owner during your presentation.
Make a good first impression When you enter the business you’re representing no t just the yearbook staff, but your entire school. When you meet the owner or decision maker be courteous. Smile and start with a firm handshake. Introduce yourself as a member of Sierra Vista high school yearbook staff. Avoid using slang. Dress appropriately. You don’t need to wear a business suit, but you should avoid wearing shorts and flip flops. : /
Sell the Sponsor Ad Explain the three levels of recognition Bronze Donate $80. 00 – Business card size ad and a yearbook donated to a student in your name. Silver: Donate $100 – ¼ page business ad Gold: Donate $150. 00 – ½ page business ad Platinum: Donate $300 - full page business ad
Meet with the right person If you do not meet with the owner or decision maker than leave the sponsor ad information sheet.
Overcome objections If the advertiser says they cannot afford the ad, remind then that even the smallest ad is an investment that enables them to reach out to the buying power of the yearbook’s student market. If they say that students are not their target market , remind them that parents, grandparents, staff and faculty will also purchase the yearbook. Tax Write off for their business
Life after the sale Once the owner has filled out the order form and has paid (checks can be payable to: Sierra Vista High School) Don’t forget to give them the receipt! A sincere thank you is a professional way to complete the selling presentation. Express gratitude to the advertiser for his/her time, even if the business does not purchase an ad. Send a thank you note.
Life after the sale What to turn in to Advisor: 1) Check payable to Sierra Vista High School 2) copy of receipt
In class assignment List ten business that you will visit and try to sell the sponsor ad to. You want to visit the business you or your family buy from or visit the most. For example: auto shop, dentist, doctor, hair salon, restaurant, donut shop, video store, music store, car wash, auto parts, pet store, grocery store, , etc. Print letters, print your name and sign.
Posters! YEARBOOK: $80 Reserve for $20 to lock in the $80 price goes up in January. Make payment in ASB or Can be purchased online www. Yearbookforever. com PERSONALIZATION: Personalize your book for easy identification. $4 for icons $7. 00 1 line of text, $14 for 2 lines of text. Purchase in the ASB office or online www. yearbookforever. com ADS: yearbook ads for sale $300 for full page, $150 for half, $100 for ¼, $80. Split a page with your best friends. Recognize a group or organization on campus.