- Количество слайдов: 14
Data Mining – Revealing the Sound Recordings Metadata Meaning Ivan Pesic and Vesna Aleksandrovic National Library of Serbia NCD Conference, Belgrade MMX
The Beginning: Three major steps § Being aware of information we do have. However, it is only information, without any meaning if we do not give it a meaning. Give it a meaning! § To gather similar types of meanings and create a higher system, which could be beneficial to one who seeks the information. Reorganizing and gathering! § Foresee every single chance to help the seeker to find what he is looking for. Think ahead of time!
A bit of historical notices… Beware, interesting! …secret world of signs stored on each gramophone record, beyond the sound itself, reveals additional meaning and information, just as guidelines to finding out its history
The Gramophone Company numbers 02530… instrument language 5 - piano 2 - Russian 2 - male 3 - French 3 - female size 0 - 12 in 4 - German WCG. 3974 -R? The recording made by Will Gaisberg!
Recording speed • Are 78 rpm records REALLY that fast? • 60 to 90 rpm 78 revolutions (or rotations) per minute • It depends on: • publishing house and its technical equipage • period of recording • used stylus and many other things
And many other things such as… § initials and unresolved pseudonyms E. Mullot? § recording/record date 19? ? § title and other information translations § subject and topical heading
Bibliographic issues 001 [a]c - ispravljeni zapis [b]j - zvučni snimci, muzički [c]m - monografska publikacija [d]0 - nema hierarhijskog odnosa [7]vv više pisama 07121[a]Z. 1007 100 [b]f - publikacija s procenjenom godinom izdavanja [c]19? ? [h]scc - srpski [i]b 1 - transliteracija COBISS za ćirilicu [l]ba latinica 1012 [a]scr - hrvatski [a]ger - nemački 102 [a]hrv - Hrvatska 126 [a]a - gramofonska ploča [b]d - 78 o/m [d]x - [e]d - 10 in (25, 4 cm) [i]a - akustična 128 [a]wz - valceri [a]df - plesni oblici (pojedini plesovi, osim mazurke, menueta, pavane, polke i valcera) [b]of - duvački orkestar 2001 [a]Rosen aus dem süden [b]Zvučni snimak [e]valcer [f]J. [ohann] Strauss [c]Hrvatski plesovi [f]F. [ranjo] S. [erafin] Vilhar [g][izvodi] Muzika Savske diviz. [ione] oblasti [g]kapelnik I. [vo] Muhvić 210 [a]Zagreb [c]Edison Bell Electron [d][19? ? ] [e]Zagreb [g]Edison Bell Electron 215 [a]1 gramofonska ploča [d]25
• [f]J. [ohann] Strauss •
Remove line wrapping %s/n ([[A-Z])/1/g [/ [/g ([A-zšđč枊ЎČĆ0 -9()#-"])/1/g
Map. Force • Step 1 — PARSING (Flex. Text configuration) • Step 2 — DATA MAPPING, detail User function, multiplexing fields User function, creating signature field
XML Scheme
xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="style 1." src="https://present5.com/presentation/07eb0e3e9daeb1eaac3d85ecad1c1b29/image-12.jpg" alt="Final XML file xml version="1. 0" encoding="UTF-8"? > xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="style 1." />
Final XML file xml version="1. 0" encoding="UTF-8"? > xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="style 1. xsl"? >
Sample XSL transformation of the XML metadata file
Ivan Pešić ivan. pesic@gmail. com Vesna Aleksandrović vesna. aleksandrovic@gmail. com National Library of Serbia