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Data from a national survey of 800 Likely Voters in the U. S. , Data from a national survey of 800 Likely Voters in the U. S. , conducted March 18 -20, 2008 #08177

Concern over the economy has supplanted all other issues as Americans’ top concern. Concern over the economy has supplanted all other issues as Americans’ top concern.

The mood of the country has never been more negative. All in all, do The mood of the country has never been more negative. All in all, do you think that things in the nation are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel that things are off on the wrong track? Wrong Track 78% 68% 67% 66% 67% 63% 63% 62% 61% 66% 61% 58% 60% 58% 59% 56% 57% 57% 54% 51% 52% 48% 52% 47% NYT/CBS – 4/2/2008 42% 40% 14% RD - 81% WT 34% 35% 32% 31% 28% 30% 26% 27% 28% 27% 29% 28% 26% 25% 24% 22% 20% 19% 21% 20% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 11/2006 Exit Polls 41% RD – 55% WT 10% Right Direction 15% 05 7/ 05 9/ 0 10 5 /0 11 5 /0 12 5 /0 5 1/ 06 3/ 06 4/ 06 6/ 06 7/ 06 9/ 0 10 6 /0 12 6 /0 6 1/ 07 3/ 07 4/ 07 6/ 07 7/ 07 9/ 0 11 7 /0 12 7 /0 7 1/ 08 3/ 08 4/ 08 05 5/ 05 4/ 2/ 1/ 05 0% Data from NBC/WSJ Poll conducted April 25 -28, 2008 survey of 1, 006 Registered Voters #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 3

The economy has clearly emerged as the nation’s top issue. I am going to The economy has clearly emerged as the nation’s top issue. I am going to read you a list of concerns that people have. Please tell me which TWO of these concern you the most. . . Combined Choices December, 2007 51% The economy and jobs 33% The situation in Iraq 23% Affordable health care 21% Terrorism and national security Reducing dependence on Middle East oil 19% 16% Social Security 30% 29% 25% 29% 19% Taxes 11% 12% The environment and global warming 10% NA The Middle East conflict between Israel and the Palestinians/The threat of Iran 7% #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 8% 4

Voters for all candidates agree that the economy is the top issue, but they Voters for all candidates agree that the economy is the top issue, but they disagree on everything else. I am going to read you a list of concerns that people have. Please tell me which TWO of these concern you the most. . . Mc. Cain (46%) Clinton (40%) Mc. Cain (42%) Obama (43%) The economy and jobs 46% 55% 46% 56% The situation in Iraq 23% 41% 22% 41% Affordable health care 16% 31% 17% 29% Terrorism and national security 38% 5% 38% 6% Reducing dependence on Middle East oil 23% 13% 23% 16% Social Security 13% 20% 15% 18% Taxes 16% 5% 16% 6% The environment and global warming 5% 16% 4% 16% The Middle East conflict between Israel and the Palestinians/Threat of Iran 10% 3% 9% 4% #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 5

US support for Israel is as high as it’s ever been. And, more Americans US support for Israel is as high as it’s ever been. And, more Americans than ever believe the US should take Israel’s side in the conflict.

There’s no change in the strong support Americans show for Israel. Now, on another There’s no change in the strong support Americans show for Israel. Now, on another subject. . . Thinking about the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinians in the Middle East, please tell me whether, in general, you consider yourself to be. . . Israel Supporter 80% Palestinian Supporter Neither/Undecided 70% 60% 50% 40% Disengagement 56% 50% 48% Lebanon 58% 49% 52% 52% 48% 49% 48% 47% 46% 45% 42% 40% 65% 56% 54% 53% 50% 49% 62% 60% 48% 30% 20% 15% 14% 12% 10% 11% 10% 10% 9% 8%8%9% 7%6% 6%7% 7% 6% 10% 5% 5% 8% 27% Strng 31% 8% 8% March 2008 10 /2 4/ 002 2 7/ 003 2 8/ 003 11 200 /2 3 1/ 003 3/ 20 1 0 3/ 7/2 4 23 00 /2 4 7/ 004 2 9/ 004 11 200 /2 4 2/ 004 2 5/ 005 2 8/ 005 10 200 /2 5 1/ 005 2 5/ 006 2 7/ 006 2 8/ 006 2 9/ 006 11 200 /2 6 1/ 006 2 5/ 007 2 6/ 007 2 9/ 007 12 200 /2 7 3/ 007 20 08 0% #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 7

Support for Israel by region of the country Pacific 51% Farm Belt 51% Great Support for Israel by region of the country Pacific 51% Farm Belt 51% Great Lakes 57% New England 65% Mid-Atlantic 49% Mountain 73% Outer South 63% Deep South 73% #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 8

Israel’s strongest supporters. . . GOP Men 85% Fox News Viewers 85% Strong Republicans Israel’s strongest supporters. . . GOP Men 85% Fox News Viewers 85% Strong Republicans 84% GOP College + 80% Very Conservative 79% 77% GOP Less than College Conservative 75% GOP Women 73% "Somewhat" Conservative 72% Ages 55 -64 70% Men 50+ 68% Southerners 68% #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 9

Mc. Cain voters are more likely to support Israel than their Democratic counterparts. Now, Mc. Cain voters are more likely to support Israel than their Democratic counterparts. Now, on another subject. . . Thinking about the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinians in the Middle East, please tell me whether, in general, you consider yourself to be. . . Mc. Cain v. Clinton Mc. Cain v. Obama 78% 77% 48% 6% Mc. Cain (47%) 46% 12% Clinton (40%) A supporter of Israel 14% 4% Mc. Cain (42%) Obama (43%) A supporter of the Palestinians #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 10

And, overwhelmingly, Americans believe America SHOULD SUPPORT Israel. Thinking about the ongoing conflict between And, overwhelmingly, Americans believe America SHOULD SUPPORT Israel. Thinking about the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinians in the Middle East, please tell me whether, in general, do you think America should be. . . Israel Supporter Palestinian Supporter Neither/Undecided 80% 71% 68% 60% Lebanon Disengagement 46% 38% 40% 30% 51% 61% 71% 48% 43% 34% 23% 24% 71% 14% 20% 11% 2% 4% 7% 6% 3% 10% 8% #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 8 20 0 March 2008 3/ 07 12 /2 0 6 20 0 5/ 05 10 /2 0 5 20 0 5/ 3 20 0 4/ 02 10 /2 0 20 0 2 0% 7/ 14% 8% 11

A majority of Obama and Clinton voters believe the US should support Israel. Now, A majority of Obama and Clinton voters believe the US should support Israel. Now, on another subject. . . Thinking about the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinians in the Middle East, please tell me whether, in general, do you think America should be. . . Mc. Cain v. Clinton 86% 85% Mc. Cain v. Obama 62% 58% 4% Mc. Cain (47%) 11% Clinton (40%) A supporter of Israel 5% Mc. Cain (42%) 9% Obama (43%) A supporter of the Palestinians #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 12

Voters believe that Israel is a vital ally of the United States, and that Voters believe that Israel is a vital ally of the United States, and that it respects freedom of religion, speech and press and respects the rights of women and minorities. #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 13

There’s a general consensus that Israel is “a vital ally to the US. ” There’s a general consensus that Israel is “a vital ally to the US. ” Do you believe that. . . Israel is a vital ally to the United States? . . . or that. . . Israel is not a vital ally to the United States? 76% 19% Vital ally Not a vital ally #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 14

Americans overwhelmingly believe that Israel should remain a Jewish state and a homeland for Americans overwhelmingly believe that Israel should remain a Jewish state and a homeland for the Jewish people. Now, please tell me if you agree or disagree with each of the following statements regarding this conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. . . Israel should remain as a Jewish state and as a homeland for the Jewish people. By Party 88% 84% 11% Agree Disagree 83% 80% 8% Agree Disagree 13% Agree Disagree GOP IND (31%) (27%) #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 12% Agree Disagree DEM (40%) 15

Americans believe “Israel is a country that respects freedom of religion, speech and press”… Americans believe “Israel is a country that respects freedom of religion, speech and press”… Do you believe that. . . Israel is a country that respects freedom of religion, speech and press? . . . or that. . . Israel is a country that does not respect freedom of religion, speech and press? 68% 22% Does respect Does not respect #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 16

And that “Israel respects the rights of women and minorities. ” Do you believe And that “Israel respects the rights of women and minorities. ” Do you believe that. . . Israel is a country that respects the rights of women. . . or that. . . Israel is a country that does not respect the rights of women. 60% Israel is a country that respects the rights of minorities. . . or. . . Israel is a country that does not respect the rights of minorities. 57% 22% Does respect Does not respect Does respect #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 Does not respect 17

Americans believe that the Israeli government is committed to peace in the Middle East Americans believe that the Israeli government is committed to peace in the Middle East and that the Palestinian Authority and Hamas are not.

Americans believe that the Israeli government is committed to reaching a peace agreement. How Americans believe that the Israeli government is committed to reaching a peace agreement. How committed do you think the Israeli government is to reaching a peace agreement with the Palestinians? Total By Party 74% 66% 30% Total 67% 22% GOP (32%) By World View 59% 30% IND (28%) Committed 69% 64% 37% DEM (39%) 32% Get Along (48%) Little/Not Committed #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 28% Need to Protect (45%) 19

But, they aren’t convinced of the same thing about the Palestinian Authority or Hamas. But, they aren’t convinced of the same thing about the Palestinian Authority or Hamas. How committed do you think the Palestinian Authority which controls the West Bank and is led by President Mahmoud Abbas is to reaching a peace agreement with Israel? How committed do you think the Palestinian leadership in Gaza, led by Hamas, is to reaching a peace agreement with Israel? 70% 61% 33% Committed 28% Little/Not Committed #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 Little/Not Committed 20

While Americans strongly support a “two-state solution, ” there is also a strong sense While Americans strongly support a “two-state solution, ” there is also a strong sense that this conflict is more about ideology and religion rather than land. #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 21

Americans overwhelmingly believe the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is about ideology/religion, not land. The conflict between Americans overwhelmingly believe the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is about ideology/religion, not land. The conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is really about land. Once agreements are reached on dividing Jerusalem and establishing borders, the two sides will live side-by-side in peace. . or. . . The conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is about ideology and religion. The two sides will live in peace only when they acknowledge each other's right to exist. By Party 79% 67% 25% 24% 62% 31% 15% Ideology/ Land Religion Total Ideology/ Land Religion GOP IND (32%) (28%) #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 Ideology/ Land Religion DEM (39%) 22

Americans reject the notion peace will only come when Israel gives up West Bank Americans reject the notion peace will only come when Israel gives up West Bank settlements and divides Jerusalem. Only when Israel gives up West Bank settlements and is willing to divide Jerusalem can there be peace with the Palestinians. 52% 40% Agree Disagree #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 23

Americans strongly support a “two-state solution. ” Do you support or oppose a two-state Americans strongly support a “two-state solution. ” Do you support or oppose a two-state solution in the Middle East between Israel and the Palestinians, where both have independent nations? By Party 84% 81% 10% 87% 12% 10% 8% Support Oppose Support. Oppose Total GOP (32%) IND (28%) DEM (39%) #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 24

But, more than 90% of Americans believe the Palestinians need to stop their missile But, more than 90% of Americans believe the Palestinians need to stop their missile attacks before a two-state solution can work. Before a two-state solution can work and peace be realized in the Middle East, the Palestinians need to stop their missile attacks against Israel. 94% 93% 5% Agree By Party Disagree 93% 5% Agree Disagree 93% 4% Agree Disagree GOP IND (33%) (29%) #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 4% Agree Disagree DEM (37%) 25

And, Americans believe Israel must defend itself against attack, just as the US would. And, Americans believe Israel must defend itself against attack, just as the US would. Just as the US would defend itself if rockets were fired at our cities on a daily basis, Israel must defend itself and take action to end the terrorism. 97% 90% 7% Agree By Party Disagree Agree 89% 3% Disagree 88% 10% 9% Agree Disagree GOP IND (31%) (27%) #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 Agree Disagree DEM (40%) 26

Americans support the concept of “trading land with the Palestinians” so that tens of Americans support the concept of “trading land with the Palestinians” so that tens of thousands of Israelis don’t have to move from their settlements. In reaching a two-state solution, Israel should be allowed to trade land with the Palestinians so that they do not need to force tens of thousands of Jewish citizens living in large West Bank settlements to move. 70% 18% Agree Disagree #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 27

Expectations regarding a two-state solution are tempered, as Americans doubt whether it would bring Expectations regarding a two-state solution are tempered, as Americans doubt whether it would bring lasting peace to the region. #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 28

While voters believe an independent Palestinian state will help improve the Palestinians’ economy, make While voters believe an independent Palestinian state will help improve the Palestinians’ economy, make Israel more secure and reduce Palestinian terrorism. . . Do you believe that the establishment of an Independent Palestinian state would. . . Help improve the economic future of the Palestinian people? 74% Make Israel more secure as a nation? Reduce Palestinian terrorism against Israel? 67% 59% 35% 26% 19% Yes No #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 Yes No 29

Attitudes are more divided on whether it will bring lasting peace or lead to Attitudes are more divided on whether it will bring lasting peace or lead to a reduction in the threat of US terror attacks. Do you believe that the establishment of an Independent Palestinian state would. . . Bring lasting peace to this region of the world? 46% 48% Yes No Lead to a reduction in the threat of terrorist attacks on US soil by Islamic extremists? 53% 40% Yes #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 No 30

Americans overwhelmingly agree that “Palestinian leaders must end the culture of hate. ” The Americans overwhelmingly agree that “Palestinian leaders must end the culture of hate. ” The Palestinian leaders must end the culture of hate that encourages children to become suicide bombers. March 2008 By Party 93% 85% 10% Agree August 2005 93% 89% 5% May 2006 10% March 2008 88% 86% 6% GOP (31%) 11% IND (27%) #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 11% DEM (40%) 31

Two-thirds of Americans agree that the $3 billion Israel receives from the US in Two-thirds of Americans agree that the $3 billion Israel receives from the US in military aid is a good investment. The $3 Billion the United States gives Israel a year in foreign aid is a good investment to help Israel defend themselves and to help the US fight terrorism. By Party By News Source 80% 77% 67% 76% 60% 58% 45% Strong 29% 20% 18% 34% 29% 65% 29% 20% 19% Strong Agr. Dis. Fox (23%) CNN (13%) Local News (12%) NBC (10%) GOP (33%) IND (29%) DEM (37%) #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 32

Support for Israel’s security fence remains strong; and, more than three-fourths of Americans believe Support for Israel’s security fence remains strong; and, more than three-fourths of Americans believe that Israeli checkpoints in the West Bank are justified to protect Israeli citizens from terrorism.

Support for Israel’s security fence has increased over the years. Now, as you may Support for Israel’s security fence has increased over the years. Now, as you may know, Israel is constructing a security fence between itself and the Palestinian territories. Do you believe that Israel is justified in building this security fence, or should it be removed? 63% 49% 39% July* 2003 31% November* 2003 45% 42%47% 39% 25% January* 2004 July* 2004 62% 60% October 2005 33% May 2006 30% March 2008 Justified Should be removed * In 2003 and 2004 the political potential of the fence was described. #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 34

And, it doesn’t really make a difference HOW the question is asked. Now, as And, it doesn’t really make a difference HOW the question is asked. Now, as you may know, Israel is constructing a security fence between itself and the Palestinian territories. Do you believe that Israel is justified in building this security fence, or should it be removed? Now, as you may know, Israel is constructing a security fence between itself and the Palestinian territories. Do you approve or disapprove of Israel's security fence? 62% 47% Strongly 44% Strongly 30% 20% Strongly Justified Should be removed 29% 17% Strongly Approve #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 Disapprove 35

When Americans are told more about Israel’s “security checkpoints” in the West Bank. . When Americans are told more about Israel’s “security checkpoints” in the West Bank. . . Now, as you may know, Israel has established security checkpoints in the West Bank. The Palestinian Government says that these Israeli checkpoints are often deep inside Palestinian territory and severely restrict travel between local communities, often making it nearly impossible to commute to places of business. The Israeli Government says that they understand the checkpoints cause hardships to Palestinians, but that they are needed to keep terrorists from launching attacks against Israeli citizens. #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 36

There is overwhelming support for the checkpoints. How do you feel about this? Do There is overwhelming support for the checkpoints. How do you feel about this? Do you believe these Israeli checkpoints in the Palestinian West Back are justified to protect Israeli citizens from terrorism? By Party By World View 87% 77% 75% 15% Total 72% 18% 67% 21% 18% 9% 8% GOP (32%) IND (28%) Justified DEM (39%) Get Along (48%) Ned to Protect (45%) Not Justified #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 37

While a majority of Americans believe that Jerusalem should stay under Israeli control, support While a majority of Americans believe that Jerusalem should stay under Israeli control, support for Israeli control of the city increases when voters are reminded that Israel currently keeps all of the holy sites open and safe for all faiths.

While Americans support Jerusalem staying under Israel’s control. . . Now, on the topic While Americans support Jerusalem staying under Israel’s control. . . Now, on the topic of Jerusalem, do you believe that. . . Jerusalem should stay entirely under Israel’s control? . . . or. . . Jerusalem should be divided between Israel and the Palestinians? By Party 72% 55% 44% 40% 32% 47% 39% 18% Remain Israeli Divide GOP IND (33%) (29%) #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 Remain Israeli Divide DEM (37%) 39

Support is even higher when reminded that all holy sites are kept open under Support is even higher when reminded that all holy sites are kept open under Israel’s control. Now, on the topic of Jerusalem, do you believe that. . . Jerusalem should stay entirely under Israel's control since Israel keeps all the Christian, Muslim and Jewish holy sites open and safe for all faiths? . . . or. . . Jerusalem should be divided between Israel and the Palestinians in order to make progress towards a two-state solution? By Party 78% 63% 57% 20% 57% 25% 22% 13% Remain Israeli Divided GOP IND DEM (31%) (27%) (40%) #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 Remain Israeli Divided 40

Americans believe that Hamas leaders are more to blame than Israeli leaders for the Americans believe that Hamas leaders are more to blame than Israeli leaders for the current humanitarian crisis in Gaza. And, nearly threefourths believe that Hamas is purposely putting its civilian population in harm’s way by using them as human shields when they attack Israel.

Voters overwhelmingly place the blame for the Gaza humanitarian crisis on Hamas leaders rather Voters overwhelmingly place the blame for the Gaza humanitarian crisis on Hamas leaders rather than Israeli leaders. Regardless of which side you generally support in this conflict. . . Who do you blame more for the current humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip? Israeli leaders …or… Hamas leaders who control Gaza? By News Source 85% 80% 64% 20% 14% Israeli Hamas leaders Total 62% 61% 5% Hamas leaders Fox (23%) 14% Israeli Hamas leadersleaders CNN (14%) Local News (14%) #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 6% Hamas leaders NBC (9%) 42

US attitudes are evenly divided on Israel’s “humanitarian obligation” to Gaza. Despite the fact US attitudes are evenly divided on Israel’s “humanitarian obligation” to Gaza. Despite the fact that Hamas wants to destroy Israel, Israel still has a humanitarian obligation to continue to provide Gaza with basic goods and services, including electricity and water. . or. . . Because Hamas wants to destroy Israel, Israel has no obligation to help. Gaza should be forced to get all of its electricity from another country, until Hamas stops shooting rockets at Israel and recognizes their right to exist. By Party By World View 58% 42% 45% 34% GOP (31%) 41% 45% 48% IND (27%) Obliged 58% 52% 37% DEM (40%) 35% 33% Get Along Need to Protect (48%) (45%) Not Obliged #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 43

Nearly 75% of Americans believe Hamas is using human shields when they attack Israel. Nearly 75% of Americans believe Hamas is using human shields when they attack Israel. Hamas is purposely putting its civilian population in harm’s way by using them as human shields when they attack Israel. By Party 80% 73% 75% 65% 18% Agree Disagree 13% Agree Disagree 21% 18% Agree Disagree GOP IND (33%) (29%) #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 Agree Disagree DEM (37%) 44

Voters don’t believe Israel deserves blame when civilian casualties are the result of Hamas Voters don’t believe Israel deserves blame when civilian casualties are the result of Hamas using them as shields. Because Hamas uses civilian shields, Israel cannot be blamed when Palestinian civilians become casualties when Israel attacks the terrorists. 81% 64% 61% Strg 40% Strg 26% 14% Strg Agr. Dis. By News Source 17% 8% Strg Agr. Dis. Fox (22%) 82% By Party 70% 61% 58% 34% 33% 28% Strg 26% Strg 19% 16% 10% 19% Strg Agr. Dis. CNN Local News (15%) (16%) 53% Strg NBC (9%) 42% Strg 29% 14% 11% Strg 33% 27% Strg 19% Strg Agr. Dis. GOP (31%) IND (27%) DEM (40%) #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 45

Americans support Israel re-occupying Gaza as a last resort to stop the missile attacks. Americans support Israel re-occupying Gaza as a last resort to stop the missile attacks. If nothing else works to stop the missile attacks against Israel from Gaza, Israel should use their military to re-occupy Gaza. By Party By World View 76% 75% 60% 53% 50% 41% 32% 39% 45% 20% 17% Agree Dis. GOP (33%) Agree Dis. IND (29%) Agree Dis. DEM (37%) Agree Dis. Get Along Need to Protect (49%) (45%) #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 46

Americans are mixed on whether diplomacy and sanctions can stop Iran from developing nuclear Americans are mixed on whether diplomacy and sanctions can stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons. Yet, nearly two-thirds of Americans say they would feel less safe if Iran was successful in developing a nuclear weapon.

Americans are pretty evenly divided on the eventual success of diplomacy and sanctions in Americans are pretty evenly divided on the eventual success of diplomacy and sanctions in preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons. How much of a chance do you think there is that diplomacy and sanctions by the United States government can stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons? 54% 43% Good/Some Little/Hardly Any chance How much of a chance do you think there is that diplomacy and sanctions by the United Nations and European Union can stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons? 47% 52% Good/Some Little/Hardly Any chance #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 48

Nearly two-thirds of Americans believe that America will be less safe if Iran develops Nearly two-thirds of Americans believe that America will be less safe if Iran develops a nuclear bomb. Again, assuming that Iran is successful in developing a nuclear bomb. Do you believe. . . America will be less safe than it is now from terrorism. . . or. . . Will there be no change? 65% 34% Less safe No change #08177 The Israel Project National Survey – March 2008 49

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