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Data Communications Program MEM/EWR ATCT DCL Trials DCIT 24 Update To: DCIT 24 Plenary Data Communications Program MEM/EWR ATCT DCL Trials DCIT 24 Update To: DCIT 24 Plenary From: Matt Maki Date: 06. 13. 2013 Federal Aviation Administration

Agenda • Patch 4 Testing Status / MEM-EWR Installs • MEM / EWR Operational Agenda • Patch 4 Testing Status / MEM-EWR Installs • MEM / EWR Operational Trials Status/Results • Patch 5 / Build 7 Status • MEM Test NCP Extension: JW 925 -FDIO-1001 / T 34501 Federal Aviation Administration 2

Current DTAP Patch 4 Outlook ü 6/4: Factory Acceptance Testing Completed @ Thales ü Current DTAP Patch 4 Outlook ü 6/4: Factory Acceptance Testing Completed @ Thales ü 6/5: Patch 4 Installed at the WJHTC ü 6/6 -14: Patch 4 Testing at the WJHTC • 6/17: EWR Install • 6/18 -20: EWR Pre-SAT Testing • 6/24: MEM Install (Includes UPS upgrade) • 6/25 -27: MEM Pre-SAT Testing along with proposed 6/27 MGT demo - 24 x 7 Checkpoint Federal Aviation Administration 3

MEM Trials Current Status • Continued FDX Limited Ops (As of 6/13): - • MEM Trials Current Status • Continued FDX Limited Ops (As of 6/13): - • 35 to 50 DCL ops ‘shakeout’ period (20 MD-11, 15 B 777 ops minimums) 36 successful CAF DCL issued since April 17 start (28 MD-11, 8 B 777) 34 CAF, 2 UM 80 Initial DCLs Issued 5 UM 79 , 3 UM 80 Revisions issued Additional ops up to 6/23 planned MD-11 UM 79 Revisions stopped after May 3 Op due to FDX FD observed en-route FMS Map ‘To Point’ Magenta Line re-draw (back to original route): - Boeing/Honeywell identified and can reproduce issue Procedural Work around being presented to Flight Deck Working Group at Boeing/Long Beach EWR/UPS MD-11 to try to duplicate issue MEM 24 x 7 Trials Ops ‘Go’ Date pending FDX work around acceptance Federal Aviation Administration 4

EWR Trials Current Status • Continued Limited Ops (As of 6/13): - 6 successful EWR Trials Current Status • Continued Limited Ops (As of 6/13): - 6 successful CAF DCL issued since May 16 start (3 MD-11, 2 B 777, 1 A 340) 6 CAF DCLs Issued 2 UM 79 , 1 UM 80 Revisions issued Additional ops up to 6/14 planned Limited Trials Ops can resume 6/21 Additional ATC DTAP support expected after 6/21 or Refresher Training - • Domestic and International Participation: ü ü ü - UPS BAW SAS FDX (pending first Revenue operation) DLH, DLH Cargo, Swiss Air (pending initial testing) Federal Aviation Administration 5

DTAP Patch 5 and Build 7 Status • DTAP Patch 5 Requirements / Delivery DTAP Patch 5 and Build 7 Status • DTAP Patch 5 Requirements / Delivery Status: - • EWR ATC Requirements (4 Total) Thales cost/schedule proposal currently undergoing Gov evaluation Dual Contact / Drop Down Remarks proposal for a summer delivery Remaining Requirements delivery proposal moved to late Fall Combine remaining reqs with pending Build 7 proposal/estimate Thales to Scope Build 7 Requirements for Scope, Schedule Cost: - FAA options to select specific functionality based on schedule/cost consideration Build Contract Acceptance and Delivery to FAA currently TBD Federal Aviation Administration 6

MEM/EWR Test NCP Status EWR Test NCPs: MEM Test NCPs: JW 925 -HNL-1004 / MEM/EWR Test NCP Status EWR Test NCPs: MEM Test NCPs: JW 925 -HNL-1004 / T 34840 ZME HADDS Connection (EXTENSION) NAS CCB Approved – 5/2/2013 JW 925 -FDIO-1001 / T 34501 MEM DTAP FDIO/PCRCU Echo Port Connection NCP Issuance Date - 8/25/2012 JW 925 -HNL-1003 / T 34752 ZNY HADDS Connection NAS CCB Approved – 5/2/2013 JW 925 -FDIO-1002 / T 34753 EWR DTAP FDIO/PCRCU Echo Port Connection NAS CCB Approved – 5/2/2013 JW 925 -ATCT-1002 / T 34759 EWR DTAP Equipment Space ESA Approved – 3/4/2013 Federal Aviation Administration 7

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