Скачать презентацию Data collection with the Central Server for Statistical Скачать презентацию Data collection with the Central Server for Statistical


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Data collection with the Central Server for Statistical* Reporting *and prudential André Peters Project Data collection with the Central Server for Statistical* Reporting *and prudential André Peters Project Coordinator Tel : +32 (0)2 221 28 21 E-mail : andre. peters@nbb. be Mark Creemers Statistics Department, XBRL project leader Tel : +32 (0)2 221 55 58 E-mail : mark. creemers@nbb. be

National Bank of Belgium - Statistics & Supervision NBB is in charge of ¢ National Bank of Belgium - Statistics & Supervision NBB is in charge of ¢ Financial statistics ¢ Balance of payments & IIP ¢ Foreign trade statistics (for the National Accounts Institute) ¢ National Accounts (for the National Accounts Institute) ¢ Data collection for the Supervisory authority (CBFA) ¥ Banks, Insurance companies, Pension funds, OFI NBB is in a quite unique position covering data collection needs for financial statistics, for statistics on real economy and for supervision.

National Bank of Belgium - Statistics & Supervision ¢ 20, 000 reporting agents foreign National Bank of Belgium - Statistics & Supervision ¢ 20, 000 reporting agents foreign trade ¢ 12, 000 reporting agents for balance of payments (direct reporting) ¢ 4, 000 reporting agents for direct investments ¢ 110 banks, 250 pension funds, 140 insurance companies, . . . ¢ public administrations also report ¢ NBB reports to NBB for monetary statistics ==> Clear need for a rational IT solution for data collection ¢ User friendly for small companies filling in statistical forms ¢ Full automation capabilities for big companies using XBRL, XML, file transfer in a complex IT environment with a very high level of security

The solution : Central Server for Statistical Reporting ¢ a single IT software tool The solution : Central Server for Statistical Reporting ¢ a single IT software tool ¢ implemented on server(s) connected to the Internet ¢ dedicated to all kinds of statistical and prudential reports ¢ used by all kinds of reporting agents (financial, non-financial, public, private, big or small companies) ¢ to report to different authorities (central bank, supervisors, NSI)

IT : Life cycle of statistics & CSSR ¢ conception ¢ implementation ¢ data IT : Life cycle of statistics & CSSR ¢ conception ¢ implementation ¢ data collection & first validation } CSSR ¢ control & data correction ¢ production & quality control ¢ dissemination of results & broadcasting ==> very thin tool in the production chain but very efficient by its level of functionalities

Scope of CSSR ¢ Many statistical domains ¢ Many domains for supervision ¢ Many Scope of CSSR ¢ Many statistical domains ¢ Many domains for supervision ¢ Many surveys - many forms ¢ Different reporting frequencies ¢ Many sectors of activity ¢ Several languages (FR, NL, DE & EN) => For the declarants ¢ A single IT solution for all reportings ¢ A single IT solution for big, small, financial & non-financial companies ¢ A declarant must use only one IT software for all reportings

CSSR : Central Server for Statistical Reporting Banks Insurance companies OFI Pension funds Non-financial CSSR : Central Server for Statistical Reporting Banks Insurance companies OFI Pension funds Non-financial companies big, small, <> sectors of activity Administrations CSSR - Trade in services - Reporting for control - Banking supervision - Insurance supervision - IFRS - Basel II - Intrastat (foreign trade) - MIR - Direct investments - Securities portfolio - Other investments - etc Financial statistics Balance of payments Foreign trade Financial supervision Economic statistics National accounts Int. investment position

General Principles ¢ Internet standards-based application : HTTP, SMTP, S/MIME ¢ ‘Thin client’ architecture General Principles ¢ Internet standards-based application : HTTP, SMTP, S/MIME ¢ ‘Thin client’ architecture : only browser at client side, no NBB¢ ¢ ¢ software NBB does not intervene in the automation at client side One central validation-server at the NBB Support different profiles of users : low-profile, semi-automated and full-automated Support different levels of security : 'strong' and 'weak' secured Client is responsible for follow-up and quality of his reporting ¥ Immediate validation of his reporting ¥ Adequate functions to do this follow-up ¥ Same philosophy for many reportings

General Principles ¢ Reporting agents receives their own 'space' on the server ¥ input General Principles ¢ Reporting agents receives their own 'space' on the server ¥ input for a survey can be done over several days ¥ to finish the reporting, they have to 'close' the questionnaire ¢ Multilingual application ¢ Business areas are responsible for the business logic ¥ software is managed by the business areas ¥ the application contains functions to define new surveys, forms, validation- and derivation rules without intervention of the IT-department ¢ Short 'time to market' for new questionnaire

Input Channels ¢ On-line data entry : 'Web-forms' ¥ Layout and content of Webform Input Channels ¢ On-line data entry : 'Web-forms' ¥ Layout and content of Webform is determined by end-users ¢ Import of CSV-files ¥ Synchronous or asynchronous treatment ¥ Format of the csv-file is similar to the corresponding Web-form ¢ Http file upload ¥ XML format, one or many 'tables' ¥ Asynchronous treatment ¥ Client gets a validation report via e-mail ¢ Mail exchange ¥ Strong secured : data is encrypted and digitally signed (S/MIME) ¥ For certain reportings, non-secure mail is authorised under the responsibility of the client. Control on the 'from address'

Input Channels ¢ XBRL (IFRS, Bazel II, FINREP) ¥ integrated in the content part Input Channels ¢ XBRL (IFRS, Bazel II, FINREP) ¥ integrated in the content part of our proprietary XML format

Advantages for the reporting agent ¢ Advantages for the reporting agent ¥ A single Advantages for the reporting agent ¢ Advantages for the reporting agent ¥ A single tool ¥ A single address ¥ A single user. ID/certificate ¥ A single interface ¥ Multilingual software ¥ No software, no installation, no costs ¥ No interference between CSSR and the internal organisation of the reporting agent ¥ Validation reports (on-line or off-line)

Advantages for the central Bank or the Supervisor ¢ A single IT software ¢ Advantages for the central Bank or the Supervisor ¢ A single IT software ¢ No software distribution ¢ No support - officially one browser supported (I. E. v 5. 0) ¢ New release on demand & when needed ¢ Savings on costs of data entry, time to produce the results ¢ Higher quality thanks to integrated checks ¢ Software fully managed by the statisticians ¢ Reducing the "time to market"

IT: Functionalities for the reporting agent ¢ Web page interface with forms ¥ Edit, IT: Functionalities for the reporting agent ¢ Web page interface with forms ¥ Edit, Save, Delete, Validate functions ¢ File upload ¢ On-line validation ¢ On-line totalisation ¢ Standard print of forms ¢ Private memory space to store temporary data ¢ Identification of the contact persons ¢ Delegation of access authorisation ¢ Follow-up tool (control board) ¢ E-mail upload and off-line validation report

Functionalities for the statisticians & the supervisors ¢ Domain definition ¢ Survey definition ¢ Functionalities for the statisticians & the supervisors ¢ Domain definition ¢ Survey definition ¢ Code table, classification & list definition (meta-data) ¢ Definition, maintenance & update of validation & calculation rules ¢ Population Management ¥ Which companies have to report what for which period within which prescribed time limit ¢ Follow-up of response ¥ calculation of response rate / non-response rate / average delay for reporting ¥ preparation of reminder

Where does XBRL enter CSSR-picture? Central Server for Statistical Reporting Banks Insurance Companies OFI's Where does XBRL enter CSSR-picture? Central Server for Statistical Reporting Banks Insurance Companies OFI's Pension Funds Non-financial companies big, small, <> sectors of activity Administrations © National Bank of Belgium - Trade in services - Direct Investments - Securities Portfolio - Other investments - Intrastat - BSI (2003) - MIR (2003) - Supervision : Banks, Insurances Companies, Pension Funds XBRL • IFRS (2006) • Fin. Rep (2007) • Basel II, Co. Rep (2007) • Basel II, pillar II (2008) Financial Statistics Balance of Payments Foreign trade Economical stat. National accounts Prudential Supervisor

XBRL and the CSSR q Possibilities to report: 1. File upload / e-mail a) XBRL and the CSSR q Possibilities to report: 1. File upload / e-mail a) Create XBRL file b) Add XML envelope XML (identification) XBRL (data, > 99%) c) File upload / e-mail with signed and encrypted file in attachment 2. Manual Data entry © National Bank of Belgium

CSSR - file upload or e-mail delivery q q CSSR Delivery Report § CSSR CSSR - file upload or e-mail delivery q q CSSR Delivery Report § CSSR Acknowledgement § § q Your reference number is 7332 Your delivery (7332) has been accepted by the CSSR at the NBB and is sent to the validation server. A validation report will follow. CSSR Validation Report © National Bank of Belgium

CSSR - file upload or e-mail delivery © National Bank of Belgium CSSR - file upload or e-mail delivery © National Bank of Belgium

XBRL and the CSSR q There are no limitations in the reporting protocol with XBRL and the CSSR q There are no limitations in the reporting protocol with regard to: § the number of referenced taxonomies (templates); § the number of facts, contexts or periods. q So, within one document it is possible to report: § facts for all taxonomies for one period. § facts for one / more taxonomies for several periods. § (very) limited sets of concepts, possibly even concept per concept, for corrections or revisions. © National Bank of Belgium

CSSR - online access FINREP / COREP reporting in XBRL Other reportings in XML CSSR - online access FINREP / COREP reporting in XBRL Other reportings in XML © National Bank of Belgium

CSSR - online access © National Bank of Belgium CSSR - online access © National Bank of Belgium

CSSR - data entry © National Bank of Belgium CSSR - data entry © National Bank of Belgium

CSSR - data entry © National Bank of Belgium CSSR - data entry © National Bank of Belgium

CSSR - data entry © National Bank of Belgium CSSR - data entry © National Bank of Belgium

CSSR - data entry © National Bank of Belgium CSSR - data entry © National Bank of Belgium

CSSR - data entry © National Bank of Belgium CSSR - data entry © National Bank of Belgium

CSSR - consultation of facts q Consultation of the history of the facts q CSSR - consultation of facts q Consultation of the history of the facts q Consultation based on presentation linkbase q Consultation based on (part of) the name of the element, as defined in the taxonomy. © National Bank of Belgium

CSSR - data entry q How to create a table visualisation? § Choose Y-axis CSSR - data entry q How to create a table visualisation? § Choose Y-axis § Choose one (or more) X-axis § Create 0, 1, . . . drop-down boxes © National Bank of Belgium

CSSR - business rules q Calculation linkbase: § only straightforward, simple calculations q No CSSR - business rules q Calculation linkbase: § only straightforward, simple calculations q No inequalities. q No multiplications. q No exceptions. q No cross-context. q Formula linkbase no recommendation yet q IT: additional rules outside taxonomy © National Bank of Belgium

CSSR - business rules q Business rules outside of taxonomy : for (CPT== CSSR - business rules q Business rules outside of taxonomy : for (CPT=="ifrs_gp: Available. For. Sale. Financial. Assets. Accumulated. Impairment. Losses") group [DIMPROPS], CPT {VAL>=0; } Everything is possible! Rules are very intuitive! Reporter-dependent! for all group [DIMPROPS] {if (((VAL(CPT=="be_ifrs_fi: Specific. Allowances. For. Individually. Assessed. Financial. Assets") + VAL(CPT=="be_ifrs_fi: Specific. Allowances. For. Collectively. Assessed. Financial. Assets")) !=0) then (VAL(CPT=="be_ifrs_fi: Carrying. Amount. Of. The. Impaired. Asset") ==0)); } for CPT == "p_cm_ca: Market. Risk. Capital. Requirements" and MR=="d_mr: MRisk. SACOMTotal" group [DIMPROPS]- ["COM"], CPT {VAL(COM==null) ~== sum(VAL(exist(COM))); } © National Bank of Belgium

XBRL and the CSSR, very well integrated and a strong combination! XBRL is highly XBRL and the CSSR, very well integrated and a strong combination! XBRL is highly flexible. CSSR allows to take full advantage of this flexibility by working at concept level. q XBRL calculations are too limited. Until formula linkbase is available, all possible business rules can be programmed and validated by CSSR. Afterwards, CSSR can be used to additional features (exceptions, tolerances, . . . ). q Manual entry form is available in CSSR and is based on taxo. q In the medium term, everything can be put in the taxonomy (instructions, business rules, . . . ). Simply load the taxonomy in the CSSR and make it available to the reporting agents! q § Transparancy, maintenance, new reporting projects, . . . § Validation before submission: "zero error" reports should be submitted "Management by Exception" © National Bank of Belgium

CSSR : Conclusions ¢ single software ¢ multi-reporting agents & multi-users ¢ multi-domains, multi-surveys, CSSR : Conclusions ¢ single software ¢ multi-reporting agents & multi-users ¢ multi-domains, multi-surveys, multi-forms ¢ multilevel functionalities (small or big companies) ¢ multilevel security ¢ multilingual ¢ multi-authorities (National Bank, Supervisor, National Accounts) ¢ only used by Belgian authorities ¢ ==> Why not widen the use of CSSR to other authorities in charge of statistical & prudential data collection?

CSSR : Central Server for Statistical Reporting BELGIUM Banks Insurance companies OFI Pension funds CSSR : Central Server for Statistical Reporting BELGIUM Banks Insurance companies OFI Pension funds Non-financial companies big, small, <> sectors of activity Administrations BELGIUM CSSR - Trade in services - Reporting for control - Banking supervision - Insurance supervision - IFRS - Basel II - Intrastat (foreign trade) - MIR - Direct investments - Securities portfolio - Other investments - etc Financial statistics Balance of payments Foreign trade Financial supervision Economic statistics National accounts Int. investment position

CSSR : Internationalisation Belgium CSSR Country 2 CSSR country 2 Country n Belgium Country CSSR : Internationalisation Belgium CSSR Country 2 CSSR country 2 Country n Belgium Country 2 CSSR country n Country n

CSSR : Internationalisation Advantages for cooperators ¢ Availability of a high level solution in CSSR : Internationalisation Advantages for cooperators ¢ Availability of a high level solution in the short term ¢ Teething problems have already been overcome ¢ Confidentiality of the data totally guaranteed ¢ NBB - IT infrastructure is up to date, including disaster recovery ¢ ¢ procedure CSSR development conforms to the state of the art in IT business Costs saving - greatest part of the investments already made Costs sharing of the IT platform between the countries using CSSR depending on the volume needed by each country Possibility to add new domains of data collection when needed => good learning curve & very low costs to start the project