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Data analytics and mash-up Real time analytics of employment data Team Shadowfax CMPE 272 Data analytics and mash-up Real time analytics of employment data Team Shadowfax CMPE 272 - Class Project 3/19/2018 0

Agenda • • • What are data analytics and mash-up? Architecture of web mash-up Agenda • • • What are data analytics and mash-up? Architecture of web mash-up Implementation architecture How is it going to be useful to the user ? CMPE 272 - Class Project 3/19/2018 1

Data analytics and mashup • • Data Analytics is examining of raw data from Data analytics and mashup • • Data Analytics is examining of raw data from which we can retrieve the information after work around with the data In the data analytics there is no assumption of data unlike data mining where little adjustments are made to draw conclusion Includes data cleaning, transformation and documentation Data from different data sources are analyzed and converted into information after which all the information from different sources are clubbed together into a single data source and presented to the user in a useful fashion. CMPE 272 - Class Project 3/19/2018 2

Data/Web mash-up • Data mashup is data integration of structured, web & unstructured information Data/Web mash-up • Data mashup is data integration of structured, web & unstructured information available freely on different sources • More and more reusable structured data appears on the Web. Users want to extracts related data from various resources and combine in a human readable format, such as HTML, PDF, or text • Challenges: Structured, unstructured data is available on multiple public resources in various formats. There is a file format mismatch, schema mismatch, data representation mismatch. Hence first challenge is to extract this data into common data format. CMPE 272 - Class Project 3/19/2018 3

Architecture of web mashup • The basic idea is to extract, analyze, aggregate and Architecture of web mashup • The basic idea is to extract, analyze, aggregate and visualize. Divided into three layers: • • Information Extraction and delivery: The functionality to access data through APIs (Linked. In or any other APIs)is provided using API service • CMPE 272 - Class Project Presentation: This is the user interface of mashups. The technologies used are JSP, HTML, and Java. Script Data: Data is retrieved from various open data sources and is managed in a database 3/19/2018 4

Implementation Idea • The basic concept – System facilitating user to search for labor Implementation Idea • The basic concept – System facilitating user to search for labor stats and related jobs Data Scavenging • Exemplifying application – Need for data. • Employment/Unemployment Data o o o Wdie range of data pools Various granularity level of data County specific data • Zip code – County connectedness • Job related data CMPE 272 - Class Project 3/19/2018 5

Implementation Data Transformation & mashing • • • Connecting 2 databases Simple Java Parser Implementation Data Transformation & mashing • • • Connecting 2 databases Simple Java Parser Implementation Loading final structured data into My. Sql. Information staging • Shaped up data presentation to the user. o o o J 2 EE My. SQL JS & REST API CMPE 272 - Class Project 3/19/2018 6

Implementation architecture CMPE 272 - Class Project 3/19/2018 7 Implementation architecture CMPE 272 - Class Project 3/19/2018 7

How is it going to be useful to the user ? • The information How is it going to be useful to the user ? • The information is presented to the user using a web page and is available to the user on the web any time from any place • • The information available with Linked In requires the user to be a registered user with them to share the job listing information with the user User would be able to search for a job based on his preference of region , climate and others CMPE 272 - Class Project 3/19/2018 8

References • • http: //www. bls. gov http: //www. populardata. com http: //developer. linkedin. References • • http: //www. bls. gov http: //www. populardata. com http: //developer. linkedin. com http: //birming. jvmhost. net CMPE 272 - Class Project 3/19/2018 9

Thank You! Demo CMPE 272 - Class Project 3/19/2018 10 Thank You! Demo CMPE 272 - Class Project 3/19/2018 10

Q&A CMPE 272 - Class Project 3/19/2018 11 Q&A CMPE 272 - Class Project 3/19/2018 11