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Data Analysis using Spotfire at TI Joe Lebowitz Yield & Product Engineering Texas Instruments - Kilby Fab J. Lebowitz
EDA for Semiconductor Mfg Ø Our propensity to collect data in the Semiconductor industry is unparalleled. Ø The ability to turn that data into useful information is ………………… catching up OR: More Data Analysis is Good, Good Data Analysis is Much More! J. Lebowitz
EDA for Semiconductor Mfg ÄEngineering Data Analysis is a vital, integral part of Semiconductor development and manufacturing. ü The timely detection of problems, centering of complex process interactions, and yield improvement hinges on efficient data analysis. ÄFaced with overwhelming amounts of data we tend to rely upon the analysis system to guide us to the pertinent information. ü This is becoming a more reliable thing to do as analysis systems become more sophisticated. ü However, even the most sophisticated system, relying on rigorous statistics, is often still far behind an experienced engineer’s intuitive analysis. ÄTo the extent that Software tools can enhance the experience of the engineers using it they can add greatly to the value of the data analysis efforts J. Lebowitz
TI’s Data Analysis Needs Ø TI has a huge range of Mfg environments, each with their own specific data analysis needs Ä Need access to widely diverse data warehouses Ä Speed to making good decisions is critical in supplying our customers with the best product in a timely manner Ä No one tool can be all / do all for everyone Ø Need a System for doing data analysis that provides the right data and the right analysis tools Ä Ease of use is paramount Ä Transparent data sourcing Ä Immersion in the analysis through interactive queries and real time visualizations Ä Work flows that provide intuitive guides for the user Ä Wide range of breadth and depth to analysis – with immediacy Ø Spotfiretm helps ease the burden of doing good analysis. J. Lebowitz
Spotfire - Overview Ø Overview Ä Spotfire is an analytic application designed to enhance engineering data analysis and decision making. Ä Spotfire’s primary advantage is a powerful, user friendly, graphical analysis engine Ä Spotfire was originally developed for the pharmaceutical industry. TI was the first Semiconductor company to use it. Ä Many modifications/improvements have occurred as a result of the engagement between TI and Spotfire Ø Benefits Ä Easy to use, intuitive, Interfaces well with existing databases (SMSdw, Test. Ware, ESDA, Sleuth, …) Ä This enables users to easily merge data from different sources for analysis resulting in significant time saving Ø Current / Potential Users Ä Logic Fabs, Freising Ä LBE’s, TI France, Hiji, TIPI Ä ANYONE needing to do quality data analysis J. Lebowitz
The Use of Spotfire at Texas Instruments Ø Started in Kilby Fab as a 16 user license Pilot in early ’ 01 Ä Out of box application gave immediate ROI Ä Applications development aimed at solving the majority of daily EDA needs Ø Spotfire has gained great acceptance with users across TI because: Ä Ease of use Ä Visualizations Ä Live data manipulations ÄWork with disparate data sources ÄFast extracts ÄAbility to handle huge data sets Ø Data analysis being used daily for Yield, Qual, Parametric, & Defect work – expanding to WIP mgmt & planning apps as well: Ä Wafer Mapping Ä Bin Summaries Ä Parametric/Yield Trends Ä “Waterfall” lot movement charts Ä SPC data mining Ä Defect data analysis tool Ä ANOVA & advanced statistics Ä Correlations / Find-differences Ø Approved to expand to Site & then Corporate wide licenses J. Lebowitz
User Testimonials From: Grice, Tom Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2002 11: 02 AM To: Eklund, Bob; Mc. Kee, Ben; Menon, Venu Subject: Spotfire Site Licensing I would like very much to have my folks start using Spotfire for data analysis. I have reviewed the tool and I think it has a number of features that make it an excellent tool for our needs. However, I have one problem, there is no site license. I quit using SAS primarily because I could never count on being able to access the tool when I needed it. Because there a limited number of licenses and they have to be assigned to individuals, and because I (and my people) are "intermittent" users, it seemed that our licenses were constantly being taken away and given to someone who "needed it worse". I am very impressed with Spotfire but I am told we have the same problem. My people can only have access so long as no one "needs it worse". Needless to say, I don't think we should waste time on training people if the tool is not going to be available for them to use. Data analysis is, to me, a little like eating. Our jobs is not based on eating, but we sometimes need to eat in order to get my job done. The cafeteria should be more or less intuitive to use, it should not require a lot of special training to get a sandwich. And, it needs to be reasonably accessible to whoever needs it, whenever they need it. Data analysis should be much the same. Anyone that needs to do analysis should not have to battle to get it done. We don't want TI's efforts to fail because everyone is going around to hungry to be able to get their work done, nor do we want TI to fail because we are unable to visualize a simple trend. In both cases the need is too obvious and the solution is too simple to allow it to be a cause of failure. Bottom line, I'd like your support to purchase a site license for this tool. Tom J. Lebowitz
User Testimonials From: Mougenot, Olivier Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 11: 47 AM To: Lebowitz, Joe; Lopez, Jose (TIF) Cc: Alloo, Vincent Subject: RE: SPotfire Joe, We have created excitement; already have engineers playing with it. Engineers also now understand what tool has been used to create the best material that we have seen in the past 1 -1. 5 years, coming from multiple sources, KFAB, Ardantec, DMOS 6. BR Olivier From: Mougenot, Olivier Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 4: 32 PM To: Lebowitz, Joe Subject: GPM-2004 -May 20. ppt Joe, Can’ resist… If you have 5 or 10 minutes: this is a Spotfire analysis, including very sensitive data, in answer to WTBU management asking for GPM review and improvement for all volume products without preliminary analysis of where are the problems… Really helps me and team too, to further improve, so thank you. Olivier J. Lebowitz
Typical Usage Examples & Future Directions Early examples of Spotfire used in Kfab that have helped visualize problems and reach resolution Spotfire “Lot collision” curve ILD 2 loop Process Commonality: ILD 2 Liner depo: DC 49 -2. ILD 2 HSQ depo: LT 01 C SRAM Fail vs ILD 1 HSQ Edge Thickness 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 Old metal SRAM fail rate (%) New metal 352035403560358036003620364036603680 Thickness (A) J. Lebowitz 0343166 Lnom: 23. 8%, Vcc 22. 2%, Gross 27. 8% 0343151 Lnom: 38. 5%, Vcc 17. 9%, Gross 5. 1% 0348500 Lnom: 20. 7%, Vcc 33. 8%, Gross 16. 7%
Typical Usage Examples Original & New Capabilities J. Lebowitz
WIP Management using Spotfire 4. 2 Rd 8 4. 1 Rd 6 • 4414 wfrs inline • 318 wfrs – development • 4072 wfrs – production • 2229 wfrs – 4. 1 • 1843 wfrs – 4. 2 • Lead wave of 4. 1 Rd 8 material is in T 5 loop. • Lead wave of 4. 2 Rd 8 material is in S/W loop. • RLC 11 lots expected at MP on 6/8 and 6/9. RLC 11 lots due at MP 6/8 and 6/9 J. Lebowitz
Defect Management Applications Wafer 04 2058662 Wafer 11 Wafer 22 J. Lebowitz Wafer 13 Wafer 24
Use of Spotfire for CRP Analysis Sample Visualization of Comp Ratio (%) by Job Group. Colors show Top/Bottom 10, Size of box shows Relative Raise % J. Lebowitz
Looking Forward Ø Continued use expansion throughout TI ÄIt’s available to everyone, so no excuse to not use it ÄAdditional usage will bring new applications Ø Need to build a support model for corporate wide use ÄMake IT support model developed and will help drive robustness for corp wide solution ÄNeed “technical expert” pool developing new apps ü Working closely with the user base, located in the Fab/LBE/AT ü Working closely with IT to ensure apps developed to framework for supportability/portability Ø Drive new capabilities with Spotfire Developers ÄThis user’s meeting presents a great opportunity to begin doing so… J. Lebowitz
Summary Ø The key attributes enabling Spotfire to become adopted is it’s ease of use, strong visualization capabilities, drill down capabilities, and ability to allow us to seamlessly integrate data sets across multiple sources Ø TI has had excellent success in deploying Spotfire as an integral part of it’s Data Analysis System Ä Initially centered at Kfab this is now seen in many other Fab & LBE sites Ä Spotfire has gained wide spread acceptance by the user base, who quickly show increased ability to make good decisions Ø Spotfire has become a strategic tool for TI’s Engineering. Ä Need to understand that Spotfire is not “just” an EDA tool, more it’s a General Data Analysis tool that can make anyone who uses it more effective Ø By deploying Spotfire throughout TI we have moved from lagging the industry in EDA capability to leading the way… Ø The engagement with Spotfire has been mutually beneficial to both Ä This engagement is strengthening, as demonstrated by this meeting Ä The potential is astounding J. Lebowitz
Ø Backup J. Lebowitz
TI’s Integrated Data Analysis System Point/Click Standards • Auto Reports • All Engineers • No special training • Browse able • Product Lines • Yields & Trends • Management Webtools Mid Level Packages High Level / User Customizable Packages Web Reports And Tools Immediacy and Simplicity Rapid Routine Analysis • Variable Correlation • Process Integration • General Technical Training • Split Analysis • Product Engineering • Simple Statistics • Equip & Process Eng. Complex and Specialty Analysis • Most PI / PDE/YE • Limited PE/EE • Analysis Specialists Web Tools • Complex Analysis • DD Test die • Rigorous Statistics • More Specific Statistical & Analytical Training Broad and Deep Analysis • Large Scale Correlation • Few PE / PI / PDE • Cross Platform Analysis • Analysis Specialists • Statisticians • Data Mining Mid Level Tools SAS Programming language Breadth and Depth J. Lebowitz • Advanced Training in Stats & Analysis methods
What is Spotfire? Ø Spotfire Decision. Site is a data analysis product used at Texas Instruments for Yield Analysis and Optimization Ø Decision. Site consists of a server component (located at Kilby Center) and a desktop client application Ø Decision. Site has been customized by TI for TI users ÄConnected to data sources ÄConfigured with pre-defined analysis guides as suggested analysis processes Ø Decision. Site is not a database, it is a data access and analysis tool linked to existing TI data sources J. Lebowitz
Spotfire Decision. Site Structure Decision. Site Client (desktop) Decision. Site Server (Kilby Center) Guides & Tools Library Information Library Data Sources Parametric Data Yield Data In-Line Data J. Lebowitz Defect Data ESDA
Available Data Ø Decision. Site extracts data, on demand, from: Ä Testware: Electrical test data, site, wafer, lot level Ä SMS: Information collected in the SMS database that is collected while wafers are processed Ä ESDA: Bit failure pattern recognition of memory arrays Ä Defect: Data collected from wafer scanning defect detection equipment during processing – including defect images & classification codes Ä Yield Trends: Functional testing data summarized by Lot, Wafer and Zone. Ø This data is then analyzed by the user: Ä On an ad-hoc basis Ä Or Following any one of the pre-configured analysis guides Ø Analysis occurs in a visual, dynamic environment optimized for intuitive data analysis J. Lebowitz
The Spotfire Client Guides: • Capture / Automate Repeatable Analysis Tasks • Capture “Specialist” Expertise • Fully Configurable Simple, Elegant and Powerful Dynamic Visualization • Integrated Decision-Making • Simplifies Access to Data • Speeds Data Interpretation • Speeds Decision-Making • Fast-Interactive Viewing • Merge / Analyze Data From Multiple Sources • Multiple View Preferences • Integrated Reporting Tools Dynamic Queries • Integrated Analysis • Apply Algorithms • Quickly Evaluate “What-If” Scenarios • Explore Alternatives • Solve Multiple Problems Information Library • Role-Based query builder and library of predefined queries • Information Interaction optimized for ease-ofuse J. Lebowitz