Скачать презентацию DARPA Co AX Coalition Agents e Xperiment Скачать презентацию DARPA Co AX Coalition Agents e Xperiment


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DARPA Co. AX – Coalition Agents e. Xperiment AFRL Rome, AIAI, BBN, Boeing, Dartmouth, DARPA Co. AX – Coalition Agents e. Xperiment AFRL Rome, AIAI, BBN, Boeing, Dartmouth, DSTO, Lockheed Martin ATL, Michigan, OBJS, Qineti. Q, USC/ISI, UWF/IHMC Support from GITI, ISX, MITRE, MIT Sloan, Schafer, Stanford http: //www. aiai. ed. ac. uk/project/coax/

Briefing Outline Co. AX u Context and Scenario u What’s New Co. AX Binni Briefing Outline Co. AX u Context and Scenario u What’s New Co. AX Binni 2001 Demo Next Steps Transition Plans u u u Co. AX/Briefing - 2

Co. AX u u Increasing military requirements for coalition operations Belief that agent computational Co. AX u u Increasing military requirements for coalition operations Belief that agent computational model can support: u u u Coalition interoperability requirements Dynamic and Decentralized C 3 I US and UK Agent Research Programmes u u Context US DARPA Control of Agent Based Systems (Co. ABS) UK DSTL/Qineti. Q Agents Project TTCP C 3 I Groups for international involvement Need for “middleware” such as is provided by Co. ABS Grid Infrastructure Co. AX/Briefing - 3

Co. AX u To address unique aspects of coalition operations through the development and Co. AX u To address unique aspects of coalition operations through the development and evaluation of: u u u agent domain management services agent task, process and event management services Aim will be met through delivery of: u u Aim of Coalition TIE Phased technical demonstrations of increasing complexity Integration of diverse agent systems Development of generic Coalition-oriented grid services Requirements: u u Co. AX/Briefing - 4 Use of a wide variety of different agent systems Use of existing military (non-agent) applications

Co. AX u u u Demonstration Schedule 1 -month demo at kick-off in February Co. AX u u u Demonstration Schedule 1 -month demo at kick-off in February 2000 showing direct connection between DERA MBP and LM ATL AODB 6 -month integration milestone in July 2000 showing initial integration of selected Co. AX components for year 2000 demo Co. AX Binni 2000 demo in Fall 2000: u Briefing the Co. AX TIE and Binni scenario u Showing full integration of selected Co. AX components in Binni u Telling a relevant “story” about agents for information gathering Co. AX Binni 2001 demo in Fall 2001: u Fully integrating all Co. AX components in a rich coalition scenario u Expanding scope to cover dynamic re-planning Co. AX Binni 2002 demo in Fall 2002: u Showing dynamic aspects of coalition organization, domain management, tasking and event handling u Expanding scope to cover dynamic planning, coordination and execution. Co. AX/Briefing - 5

Co. AX Components Agent Frameworks KAo. S Agents (IHMC, Boeing) NOMADS Mobile Agents (IHMC) Co. AX Components Agent Frameworks KAo. S Agents (IHMC, Boeing) NOMADS Mobile Agents (IHMC) EMAA/CAST Agents (LM-ATL) Agents on the Grid GMAS (Dartmouth, IHMC, LM-ATL) AODB Agent (LM-ATL) D’Agents (Dartmouth) Observer Agents (Dartmouth) e. Gents (OBJS) e. Gents E-mail Agents (OBJS) Malicious Agents (IHMC) DARPA Web Weather Agent (USC/ISI) Co. ABS Grid … (GITI, ISX) Military Systems CAMPS (AFRL, GITI, BBN) MBP (Qineti. Q) Situation Viewer (Qineti. Q) … Co. AX/Briefing - 6 Agent Grid Services Task, Process and Event Management (AIAI) Domain Management Services (IHMC, Boeing) Asynchronous Wireless Connectivity (OBJS) Plan Deconfliction (Michigan)

Briefing Outline Co. AX u Context and Scenario u What’s New u Co. AX Briefing Outline Co. AX u Context and Scenario u What’s New u Co. AX Binni 2001 Demo Next Steps Transition Plans u u Co. AX/Briefing - 7

Co. AX New Parts in 2001 Demo • Generic services • IHMC/Boeing - Domain Co. AX New Parts in 2001 Demo • Generic services • IHMC/Boeing - Domain management - KAo. S Grid Helper for easy integration of any grid agent, use of resource and conversation management to up pace, integration with grid security services, hierarchical domains, DAML-based KAo. S Policy Representation • AIAI/Qineti. Q - Task/process/event management - multiple panels, issue passing, reporting, more generic approach, XML process models, initial process librarian, “catch-all” for any issue and report (in simple way), can use partial knowledge • New Agent Communications Mechanisms • OBJS - e. Gents e-mail agents • Dartmouth/IHMC/LM-ATL - GMAS mobile agents • New functional parts • • • Co. AX/Briefing - 8 Michigan - Plan Deconfliction Agent Dartmouth - Observer Agents OBJS – MBLNI natural language data base queries Qineti. Q – Interface Agents and Semantic Interoperability (XSLT) All - Shared models and messages in XML format

Briefing Outline Co. AX u Context and Scenario What’s New u Co. AX Binni Briefing Outline Co. AX u Context and Scenario What’s New u Co. AX Binni 2001 Demo u Next Steps Transition Plans u u Co. AX/Briefing - 9

Co. AX Demo Emphasis Co. AX Execution Initial Planning • • • Political aims Co. AX Demo Emphasis Co. AX Execution Initial Planning • • • Political aims Military guidance Campaign planning Commander's intent Deployment • • Variable Organizations An opponent Campaign re-planning Short-noticetaskings Operation execution Execution monitoring Reporting / feedback Outcome assessment Linear Dynamic / iterative uncertain Focus of the Co. AX Binni 2000 Demo Recovery • Conflict resolution • Re-deployment • Peace support Focus of the Co. AX Binni 2001 Demo Linear Co. AX Binni 2002 Demo Covers all the above, plus greater levels of dynamic response and adaptation to changes in Coalition structures, capabilities and services. Co. AX/Briefing - 10

N W Forces separated by Firestorm E GAO S Cape Amstado Kaso Lagoon Jacal N W Forces separated by Firestorm E GAO S Cape Amstado Kaso Lagoon Jacal a Are the Safari Park elephants in danger? Cac LAKE CACA Daka Binni hit W False Gao forces li Current position of herd at 17. 0 N / 34. 4 E -2012 / 09 / 01 14: 20 a ac e. C Laki Safari Park Amisa Afram Gao forces Maw ORM EST wa po Ka FIR Agadez Forces O fin Pra Cape Vincent Ankobra Tana a False Agadez forces AGADEZ Black Cac

Co. AX Co. AX

Co. AX 18 -month Demo - Agent Domains JFAC HQ AL Plan Db 3 Co. AX 18 -month Demo - Agent Domains JFAC HQ AL Plan Db 3 AODB MBP Plans CAOC / Combat Ops Event Panel CODB MBP Ops Db 4 Common / Shared Intel Process Panel Weather Cell Weather Viz Observers D'agent D'AO D'GO e-gent Db 2 Other Gao Obs NOMADS Guarded “Observers” Coalition / JTFHQ Db 1 GRID / Agent-enabled Intrastructure / Admin Tools UK National HQ Dbi Intel UK US National HQ AODB Weather EMAA Intel US CAMPS Other National HQ ALDB Dbiii CYBERSPACE Ariadne Dbii Gao Intel e-gent

Part 1: 1505 - Firestorm media issue at UN - JTFC considers alternatives to Part 1: 1505 - Firestorm media issue at UN - JTFC considers alternatives to Firestorm and tasks JFACC to report. JTFHQ JFAC HQ US HQ Combat Ops UN Tasking Events I-DEEL Event Panel Process Panel I-LEED COAs Top-level task to JFACC and 3 sub-tasks Grid / Common / Shared Coalition data The Coalition UK HQ

Part 2: 1515 - Cbt Ops staff enter tasking events into the Event Panel Part 2: 1515 - Cbt Ops staff enter tasking events into the Event Panel and use MBP Ops to find out time left for decisions. JTFHQ JFAC HQ US HQ UK HQ Combat Ops I-DEEL Event Panel Process Panel Events MBP Ops I-LEED Evaluate timing info (First aircraft are already airborne, 48 minutes to commit, 106 mins left before TOT, ) Confirm task underway Report times to JTFC Grid / Common / Shared Coalition data The Coalition

Part 3: 1520 - Cbt Ops staff locate wildlife info via Internet. Staff subscribe Part 3: 1520 - Cbt Ops staff locate wildlife info via Internet. Staff subscribe to the e-Gents service. MBNLI used. JTFHQ JFAC HQ US HQ Browser Combat Ops (4, 8) Herd data (3) Subscribe Grid / Common / Shared Coalition data The Coalition The World (Binni) CYBERSPACE MBNLI Laki e-gent UK HQ

Laki Safari Park e e e e JTF HQ (1) JTFC requests confirmation the Laki Safari Park e e e e JTF HQ (1) JTFC requests confirmation the Firestorm won't create media problem over wildlife JFAC HQ (2) JFACC then requests information (RFI) about movements of mammals in the Firestorm area (3) JFAC staff search web and find Laki web site and use subscribe link Web Browser CAOC / Combat Ops Web Browser (5) e-gents on elephants are emailed an info update requested (6) e-gents on elephants return updated data Laki Safari Park Home Page Update Elephant Information WFPW Database (4, 8) Non-english operator uses MNBLI to find out herd migration data (7) which then updates site data / content MBNLI interface Site data KAo. S / The Grid

Part 4: 1525 - Combat Ops staff create feed from Laki site to MBP Part 4: 1525 - Combat Ops staff create feed from Laki site to MBP Ops / Sit. View using Ariadne wrapper / XSLT Translator. JTFHQ JFAC HQ US HQ UK HQ Combat Ops M&S Grid / Common / Shared Coalition data The Coalition XSLT Interface (9) Wrap The World (Binni) CYBERSPACE Laki e-gent 'Pre-canned' elephant movement data Ariadne

JTF HQ PP Laki Safari Park e e e e (1) JTFC requests confirmation JTF HQ PP Laki Safari Park e e e e (1) JTFC requests confirmation that the Firestorm won't create media problem over wildlife (11) Response recieved JFAC HQ (2) JFACC then requests information (RFI) about movements of mammals in the Firestorm area EP (10) Information returned. . . CAOC / Combat Ops MBP Ops Situation Viewer Herd Icon Herd Data KAo. S / The Grid Laki Safari Park Home Page Update Elephant Information WFPW Database (9) CAOC staff use Ariadne-wrapped site data to feed CAOC / observers domain XSLT Interface Agent Ariadne wrapper Site data

Part 5: 1526 - JTFC authorises Firestorm 'Go'. Laki / observer info dynamically redisplayed Part 5: 1526 - JTFC authorises Firestorm 'Go'. Laki / observer info dynamically redisplayed on MBP Ops / Sit. Viewer. US HQ UK HQ 'Real-time' feed MBP Ops JFAC HQ Sit. View JTFHQ Provide Observer data Grid / Common / Shared Coalition data The Coalition The World (Binni) CYBERSPACE XSLT Interface (9) Wrap Firestorm GO! D'GO JSTARS Grid helper Gao Obs Db D'AO Observers 'db'

Part 6: 1535 - 2 ndry target plan from MBP must now be deconflicted Part 6: 1535 - 2 ndry target plan from MBP must now be deconflicted with existing plans. JTFHQ JFAC HQ US HQ UK HQ Combat Ops Plan changes in, deconflictions out Plan OK / not OK Other 'plan' information ALDB MBP Ops Deconflict MCA I-DEEL Event Panel Events AODB CODB Intel US Plan changes out, deconflictions in Grid / Common / Shared Coalition data The Coalition The World (Binni) CYBERSPACE Intel UK

Combat Ops MBP Ops 2) MBP Operator told to re-plan / revise to avoid Combat Ops MBP Ops 2) MBP Operator told to re-plan / revise to avoid elephants 1) Event: avoid elephants Entered into IDEEL 5) MCA tells I-DEEL when finished [OK / NOT OK] 3) MBP requests deconfliction of modified plans from MCA 4) MCA gets other plans from other agents (or from file or URL or stored in memory) I-DEEL (Chief of Combat Ops) 6) MCA detailed results can be viewed in GUI Iterate

Part 8: 1601 - Agadez fighters start HVAA, JSTARS must 'regress' and observer agents Part 8: 1601 - Agadez fighters start HVAA, JSTARS must 'regress' and observer agents on board 'SCRAM' elsewhere. JTFHQ JFAC HQ US HQ UK HQ Combat Ops Intel UK 'Real-time' feed Intel US Agadez Attack!!! Pre-canned data to drive Sit. View out, authorised changes in. M&S I-DEEL Event Panel Process Panel Events Sit. View I-LEED Go Grid / Common / Shared Coalition data Go The Coalition KPAT The World (Binni) CYBERSPACE Interface NRT Data Firestorm GO! Agadez HVAA D'GO JSTARS Grid helper Gao Obs Db D'AO Observers 'db'

Agadez HVAA - JSTARS - DGO agents SCRAM BEFORE SCRAM Observers 'db' System Obs Agadez HVAA - JSTARS - DGO agents SCRAM BEFORE SCRAM Observers 'db' System Obs Db D'GO Grid helper Feeds Agadez info to Gao NOMADS Picking up troop movement data Gao Obs JSTARS (Regresses) Agent 'SCRAMs' away from JSTARS using G-MAS Loss of JSTARS db service after SCRAM asset information no longer available JSTARS db asset symbols 'grey out' on Sit. View after time lapse Grid helper NOMADS Gao Obs AFTER SCRAM Stream of updates, many about Agadez, few about Gao Feeds Agadez info to Gao Stream of updates, many about Agadez, few about Gao Obs Db Updates from Observers in the field Sit. View D'GO KPAT D'AO 'Real-time' feed Grid / Common / Shared Coalition data Go Off Stream of updates, many about Agadez, few about Gao Obs Db 'Real-time' feed Stream of updates, many about GAO, few about Agadez Local Sit. View D'AO JSTARS Stream of updates, many about Agadez, few about Gao

Co. AX u u u Co. AX Binni 2001 Current Status (20 -Jul-2001) All Co. AX u u u Co. AX Binni 2001 Current Status (20 -Jul-2001) All components delivered as agreed by 20 -Jul-2001 Grid version 3. 1. 2 in use KAo. S release addresses all issues All bilateral communications tested on the Grid KAo. S mediated communications remain to be tested Final integration and test remains to be done Co. AX/Briefing - 26

Briefing Outline Co. AX u Context and Scenario What’s New Co. AX Binni 2001 Briefing Outline Co. AX u Context and Scenario What’s New Co. AX Binni 2001 Demo u Next Steps u Transition Plans u u Co. AX/Briefing - 27

Co. AX u u Co. AX Binni 2001 Next Steps Demonstration to be shown Co. AX u u Co. AX Binni 2001 Next Steps Demonstration to be shown at TTCP C 3 I Groups Joint Meeting at Malvern on 24 -Oct-2001, 14: 00 GMT+01: 00 Plan to broadcast event to others interested live on Internet and to record digitally Creation of improved screen movies, and support web pages at http: //www. aiai. ed. ac. uk/project/coax/demo/2001/ Packaging of demonstration materials after completion Co. AX/Briefing - 28

Co. AX u Dynamic “come as you are” coalition formation u u u u Co. AX u Dynamic “come as you are” coalition formation u u u u Dynamic creation of ‘virtual coalition organization’ Agents and domains added to coalition structure ‘on-the-fly’ Dynamic coalition tasks and processes Tailored visualizations / interface agents Tools to improve human / software agent interaction High-level tools usable without specialized training Packaged generic Grid services: u u u Co. AX Binni 2002 (Fall 2002) Demo Plan Domain management and DAML-based policy analysis Task, process, and event management Involvement of more countries and organizations u u u Co. AX/Briefing - 29 USA – BBN – Mixed initiative agents & dynamic information flow Australia – DSTO – Logistics planning and information analysis Canada – DEV - discussions begun

Briefing Outline Co. AX u Context and Scenario What’s New Co. AX Binni 2001 Briefing Outline Co. AX u Context and Scenario What’s New Co. AX Binni 2001 Demo Next Steps u Transition Plans u u u Co. AX/Briefing - 30

Co. AX Transition Program 2000 2001 Co. AX Binni 2002 2003 Co. AX International? Co. AX Transition Program 2000 2001 Co. AX Binni 2002 2003 Co. AX International? Co. AX Air (MC/JFEX 2002) Co. AX Navy? Co. AX Rescue (Civilian)? Co. AX/Briefing - 31

Co. AX u u Co. AX Co. AX u u Co. AX "PI Team" clarified: Jeff Bradshaw (UWF/IHMC), Austin Tate (AIAI, Edinburgh), Patrick Beautement and Mike Kirton (Qineti. Q, Malvern). Structure for outreach or transitioning of the Co. AX work: u u u u Name Co. AX used only if approved by the PI Team Any number of current Co. AX and other participants Lead need not be a member of PI Team Report back to Co. AX participants will be given Co. AX Outreach Program" structure allows for future flexibility and possibilities u u u Co. AX Binni Co. AX Air Co. AX Navy Agreements u u Co. AX Transition Plan Co. AX International Co. AX Rescue – Civilian Disaster Relief KSCO – Knowledge Systems for Coalition Operations Co. AX/Briefing - 32

DARPA Object Services and Consulting, Inc. DARPA Object Services and Consulting, Inc.

Co. AX/Briefing - 35 Unused Slides Co. AX/Briefing - 35 Unused Slides

Co. AX Outline of Nashua Talk For Information Only 1. Reminder of what the Co. AX Outline of Nashua Talk For Information Only 1. Reminder of what the TIE is about. Military setting plus context for TIE. Very brief introduction, 1 or 2 slides. [2 minutes] 2. What and Who. Overview of contributions and contributors. Based on Grid plus boxes diagram, plus overlay new elements. Remember to add GMAS. [2 minutes] 3. Focus of Co. AX Binni 2001. Showing move from linear information gathering/initial planning stage to more dynamic responsive cyclic execution support phase. [1 minute] 4. Scenario overview (concentrate on new aspects) and overview architectural picture (parts of this will be amplified in 5). [5 minutes] 5. New Parts. Scenario description as relevant, new work and their features. [10 minutes] Generic services - domain management - packaging improved, use of resource management to up pace, security services? , hierarchical domains? - task/process management -process and event panels, multiple panels, issue passing, reporting, packaging, generic approach, XML process models, initial process librarian, ”catch-all” for any issue and report (in simple way) with partial knowledge New Agent Communications Mechanisms - e. Gents e-mail agents New functional parts - Michigan Plan Deconfliction Agent - Dartmouth Observer Agents - OBJS MBLNI Others? 6. Demo details. Single screens, diagrams or screen movies to show featured elements. - Laki Web, e. Gents, Ariadne wrapper, pass to MBP (screen movie) [8 minutes? ] - MCA demo linking to MBP, PP? [? ? minutes] - Dartmouth Observer Agents. Possible structural diagram to talk over. [2 minutes? ] - others to be determined. . PP, KAo. S, Nomads, . . . [? ? minutes] 7. Next Steps. 2001 demo to TTCP (or other suitable forum) in Autumn. 2002 to use generic and better packaged (for uses in Grid applications beyond Co. AX) domain and task/process facilities to a greater degree. 2002 to focus on greater dynamic aspects and coalition organisational change. Growth in scope and participants include BBN (Mark Burstein mixed initiative aspects) and Australian DSTO (Dale Lambert - Information Fusion agents). Discussions now with Canada [2 minutes] 8. Transition Plans - describe framework and current status. 2 slides. [5 minutes] 9. Questions. [5 minutes] Co. AX/Briefing - 36

Co. AX u u u Technical Contributions GITI - Co. ABS Grid Infrastructure Boeing Co. AX u u u Technical Contributions GITI - Co. ABS Grid Infrastructure Boeing and UWF/IHMC- KAo. S Domain Management AIAI - Process Panels – Task, Process and Event Management Qineti. Q - Master Battle Planner, Interface Agents, Situation Viewer and Integration LM ATL - EMAA/CAST AODB - Restricted Data Base Access AFRL/BBN/GITI - CAMPS Air Logistics Support Tool USC/ISI Ariadne - Open Information Access UWF/IHMC - NOMADS Mobile Agents Dartmouth - Observer Agents Michigan – Plan Deconfliction Agent OBJS – e. Gents (e-mail connected Observer Agents) and MBLNI (natural language interface wrappers) Co. AX/Briefing - 37