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Daily. DOOH Setting the Pace – Lessons for a successful Digital Out of Home Daily. DOOH Setting the Pace – Lessons for a successful Digital Out of Home Future Adrian J Cotterill Interim Executive and Industry Analyst Specialising in Digital Out of Home and Web 2. 0 Editor of the "Digital Out of Home Advertising Networks” directory currently published by The Screen http: //www. dailydooh. com/

Daily. DOOH This week on http: //www. dailydooh. com/ Italian Farmacia. TV November 21 Daily. DOOH This week on http: //www. dailydooh. com/ Italian Farmacia. TV November 21 st, 2007 MEGAphone - Making Digital Signage Interactive November 21 st, 2007 Finding your way around a store November 21 st, 2007 The Call of the Mall November 21 st, 2007 Dagobert’s new web site November 21 st, 2007 No Music Day November 21 st, 2007 Bill Gerba to give opening speech at DS Asia 2007 November 20 th, 2007 More Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) November 20 th, 2007 Street. Live Latest November 20 th, 2007 106 bank branch rollout for Permanent TSB November 19 th, 2007 Bop til’ you shop… November 19 th, 2007 Media. Zest takes over London’s Oxford Street November 19 th, 2007 Eye spy at Singapore Changi Airport November 19 th, 2007 Italian Farmacia. TV 2

Daily. DOOH Definition of Digital Signage Also Known As “A network of displays that Daily. DOOH Definition of Digital Signage Also Known As “A network of displays that can be remotely managed and whose business model revolves around merchandising or advertising” Source: Frost & Sullivan In-Store TV Retail Media Networks Captive Audience Networks Digital Out of Home Screen Media Narrowcasting Place Based Media Etc. Network Types Advertising Classifications Self Financed / Branding High Impact Financed Through Advertising / Advertising Only Retail Mixed / Hybrid Captive Audience 3

Daily. DOOH What it's not. . . It's not Television Think Poster+ (for example Daily. DOOH What it's not. . . It's not Television Think Poster+ (for example 'animated' posters) rather than TV Do the 'Pause Test' It's not Digital Signage Digital Out of Home is a Content Delivery Business (which is why in the US, folks like Harris and Stratacache worry the big DS s/w vendors and ultimately why Cisco will do well) 4

Daily. DOOH High Impact General Outdoor Billboards, Posters Stadiums / Exhibition Halls Mobile Airports, Daily. DOOH High Impact General Outdoor Billboards, Posters Stadiums / Exhibition Halls Mobile Airports, Railway Stations 5

Daily. DOOH Retail High Street Retail Grocers Shopping Malls Petrol Forecourts ATMs 6 Daily. DOOH Retail High Street Retail Grocers Shopping Malls Petrol Forecourts ATMs 6

Daily. DOOH Captive Audience Leisure, Pubs, Clubs, Bars Transport, Taxis, Trams, Buses Hair Salons Daily. DOOH Captive Audience Leisure, Pubs, Clubs, Bars Transport, Taxis, Trams, Buses Hair Salons Waiting Rooms QSR (Mc. Donalds, Starbucks etc. ) 7

Daily. DOOH United Kingdom Market Data 4 Sheets, 6 Sheets, 16 Sheets, 48 Sheets. Daily. DOOH United Kingdom Market Data 4 Sheets, 6 Sheets, 16 Sheets, 48 Sheets. 64 Sheets, 96 Sheets Data source: Postar, Issue 106 - August 2007 http: //www. oaa. org. uk 127, 478 2003 £ 10. 8 m 1. 4% share 2004 £ 19. 6 m 2. 3% share 2006 £ 29. 7 m 3. 2% share 2010 £ 100. 0 m 8. 9% share 2016 £ 187. 0 m 11. 8% share Digital share = of all Outdoor 8

Daily. DOOH wrong adverts embarrassing brand collision wrong colour schemes can't choose music no Daily. DOOH wrong adverts embarrassing brand collision wrong colour schemes can't choose music no interactivity no ambience presenter led family values wrong language Why wouldn't you (just) play MTV in your Retail Environment? bad language 9

Daily. DOOH Who is Going to Succeed Advertising Funded Networks will grow the quickest Daily. DOOH Who is Going to Succeed Advertising Funded Networks will grow the quickest Those who niche and scale, measure and share Who is Going to Fail Those without a niche or a speciality Those who don’t understand what their core strengths are (or indeed what business they are in) In the advertising driven model, those who don’t get big quickly Trends Those who are Music / Ambience aware Suggestions Speak the language of your Customer Don’t try and do everything yourself Why build when you can buy, why buy when you can rent? EPOS Network Screens Web 2. 0 - especially loosely coupled application solutions Appliances and Devices not PCs (and further integration) Technology solutions from the Far East, US, Canada and Israel 10

Daily. DOOH Hot Wi-Fi (should be free) / Wi. MAX Active Digital Signage (versus Daily. DOOH Hot Wi-Fi (should be free) / Wi. MAX Active Digital Signage (versus Passive) Innovative use of screens (new shapes and sizes) Good Sound Not Bluetooth Adaptive DS The best way to predict the future is to INVENT the future PC based networks 11

Daily. DOOH Sound matters Sound affects people powerfully, altering their behaviour o Primary effects Daily. DOOH Sound matters Sound affects people powerfully, altering their behaviour o Primary effects are physiological, psychological, cognitive, behavioural o Research has shown that sound can increase retail sales by over 30% Most retail sound is arbitrary, incongruous and hostile o Main effect is to reduce dwell time and therefore sales How to design an effective soundscape o o o Create audio brand guidelines (ABG) Remove inappropriate noise Optimise acoustics and install a decent sound system Design an effective background sound using psychoacoustics and ABGs Add foreground sound that is targeted, appropriate, valuable o Consider the whole soundscape and listen: shut your eyes! o Test and test again Slide reproduced by kind permission Julian Treasure, http: //www. thesoundagency. com/

Daily. DOOH Why Will Digital Out of Home Be Successful? Audience Immediacy Selling by Daily. DOOH Why Will Digital Out of Home Be Successful? Audience Immediacy Selling by day part Uniqueness Editorial Content Interaction Creativity Challenges to success Accountability and Effectiveness Creativity - the right treatment for the right screens 13