DAILY DISCIPLES Worship God Daily 2011 Congregational Theme: Daily Disciples: Worship
Psalms inspire worship • “My mouth is filled with Your praise, declaring Your glory all day long” (Psalm 71: 8).
Psalms inspire worship • “And my tongue shall speak of Your righteousness & of Your praise all the day long” (Psalm 35: 28).
Psalms inspire worship • “In God we boast all day long, & praise Your name forever” (Psalm 4: 8).
Psalms inspire worship • “I will extol You My God, O King, & I will bless Your Name forever & ever. Every day I will praise You & exalt Your name for ever & ever” (Psalm 145: 2).
Psalms inspire worship • “Seven times a day I praise You, because of Your righteous judgments” (Psalm 119: 164).
Psalms inspire worship • “[Daniel] knelt down on his knees three times that day & prayed AND gave thanks before his God, as was his custom since early days” (Dan 6: 10).
Psalms inspire worship • “So [the church at Jerusalem] continuing daily with one accord in the temple, & breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness & simplicity of heart, 47 praising God & having favor with all the people…” (Acts 2: 46 -47).
Psalms inspire worship • “So [the church at Jerusalem] continuing daily with one accord in the temple, & breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness & simplicity of heart, 47 praising God & having favor with all the people…” (Acts 2: 46 -47). – Create your own moments of worship during the day.
Meaning of worship • Worship is reverence for God. – Proskuneo (pros-koo-neh'-o) means to kiss the hand; to fawn or crouch, to prostrate oneself in homage (John 4: 24). – Sebomai (seb'-om-ahee); means to revere, i. e. adore (Matt 15: 9).
Meaning of worship • Worship is service to God or on His behalf. – Latreuo (lat-ryoo'-o) means to minister (to God), i. e. render, religious homage (Phil 3: 3).
Content of worship • Consider God’s power to create. – Universe (Psa 33: 6 -9) – Mankind (Psa 100: 2 -3) – His new creation (2 Cor 5: 17; 1 John 3: 1)
Content of worship • God’s power to create (Psa 33: 6 -9) • God’s providential care (Psa 105: 1 -5) • God’s word (Psa 119: 97; 1: 1 -2; 19: 7 -11) • God’s people (Rom 1: 8; Phil 1: 3; Col 1: 3) • God’s power to aid (Acts 4: 24 -29; 1 Sam 1; Psa 59)
Create opportunities to worship God • For His Creation • For His Providence • For His People • For His Word • For His Power – “Every day I will praise you & exalt your name for ever & ever” (Psalm 145: 2).
The Gospel Plan of Salvation: • Believe the gospel of Jesus Christ John 8: 24; 20: 30 -31; Rom 1: 16; 10: 10 • Repent of your sins Luke 24: 46 -47; Acts 2: 38; 3: 19; 17: 30 -31 • Confess your faith in Christ Matt 10: 32 -33; Rom 10: 9 -10 • Be immersed in water Matt 28: 19; Mk 16: 16; Acts 2: 38; Rom 6: 3 -4; 1 Pet 3: 21 • Live in obedient faith to God 1 Peter 1: 14; Rev 2: 10