- Количество слайдов: 17
Security Measures Students entering the building after 7: 35 a. m. will need to present their student id in order to gain entry. Students will only be able to enter through the Security Entrance
Driver’s Education Program Enrollment will begin April 1 for the UCM driver’s education program Date: June 5 -16 Time: 8 am-12 pm Location: 1200 S. Holden St. Cost: $275. 00 per student (due at time of enrollment) Contact Jim Delap Missouri Safety Center* Marshall Building Phone: 800 -801 -3588 – Fax: 660 -543 -4574 l Email: jdelap@ucmo. edu www. Missouri. Safety. Center. Com
Summer School Enrollment Summer school enrollment is now open. You can pick up an enrollment for in the counseling office.
Dates To Remember September 21 10: 35 AM-11: 05 AM Senior Announcement Pre-Meeting l October 5 10: 35 AM-1: 00 PM Announcement & Cap & Gown Order l October 12 10: 35 AM-1: 00 PM Ring Pre-Meeting(All SOPH. ) l & Add. Announcement Order l November 2 10: 35 AM-1: 00 PM Ring Order & Add. Ann. Order l 2: 30 PM-6: 00 PM Ring Family Night l November 99 10: 35 AM – 1: 00 PM Ring Order l December 14 10: 35 AM-1: 00 PM Ring Delivery l March 6 10: 35 AM – 1: 00 AM Announcement Delivery l March 13 10: 35 AM-1: 00 PM Add. Ann. Delivery l May 7 10: 35 AM-11: 30 AM Cap & Gown Delivery l May 19 7: 30 PM Graduation UCM Multi l May 22 2: 30 PM Announcement Committee l
Student Bullying Policy The District is committed to maintaining a learning and working environment free of any form of bullying or intimidation. Bullying is strictly prohibited on school grounds, or school time, at a school sponsored activity or in a school related context. Bullying is the intentional action by an individual or group of individuals to inflict intimidation, unwanted aggressive behavior, or harassment that is repetitive or is substantially likely to be repeated and causes a reasonable student to fear for his or her physical safety or property; substantially interferes with the educational performance, opportunities, or benefits of any student without exception; or substantially disrupts the orderly operation of the school. Bullying may consist of physical actions, including gestures, or oral, cyberbullying, electronic, or written communication, and any threat of retaliation for reporting acts of bullying. Cyberbullying means bullying as defined above through the transmission of a communication including, but not limited to, a message, text, sound, or image by means of an electronic device including, but not limited to, a telephone, wireless telephone, or other wireless communication device, computer, or pager. The District may prohibit and discipline for cyberbullying that originates on any District campus or at a District activity if the electronic communication was made using the school's technological resources, if there is a sufficient nexus to the educational environment, or if the electronic communication was made on the District’s campus or at a District activity using the student's own personal technological resources. Further, students who engage in significant acts of misconduct off campus which materially and adversely impact the education of District students will be subject to discipline. Bullying, as defined in this policy, is strictly prohibited. Students are encouraged to report any incident of bullying which they have witnessed or incurred, by contacting their building principal. No employee or student who reports an act of bullying shall be subject to reprisal or retaliation for making such a report. Any person who engages in reprisal or retaliation against an employee or student who reports an act of bullying shall be subject to disciplinary action. Students who are found to have violated this policy will be subject to consequences depending on factors such as: age of student(s), degree of harm, severity of behavior, number of incidences, etc. Possible consequences to a student for a violation of this policy include: loss of privileges, classroom detention, conference with teacher, parents contacted, conference with principal, inschool suspension, out-of-school suspension, expulsion and law enforcement contacted.
Thinking of becoming an engineer? Check out this local event: http: //www. lindahall. org/event/ how-do-i-become-an-engineer
Student Opportunity Creative Blow Mold Tooling is now accepting applications for Summer Internships. Visit their website at www. creativeblowmold. com or email: jobs@creativeblowmold. com. Creative specializes in building molds for consumer and industrial products. Creative employs engineers, programmers, machinists and toolmakers. l F&C Bank is looking for recent graduates who are interested in a part time internship. If interested contact: Linda North Vice President/Retail Manager/Branch Manager Phone: (660) 747 -5559 Fax: (660) 747 -5579 lnorth@fandcbank. com
Any sophomore who would like to request the nomination to participate in the Missouri Leadership Seminar in June, please stop by the Counseling Office and pick up an application.
Student Job Opportunities l UCM Summer job opportunity: https: //jobs. ucmo. edu/postings/16203 l Carlyle Van Lines is hiring an office assistant for the summer. Call Janet at 747 -8128 for more information.
Announcements l l l Summer School Enrollment is now open. You may pick up a form in the counseling office. Independent Study and Teacher Aide forms are now available in the counseling office.
Scholarships l. Horatio Alger Association Career & Technical Scholarship-Deadline June 15 -Must be enrolled in a career or technical degree/certificate granting program in Fall 2017 that will lead to employment, demonstrate financial need; applicants must be Pell Grant eligible. Apply online at application. horatioalger. org. Seniors may find additional scholarships at www. studentscholarships. org.
Lynn R. Solomon Scholarship - created to honor long time Warrensburg R-VI administrator, Mr. Lynn Solomon. It is awarded to a WHS student who shows leadership, has a positive outlook, works hard and inspires others; has at least a 2. 0 GPA; plans to be an education major and a teacher following college graduation. $250 one-time scholarship The Warrensburg Schools Foundation Student Scholarship - created by the Warrensburg Schools Foundation Board. It is awarded to a WHS student showing academic potential and in financial need. $1000 one-time scholarship The Russ Lotspeich Memorial Scholarship - created in memory of Russ Lotspeich, father of 2 WHS alumni and great Tiger Booster. This scholarship is awarded to a WHS athlete who show leadership, has a positive outlook, works hard and inspires others; has at least a 2. 0 GPA; is a dedicated athlete who motivates others and leads by example. $500 one-time scholarship The Warrensburg Lion's Club Academic Scholarship - created by the Warrensburg Lion's Club to provide financial assistance to Warrensburg High School Seniors who demonstrate a commitment to his or her community and participation and/or leadership in community service events. $500 one-time scholarship The Warrensburg Lion’s Club Career and Technical Education Scholarship - created by the Warrensburg Lion's Club to provide financial assistance to Warrensburg High School Seniors who plan to attend a technical or trade school; or a 2 or 4 year college, show a need for financial assistance, demonstrate a commitment to his or her community, and participation and/or leadership in community service events. $500 one-time scholarship The Younger Family Academic Scholarship - offered by the Younger Family to support a graduating student from Warrensburg High School to pursue their dreams of bettering the world through both academic and applied science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) training, and who is planning to attend a 4 -year college or university. $500 one-time scholarship The Younger Family Career and Technical Education Scholarship - offered by the Younger Family to support a graduating student from the Warrensburg Area Career Center and Warrensburg High School to pursue their dreams of bettering the world through both academic and applied science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) training, and who is planning to attend a technical or trade school; or, a 2 or 4 year college or university. $500 one-time scholarship The Jacob Shaffer Scholarship - created in honor of Warrensburg High School student Jacob Shaffer by his family. This scholarship is offered to graduating Warrensburg High School students who participated on swim team or WHS Model UN team. Salma B. Kamal Ph. D Scholarship for Women in Science – created in memory of Dr. Salma Kamal, this scholarship will be awarded to a WHS graduating female student going into a field of Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics. This onetime scholarship is
l The Dairy Scholars Program: What a great opportunity for your students! The Missouri Agriculture and Small Business Development Authority are offering up to 80 scholarships of $5000 each to students pursing a two or four year agriculture degree. For more information regarding deadlines, eligibility and internship components, please visit http: //agriculture. mo. gov/abd/financial/dairyscholars. php or contact MASBDA at masbda@mda. mo. gov. l. Optimist Club Teen of the Month applications are available in the Counseling Office. l. The MIAAA, in conjunction with the NIAAA, will offer two $1000 scholarships and two $500 runner-up scholarships for Missouri male and female student-athletes. Applicant must have achieved at least two (2) of the following: (a) minimum of B+ average; (b)ranked in the top 25% of class; (c) ACT score of 24 or an SAT score of 1100 (Math and Reading) and Applicant must have participated in two sports for at least two years in each sport. The application on the website is form-fill allowing applicants to type directly on the website and save an electronic copy for themselves and print the form. Please read all the NIAAA requirements and obtain an application at the following link: http: //www. niaaa. org/niaaaawards/niaaa-student-athlete-scholarship/
Art Club meets in room 122 Mondays from 2: 35 - 3: 00. It's not to late to join - stop by after school today to join us in making crazy, awesome things!
Parking Passes Parking permits are on sell now in the Assistant Principal’s office. They are currently $10. 00. After September 2 nd the price will increase to $25. 00 so stop by and get your form turned in. If you are driving to school and parking in the parking lot you must purchase a parking permit. See Mrs. Hobbs in the Asst. Principal’s office.
ACT Test Dates & Deadlines ACT Test Date Registration Deadline ACT Scores Available September 10, 2016 Aug. 5, 2016 Sept. 20, 2016 October 22, 2016 Sept. 16, 2016 Nov. 8, 2016 December 10, 2016 Nov. 4, 2016 Dec. 20, 2016 February 11, 2017 Jan. 13, 2017 Feb. 22, 2017 April 8, 2017 Mar. 3, 2017 Apr. 18, 2017 June 10, 2017 May 5, 2017 Jun. 20, 2017