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Daftar Pustaka Daftar Pustaka

----------------------------------------------------------------------Daftar Pustaka Aiken, Lewis R. Psychological Testing and Assessment. Ninth edition. Boston: Allyn and ----------------------------------------------------------------------Daftar Pustaka Aiken, Lewis R. Psychological Testing and Assessment. Ninth edition. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1997 Aiken, Lewis R. Scales and Chechlists: Evaluating Behavior, Personality, and Attitudes. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Aiken, Lewis R. Questionnaires and Inventories: Surveying Opinions and Assessing Personality. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. , 1997 Aiken, Lewis R. Tests and Examiantions: Measuring Abilities and Performance. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. , 1998 Allen, Mary J. and Wendy M. Yen. Introduction to Measurement Theory. Monterey, CA: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, 1979 Alreck, Pamela L. and Robert B. Settle. The Survey Research Handbook. Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, Inc. , 1985 Anastasi, Anne and Susana Urbina. Psychological Testing. Seventh edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall International, 1997

-----------------------------------Daftar Pustaka -----------------------------------Athanasou, James A. and Iasonas Lamprianou. A Teacher’s Guide to Assessment. Tuggerah, -----------------------------------Daftar Pustaka -----------------------------------Athanasou, James A. and Iasonas Lamprianou. A Teacher’s Guide to Assessment. Tuggerah, Australia: Social Science Press, 2002 Baker, Frank B. The Basics of Item Response Theory. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Educational Books, 1985 Beers, Yardley. Introduction to the Theory of Error. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. , 1957 Berk, Ronald A. (ed). A Guide to Criterion Referenced Test Construction. Baltomore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1980 Berk, Ronald A. (ed). Handbook of Methods of Detecting Test Bias. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982 Briggs, John B. and Kevin F. Collis. Evaluationg the Quality of Learning: the SOLO Taxonomy. New York: Academic Press, 1982 Brown, Frederick G. Principles of Educational and Psychological Testing. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1983 Child, Dennis. The Essentials of Factor Analysis. London: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1973

-----------------------------------Daftar Pustaka -----------------------------------Cohen, Ronald Jay, Pamela Montague, Linda Sue Nathanson, and Mark E. Swerdik. -----------------------------------Daftar Pustaka -----------------------------------Cohen, Ronald Jay, Pamela Montague, Linda Sue Nathanson, and Mark E. Swerdik. Psychological Testing: An Introduction to Tests and Measurement. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Company, 1988 Cohen, Ronald Jay and Mark E. Swerdlik. Psychological Testng and Assessment: An Introduction to Test and Measurement. Sixth edition. New York: Mc. Graw-Hill Company, 2005 Costin, Frank. “The Optimal Number of Alternatives in Multiple-Choice Achievement Tests: Some Empirical Evidence for a Mathematical Proof. ” Educational and Psychological Measurement. No. 30 (1970) Crocker, Linda and James Algina. Introduction to Classical and Modern Test Theory. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1986. Cronbach, Lee J. Essentials of Psychological Testing. Fifth edition. New York: Harper and Row Publishers, 1990 Ebel, Robert L. Essentials of Educational Measurement. Third edition. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1979 Edwards, Allen L. Techniques of Attitude Scale Constructions. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc. , 1957

-----------------------------------Daftar Pustaka -----------------------------------Ehrenberg, A. S. C. A Primer in Data Reduction: An Introductory Statistics -----------------------------------Daftar Pustaka -----------------------------------Ehrenberg, A. S. C. A Primer in Data Reduction: An Introductory Statistics Textbook. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 1982 Fan, Chung-the. Item Analysis Table. Educational Testing Service, 1952 Fitz-enz, Jac. How to Measure Human Resources Management. New York: Mc. Graw-Hill Book Company, 1987 Fleiss, Joseph L. Statsitical Methods for Rates and Proportions. Second edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1981 Frick, Ted and Melwyn I. Semmel. “Observer Agreement and Reliabilities of Classroom Observational Measures. ” Review of Educational Research. Vol. 48, No. 1 (Winter 1978). Gable, Robert K. Instrument Development in the Affective Domain. Boston: Kluwer-Nijhoff Publishing, 1986 Garret, Henry E. and R. S. Woodworth. “The Scaling of Mental Tests and Other Psychological Data, ” in their book Statistics in Psychology and Education, Chapter 12, Sixth edition. London: Longman, 1970

-----------------------------------Daftar Pustaka -----------------------------------Garret, Henry E. and R. S. Woodworth. “Reliability and Validity of Test -----------------------------------Daftar Pustaka -----------------------------------Garret, Henry E. and R. S. Woodworth. “Reliability and Validity of Test Scores, ” in their book Statistics in Psychology and Education, Chapter 13. Sixth edition. London: Longman, 1970. Gay, L. R. Educational Evaluation and Measurement: Competencies for Analysis and Application. Second edition. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1991. Ghiselli, Edwin E. Theory of Psychological Measurement. New York: Mc. Graw-Hill Book Company Ghiselli, Edwin E, John P. Campbell, and Sheldon Zedeck. Measurement Theory for the Behavioral Sciences. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman and Company, 1981 Gregory, Robert J. Psychological Testing: History, Principles, and Applications. Fourth edition. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2004 Grier, J. Brown. “The Number of Alternatives for Optimum Test Reliability. ” Journal of Educational Measurement. Vol. 12, No. 2 (Summer 1975). Gronlund, Norman E. Preparing Criterion-Referenced Test for Classroom Instruction. New York: The Macmillan Publishing Company, 1973

-----------------------------------Daftar Pustaka -----------------------------------Gronlund, Norman E. Constructing Achievement Test. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1982 -----------------------------------Daftar Pustaka -----------------------------------Gronlund, Norman E. Constructing Achievement Test. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1982 Gruijter, D. N. M. de and L. J. T. van der Kamp (ed). Advances in Psychological and Educational Measurement. London: John Wiley & Sons, 1976 Gruijter, Dato N. M. de and Leo J. Th. van der Kamp. Statistical Test Theory for Education and Psychology. Mimeograph, 2002 Guilford, J. P. Psychometric Methods. Second edition. Tokyo: Kogakusha Company Ltd. , 1954 Gustafson, Jan-Eric. Introduction to Rasch’s Measurement Model. Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service, 1980 Hambleton, Ronald K. and Hariharan Swaminathan. Item Response Theory: Principles and Applications. Boston: Kluwer-Nijhoff Publishing, 1985 Hambleton, Ronald K. , H. Swaminathan, and Jane Rogers. Fundamentals of Item Response Theory. London: Sage Publications, 1991 Henerson, Mariene E, Lynn Lyons Morris, and Carol Tarylor Fitz-Gibbon. How to Measure Attitudes. Beverly -Hills, CA: Sage Publications Ltd. , 1978

-----------------------------------Daftar Pustaka -----------------------------------Henning, Grant. A Guide to Language Testing: Development, Evaluation, Research. Cambridge, MA: -----------------------------------Daftar Pustaka -----------------------------------Henning, Grant. A Guide to Language Testing: Development, Evaluation, Research. Cambridge, MA: Newbury House Publishers, 1987 Holland, Paul W. and Howard Wainer (ed). Differential Item Functioning. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 1993 Hopkins, Kenneth D. and Julian C. Stanley. Educational and Psychological Measurement and Evaluation. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc. , 1981 House, Ernest R. Evaluating with Validity. Beverly-Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 1980 Hsu, Tse-chi and Michele Liou. Shi-ti Zuo-da Li-lun Jia-jie. Taipei: Chinese Behavioral Sciences Corporation, 1993 Hulin, Charles L. , Fritz Drasgow, and Charles K. Parsons. Item Response Theory: Application to Psychological Measurement. Homewood, IL: Dow Jones-Irwin, 1983 Isaac, Stephen and William B. Michael. Handbook in Reasearch and Evaluation: For Education and the Behavioral Sciences. Third edition. San Diego, CA: Edi. TS, 1995

-----------------------------------Daftar Pustaka -----------------------------------Kamp, Leo J. Th. Van der, Willem F. Langrak, and Dato N. -----------------------------------Daftar Pustaka -----------------------------------Kamp, Leo J. Th. Van der, Willem F. Langrak, and Dato N. M. de Gruiter (ed). Psychometrics for Educational Debates. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1980 Kane, M. T. “Current Concern in Validity Theory. ” Journal of Educational Measurement. Vol. 38, No. 4 (2001) Karmel, Louis J. and Marylin D. Karmel. Measurement and Evaluation in the School. Second edition. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co. , 1976 Kolen, Michael J. and Robert L. Brennan. Test Equating: Methodes and Practices. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1995 Kubiszyn, Tom and Gary Borich. Educational Testing and Measurement: Classroom Application and Practice. Seventh edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2004 Kumaidi. “Rescaling Methods of Parameters in the Application of Item Response Theory. ” Forum Pendidikan (IKIP Malang), Th. XIII (Oktober 1987) Kumaidi, “Aplikasi Teori Rasch untuk Penyekalaan Vertikal Tes Caturwulan. ” Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan. Jilid 6, Nomor 2 (Mei 1999)

-----------------------------------Daftar Pustaka -----------------------------------Kumaidi, “Interpretasi Koefisien Korelasi Skor-Butir dengan Skor Total Uji Kebermaknaan Koefisien Reliabilitas -----------------------------------Daftar Pustaka -----------------------------------Kumaidi, “Interpretasi Koefisien Korelasi Skor-Butir dengan Skor Total Uji Kebermaknaan Koefisien Reliabilitas KR 20 dalam Penelitian Pendidikan dan Psikologi. ” Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Jilid 11 No. 2 (Juni 2004) Linden, Wim van der and Ronald K. Hambleton (ed). Handbook of Modern Item response theory. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1997 Linn, Robert L. (ed). Educational Measurement. Third edition. New York: American Council on Education/Mac-millan Publishing Company, 1989 Linn, Robert L. and Norman E. Gronlund. Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching. Seventh edition. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 2000 Linquist, E. F. (ed). Educational Measurement. Washington, DC: American Council on Education, 1966 Lord, Frederic M. and Melvin R. Novick. Statistical Theories of Mental Test Scores. Reading, MA: Addison. Wesley Publishing Company, 1968. Lord, Frederic M. “Optimal Number of Choices per Item—A Comparison of Four Approaches. ” Journal of Educational Measurement. Vol. 14, No. 1 (Spring 1977)

-----------------------------------Daftar Pustaka -----------------------------------Mardapi, Djemari. “Konsep Dasar Teori Responsi Butir: Perkembangan dalam Bidang Pengukuran Pendidikan. -----------------------------------Daftar Pustaka -----------------------------------Mardapi, Djemari. “Konsep Dasar Teori Responsi Butir: Perkembangan dalam Bidang Pengukuran Pendidikan. ” Cakrawala Pendidikan. (IKIP Yogyakarta). Th. X, No. 3 (November 1991) Lyman, Howard B. Test Scores and What They Mean. Fifth edition. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1991 Magnusson, David. Test Theory. Trans. Hunter Mabon. Reading, MA: Addision-Wesley Publishing Comp. , 1967 Martuza, Victor R. Applying Norm-Referenced and Criterion-Referenced Measurement in Education. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc. , 1977 Masters, Geofferey N. and John P. Keeves (ed). Edvances in Measurement in Educational Research and Assessment. Amesterdam: Pergamon, 1999 Mc. Donald, Roderick P. Test Theories: A Unified Treatment. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers, 1999 Mehrens, William A. and Irvin J. Lehman. Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology. Fourth edition. Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1991

-----------------------------------Daftar Pustaka -----------------------------------Michaels, W. J. and M. R. Karnes. Measuring Educational Achievement. New York: -----------------------------------Daftar Pustaka -----------------------------------Michaels, W. J. and M. R. Karnes. Measuring Educational Achievement. New York: Mc. Graw-Hill Book Company, 1950 Morris, Lynn Lyons and Carol Taylor Fitz-Gibbon. Evaluatior’s Handbook. Beverly-Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 1978 Mueller, Daniel J. Measuring Social Attitudes: A Handbook for Researchers and Practitioners. New York: Teachers College Press, Columbia University, 1986 Murphy, Kevin R. and Charles O. Davidshofer. Psychological Testing: Principles and Applications. Second edition. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall International, Inc. , 1991 Naga, Dali S. Pengantar Teori Sekor pada Pengukuran Pendidikan. Jakarta: Penerbit Gunadarma, 1992 Naga, Dali S. “Estimasi Kemampuan Peserta Ujian Melalui Karakteristik Butir Model Logistik. ” Buletin Ilmiah Tarumanagara. Th. 7, No. 24 (Juli 1992) Naga, Dali S. “Pengoptimalan Banyaknya Pilihan pada Tes Obyektif Berganda. ” Matematika dan Komputer. Th. IV, No. 16 (1988 )

-----------------------------------Daftar Pustaka -----------------------------------Naga, Dali S. “The Misuses of Reliability Coefficient and Sampling Variance in -----------------------------------Daftar Pustaka -----------------------------------Naga, Dali S. “The Misuses of Reliability Coefficient and Sampling Variance in Educational Research. ” Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan. Special edition (December 1997) Naga, Dali S. “Karakteristik Butir pada Alat Ukur Model Dikotomi. ” Arkhe: Jurnal Psikologi. No. 4, Th. 3 (April 1998) Naga, Dali S. “Karakteristik Butir Pengukuran pada Teori Klasik dan Teori Modern. ” Arkhe: Jurnal Psikologi. No. 5, Th. 3 (September 1998) Naga, Dali S. “Tara Peringkat Persentil. ” Arkhe: Jurnal Psikologi. No. 6, Th. 4 (April 1999) Naga, Dali S. “Estimasi Parameter Responden pada Model L 2 P Melalui Kebolehjadian Maksimum dan Metoda Newton-Raphson. ” Arkhe: Jurnal Psikologi. No. 7, Th. 4 (September 1999) Naga, Dali S. “Memahami Skala Coombs. ” Arkhe: Jurnal Psikologi, No. 8, Th. 5 (April 2000) Naga, Dali S. “Indeks Kehati-hatian Sekor Responden pada Model SHL: Suatu Bentuk Indeks Ketidakwajaran pada Sekor Ujian. ” Arkhe: Jurnal Psikologi, Th. 6, No. 1 (April 2001)

-----------------------------------Daftar Pustaka -----------------------------------Naga, Dali S. “Validitas Pengukuran: Istilah, Perkembangan, dan Variasinya. ” Arkhe: Jurnal -----------------------------------Daftar Pustaka -----------------------------------Naga, Dali S. “Validitas Pengukuran: Istilah, Perkembangan, dan Variasinya. ” Arkhe: Jurnal Psikologi. Th. 7, No. 1 (April 2002) Naga, Dali S. “Beberapa Kriteria Empirik pada Analisis Butir. ” Arkhe: Jurnal. Psikologi. Th 8 No. 2 (September 2003) Naga, Dali S. “Pergeseran Paradigma pada Sistem Ujian” Makalah pada Konvensi Nasional Pendidikan Indonesia ke-5 (Oktober 2004) Naga, Dali S. “Ketidaktepatan Penggunaan Validitas Butir dan Koefisien Reliabilitas dalam Penelitian Pendidikan dan Psikologi. ” Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan. Jilid 11 No. 2 (Juni 2004) Nitko, Anthony J. Educational Assessment of Students. Second edition. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc. , 1996 Nunnaly, Jum C. , Jr. Psychometric Theory. New York: Mc. Graw-Hill Book Company, 1867 Nunnaly, Jum C. , Jr. Introduction to Psychological Measurement. New York: Mc. Graw-Hall Book Company, Ltd. , 1970 Oosterhof, Albert. Classroom Applications of Educational Measurement. Second edition. New York: Maxwell Macmillan International, 1994

---------------------------------------Daftar Pustaka --------------------------------------- Openheim, A. N. Questionnaire Design and Attitude Measurement. New edition. London: ---------------------------------------Daftar Pustaka --------------------------------------- Openheim, A. N. Questionnaire Design and Attitude Measurement. New edition. London: Printer Publishers, 1992 Oriondo, Leonora Loyola and Eleanor M. Dallo-Antonio. Evaluating Educational Outcomes: Tests, Measurement and Evaluation. Manila: Rex Book Store, 1994 Owen, John M. Program Evaluations: Forms and Approaches. St. Leonards, NSW: Allen and Unwin Ltd, 1993 Payne, David A. The Specification and Measurement of Learning Outcomes. MA: Blaiskel Pub. Co. , 1968 Popham, W. James. Educational Evaluation. Third edition. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1993 Popham, W. James (ed). Evaluation in Education: Current Application. Berkeley: Mc. Cutcham Publishing Company, 1974 Popham, W. James. Modern Educational Measurement. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc. , 1981 Reeves, Martha. Evaluation of Training. Petaling Jaya, Malaysia: Pelanduk Publications Sdn Bhd, 1994

---------------------------------------Daftar Pustaka --------------------------------------- Seder, M. U. and Leonard S. Feldt. “The Sampling Distributions of ---------------------------------------Daftar Pustaka --------------------------------------- Seder, M. U. and Leonard S. Feldt. “The Sampling Distributions of the Kristof Reliability Coefficient, the Feldt Coefficient and Guttmsn’s Lambda-2” Journal of Educational Measurement. Vol. 14, No. 1 (Spring 1976) Setiadi, Hari and Ronald K. Hambleton. “Item Selection Using IRT Models. ” Lokakarya Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sistem Ujian, Balitbangdikbud, Jakarta (16 Juli 1997) Silverius, Juke. Evaluasi Hasil Belajar dan Umpan Balik. Jakarta: Penerbit PT Grasindo, 1991 Singarimbun, Masri dan Sofian Effendi (ed). Metode Penelitian Survai. Jakarta: LP 3 ES, 1989 Stufflebeam, Daniel L. Educational Evaluation and Decision Making. Itasca, IL: F. E. Peacock Publishers, Inc. , 1977 Sudijono, Anas. Pengantar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada, 1996 Ten. Brink, Terry D. Evaluation: A Practical Guide for Teachers. New York: Mc. Graw-Hill Book Company, 1964 Thomson, Godfrey. The Factorial Analysis of Human Ability. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1956

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