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CZECHINVEST Investment and Business Development Agency Doing business in the USA, February 5 th, 2015
Czech. Invest to support foreign direct investment § Czech. Invest is exclusively authorized to file applications for investment incentives at the competent governing bodies and prepares draft offers to grant investment incentives. § Support for suppliers – administration of a database of Czech supplier firms to develop local companies & implement business-development programs § Czech. Invest as an intermediary between the EU and SME in implementing structural funds in Czech Republic to improve the business environment § e. g. Development of Clusters, Regeneration of Brownfields All of Czech. Invest’s services are free of charge
Support of Start-ups by Czech. Invest Czech Tech Pitch Day Start-up / Early Stage Companies Seed / Start-up Companies Czech. Link Start Czech ICT Incubator @ Silicon Valley in cooperation with
Czech. Eko. System Target Support of innovative Start-ups through granting of specific consultancy: § Coaching – major element based on transferring „business know-how“ of the Coach gained by personal experiences. § Consultancy services – complete advisory in field of finance, law, management, HR etc. (in cooperation with Deloitte) § Assistance with seeking out Capital for financing further company development (venture-capital funds, business angels) Applicant § § SME - must be a business entity with its registered office or operations in the Czech Republic may not have its registered office in Prague age up to 5 years
Czech. Eko. System Statistics: § § § Start – November 2011 Termination – July 2015 Number of calls – 3 Received applications (total) – 245 Supported applications (total) – 115 Database over 140 mentors and advisors Support range: § Coaching – up to 500. 000, - CZK (100%) / $ 20 K § Consultancy services – up to 2. 000, - CZK/ $ 80 K(co-finaced by 20%)
Czech. Accelerator 2011 -2014 2010 2011 Pilot phase 10 companies Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation Silicon Valley 2012 2015/2016 Boston 6 companies Singapore Israel Switzerland Czech. Accelerator 2. 0
Czech. Accelerator 2011 -2014 Destinations Boston Switzerland Israel Silicon Valley Singapore
Czech. Accelerator 2011 -2014 Destinations 16 companies 3 partnerships 245 events 11 partnerships 157 events Boston Silicon Valley 15 companies
Czech. Accelerator 2011 -2014 Applicants § Participants The applicant: ▬ must be an SME ▬ must possess an innovative product ▬ must have strong interest and motivation to penetrate international markets § Evaluation committee ▬ the product’s potential for commercial use and for a technology partner ▬ the product’s level of technological development, attractiveness and innovativeness ▬ feasibility of the product ▬ quality of the applicant’s working team ▬ relevance of utilisation in the accelerator Medtech ICT Biotechnology Life science Precision engineering Clean tech Nanotechnology
Czech. Accelerator 2011 -2014 What do we offer? 100 % Free use of office space up to 6 months Easy access to potential strategic partners The protection of intellectual 100 % property rights Familiarization with the local business environment 100 % Office space Networking events Mentoring, coaching, advisory services The opportunity to participate in regular networking events, conferences and seminars 50 % The access to consulting services in the area of legal, marketing and HR issues, financial strategies and business development The contribution for travel costs 50 % 10
Czech. Accelerator 2011 -2014 Summary of the project ed d on en ili att m s nt 24 e ev ZK =C ing k sts or o r etw lc n so ta ip of To s rsh ation e d re rtn per a nd d p coo e Hu lud ts on c con men 35 ree f ag hrs o 00 > 1, 7 toring men 42 participants 95 ap plican ts 6 c all s … and more 11
Czech. Accelerator's Graduates
Czech Tech Pitch Day May, 2013 Boston 8 companies Czech. Link Start Launched Q 1 2015 Preparing start-up Pitch Deck Assistance with seeking out Capital for financing further company development Connect start-ups with corporate venturecapital funds or business angels
Czech ICT Incubator @ Silicon Valley Organized by Partners: Rockaway, Seznam. cz & Czech. Invest; J&T Ventures, Microsoft, Wayra etc. 1 st call Final decision yesterday in Wayra Applicant § solid team with minimum 1 Czech co-founder OR company registered in the Czech Republic § business in software/mobile app/hardware/e-commerce § special category: IDEA stage start-ups with high level of innovation Support (100 % financed by Czech ICT Alliance) § 3 -4 months stay in business incubator located in San Francisco § Mentoring, on-site support (overview in Silicon Valley) § Contribution to access to networking events http: //runway. is
„The way to get started is to quit talking and start doing“ Walt Disney Ms. Marketa Havlova Head of Internationalization of SME Section Investment and Business Development Agency – Czech. Invest Stepanska 15, 120 00, Prague 2, Czech Republic Marketa. havlova@czechinvest. org +420 296 342 576; +420 606 022 540 www. czechaccelerator. orgcz www. czechinvest. org