Скачать презентацию Cy Cop Enterprise Management System For the Скачать презентацию Cy Cop Enterprise Management System For the


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Cy. Cop ® Enterprise Management System For the California Private Patrol Operator © 2006 Cy. Cop ® Enterprise Management System For the California Private Patrol Operator © 2006 Richman Technology Corporation, Proprietary & Confidential 1

Cy. Cop® Functionality Diagram 2 Cy. Cop® Functionality Diagram 2

User-Friendly Quick to Learn l Easy to Use l Secure & Reliable l 3 User-Friendly Quick to Learn l Easy to Use l Secure & Reliable l 3

Simple to Operate l Easy Set-Up via Internet l No Additional Equipment Needed l Simple to Operate l Easy Set-Up via Internet l No Additional Equipment Needed l Employees enter time via Any Site Phone Using Patented Voice-Response Technology 4

Generate Real-Time Alerts Supervisors & Managers via cell phone, pager or e-mail Meal / Generate Real-Time Alerts Supervisors & Managers via cell phone, pager or e-mail Meal / Rest Break Violation Missing IN / OUT “Punches” Invalid Password Entry Unauthorized Phone Unauthorized Overtime No Show / No Call 5

Instant On-Line Reports 6 Instant On-Line Reports 6

Paper Reports l Hard Copy Outputs 7 Paper Reports l Hard Copy Outputs 7

Training & Support User Guide Company Admin. Guide TRAINING & SUPPORT IS INCLUDED Employee Training & Support User Guide Company Admin. Guide TRAINING & SUPPORT IS INCLUDED Employee Guide Unlimited Phone Support System Loading Forms 8

Getting Started is Easy Phase 1 Train PPO Administrators Input Employee & Site Set-Up Getting Started is Easy Phase 1 Train PPO Administrators Input Employee & Site Set-Up Data Phase 2 Train Employees Phase 3 Start Using System (No Software or Hardware to Install) 9

CALSAGA Clock In/Clock Out Comply with California Meal & Rest Break Laws and Regulations CALSAGA Clock In/Clock Out Comply with California Meal & Rest Break Laws and Regulations l Minimize Class Action Lawsuits l Eliminate Time-Card Fraud l Computerized Time Punches l Computer-Validated Site Check-In l Biometric Voice Recording Discourages “Buddy Punching” l 10

Cy. Cop® Scheduling l l l l Reduce Labor Costs Cut OT Supervisor Efficiency Cy. Cop® Scheduling l l l l Reduce Labor Costs Cut OT Supervisor Efficiency Payroll Accurate and Minimized Invoice Fast, Maximize Billing Minimize Clerical Work Visibility and Control 11

Enables Efficient Supervision l Generates Alerts for: No-Shows / No-Calls Early / Late Arrivals Enables Efficient Supervision l Generates Alerts for: No-Shows / No-Calls Early / Late Arrivals & Departures Unauthorized Overtime l Fewer Supervisors for More Billable Guards l Real Time Alert, Real Time Response 12

Schedule Best Person per Open Shift Best Qualified based on: l l l Availability Schedule Best Person per Open Shift Best Qualified based on: l l l Availability Worked That Site Before Prior Supervisor Comments Competencies & Restrictions Hours Scheduled Quickly Decide/Contact 13

Scheduling Flexibility l l Flexibility to Make Changes Quickly Without Disrupting Client Services or Scheduling Flexibility l l Flexibility to Make Changes Quickly Without Disrupting Client Services or Coverage Real Time Response to: l No-Shows/ No-Calls l Early / Late Arrivals & Departures l Unauthorized Overtime 14

Cy. Cop® Scheduling l Operationally Begin with Templates l Make Day to Day Changes Cy. Cop® Scheduling l Operationally Begin with Templates l Make Day to Day Changes l Use Filters to Narrow Down Searches l Schedulers Not Clerks: Decisions l Appropriate Payroll & Billing 15

Cy. Cop® Reconciliation l What Happened Vs Schedule l Automatic Reconciliation with Manual Override Cy. Cop® Reconciliation l What Happened Vs Schedule l Automatic Reconciliation with Manual Override l Easy, Quick, Minimize Human Error 16

Cy. Cop® Billing Recap l Easier to Ensure Bills Match Contracts l Automatically Charge Cy. Cop® Billing Recap l Easier to Ensure Bills Match Contracts l Automatically Charge for Additional Costs l Changes Made Leave an Audit Trail 17

Real-Time Lost-Hours Monitor l Report/Display for Each Scheduler l MTD Lost-Hours: # and % Real-Time Lost-Hours Monitor l Report/Display for Each Scheduler l MTD Lost-Hours: # and % Not Billable l Track Real Time l See Individually: Compare l How They Are Doing by the 15 th l Ability to Control Profitability 18

Site Profitability Reporting l Analytical Tool l Profit by Guard, Site, District, etc. l Site Profitability Reporting l Analytical Tool l Profit by Guard, Site, District, etc. l Analyze Any Way You Want 19

Cy. Cop® Training System l Content Delivery Engine l Training Compliance System 20 Cy. Cop® Training System l Content Delivery Engine l Training Compliance System 20

Training Content Delivery Engine l Web Based Means of Delivering Digital Media: Text, Images, Training Content Delivery Engine l Web Based Means of Delivering Digital Media: Text, Images, and Video. l Trains & Tests l Can Include “Off-the-shelf” Courses Like Sexual Harassment Training 21

Compliance System l Administers All Mandated Training of Guards in Compliance with State Law Compliance System l Administers All Mandated Training of Guards in Compliance with State Law l Progress and Test Results Online l Tracks Expiration of Certifications, Guard Cards, Gun Permits l Alerts & Reports to Management l Generates State approved Training Certificate 22

Compliance l Prevent or Minimize AB 2880 Training Non. Compliance Fines l Prevent or Compliance l Prevent or Minimize AB 2880 Training Non. Compliance Fines l Prevent or Minimize failing BSIS Audits and Resulting Fines l Help Prevent Loss of PPO License 23

Pay Only For What You Use Check-in/Check-Out System to Verify: NO • Meal/Rest Breaks Pay Only For What You Use Check-in/Check-Out System to Verify: NO • Meal/Rest Breaks • Site Phone • Guard I. D. • Shift Real-Time Alerts For Violations NO EQUIPMENT TO BUY NO TRAINING COSTS SOFTWARE TO BUY NO MAINTENANCE FEES 5. 5¢ PER LABOR HOUR NO SET-UP FEES 24

Pay Only For What You Use Scheduling System: • Reconcile Payroll NO • Prepare Pay Only For What You Use Scheduling System: • Reconcile Payroll NO • Prepare P/R SOFTWARE TO BUY System Input NO • Allocate EQUIPMENT TO BUY Billing Costs NO • Prepare TRAINING NO SET-UP Billing COSTS FEES System Input NO MAINTENANCE FEES 5. 5¢ PER LABOR HOUR 25

Pay Only For What You Use Real-Time Lost Hours Monitor: • By Scheduler • Pay Only For What You Use Real-Time Lost Hours Monitor: • By Scheduler • By Unit NO EQUIPMENT TO BUY NO TRAINING COSTS NO SOFTWARE TO BUY NO MAINTENANCE FEES 1¢ PER LABOR HOUR NO SET-UP FEES 26

Pay Only For What You Use Profitability Reports: • • By Guard By Site Pay Only For What You Use Profitability Reports: • • By Guard By Site By District By Unit NO EQUIPMENT TO BUY NO TRAINING COSTS NO SOFTWARE TO BUY NO MAINTENANCE FEES 1¢ PER LABOR HOUR NO SET-UP FEES 27

Pay Only For What You Use Training Content Delivery Engine NO EQUIPMENT TO BUY Pay Only For What You Use Training Content Delivery Engine NO EQUIPMENT TO BUY NO TRAINING COSTS NO SOFTWARE TO BUY NO MAINTENANCE FEES 1¢ PER LABOR HOUR NO SET-UP FEES 28

Pay Only For What You Use Training Compliance Data Base NO NO EQUIPMENT TO Pay Only For What You Use Training Compliance Data Base NO NO EQUIPMENT TO BUY NO TRAINING COSTS SOFTWARE TO BUY NO MAINTENANCE FEES 1¢ PER LABOR HOUR NO SET-UP FEES 29

For More Information Contact: Richman Technology Corporation 4926 Savannah Street San Diego, CA 92110 For More Information Contact: Richman Technology Corporation 4926 Savannah Street San Diego, CA 92110 Phone: 619 -275 -5201 rtcsales@richmantech. com 30