- Количество слайдов: 43
CVN PESTO Pillar Course 1 October 2017 UNCLASSIFIED
Introduction This presentation covers the following topics: 2 UNCLASSIFIED
Introduction - Objective Note: The DRRS-N graphics used in this presentation contain notional data, and thus are for illustration purposes only. For the embedded links to work, view this presentation in Slide Show mode. 3 UNCLASSIFIED
Overview – Authoritative Sources DRRS-N compiles unit resource values (called FOMs or Figures of Merit), using authoritative data sources. These values and associated data are available to the Commander as a guide for making unit assessments. 4 UNCLASSIFIED
Overview - Format In the following slides, we will introduce the five PESTO pillars which are calculated within DRRS-N for all Aircraft Carriers. Each section will discuss a specific pillar using the following format: • • 5 An overview of the pillar The metrics, which drive the calculations of that pillar The inputs (authoritative data source) and data flow to DRRS-N The drill down analysis provided within DRRS-N UNCLASSIFIED
PESTO Pillars - Personnel - Overview The personnel (P) pillar represents a detailed capture of individual skills that affect the ability of a unit to perform its mission. The personnel metrics in DRRS-N tie the BUPERS process to Fleet readiness. 6 UNCLASSIFIED
PESTO Pillars - Personnel - Metrics PFOM – Calculated for each NMET then averaged up to provide a PFOM score for each Capability Area PFOM is the compilation of [requirements - gaps / requirements] in the following areas: • Active (AC) and Reserve (RC) Component officer and enlisted rating Fit • AC and RC enlisted NEC Fit • Government civilian Fit –generally not applicable to fleet units (no civilian billets on AMD) • T&E school requirements (as set out by the command in FLTMPS) 7 UNCLASSIFIED
PESTO Pillars - Personnel - Metrics 8 UNCLASSIFIED
PESTO Pillars - Personnel - Metrics Sample (No-Weight) PFOM Calculation: Skill NEC ENL OFF CIV T&E Total Rs 66 235 41 0 0 249 Gs 13 55 4 0 0 98 PFOM = (Rs – Gs) Rs = (342 – 72) = 342 PFOM 79 79 UNCLASSIFIED
PESTO Pillars - Personnel - Inputs/Data Flow 10 UNCLASSIFIED
PESTO Pillars - Personnel - Drill Down 79 Select the next slide to see the drill down 11 UNCLASSIFIED
PESTO Pillars - Personnel - Drill Down 342 72 PFOM = (Rs – Gs) Rs = (342 – 72) = 342 79 UNCLASSIFIED
PESTO Pillars - Equipment - Overview • The equipment (E) pillar represents the equipment material condition for performing each assigned NMET and capability • MFOM (Maintenance Figure of Merit) calculates values for equipment material condition readiness based on input from Current Ship's Maintenance Project (CSMP) and CASREPs. • CSMP is a database of Maintenance Action Forms (2 -Kilos). 'E' Pillar accuracy is totally dependent on the accuracy of manually encoded data in individual 2 -Kilos in the CSMP. 13 UNCLASSIFIED
PESTO Pillars - Equipment - Metrics • For tasks, where equipment is required, systems are weighted by major component and sub-component, and are mapped to those tasks • MFOM compiles task-to-equipment mappings, applies equipment condition data from CSMP & CASREPs and generates MFOM data for DRRS-N 14 UNCLASSIFIED
PESTO Pillars - Equipment - Metrics • MFOM’s material readiness “algorithm” rollsup Parent and Child systems that map to an NTA. • NTAs all map to Capability Areas • Two variations within the roll-up calculation: all non-critical items - simple weighted average Ø If at least one critical item - modified weighted average CAPABILITY AREA NTA L 2 System Ø If L 3 System Note: The modified weighted average prevents the next higher level of indenture from being any higher than the lowest critical EOC 15 Sub-systems UNCLASSIFIED
PESTO Pillars - Equipment - Metrics MFOM 2. 0 Screening MFOM Value Algorithm FORMULA (Range 0 – 100) MFOM = [100 – 100 * (1 -EOC) * System Impact * Time Accelerator] Equipment Operating Capability From 2 -Kilo (Work Candidate): If STATUS is blank then disregard 2 K If APL/AEL reads NA then disregard 2 K If SERIAL # reads either various or NA then disregard If SAFETY reads 1 or 2 (CRITICAL/SERIOUS) then EOC =. 2 If SAFETY reads 3 (MODERATE) then EOC = 0. 4 If SAFETY reads 4, 5 (MINOR/NONE) or is blank then go to STATUS If STATUS reads 1 (OPERATIONAL) then EOC = 0. 9 If STATUS reads 2 (NON-OP) then EOC =. 2 If STATUS reads 3 (REDCAP) then EOC = 0. 75 If STATUS reads 0 (N/A) then EOC = 1. 0 System Impact (Based on Parent-Child Relationship from Readiness Model) Warfare Ranking * Impact from model system rollup * Functional Area Ranking * Priority CSMP PRIORITY CODE (2 K – Blk 41) PRI 1 – Mandatory (C-4) PRI 2 – Essential (C-3) PRI 3 - Highly Desirable (C-2) PRI 4 - Desirable Time Accelerator Unit Value * Weeks until mission in right hand of standard distribution curve 100 is good 0 is bad 17 UNCLASSIFIED
PESTO Pillars - Equipment - Inputs/Data Flow 18 UNCLASSIFIED
PESTO Pillars – CVN Model Issues Because of the way in which the CVN Model works in MFOM, a single failure in one sub-system (JBD in this example) can erroneously cause a Red in the NTA score. If the E Pillar score does not make sense, contact your TYCOM. 19 MFOM MODEL EXTRACT UNCLASSIFIED
PESTO Pillars - Equipment - Drill Down 72 Select the next slide to see the drill down 20 UNCLASSIFIED
PESTO Pillars - Equipment - Drill Down UNCLASSIFIED
PESTO Pillars - Supply - Overview • The supply (S) pillar represents the availability of supplies necessary for performing each assigned NMET and capability • SFOM (Supply Figure of Merit) calculates the values that are displayed in the S pillar of DRRS-N 22 UNCLASSIFIED
PESTO Pillars - Supply - Metrics • The S pillar represents supply data generated by the aircraft carrier which is imported into DRRS-N by the carrier readiness team Ashore • Data from the carriers is provided through: Ø Ø R-Supply Database NALCOMIS Database AMSRR Reports OPREP-5 Feeders • SFOM value is calculated to represent the unique supply value for each applicable NMET Ø 25 measures are used to calculate the applicable SFOM value for each respective Naval Tactical Task (NTA) SFOM 23 = + UNCLASSIFIED
PESTO Pillars - Supply - Inputs/Data Flow 24 UNCLASSIFIED
PESTO Pillars - Supply - Drill Down 93 Select the next slide to see the drill down 25 UNCLASSIFIED
PESTO Pillars - Supply - Drill Down UNCLASSIFIED
PESTO Pillars - Training - Overview • CVN training (T) pillar data comes from post watch data logged into CV-SHARP by watch team members • The T pillar represents the performance and experience of the CVN for performing each assigned NMET and capability • NTIMS (the Navy Training Information Management System) calculates the values that are displayed in the T pillar of DRRS-N 27 UNCLASSIFIED
PESTO Pillars - Training - Metrics 28 UNCLASSIFIED
PESTO Pillars - Training - Inputs/Data Flow 29 UNCLASSIFIED
PESTO Pillars - Training - Drill Down 95 Select the next slide to see the drill down 30 UNCLASSIFIED
PESTO Pillars - Training - Drill Down 95 95 100 * Expiration dates in red indicate assessment is expired. Performance Factor Tab 95 95 100 Numbers reflect Current Cumulative Level in Phase /Max level for that Phase All phase levels are in accordance with COMNAVAIRFORINST 3500. 20 D Experience Factor Tab UNCLASSIFIED
PESTO Pillars - Ordnance - Overview • The ordnance (O) pillar reflects the standardized distribution load allowances available for performing each assigned NMET and Capability • OFOM (Ordnance Figure of Merit) captures the delta between the standardized CVN distribution load allowance and ordnance currently held onboard by capability • All CVN standardized distribution load allowances are currently reflected in OIS-W (Ordnance Information System-Wholesale) and are accessible through DRRS-N 32 UNCLASSIFIED
PESTO Pillars - Ordnance - Metrics • OFOM maps ordnance to tasks and capabilities that require ordnance resources Ø Ø Mapping is done by RESPORG Mapping considers major end items and sub-assemblies • OFOM assigns thresholds for ordnance resources • OFOM tables use the data interface with OIS-W to calculate ordnance item percentages • Percentages are quotients of Current On-Hand Quantities divided by Authorized NAVSEA Allowance, not to exceed 100% Ordnance Item % = Current On-Hand Quantities Authorized NAVSEA Allowance 33 UNCLASSIFIED
PESTO Pillars - Ordnance - Inputs/Data Flow 34 UNCLASSIFIED
PESTO Pillars - Ordnance - Drill Down 95 Select the next slide to see the drill down 35 UNCLASSIFIED
PESTO Pillars - Ordnance - Drill Down UNCLASSIFIED
PESTO Pillars - Ordnance - Overview O Pillar Organizational Chart USFF DRRS-N LEAD Mr. John Boyle USFF DRRS-N CFT Lead N 411 B 3 757 -836 -6974 john. boyle@navy. mil CDR Raymond Parham CNAF O Pillar Lead N 40 C LCDR James Fish CNAF O Pillar Assist. 757 -836 -2990 raymond. parham@navy. mil Mr. Bill Glenn CNAF O Pillar Assist. N 40 C 1 N 40 C 4 757 -836 -8307 757 -836 -8261 James. c. fish@navy. mil william. g. glenn@navy. mil UNCLASSIFIED
CNAF DRRS-N Pillar Leads CDR Chad “Spooner” Hixson Program Manager 757 -836 -8244 Mr John Olanowski P Pillar 757 -836 -9936 Mr Tom Worthen E Pillar 619 -545 -1508 LCDR Chris Allen S Pillar 757 -836 -7751 LCDR Sean Blackman T Pillar/METL 619 -545 -0791 Mr Bill Glenn O Pillar 757 -836 -8261 Training Support Leads Mr Chris Soler DRRS-N Training 757 -836 -8243 Mr Rick Leeker MFOM Training 202 -469 -6111 Maxalex Fequiere CV-SHARP Training 757 -836 -6395 Note: All POC information is listed in the Resources tab of the CNAF Readiness Reference Tool 38 UNCLASSIFIED
Backup Slides 40 UNCLASSIFIED
PESTO Pillars - Acronyms Explanation of Personnel Terms: AQD BA COB DESIG FIT Additional Qualification Designator Billets Authorized Currently On Board Designator Billet to qualification match based on DESIG/NEC, rank/Payband, and Subspecialty (AQD) FLTMPS Fleet Training Management and Planning System NEC NOBC Navy Enlisted Classification. A critical NEC manned less than 50% will display n the Personnel drill down as red but not make the MET red. Navy Occupational Billet Code RCN TFMMS Rating Control Number Total Force Manpower Management System UNCLASSIFIED
PESTO Pillars - Acronyms Explanation of Equipment Terms: ALTS AWN CASREP CMP MFOM CSMP e. DFS EOC e. SOMS ICAS ICMP IPARS OMMS-NG PMS SKED RAMIS RMMCO Web. SKED Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology System Automated Work Notification Casualty Report Class Maintenance Plan Maintenance Figure of Merit Current Ship Maintenance Project/Plan Electronic Departure from Specification Equipment Operating Capability Enterprise Shift Operations Management System Integrated Condition Assessment System Integrated Class Maintenance Plan Individual Procurement Action Request System Organization Maintenance Management System-Next Generation Planned Maintenance System Schedule Regional Maintenance Automated Information System Regional Maintenance and Modernization Coordination Office Web-Enabled Scheduling System UNCLASSIFIED
PESTO Pillars - Acronyms Explanation of Ordnance Terms: UIC NALC Nomen COG ACC NAVSEA Allowance Operational Allowance On-hand CC Unit Identification Code Navy Ammunition Logistic Code Nomenclature Cognizant Group Activity Classification Code NAVSEA Allowance Operational Allowance for the Unit Current reported On-hand quantities Condition Code UNCLASSIFIED