Скачать презентацию Customer Relationship Management S Over the framework of Скачать презентацию Customer Relationship Management S Over the framework of


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Customer Relationship Management S Over the framework of IMPLE W E B… HOSTED APPLICATIONS Customer Relationship Management S Over the framework of IMPLE W E B… HOSTED APPLICATIONS SERVER Managing a multi-user group permissions based customizable Workflow web application Visualizing a better business…. Extensible and Flexible as you want it… Sudhakar Krishnamachari skrishnamachari@cincom. com Simple Web: simplified. . innovative. . extensible. . open source. .

CRM CEMS Analytics Touch Points Data Mining SFA OMS Data Warehouse PSA CIS ECRM CRM CEMS Analytics Touch Points Data Mining SFA OMS Data Warehouse PSA CIS ECRM CIM What is CRM… Simple Web: simplified. . innovative. . extensible. . open source. .

Customer Relationship Management: All aspects of Business philosophy/policy, Psychological handling and Management methodology that Customer Relationship Management: All aspects of Business philosophy/policy, Psychological handling and Management methodology that focuses on the customer-centric approach to optimizing business operations. New Customer creation and retaining the existing loyalties to sustain growth of the enterprise is the baseline for the elements of CRM. . Categorization of CRM: Operational CRM: The operational aspects of customer interfaces covering all business New creation. . Services. . functionalities. . Ø Customer Service: Call centers/Help desks Customer Ø Sales Force Automation Ø Metering and Billing Ø Partners / Contracts Billing Data And Collections and Profile collections Analytical CRM: The feedback cycle of analyzing the built-up customer data for better operational workflow and customer handling. Mostly based on Data Warehousing/ Data Mining. Ø Customer Data Analysis Ø Database use for effective Marketing Other Divisions of CRM: Ø Public Sector CRM: Ø Private Sector CRM: ( I would like to add. . Industry based Sectoral CRMs… as generic divisions. . ) Simple Web: simplified. . innovative. . extensible. . open source. .

CRM. I. T. Automation The software/hardware package that enables the stated functionality. But remember CRM. I. T. Automation The software/hardware package that enables the stated functionality. But remember CRM is foremost a Business policy and Management driven strategy and only then an IT enabled solution that supports it. e. CRM or Web based CRM Ø Self Service CRM Ø Profiles: • Data Warehouse Survey Management Software … Customer • Data Cleaning • Bill Customer Service Ø Call Center Software Ø Core Modules • Data Mining Management • Desktop • Internet Help Desk Software Billing … Analysis CRM Billing • Campaign Enabling Infrastructure Sales Force Automation Ø Contact management Ø Lead management … • Dynamic Partner Relationship/Contracts Management Ø Contract Management Software Ø Services & Positioning Distribution Management Software Workforce Management Marketing Management • Direct Sales Force Automation • Call Center • Loyalty Platform • self Service Website … Simple Web: simplified. . innovative. . extensible. . open source. .

CRM: Design, Build, Implement, Use and Manage. . The Basics: ü Customized realistic strategic CRM: Design, Build, Implement, Use and Manage. . The Basics: ü Customized realistic strategic plans ü Getting started fast, and iterating small steps ü Addressing all customer touch points: ü Establishing realistic expectations and metrics ü Organizational change management ü Designing integrated customer databases and infrastructure ü Handle interactions between the technical and management aspects of CRM appropriately CRM shouldn’t be about pretty dashboards of data. It should give business process owners actionable insight into the customer’s own process. There are No Silver Bullets. Evolve your own personal Strategy. No two companies are alike. Simple Web: simplified. . innovative. . extensible. . open source. .

“There is no other way but forward…” The Power Sector… Simple Web: simplified. . “There is no other way but forward…” The Power Sector… Simple Web: simplified. . innovative. . extensible. . open source. .

IT and Power Sector in India vision of reliable, affordable and quality power for IT and Power Sector in India vision of reliable, affordable and quality power for all by 2012 Electricity Act 2003 and the Open Access System: The Challenges: § Private players and competition § No licencing for captive power generation § Onus on SEB’s for commercial survival § Citizen Charter for service levels Accelerated Power Development Reform Programme The objectives of APDRP are: § Improving financial viability § Improving customer satisfaction § Systems approach with MIS § Transparency through Computerisation Simple Web: simplified. . innovative. . extensible. . open source. .

IT Task Force Report 2002 “The ongoing reform programmes in the Indian power sector IT Task Force Report 2002 “The ongoing reform programmes in the Indian power sector requires Information Technology (IT) to play a dominant role in institutionalizing the changes and improvements. ” Ø State of Information Technology § Piecemeal approach. . : largely aggregators or processing tools § Extremely low rate of IT adoption § Basic transactions are still manual without inbuilt § controls § Duplication and/or under-utilisation of resources § Absence of a standard architecture or database § High cost of maintenance § Inadequate interface and integration with other § applications Ø IT Roadmap § 3 to 5 year IT implementation both short term and long term. . § Short term: Use of IT in commercial § processes and quality of supply § Long term: Implement CIS leading to CRM § and MIS More discussions on: Ø Mandated focus area 2 - Customer benefit Ø Overall Approach and Roadmap for Distribution Sector Simple Web: simplified. . innovative. . extensible. . open source. .

Simple Web: simplified. . innovative. . extensible. . open source. . Simple Web: simplified. . innovative. . extensible. . open source. .

CRM Pitfalls. . X CRM initiatives without a strategy or top down and employee CRM Pitfalls. . X CRM initiatives without a strategy or top down and employee buy-in. X The CRM toolset is based on someone else’s success. X CRM with less than required enterprise or customer interfaces. X CRM is considered an IT project – not business policy with an enabling technology. X CRM without defined metrics and objectives X CRM is considered a one-time event or a monolithic CRM implementation. X Altering the CRM solution to accommodate inefficient current business process and behavior. X CRM at leisure… or too rapid… So what is required technologically: An incremental, component-wise, flexible framework that lays the solid foundations to a successful CRM. This allows the strategy to be laid and change manageable throughout its life cycle to business changes. . Simple Web: simplified. . innovative. . extensible. . open source. .

“To make simple tasks easy is commonplace, to make complex tasks simple is an “To make simple tasks easy is commonplace, to make complex tasks simple is an art…” “The inner framework has to be just perfect for the product to turn out right” The Simple Web Overview… Simple Web: simplified. . innovative. . extensible. . open source. .

S IMPLE W E B… Simplified…. Innovative…. Extensible… Open Source… Hosted Web Based Application S IMPLE W E B… Simplified…. Innovative…. Extensible… Open Source… Hosted Web Based Application Server Smalltalk Powered… Linux, Windows, Unix : all major OS base. . Server Pages Servlet Web Services Secure and encryptions capable Multi-User group/Users permissions based workflows for CRM/ Sales/ Project/ Enterprise wide cooperative applications. Highly customizable, to support rules and processing through XML and Smalltalk scripting. . Scalable from few users to 1000’s of users… All major DBMS supported. . My. SQL, Post. Gres, MSSQL, Oracle 24 x 7 x 365 hosted solutions system with a dynamic application server Low Memory, CPU and space requirements… Supports single to 3 tier and extensible to n-tier system. . “The committee recommends that open architecture should be the norm in selecting software and hardware applications in order to realize effective integration and quick adoption. ” IT TASK FORCE REPORT 2002 Simple Web: simplified. . innovative. . extensible. . open source. .

Architecture of a Hosted Application Server EXTERNAL SUBSYSTEM Gateway Firewall 2 Web Browser Access Architecture of a Hosted Application Server EXTERNAL SUBSYSTEM Gateway Firewall 2 Web Browser Access Web Services or direct API connection 1 LAN/WAN Internet Machine ( as per access permissions ) For entry or retrieval Of information in html Pages, XML as reqd. . OR APPLICATION(s) Administrator on the Server machine View and modify Server application configuration 3 Database SQL Queries Store and Fetch 4 Custom client UI access if reqd. . Application Server(S) (On Any OS: Linux/Unix Or Windows) DBMS Server(s): Oracle/ Sybase/MSSQL/Post. Gre Multiple DBMS if reqd. . This is scalable depending on load of number of Simultaneous access to N number of machines. Dynamic Load Balancing, Hot updates without any Downtime is fully supported. Simple Web: simplified. . innovative. . extensible. . open source. .

“Theories are always very thin and unsubstantial; experience only is tangible. . ” Ballou “Theories are always very thin and unsubstantial; experience only is tangible. . ” Ballou Hosea “We know nothing of what will happen in future, but by the analogy of experience. . ” Abe Lincoln The Case Studies… Simple Web: simplified. . innovative. . extensible. . open source. .

Chhattisgarh State Electricity Board Work-Flow CSEB Fuse-Off Call (FOC) Center 1 CSEB FOC 2 Chhattisgarh State Electricity Board Work-Flow CSEB Fuse-Off Call (FOC) Center 1 CSEB FOC 2 Remote Firewall CSEB Main Call Center Hosted Cincom Data Center Server Hosts Simple Web. . Application Framework. Authenticates Remote CSEB Agents. CSEB FOC N-1 Serves Requests from remote users. Maintains comprehensive databases for CSEB FOC N Simple Web: simplified. . innovative. . extensible. . open source. .

Chhattisgarh State Electricity Board Services Offered by Simple Web. . Serves Main Call Center Chhattisgarh State Electricity Board Services Offered by Simple Web. . Serves Main Call Center and the Fuse-Off Call Centers on 24 X 7 X 365 basis. Main Call Center (MCC) is an established Centralized Customer Service Provider. FOCs spread over city, serve as Subsidiary centers in addition to the MCC. I. Secure Login, Complaints Registration. II. Regular Complaints tracking and updating. IV. Consolidated Payment Collection for multiple bills. Integrated Services Provided by MCC & FOCs : V. Applications: Load Enhancement/Reduction, Name Transfer. VI. Periodic Generation of Reports by Manager Group. VII. Workforce Management subsystem for agents. III. Customer Meter Reading Recording VIII. Analytics, Data Aggregation, rolling up, presentation of dashboard. Simple Web: simplified. . innovative. . extensible. . open source. .

Chhattisgarh State Electricity Board : SECURE LOGIN AND DATA ENCRYPTED TRANSFER. . Browser now Chhattisgarh State Electricity Board : SECURE LOGIN AND DATA ENCRYPTED TRANSFER. . Browser now authenticates user against Registered IP and agent ID. If required can be against Windows Integrated (NTLM) Authentication. . Auto Pop-up on authorization. . Data can come encrypted via https AND Also be selectively encrypted/decrypted For DB storage. . Firewall Authorize per special machine signature Register specific current IP/ Mac ID. . Logoff goes similarly. . to de-register the IP And Mac. ID. Simple Web: simplified. . innovative. . extensible. . open source. .

Chhattisgarh State Electricity Board Customer Complaint Forms Assign to Linesman NEW EDIT FCR Generate. Chhattisgarh State Electricity Board Customer Complaint Forms Assign to Linesman NEW EDIT FCR Generate. . Update Closure Auto update 5 min: desktop window. . List of Complaints Edit Permissions differ for MCC, FOC agents, Sysadmin and the CSEB Manager. . On the forms edit. . Hindi FCR form Simple Web: simplified. . innovative. . extensible. . open source. .

Chhattisgarh State Electricity Board ANALYTICS: The data is used to generate daily reports for Chhattisgarh State Electricity Board ANALYTICS: The data is used to generate daily reports for the CSEB officials. . And going forward in the next 3 – 9 months, the decision support system is to be rolled out with aggregated/ segmented/ grouped. . dashboard outputs. . 4 Simple Web: simplified. . innovative. . extensible. . open source. .

Corporate Care System CCS provides Integrated Business Solutions as per your flexible requirements. Highly Corporate Care System CCS provides Integrated Business Solutions as per your flexible requirements. Highly customized Reports generation solution. 1 6 5 2 4 Pages served by the Smalltalk Application Server: 3 1. Cincom Care System (CCS) Home Page. 2. System Call Tracker (SCT). 3. Human Resource Care System (HRCS). 4. Resume Referral (RR) system. 5. & 6. Reports for CCS. Simple Web: simplified. . innovative. . extensible. . open source. .

Workforce Management provides an ordinary system to track working time, tasks of the workforce…. Workforce Management provides an ordinary system to track working time, tasks of the workforce…. just to show the endless possibility of mutating the Simple Web… 4 1 Auto update 5 min: desktop window. . 2 3 Pages served by Cincom Smalltalk Application Server: 1. Workforce Management Home Page. 2. Task List & Auto updated list of unresolved tasks Pop-up. 3. Edit/Set an task. 4. Report for Workforce Management. Simple Web: simplified. . innovative. . extensible. . open source. .

The last leg… Simple Web: simplified. . innovative. . extensible. . open source. . The last leg… Simple Web: simplified. . innovative. . extensible. . open source. .

Smalltalk as Solution Provider : Power, Oil & Gas Sector The integrated Geo. X Smalltalk as Solution Provider : Power, Oil & Gas Sector The integrated Geo. X family, provides a scalable, flexible and integrated decision support solution. Smalltalk software for the Oil Production and Well Drilling Industry. Gas scheduling nomination system using the Distributed Smalltalk application. Petro. VR, for the upstream oil and gas industry. The benefits: smoother workflow, greater flexibility in defining input parameters. Gas Pipeline Scheduling and Nomination System. Natural Gas Marketing System built with Visual. Works/ Versant/DST/SQLServer. As The SCG Company, applications include very large customer billing system. Columbia Gas : A New core billing system - called the Gas Transportation System (GTS).

 Cincom Systems (India) • Cincom India (ISO 9001 Certified), the Indian subsidiary of Cincom Systems (India) • Cincom India (ISO 9001 Certified), the Indian subsidiary of software and services company Cincom Systems, Inc. headquartered Cincinnati, US. • In 1998, established itself as a young and dynamic team based at New Delhi. • Provides software development, client services, and maintenance for the ERP, telecommunications, manufacturing , call center industries…. • We offer solutions in five business categories to valuable clients: Cincom Business Solutions Data Management Marketing, Sales, Customer Service Application Development Manufacturing Outsourcing and Hosting Our categorized products includes: Cincom Synchrony: A Customer Experience Management Solution, includes two primary technology components: a. ) a contact center platform and b. ) Universal View, an agent interface that provides a 360 -degree view of the customer. Cincom Socrates is a standalone Expert Knowledge Accumulator and Decision Support System for complex enterprises. IDS: Cincom’s solution for Mass Document Generation for Billing and any business functionality enterprise wide. Control and Environ: The solution for complex manufacturing ERP industry… And more…. Simple Web: simplified. . innovative. . extensible. . open source. .

Concluding note. . CRM IT enabled Solutions: v Agile and Extreme Programming that delivers Concluding note. . CRM IT enabled Solutions: v Agile and Extreme Programming that delivers incremental solution. v Customer is a partner in development of the solution that best fits their problem domain v Complex problems demand flexible solutions that are highly extensible v Simple natural language based scripting that lends itself to customizability even in a non -IT environment. v Hosted model supports secure, guaranteed, gradually maturing, technically optimal solution forever. . 10, 000 + customers. . Our Global Presence : 5 continents and 100+ countries. . …… Simple Web: simplified. . innovative. . extensible. . open source. .

Let us get together to chart your IT automation Solutions: Simple, efficient and flexible… Let us get together to chart your IT automation Solutions: Simple, efficient and flexible… Simple Web: simplified. . innovative. . extensible. . open source. .

Ó 2004 Cincom Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved Developed in the U. S. A. Ó 2004 Cincom Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved Developed in the U. S. A. CINCOM, , and The World’s Most Experienced Software Company are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cincom Systems, Inc All other trademarks belong to their respective companies. Simple Web: simplified. . innovative. . extensible. . open source. .