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Current Status Steve Foley Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Hi. Seas. Net Services w Satellite bandwidth w Ship-to-shore: 96 kbps (C-Band), 64 kbps (Ku) w Shore-to-ship: 180 kbps for 3 slots on AOR C-Band, 160 kbps for 5 slots on POR C-Band, 128 kbps for 2 slots on Ku-Band Beam 1, 256 kbps for 4 slots on Ku-Band Beam 2, 88 kbps for 1 slot on IOR w Hub station connection to Internet w Direct routing through to home institution w Run your own IP services however you want (email, web browsing, Vo. IP, video teleconferencing, etc. ) w Ship and shore equipment maintenance 2 x/yr
The Hi. Seas. Net Team w Prinicipal Investigator: Dr. Jon Berger, UCSD/SIO w Hi. Seas. Net Engineer: Steve Foley, UCSD/SIO w With help/backup from Geoff Davis and Brian Battistuz, both UCSD/SIO w Satellite network design and equipment maintenance contract with Comm. Systems w Design and Purchasing: Ron Nitz w Maintenance and Equipment: Karl Kapusta
Hi. Seas. Net Changes in 2007 w New ships: w w R/V R/V Point Sur (Ku-Band) Walton Smith (Ku-Band) Oceanus (Ku-Band) Langseth (C-band) w Earth Station w Split Ku-Band service into Sat. Mex 5 beam 1 (new beam with 2 slots) and beam 2 (old beam with 4 slots) w Operated Revelle out of IOR teleport since 2/07 w Web site (http: //www. hiseasnet. net) w Added slot schedule and network diagram w Added file repository (drivers, guides, etc. ) w Added FAQ section
Hi. Seas. Net Fleet w C-Band (2. 4 m dish, Global coverage) w w w w Atlantis Kilo Moana Knorr Melville Revelle Seward Johnson Thompson Langseth w Ku-Band (North America coastal coverage) w w w Endeavor (1. 2 m) New Horizon (1. 2 m) Oceanus (1. 5 m) Pelican (1 m) Point Sur (1 m) Walton Smith (1 m)
Antenna Comparisons C-Band (9797) Ku-Band (6006) Small Ku-band (4006) 144 in 2. 4 m dish 72 in 1. 5 m dish 400 lbs Pedestal mount Rx gain: 42. 5 d. B 48 in 1 m dish 250 lbs Pedestal mount Rx gain: 40. 1 d. B
Pacific C-band Coverage
Atlantic/Eastern Pacific C-band
Indian Ocean C-band
Ku-Band Coverage (Sat. Mex 5) w Beam 1 w R/V New Horizon w R/V Point Sur w Beam 2 w w R/V R/V Endeavor Oceanus Pelican Walton Smith
Equipment Downtime since RVTEC 2006
Maintenance Work w Hi. Seas. Net equipment support and maintenance is contracted to Comm. Systems. Hi. Seas. Net staff authorizes what resources are used and when. w Done 2 x/year, roughly every 6 months. w Done as ships and people are available. We try to combine visits or do them in San Diego to cut down on costs. w International emergency visits are made as needed to resolve problems. w You are welcome to pay Comm. Systems for anything not supported by our maintenance contract (training, upgrades, 3 rd party teleport network changes, etc. )
Failures and Spares w Most problems are user or ship related w Power outage, antenna repoints, gyro failure, unfamiliarity with gear, etc. w Solution: Presented training program suggestion last year, but no significant interest until recently. Is there really interest in a training program? w RF gear failures are major cause of ship outages w Solution: w Have the following spares on board: w RF spares (transceiver, LNA, Modem): $23 k for C-band, $20 k for Ku-band >1 m, $14 k for Ku-band <1 m w Antenna spares (Standard spares kit plus PCU and level cage if not in the standard kit) w Still have depot/earth station RF spares in SD
DAC Remote Panel w Sea. Tel has released Dac. Remote. Panel w Runs under Windows across a serial or IP connection to an antenna controller w Provides extra diagnostic plots, debug data dumps, and visibility into the pedestal control unit. w Officially unsupported, but seems to work well w An upgrade to PCDAC (but it doesn’t have the antenna/ship diagram)
Satellite Shadowing w Sometimes a mast, stack, stairway, etc. is between the antenna and the satellite w The ensuing outage from being on a “bad heading” for extended tracks is frustrating for science and crew alike w Options for resolving this: w Move the antenna higher than anything else! w Buy a second antenna for each ship - need $$ and space to put it w Move the antenna between two positions - need 2 suitable locations and a path between them w Remove obstructions (or don’t make them out of steel)
How do we help each other? w Let us know what you are doing. w New IP services, devices, etc. you have tried and how well they work w New practical applications of Hi. Seas. Net w Collaborative projects using Hi. Seas. Net (we are happy to post links off our website and share info with other scientists) w Be patient with us. We are not staffed 24/7 or any regular hours, really. w Read maintenance reports and correct issues that are brought up. w Let us know well before your ship needs to move between coverage areas. w Install serial term servers to modem and DAC
Future Work w A few more ships to bring online w Possibly expand Ku-band carriers to cover more of POR. Still looking for a better footprint and another antenna at the earth station w Work on training program if there is interest w Multi-day, hands-on and classroom training for geared at Hi. Seas. Net techs w Will involved theory, troubleshooting, procedures, operations, monitoring, etc. w More documentation, troubleshooting guides, etc. w Continue routine maintenance/upgrades of all equipment
Questions? Comments?
Typical Ship Network Setup
High Level Network View