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Current rail research priorities and policies & Horizon 2020 EU – Russia rail research workshop, Moscow 16 -17 October 2012 Liam BRESLIN Head of Unit European Commission, DG RTD, Unit H 2 - Surface Transport
Overview • • Rail research in FP 6 & FP 7 - Policy aspects WP 2013 Draft topics • • Horizon 2020: - Key features - Railway transport focus - Further steps • • Rail PPP: Shift 2 Rail
Railways are Transport of the Future !!! Why ? Green ! Transport accounts for 25% of EU C 02 emissions, yet electrified trains can emit zero C 02 Fast ! High speed trains compete with air planes on short haul Efficient ! Trains operate to time, even within congested cities. Each train carry the freight of several hundred Trucks !
Rail in the White Paper on Transport
A vision for rail transport 2050 . . . Passenger traffic Triple the length of the existing high-speed rail network. By 2050 the majority of medium -distance passenger transport should go by rail High-speed rail outpacing the increase in aviation for journeys up to 1000 km – +176 billion pass-km (rail) versus +67 billion pass km (aviation) compared to 2005 By 2050, connect all core network airports to the rail network
A vision for rail transport 2050 . . . Freight traffic Greater use of more energy-efficient modes – 30% of road freight over 300 km should shift to other modes by 2030, and more than 50% by 2050 Rail freight almost doubled – +360 billion tonkm (+87%) compared to 2005 Deployment of ERTMS By 2050, connect all seaports to the rail freight system Rail Freight Corridors as the backbone of the EU freight transport system
Rail research in FP 6 and FP 7 Energy Savings Electric Current/ Overhead Line Train Intelligence Signalling Bridges Safety Aerodynamics Cab Design Track Wheels/Axles Train Construction Brakes Noise & Vibration Rail/Wheel Dynamics • Funding FP 6: € 117 M • Funding FP 7: currently € 130 M, with a budget of € 22 M in the last call • RUSSIA – main collaborator from INCO countries in FP 7
Key rail-research projects SUSTRAIL (FP 7) è The sustainable freight railway: Designing the freight vehicle - track system for higher delivered tonnage with improved availability at reduced cost è EC funding: € 6. 6 M (RU Participants Petersburg State Transport University )
Key rail-research projects SECURE STATION (FP 7) è Research to improve passenger station and terminal resilience to terrorist attacks and safety incidents è technologies and methodologies enabling design to reduce the impact of blast, fire and the dispersion of toxic agents on passengers, staff and infrastructure. è EC funding: € 2. 2 M
FP 7 -SST-2013 -RTD-1 - Last call in FP 7 • • Date of publication: • • Deadline: 10 July 2012 14 November 2012 at 17. 00 (Brussels local time) • • Indicative budget Surface Transport (including the ‘European Green Cars Initiative’): EUR 107. 63 million • • Total indicative budget Rail: 22 M€ Less topics, emphasis on market uptake Funding schemes : • CP: Collaborative Projects CP –FP = Small & medium scale < 3 M€ EC funding CP-IP = Large scale > 3 M€ EC funding • CSA: Coordination Support Action Coordinating (Also CP’s): min 3 partners, 2 MS or AC
Overview FP 7 -SST-2013 -RTD-1 Ø • EUR 22. 00 million for Group of topics (GT) Nº 1: Increasing railway capacity • • EUR 16. 00 million for Group of topics Nº 2: Ensuring safe, green and competitive waterborne transport • • EUR 37. 63 million for Group of topics Nº 3: Implementing research for the ‘European Green Car Initiative’ • • EUR 20. 00 million for Group of topics Nº 4: Sustainable urban mobility, improving surface transport through ITS, infrastructures, safety and security • • EUR 8. 00 million for Group of topics Nº 5: Cross-cutting activities for implementing the sub-theme programme • • EUR 4. 00 million for Group of topics Nº 6: Horizontal activities for implementing the Transport programme
Overview of Topics for Group Nº 1 Increasing railway capacity • SST. 2013. 1 -1. Railway infrastructure optimisation and monitoring for further noise reduction – CP-FP level 2 • SST. 2013. 2 -1 CP-IP. Next generation of train control systems in the domain of urban and main line European railway systems - CP-IP level 2 • SST. 2013. 2 -2. New concepts for railway infrastructure and operation: adaptable, automated, resilient and high-capacity - CP-IP level 2 • SST. 2013. 5 -1. Technical requirements for the certification of new materials for railway rolling stock - CP-FP level 2
The next Framework Programme: • Previously known as FP 8 or Common Strategic Framework (CSF)
Horizon 2020 – Objectives and structure International cooperation Europe 2020 priorities European Research Area Shared objectives and principles Common rules, toolkit of funding schemes - Tackling Societal Challenges Health, demographic change and wellbeing Food security, sustainable agriculture and the bio-based economy Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action & Resource Efficiency including Raw Materials Inclusive, innovative and secure societies - Simplified access Industrial Leadership and Competitive Frameworks - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies (ICT, nano, materials, bio, manufacturing, space) - Access to risk finance - Innovation in SMEs Excellent Science Base European Research Council Future and Emerging Technologies Marie Curie actions on skills, training and career development Research infrastructures Dissemination & knowledge transfer Supporting the objectives: European Institute for Innovation and Technology Joint Research Centre
“HORIZON 2020”: MAIN FEATURES DURATION: · 7 years (2014 -2020) BUDGET: SMART, GREEN AND INTEGRATED TRANSPORT: · 88 billion € (current prices) SCOPE: · from research to innovation IMPLEMENTATION: · 7. 2 billion € (current prices) · continued stakeholder engagement: maintaining and possibly extending JTIs and PPPs FUNDING SCHEMES: · fewer, more flexible and user-friendly · covering research and innovation
SMART, GREEN AND INTEGRATED TRANSPORT IN “HORIZON 2020” The challenge: to achieve a transport system that is • resource efficient • environmentally friendly • safe and seamless for the benefit of citizens, economy and society The logic: • a holistic approach… • …that recognises modal specificities; • that is focused on the societal challenges… • …and takes into account the imperatives of competitiveness.
STRIKING THE RIGHT BALANCE • policy objectives/industry goals/user needs • TRANSPORT WHITE PAPER • holistic approach/modal specificities • competitiveness/sustainability • technology integration/socio-economic dimension • means/infrastructures/systems/services • aviation/road/rail/waterborne/urban/cross-cutting
RESOURCE EFFICIENT TRANSPORT THAT RESPECTS THE ENVIRONMENT – railway research and innovation • Cleaner E L B A and quieter vehicles - energy storage and energy supply infrastructure N I - lighter vehicles, new materials, innovative design • Smart A T S equipment, infrastructures and services: - efficient use and management of the rail infrastructure - autonomous and efficient maintenance and inspection systems U S - climate resilience of infrastructures - accessibility and social inclusiveness • Improved transport and mobility in urban areas
BETTER MOBILITY, LESS CONGESTION, MORE SAFETY AND SECURITY - railway research and innovation (1) S S • Substantial reduction of traffic congestion - ‘door-to-door’ transport system E L - multimodal transport management - information and payment system M A - accesibility • Improved mobility of people and freight E S - optimisation of the railway network management - Interoperability, efficient use of the infrastructure - new positioning, navigation and timing applications (Galileo and EGNOS satellite navigation systems) - rapid responses to crisis events and extreme weather
BETTER MOBILITY, LESS CONGESTION, MORE SAFETY AND SECURITY - railway research and innovation (2) • new S S concepts of freight transport and logistics E L - combine high performance and low environmental impact vehicles with smart, secure on-board and infrastructure-based systems - e-Freight vision of a paperless freight transport process • reducing M A accidents and casualties, improving security E S - passive and active safety, preventive safety, and enhanced automation and training processes to reduce the impact of human errors - integration of security aspects in the planning and management of passenger and freight flows
GLOBAL LEADERSHIP FOR THE EUROPEAN TRANSPORT INDUSTRY - railway research and innovation • next generation of transport means I T E V - development of innovative vehicles incorporating intelligent control systems • on board, smart control systems - vehicle/infrastructure communication • advanced E P production processes - lower lifecycle cost, facilitate vehicle standardisation and certification; fast and cost efficient design and manufacturing (including assembly, maintenance and automation) • new M O C transport concepts - innovative transport systems, incl. automated vehicles
SOCIO-ECONOMIC RESEARCH AND FORWARD LOOKING ACTIVITIES FOR POLICY MAKING E V I S • actions to support policy analysis and development • user behaviour, social acceptance, mobility patterns • business models • impact of policy measures O P N • long term scenarios and prospective studies S E • transport and spatial planning • accessibility issues R • transport economics
STRONG PARTICIPATION BY SMES • Integrated approach - around 15% of the total budget for societal challenges and LEITs to go to SMEs • Simplification of particular benefit to SMEs (e. g. single entry point) • A new SME instrument, will be used across all societal challenges as well as for the LEITs • A dedicated activity for research-intensive SMEs in 'Innovation in SMEs'. • 'Access to risk finance' will have a strong SME focus (debt and equity facility)
INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION • main drivers for international cooperation in transport R&I: - global challenges, common problems - cross-border interoperability: Eur- Asian landbridge - international standards and global systems - access to knowledge, access to markets • mutual benefit, without hampering competition • primarily with leading partner countries and neighbouring countries
Main funding schemes max 100% of eligible costs (70% for demos and close to market activities) • Collaborative projects whole range of R&D activities, carried out by transnational consortia • Support actions e. g. : dissemination, coordination, expert support, studies, etc. • Dedicated instrument for innovative SMEs 3 stages: feasibility/ main grant/ follow up • Programme co-funding grants to national programmes for coordination and joint actions • Cash prize contests to stimulate breakthroughs in science, research and innovation • Financial engineering
NEXT STEPS H 2020 (TENTATIVE) 30 Nov. 2011 – Commission proposals adopted 2012 -2013 – EP and Council deliberations 2013 – EP and Council decisions 2 nd semester 2013 – Preparation of 1 st Work Programme
Rail Public-Private Partnership Proposal (Shift²Rail)
Current situation • Proposal led by UNIFE (rail manufacturer’s association) • Initiative in line with Transport White Paper objectives, in which rail plays a significant role • Strong technology focus, centered around 2 main objectives (increasing capacity and competitiveness) • Initial proposal (version July 2012) being reviewed by DG RTD and DG MOVE • Official feedback to follow this week
Further information • CORDIS: http: //cordis. europa. eu/home_en. html • Call for experts (evaluators and reviewers): PLEASE REGISTER http: //cordis. europa. eu/emmfp 7 • Transport web site: • RTD: http: //ec. europa. eu/research/transport/index_en. html • MOVE: http: //ec. europa. eu/research/transport/index_en. cfm • Helpdesk: http: //ec. europa. eu/research/new_hp/index. cfm? pg=enquiries • IPR helpdesk • http: //www. ipr-helpdesk. org/
ERRAC history Set up in 2001 with the ambitious goals of : • embracing the Transport White Paper objectives • creating a single European body able to contribute to • and the revitalisation and the competitiveness of the European rail sector through more innovation and more co-ordinated research activities. A unique body bringing together: Railway undertakings Infrastructure companies Urban and regional transport operators Manufacturing industry Representatives of the EU Member States Customer groups Academics institutions Member States European Commission With the aim of achieving consensus on priorities for railway research and guiding research efforts towards common strategy 31
ERRAC- ROADMAP Project 2009 – 2012 (ended 31 July) Supporting the ERRAC Adivisory Council tasks The project has produced 9 Roadmaps with research priorities, an integrated Roadmap, A Railroute 2050 document and the evaluation of 75 + EU funded Rail Research projects Approach was based on the main priorities of the updated 2007 SRRA: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Energy and Environment Personal Security Test, Homologation and Safety Competitiveness and enabling technologies Strategy and Economics Infrastructure These have been “translate” to the 6 priorities of the EC FP 7 priorities for Transport Research (Cross reference/Matrix) + adding an Evaluation and Rail research Database and a Management WP. Plenary ERA NTPs Extended support group and Management (WP) ETPs WP 01 The greening of surface transport WP 02 Encouraging modal shift and decongesting transport corridors Other bodies WP 03 Ensuring sustainable urban transport WP 04 Improving safety and security WP 07 Communication WP 05 Strengthening competitiveness WP 06 Evaluation and rail research data base 32
New strategic approach of ERRAC Documents existing or in preparation Rail Vision for 2050 Business perspective Challenge 2050: The Rail Sector Vision ERRAC “Rail Route 2050” • Draw together the current route mapping initiatives – give them a 2050 slant • Develop strategic and measurable research objectives taking account of Cost, Capacity, Carbon, Customer, Co-Modality, Communication, Culture R&D projects develop the objectives, new technology JTI, UIC. . . • Rail Route 2050 • ERRAC Route Maps • ERRAC SRRA • Shift²Rail – proposal and action plan • Projects proposed/being delivered by the • Rail Stakeholders