Скачать презентацию Curating Pharma CRM A unified software product for Скачать презентацию Curating Pharma CRM A unified software product for


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Curating Pharma CRM A unified software product for automation and control of work activity Curating Pharma CRM A unified software product for automation and control of work activity of medical representatives and external services in pharma companies Presentation of solution based on Dig. See products Mobile. SOP and WEB-CRM +38044 -2201515, blaze@digsee. com www. digsee. com 1

- IF YOUR COMPANY NEEDS TO: Control presence of products in pharmacies (shelf stock, - IF YOUR COMPANY NEEDS TO: Control presence of products in pharmacies (shelf stock, defective products, standards of presence, prices) Have a unified register of medical institutions, doctors, pharmacies with various types and attributes Monitor medical representatives, even those outside your direct subordination Control POS materials Provide WEB access to database from various regions for various departments and employees according to their access rights and job positions THEN… www. digsee. com 2

…All these tasks will be resolved by WEB-CRM (as means of distributed access to …All these tasks will be resolved by WEB-CRM (as means of distributed access to information) and Mobile. SOP (as a tool for control and monitoring of people "in field" by means of pocket PCs) A turn-key solution is available in Software as a service (SAAS) mode, which requires no software purchase. We provide you with a ready tool. www. digsee. com 3

KEYWORDS: Standards of presence Number of prescriptions Potential of the doctor/pharmacy Estimation of medical KEYWORDS: Standards of presence Number of prescriptions Potential of the doctor/pharmacy Estimation of medical product Defective products Shelf stock Monitoring of prices/competitors Control of medical representatives Routes: daily and special POS materials Goals and tasks Analysis and reports If these keywords are topical for you – call us! www. digsee. com 4

Our solution constituents: 1. An important component of the solution is Mobile. SOP - Our solution constituents: 1. An important component of the solution is Mobile. SOP - the last mile solution based on phone and tablet PC. A medical representative, being in a pharmacy or at a doctor, can use a simple in use smartphone or a tablet PC with touchscreen to perform basic functions on entering reports by results of the visit, to see the information on doctor, to get direct instructions from supervisors, to monitor a state of pharmacies and to fulfill the total set of routine filling of reports directly via a pocket PC instead of paperwork. The solution is based on military technology, intended for remote trouble-free operation and requires no high computer skills from its users. Via mobile communication the entered data (together with hidden data on work activity control of this representative) are transferred to the CRM database. 2. Dealongo-ONLINE solution contains a unified database of all pharmacies, doctors, experts and their attributes, users, roles, reference manuals, and reports. Moreover, the interface for this database is WEB-interface. This allows one to implement this solution in each particular region or at any workplace in a few minutes … 3. The interface and logic of DELAONGO-ONLINE and MOBILESOP are adapted for CUSTOMER requirements and can be launched even without buying this solution! www. digsee. com 5

System advantages: easy to launch The system is developed by the «Software as a System advantages: easy to launch The system is developed by the «Software as a Service» (SAAS) principle, therefore launch of the to system operation requires no installation, integration, or other preparatory actions. It’s enough to enter the mobile component of the system into a communicator/tablet PC and to get login and password for the web interface access.

System advantages: task construction kit The system contains a task construction kit, which allows System advantages: task construction kit The system contains a task construction kit, which allows one to create 34 types of tasks with various parameters. The task construction kit allows one to implement collection of almost any information by means of the system mobile component.

System advantages: flexibility The system provides automation in: Creation of database of retail/sale sites; System advantages: flexibility The system provides automation in: Creation of database of retail/sale sites; Data collection on product presence and quality of product placement; Preparation of reports on visits and fulfilled operations; Data collection on fulfillment of standards of presence in trading equipment layout and POSM; Conduction of inquiries, testing and other actions.

System composition The system consists of: Mobile component; DB servers; Servers of web applications. System composition The system consists of: Mobile component; DB servers; Servers of web applications. The data interchange between the system mobile component and the DB server occurs via mobile communication IMPORTANT! The system works offline with possibility of synchronisation after each visiting

Subsystems The system consists of: Subsystem of control of employees; Subsystem of control of Subsystems The system consists of: Subsystem of control of employees; Subsystem of control of medical institutions; Subsystems of control of routes; Task management subsystem; Information analysis subsystem; Subsystem of reports.

Information analysis The system allows one to perform the information analysis by means of Information analysis The system allows one to perform the information analysis by means of both the built-in reports, and of external applications, such as MS Analysis Server or Business Objects

SERVER WEB server Data protection (access, replacement, device disconnection, etc. ) COMMSGUARANTEE granted data SERVER WEB server Data protection (access, replacement, device disconnection, etc. ) COMMSGUARANTEE granted data transfer via GPRS, wireless networks, office or direct call) Medical Database INTERNET WEB Interface Subdivision by access rights representatives Work domain of ‘field’ representatives Data export into CRM system Integration with reports, technology of database maintenance Analyst Regional manager


Web-portal appearance Web-interface allows one to work with tables of specification which are used Web-portal appearance Web-interface allows one to work with tables of specification which are used in management system by medical representatives and unified database of medical institutions and doctors of various specialisations.

Dig. See company: our system partners Microsoft Corporation Our company is a participant of Dig. See company: our system partners Microsoft Corporation Our company is a participant of Microsoft Windows Embedded Partner Program (WEP), the program directed on provision of a wide spectrum of advantages to the partner companies, using family of products of Microsoft Windows Embedded, for the purpose of prompt market advancement of products on the basis of Windows technology. Microsoft Mobile Solutions Partner program is the world initiative, which purpose is the help partners in developing innovative solutions with application of Microsoft Mobile software, and successful advancement of such solutions in the market. Our company is a participant of this program. www. digsee. com 15

OUR AWARDS Digital Week High. Light 2004 The best innovative solution Mobile system of OUR AWARDS Digital Week High. Light 2004 The best innovative solution Mobile system of reception and handling of orders for a handheld computer The leader of sales of handheld computer НР IPAq in corporate sector for 2004 Best HP i. PAQ solution provider 2006 www. digsee. com 16

The awards received by the company products Best HP i. PAQ solution Provider 2005 The awards received by the company products Best HP i. PAQ solution Provider 2005 www. digsee. com 17

Some of our clients Mobile communication operators: “Kievstar” (Ukraine) and “Life ; )” (Belarus) Some of our clients Mobile communication operators: “Kievstar” (Ukraine) and “Life ; )” (Belarus) Banks: «Delta-bank» Insurance companies: "Ingo", "Credo-Classic", «Nova» Filling station chains: «ANP- 21 Century» Foodstuff manufacturers: “Argokosm Holding" (Oil/fat-producing factories in Lvov, Zaporozhye, and Kharkov, including over 30 branches), Galichina", "Bondarev", "Lasunya", "Levada", «AVK» Importers: "Oriflame", "Kamis-species", "Kordeks" (Akbar tea), “Yanser" (lingerie shop chain), "Merloni-Ukraina" (TM Indezit, TM Ariston) Pharmaceutics: “BIOKON Pharmacie” Nuclear (NPP) and hydroelectric (HEP) power plants: Balakovsky NPP, Bishkek thermal power station-1, Kolsky NPP (Russia), Kursk NPP (Russia), Leningrad NPP (Russia), Chelyabenergo training centre (Russia), Kurahovsky HEP (Ukraine), Rovno NPP, Uglegorsk HEP, Chernobyl NPP (Ukraine) Distributors: "Agrocontract", ”Albo Group”, "Alpha market", "Bokri", "Hermes", "Konte-Ukraine", "Oasis", "Prodtorg", Podolsk tobacco company, "Podoliatobacco", "Pilon", “ Pioneer", "Favourite", "Rososhenko", "Elmaks", Aybazov , etc www. digsee. com 18

Contact information DIGSEE Ltd Office 69, Urlovsky Str. 11 А , Kyiv, Ukraine Phones: Contact information DIGSEE Ltd Office 69, Urlovsky Str. 11 А , Kyiv, Ukraine Phones: (+380 44) 220 -15 -15 (multi-channel) Fax: (+380 44) 501 -4363 E-mail: blaze@digsee. com Web: http: //www. digsee. com/ http: //www. curating. com/ www. digsee. com 19

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