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Culture of Ancient Egypt Gaptulganiev Daniyar Culture of Ancient Egypt Gaptulganiev Daniyar

Temples of Ancient Egypt Temple of the Goddess Isis The temple is a building Temples of Ancient Egypt Temple of the Goddess Isis The temple is a building intended for worshiping the gods. The word "temple" literally means "the house of God. " One of the most important places of the temple was the sanctuary, which usually contained images and statues of the gods. At the temples there were priests ministers of the gods. Pharaohs gave temples numerous gifts (gold, silver, slaves, gardens and arable land, etc. )

Priests are servants of the gods. Priests are mediators between gods and people. The Priests are servants of the gods. Priests are mediators between gods and people. The priests interpreted the divine will, and therefore the pharaohs were considered with their opinion. The priests possessed immense knowledge that was passed on from generation to generation and was Pharaoh, priest, images kept in strictest secrecy. of the gods.

Culture is the achievements of people in different areas of human life. religion Cult Culture is the achievements of people in different areas of human life. religion Cult of animals and deceased polytheism architecture Culture of Ancient Egypt art painting sculpture medicine the science astronomy mathematics

Chickpea(Нут) Geb Ishida Osiris Anubis Gore Amon-Ra Maat Set Tot Bastet Chickpea(Нут) Geb Ishida Osiris Anubis Gore Amon-Ra Maat Set Tot Bastet

Embalming The ancient Egyptians cared for the preservation of the body of the deceased, Embalming The ancient Egyptians cared for the preservation of the body of the deceased, embalming him. The body was dried, impregnated with resin and wrapped in bandages - it turned into a mummy. Then put the mummy in a coffin - a sarcophagus. Sarcophagus with mummy The sarcophagi were often made from expensive wood, precious metals and other valuable materials and were decorated with paintings and inscriptions. The sarcophagus was located in the tomb.

Architecture - the art of buildings and structures. Pyramid of Cheops (Egypt, Giza) Pyramids Architecture - the art of buildings and structures. Pyramid of Cheops (Egypt, Giza) Pyramids are huge tombs of pharaohs. They are guarded by the Great Sphinx - a creature with a human or animal head and a lion's body. . The highest pyramid - the pyramid of the pharaoh Cheops - was built in the XXVIII century BC. E.

Anubis - patron of the dead God Anubis extracts the heart of the deceased Anubis - patron of the dead God Anubis extracts the heart of the deceased to weigh it on the court of Osiris. When Seth killed Osiris, Anubis, organizing the burial of the deceased god, wrapped his body in cloth impregnated with a special compound, thus making the first mummy. Therefore, Anubis is considered the creator of funeral rites, the patron of necropolises, and is called the god of embalming. Anubis helped save the body of Osiris.

Painting - a kind of art, whose works are created with the help of Painting - a kind of art, whose works are created with the help of paints applied to any surface. Painting colorful drawings on walls, ceilings, etc. Artists and sculptors of Egypt in the depiction of man adhered to certain rules. The upper part of the human body the shoulders, hands - look as if the person is standing in front, and the legs and head - in profile (sideways).

Sculpture - the art of creating images (statues, busts, etc. ) by sculpting, carving Sculpture - the art of creating images (statues, busts, etc. ) by sculpting, carving or casting. The relief is a convex image on a plane. A statue of Amenhotep II (he smiles)

How the mystery of the hieroglyphs was solved. In 1799 in Egypt near the How the mystery of the hieroglyphs was solved. In 1799 in Egypt near the small town of Rosetta was found a black stone, covered with ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. This inscription was able to decipher the French explorer Jean-Francois Champollion. The text of the stone is a thank you note, which in 196 BC. E. Egyptian priests addressed, the next ruler of Egypt, Ptolemy. Rosetta stone has a height of 114. 4 cm, a width of 72. 3 cm, and a thickness of 27. 9 cm. It weighs about 760 kg. Since 1802, it has been kept in the British Museum Rosetta Stone

Great successes Egyptians have reached in the field of medicine. Ancient Egyptian doctors could Great successes Egyptians have reached in the field of medicine. Ancient Egyptian doctors could treat various diseases, and also with the help of medical instruments carry out complex surgical operations. The ancient Egyptians had many knowledge and in the field of herbs, they laid the foundation for the development of pharmacology. The ancient Egyptians also knew the antibiotic properties of certain very popular remedy was honey. plants, such as garlic. A

Mathematics Notation of numbers For 20 centuries before Christ in Egypt, the elements of Mathematics Notation of numbers For 20 centuries before Christ in Egypt, the elements of mathematics as a science began to take shape, which is confirmed by the materials contained in papyrus found by archaeologists.

It should be remembered Culture is the achievements of people in different areas of It should be remembered Culture is the achievements of people in different areas of human life. The temple is a building intended for worshiping the gods. Priests are mediators between gods and people. Cult - worship of any objects, god or gods, worship. Embalming is a method of preventing rotting of corpses, used to preserve bodies of people after their death. The mummy is the embalmed body of man. The sarcophagus is a coffin where the mummy was placed and on which spells were written and depicted gods. Pyramid is the tomb of Pharaoh. Painting - colorful drawings on walls, ceilings, etc. The relief is a convex image on a plane. Sphinx is a creature with a human or animal head and a lion's body. Hieroglyphs - a kind of writing, which was used in ancient Egypt. Papyrus is the material for writing. Scroll - a sheet of papyrus, rolled into a tube.

Astronomy is the science of celestial bodies such as stars, planets, comets, etc. The Astronomy is the science of celestial bodies such as stars, planets, comets, etc. The Egyptians watched the stars and planets Astronomical knowledge was used to design pyramids and temples. Already in the III millennium BC. The Egyptians created their own solar calendar.