Culture: ethical issues
culture: ethical issues High, personal, mass; Functions of culture: Reflection of reality; Socialization; Previous experience; Perfection of a human being.
culture: ethical issues High culture: pre-history; Increase spiritual level; Mass culture: For everyone; Does not increase spirituality; Often cheap; Often a trend/fashion.
culture: ethical issues Personal culture: Is education equal to the level of personal culture?; Is morality and virtues are part of it?
culture: ethical issues K. Jaspers: What is a human being in the 20th c.? A part of mass production? Always “wears masks”? Lost his/her identity? * “Modern Technology”
culture: ethical issues M. Heidegger: (“The question of Technology”); F. Nietzsche: a “phenomenon of the crowd”, “a man without a face”; Literature: “mass writings” for common taste;
culture: ethical issues Cultural diversity and interaction: Reasons of diversity (climate, history, geography, psychology, religion, economic development; West and East? Typical features; Will the 21st century be a dialogue?
Global problems of humanity: Spiritual crisis; Mass diseases; Wars/terrorism; Environmental; Demography; * negative psychological problems.