Translation as rewriting.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 25
• Interdisciplinarity is a multidimensional concept which “consists in creating a new object which does not belongs to anybody” (R. Barthes) • Tr. S is intertwines with sociology, cultural studies, linguistics, historiography, philosophy and literary studies. It leads to the establishment of “turns” which offer innovative potential for the research.
• Translation, History and Culture (1990) ed. by S. Bassnett and A. Lefevere. M. Snell-Hornby: Cultural turn is a move from translation as text to translation as culture and politics. Cultural turn in translation involves studies of changing standards in translation over time, the power on the publishing industry to fit specific ideologies, feminist writing and translation, translation and colonization and translation as rewriting
• Lefevere Translation, Literature and Manipulation of Literary Fame (1992) examination of factors that govern the reception, acceptance and rejection of literary texts: power, ideology, institution and manipulation. • The motivation for rewriting can be ideological (conforming or rebelling against the dominant ideology) ot poetological (conforming or rebelling against the dominant poetics)
• Translation is the most obviously recognizable type of rewriting and the most influential for it can project the image of the author and his works beyond the boundaries of their culture and origin.
Editing as rewriting • Ось ідуть вони юрбами, / Мов на відпуст з хоругвами (І. Франко) • Ось ідуть вони юрбами, / Ті безхвості, ті з хвостами (Ред. М. Рильський)
Literary system in which translation functions is controlled by three main factors: 1. Professionals: critics and reviewers, teachers (decide what book to study) and translators.
• 2. Patronage is any kind of force that can be influential in encouraging and propagating, but also in discouraging, censoring and destroying works of literature: ideological, economic and status component. • Undifferentiated patronage combines all three components; differentiated patronage.
• 3. The dominant poetics: • a) literary devices: genres, symbols, leitmotifs and prototypical situations and characters; • b) the concept of the role of literature.
• Thy days are done, thy fame begun; Скінчилася мука твоя. . . • Thy country’s strains record Тепер зійде щастя зоря! • The triumph of her chosen Son, І в пісні зелених дібров • The slaughters of his sword! Воскреснеш ти, велетню, знов, • The deeds he did, the field he won, І образ за волю борця • The freedom he restored! У ній буде жить без кінця. Thy name, our charging hosts along, Ми в січі підіймем твій стяг • Shall be the battle-word! І пройдемо пасмо звитяг. • ( Byron “Thy Days are Done”) Пер. М. Старицького“Борцю”)
• • • Тут кінчиться наша казка. Всім, хто слухати був ласка, Дай же , Боже, много літ! Най і наш весь сум пропаде! А тим, хто нам коїть зради, Най зійдеться клином світ! Тут кінчиться наша казка. Бубликів солодких в’язка Тим, хто слухав, не шумів… Може, дехто пригадає, Що не раз таке буває І в людей, як у звірів!
• Refracted texts are texts that have been processed for certain audience (children, for example), or adapted to a certain poetics or a certain ideology
• As a rich property owner says ‘Bolsheviks’-as an earnest Communist says ‘Capitalists!’-as a good housewife says ‘Blackbeetles’-so did Miss Williams say ‘Men! (A. Christie Five Little Pigs) • Слово «мужчина» вона вимовляла так, як гарна господиня сказала б – «таргани» ! (Tr. by M. Oliynyk)
• • Forms of totalitarian refraction in translation Eliminating or toning down ideologically incorrect expression; The control over the choice of the original The disappearance of translators’ names Ideology in TS works
• Paul’s epistle to Hebrew 6: 7: For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God (KJV) • Земля, що п’є дощ, який падає часто на неї, родить рослини добрі для тих, що їх обробляють (Tr. by I. Ohiynko) • Земля, пившая многократно, сходящий на нее дождь и произрастающая злак, полезный тем, для которых и возделывается, получает благословенне от Бога (Синодальный перевод)
• Господи, спаси царя і вислухай нас, в який би день ми не звертались [до Тебе] (пер. Філарета) • O LORD, save the king! Answer us when we call! (New International Version). • Дай, господи, цареві перемогу; вислухай нас, коли взиватимемо до тебе (Пер. I. Хоменка) • Save Lord: let the king hear us in the day we call (Geneva Bible) • Save, LORD: let the king hear us when we call (KJV) • Господи, спаси! Царю, вислухай нас в день поклику нашого!» (пер. І. Пулюя), • Господи, спаси! Хай озветься нам Цар у день нашого кликання!» (пер. І. Огієнка), • Save, LORD! May the King answer us when we call (NKJV) • Save, Jehovah: let the King answer us when we call (ASV).
Translation sociology (M. Wolf) • Translation is viewed as a “socially regulated activity” (Th. Hermans) as its involves individuals who are social creatures and social institutions that determine translation strategies.
1) Sociology of agents • Shifts from texts and contexts to individual translators as central objects of the research, “socially conditioned subjectivity” (A. Pym)
2) Sociology of the translation process • Scopos is socially motivated, translation is a deliberate and conscious act of selection and structurization
3) Sociology of the cultural product • Translation makes contribution to the construction of social identity, image, social role and ideology.
TRANSLATION AND GENDER • Sherry Simon Gender in Translation: Cultural Identity and the Politics of Transmission (1996) • Louise von Flotow Translation and Gender. Translating in the Era of Feminism (1997) • Translating Women (2011)
• The language of sexism in Tr. S with its images of dominance, identity, faithfulness and betrayal: “the unfaithful beauty” (17 c), translation as penetration (G. Steiner) • Parallel between the secondary status of translation and women. The core of feminist Tr. S is to identify those concepts that “relegate both translation and women to bottom of the social and literary ladder”
• Feminist translators try to make their language speak for women, “to make the feminine visible in the language” • The treatment of linguistic markers of gender e. g. one, Hu. Man Rights, auther-author, herstory, unwomaned, foremother It is clear that because of the role of the context in all aspects of utterance interpretation, a speaker who intends her utterance to be taken in a particular way must expect it to be interpreted in a context. (Diane Blakemore)
• Unequal position of masculine and feminine translators Key works of Russian and German literatures were translated by women: Constance Garnett – 60 vols of Russian classics