Скачать презентацию CULTURAL DYNAMICS Production grounding interpretation memory WHAT Скачать презентацию CULTURAL DYNAMICS Production grounding interpretation memory WHAT


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CULTURAL DYNAMICS Production, grounding, interpretation, memory CULTURAL DYNAMICS Production, grounding, interpretation, memory

WHAT IS CULTURAL DYNAMICS ? Cultural dynamics is concerned with the formation, maintenance, and WHAT IS CULTURAL DYNAMICS ? Cultural dynamics is concerned with the formation, maintenance, and transformation of culture over time. Cultural information = ideas + practices *Culture – set of non-genetically transmissible information that is available, accessible and applicable for a group of people

Social transmission of cultural information 1. Production – S remembers cultural information and translates Social transmission of cultural information 1. Production – S remembers cultural information and translates it into transmissible form 2. Grounding – establishing mutual understanding about the produced cultural information between the S and R 3. Interpretation – R interprets the grounded cultural information and translates it into a retainable form 4. Memory - interpreted information is remembered for later use and production

Social transmission of cultural information 1. Production – S remembers cultural information and translates Social transmission of cultural information 1. Production – S remembers cultural information and translates it into transmissible form 2. Grounding – establishing mutual understanding about the produced cultural information between the S and R 3. Interpretation – R interprets the grounded cultural information and translates it into a retainable form 4. Memory - interpreted information is remembered for later use and production

Social transmission of cultural information 1. Production both inter- and intrapersonal and translates it Social transmission of cultural information 1. Production both inter- and intrapersonal and translates it into transmissible form 2. Grounding interpersonal about the produced cultural information between the S and R 3. Interpretation both inter- and intrapersonal information and translates it into a retainable form 4. Memory intrapersonal is remembered for later use and production

THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR AND ITS MEMORY • Production: there have been millions of THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR AND ITS MEMORY • Production: there have been millions of the information producers among the people who survived the war. This kind of information is emotive, morally relevant and socially desirable • Grounding: suddenly after the war, the information about it has been shared and led to mutual understanding about the produced cultural information • Interpretation: at this stage receivers interpret the grounded information to be retained in their memory. This process is based on their experience during the war and many other determinants. • Memory: there were a lot of films, books and other products of culture devoted to war with people’s contemplations about it. The war is firmly ingrained within culture bearers. Moreover, arguably there could be a retrieval induced forgetting effect, because after The Great Patriotic war the previous large-scale wars were relatively forgotten