Скачать презентацию CSR as market parameter p p p Companies Скачать презентацию CSR as market parameter p p p Companies


  • Количество слайдов: 15

CSR as market parameter p p p Companies identify and satisfy needs and requirements CSR as market parameter p p p Companies identify and satisfy needs and requirements of their consumers and clients on the markets in a financially profitable manner. According to the logic of the markets, the growing demand of market participants for social, ecological or health-related criteria of products and services represents the economic drive for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in connection with market-orientated corporate management. The following are mainly at the centre of the CSR questions concerning the market as field of activity:

Consumer behaviour and attitudes toward sustainability of brands, products and services: p p p Consumer behaviour and attitudes toward sustainability of brands, products and services: p p p How well are customers and consumers informed about the CSR of the company and how well is the company informed about the expectations of the customers? Can new customer circles be developed through CSR and can trends for example toward sustainable consumption be picked up? Are consumers willing to pay "more" for responsibly produced products, if necessary?

Relationships with business partners and employees: p p What form of CSR are business Relationships with business partners and employees: p p What form of CSR are business partners and employees (surveyed in the future) expecting of the company? Can opportunities generated with CSR be utilised in the supply chain or for public contract awards? Is the company part of networks involved in the further development of CSR in the industry? How can the image as employer be improved with CSR?

Product and service policy: Is the CSR principle of the company integrated into the Product and service policy: Is the CSR principle of the company integrated into the early phases of the product and service development and does it appear along the entire value chain all the way to the consumption and disposal ("cradle-to-grave")? p Are accessibility in the product and service policy or offers for example for disadvantaged groups of persons available (so-called "design-for-all" solutions)? p

Responsible marketing: Are customer promises met and consumers informed extensively also about potential safety Responsible marketing: Are customer promises met and consumers informed extensively also about potential safety risks or hazards? p Is the responsible handling of the company's products addressed and promoted? p

Cause-related marketing: p Can more sales be generated with Cause-related marketing: p Can more sales be generated with "good deeds", for example by dedicating part of the revenue to social or ecological projects?

Social and ecological labels: p What possibilities make sense to position sustainable products and Social and ecological labels: p What possibilities make sense to position sustainable products and services with quality marks and labels on the market?

Standards, awards and prizes: p How can the company qualify for CSR and achieve Standards, awards and prizes: p How can the company qualify for CSR and achieve advantages on the market through quality management as well as the positive image associated with awards and prizes for CSR-oriented topics?

GRI: Standard Disclosures Economic (EC – 9) p Environmental (EN – 30) p Social: GRI: Standard Disclosures Economic (EC – 9) p Environmental (EN – 30) p Social: Labor Practices and Decent Work (LA – 14) p Human Rights (HR – 11) p Society (SO - 8) p Product Responsibility (PR – 9) p

Product Responsibility Performance Indicators address the aspects of a reporting organization’s products and services Product Responsibility Performance Indicators address the aspects of a reporting organization’s products and services that directly afect customers, namely, health and safety, information and labeling, marketing, and privacy. p These aspects are chiely covered through disclosure on internal procedures and the extent to which these procedures are not complied with. p

Provide a concise disclosure on the following Management Approach items with reference to the Provide a concise disclosure on the following Management Approach items with reference to the Product Responsibility Aspects: p Customer Health and Safety; p Product and Service Labeling; p Marketing Communications; p Customer Privacy; and p Compliance. p

Product Responsibility p p PR 1 – Life cycle stages in which health and Product Responsibility p p PR 1 – Life cycle stages in which health and safety impacts of products and services are assessed for improvement, and percentage of significant products and service categories subject to such procedures PR 2 – Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning health and safety impacts of products and services during their life cycle, by type of outcomes PR 3 – Type of product and service information required by procedures, and percentage of significant products and services subject to such information requirements PR 4 – Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning product and service information and labeling, by type of outcomes

Product Responsibility p p p PR 5 – Practices related to customer satisfaction, including Product Responsibility p p p PR 5 – Practices related to customer satisfaction, including results of surveys measuring customer satisfaction PR 6 – Programs for adherence to laws, standards, and voluntary codes related to marketing communications, including advertising, promotion, and sponsorship PR 7 – Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning marketing communications, including advertising, promotion, and sponsorship by type of outcomes PR 8 – Total number of substantiated complaints regarding breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data PR 9 – Monetary value of significant fines for noncompliance with laws and regulations concerning the provision and use of products and services

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