- Количество слайдов: 14
CSR and Business Performance KPIs Claus Aabling Advisor, Business Development and CSR
Agenda • • What are KPIs? Why use KPIs? A few examples Selection of KPIs in company pairs
What are KPIs? Key Performance Indicators: • A figure that indicates the performance within a given activity, e. g. – Turnover – CO 2 emissions – Rejection rates – Worker turnover – Etc. etc.
Why use KPIs? • Management – Assess state of activities and measure performance – Set performance targets and measure progress towards the targets – Measure progress in specific areas of interest • Communication – Social and environmental reporting – Marketing, branding, company image – Substantiate qualitative descriptions • Limitations and pitfalls – Quantitative vs. qualitative data – Correlation vs. causality – Relevance for what you whish to measure
CSR KPI examples
CSR KPI examples
CSR KPI examples Through our energy efficiency efforts and the expansion of renewable energy use, our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions decreased at 3. 8 million tonnes of CO 2 equivalent (eq) [KPI] in 2011, although our production volume increased by 3. 4%.
CSR KPI examples
More on CSR KPIs and CSR reporting… …. Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) www. globalreporting. org
KPIs in SUSBIZ Kenya • For the SUSBIZ programme – Measure baseline in companies – Measure performance within a few selected areas • For the participants – Form part of your own CSR management and communication
KPIs in SUSBIZ Kenya • • • Business performance Product quality Labour standards Health and safety Environment Community involvement
KPIs in SUSBIZ Kenya - Obligatory
KPIs in SUSBIZ Kenya - Total
Exercise on KPIs 1. Discuss the obligatory KPIs – – – Which data do you already collect / is readily available? How can you collect data which is not available? Fill in data for 2011 Q 3 and Q 4 (during the week or before 1 st in-house training) 2. Discus the suggested KPIs – – Which are relevant for you? Decide which ones to use throughout the SUSBIZ programme 3. Discuss if there any other CSR / business performance areas you find relevant to measure – Discuss and settle KPIs for these areas