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CSLI Advisory Board – Fall 2006 Presentation Review of Spring 2006 Survey Findings September 14, 2006 Presented by Dan Nataf, Ph. D Director, Center for the Study of Local Issues Anne Arundel Community College 101 College Parkway Arnold, MD 21012 (410) 777 -2733 (410) 777 -4733 fax ddnataf@aacc. edu www 2. aacc. edu/csli 1
CSLI Semi-annual Survey: Spring 2006 Agenda • • • I. Call to order II. Review CSLI current initiatives/projects III. Review results of Spring 2006 survey IV. Review proposed draft for Fall 2006 V. Discuss possible themes for Spring 2007 survey VI. Any other old or new business 2
CSLI Semi-annual Survey: Spring 2006 CSLI Current Initiatives and Projects Student Oriented Activities • Constitutional Day Survey of Students • Service Learning Project • CSLI Student Club Externally Oriented Activities • Workforce Housing Survey – AAA Chamber of Commerce • Maryland Seafood Festival - AAA Chamber of Commerce • Housing Commission of Anne Arundel County Housing Authority 3
CSLI Semi-annual Survey: Spring 2006 Overview: Spring 2006 Semi-annual Survey • Spring 2006 survey conducted March 6 -9 • Students participating: 80 Students are surveyed about the quality of their experiences – Spring 2006: 55% rated their learning experience as “excellent, ” 39% as “good” – 94% were “very satisfied” with overall quality of training received – 84% would consider participating in another similar CSLI survey in the future • Faculty participating: 18 • Number of completed surveys: 401 4
CSLI Semi-annual Survey: Spring 2006 Most Important Issues Facing AA County Residents – 1995 -2006 - Trends for Major Issues 5
CSLI Semi-annual Survey: Spring 2006 Most Important Issues Facing AA County Residents – 1995 -2006 - Trends for Major Issues Concern about the economy rises 6
CSLI Semi-annual Survey : Spring 2006 How would you rate economic conditions…excellent, good, fair or poor? 7
CSLI Semi-annual Survey : Spring 2006 Seriousness of Costs Cost Very serious Somewhat serious Not very serious NA The cost of housing 65 23 11 0 The cost of utilities such as electricity or natural gas 63 29 8 0 The cost of gasoline 62 30 8 0 The cost of health care 58 28 11 2 Not having enough money for retirement 57 24 16 3 The cost of education 51 29 16 5 The cost of property taxes 49 37 12 2 8
CSLI Semi-annual Survey : Spring 2006 Income and seriousness of various costs 9
CSLI Semi-annual Survey: Spring 2006 Age and seriousness of various costs 10
CSLI Semi-annual Survey: Spring 2006 Seniors’ Most Pressing Needs Need Percent Health care (quality and cost) 41 Affordable housing 12 Assisted living 7 Adequate income 7 Drug costs 6 Cost of living 6 Transportation 6 Taxes 4 Independence 4 Other 4 Social isolation 2 Seniors facilities/programs 2 Total 101 11
CSLI Semi-annual Survey : Spring 2006 How Prepared are Local Authorities in Event of Terrorist Strike - Trend Katrina 12
CSLI Semi-annual Survey : Spring 2006 How Prepared are Local Authorities in Event of Terrorist Strike - Trend 13
CSLI Semi-annual Survey: Spring 2006 County’s Direction: Right or Wrong? Positive feelings affected by perceptions of the economy? Econ (good+xlint) Right 14
CSLI Semi-annual Survey: Spring 2006 County, State, Federal Issues and Politics Thinking ahead to the race for county executive in our county, what is the most important issue or candidate trait that would make you vote for a particular candidate? What is the most important issue facing the state of Maryland at this time? What is the most important issue facing the federal government at this time? 15
CSLI Semi-annual Survey: Spring 2006 Reasons for voting for the next County Executive Candidate Traits – Yes to the honest politician Candidate Trait Percent Honesty 22 Right experience 4 Integrity, ethical 4 Share vision, convictions 3 For the people 3 Competent, responsible 2 Other 2 Independent, open minded 2 Knows communities, knowledgeable 2 Partisan 1 Family values 0 Section total 41% of all responses 16
County, State, Federal Most Important Issues Education Control growth Lower taxes Other Environment Budget, funding Economic development/economy Property tax Gay marriage, abortion, moral values Crime Health care Horse farm Baltimore Port Sale Utility bills Gambling/slots Homeland security Gas prices Immigrants War/Iraq Terrorism Deficit/debt Social security County 16 9 7 6 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 State 13 8 10 6 9 6 14 0 2 10 5 5 3 2 1 1 Federal 0 0 1 3 1 1 5 0 1 0 4 0 2 0 0 10 0 3 41 10 12 2 Partisanship 1 Bush leadership, competence 5 17
CSLI Semi-annual Survey: Spring 2006 Support for Various State Policies Yes to “Wal-Mart Bill, ” Smoking Ban, No to Gay Marriage Policy (Spring, 2006) Support Oppose NA An amendment to the Maryland constitution defining marriage as only between a man and a woman 53 39 8 The General Assembly overrode Governor Ehrlich’s veto of the so called “Wal-Mart Bill” which makes employers with over 10, 000 employees spend at least 8 percent of their payrolls on health benefits. Do you support or oppose this bill? 62 31 7 There is a bill facing the General Assembly that would eliminate all smoking in bars and restaurants – do you support or oppose this bill? 64 34 2 18
CSLI Semi-annual Survey: Spring 2006 Support for Gubernatorial Candidates Candidate Overall Democrats Republicans Independents Men Women Robert Ehrlich Jr. 40 22 68 32 49 35 Martin O’Malley 23 39 10 18 18 29 Douglas Duncan 3 8 1 0 4 3 Undecided 30 31 22 50 29 33 Total 100 101 100 100 19
CSLI Semi-annual Survey: Spring 2006 Ehrlich Support by Party and Ideology Rep/Cons 75 Republicans 68 Cons 65 Rep/Mods 63 Dem/Cons 46 Average 40% Moderates 37 Independents = 33 Liberals 29 Democrats 22 Dem/Mods 20 Dem/Lib 10 20
CSLI Semi-annual Survey: Spring 2006 Support for Ehrlich - Demographics Retired, Protestants 51 60+ = 50 Men = 49 Some college = 47 Employed in private sector 46 Whites = 45 $75 -100, 18 -30 age = 44 $30 -50 k, Catholics = 43 Postgraduates = 42 30 -44 age, $100 -150 = 41 Average 40% Evangelicals = 40, College grads 40 $150+ =38 45 -59 age, =37 $50 -75, seculars = 36 Women, single, $0 -30 k = 35 High school diploma = 34 21
CSLI Semi-annual Survey: Spring 2006 Ehrlich Support by Issues Lower taxes - Most impt. issue = 69 Utility cost NVS =67 Ed cost NVS = 64 Econ conditions - Excellent = 61 Wal. Mart oppose 58 Housing, Healthcare NVS = 57 Gas cost NVS =56 Ports MII, 54 Anti-gay marriage =52 Homeland security MII = 50 Education MII = 49 Property tax cost NVS = 49 Oppose smoking ban, Healthcare SWS = 46 Crime, Environment, Housing SWS = 44 Utility cost SWS, Property tax cost NVS = 43 Education costs SWS 42 Propty tax VS, Economy good, smoke ban support = 40 Average 40% Utility costs VS = 39 Econ conditions fair, Housing VS, gambling MII =38 Gas cost MII, healthcare costs MII, ed costs VS = 37 Utility MII = 36 Wal. Mart support = 35 Help economy, pro gay marriage =32 Budget, healthcare MII = 31 Cost of living 29 gas prices 25 22
CSLI Semi-annual Survey: Spring 2006 President Bush’s Job Approval Majority Disapproves Do you approve of the job George W. Bush is doing as President? Fall 2005 Approve 45% Disapprove 48% Unsure 7% Spring 2006 Approve 37% Disapprove 54% Unsure 8% 9/11 Iraq Invasion Saddam 23
CSLI Semi-annual Survey: Spring 2006 Bush Job Approval – Party and Ideology (vs. Ehrlich) Ehrlich Rep/Cons 75 Republicans 68 Cons 65 Rep/Mods 63 Bush Rep/Cons 73 Cons 76 Republicans 65 Rep/Mods 60 Dem/Cons 46 Average 40% Moderates 37 Independents = 33 Liberals 29 Democrats 22 Dem/Mods 20 Dem/Lib 10 Dem/Cons 42 Average 37% Moderates 38 Independents = 19 Democrats 17 Liberals 16 Dem/Mods 14 Dem/Lib 5 24
CSLI Semi-annual Survey: Spring 2006 Bush Job Approval – Fall 2005 and Spring 2006 Bush Fall 2005 Republicans, 77 Conservatives, 70 Men, 51 Average 45% Women, 41 Independents, 40 Moderates, 39 Democrats, Liberals 18 Conservatives, 76 Republicans, 65 Men, 41 Moderates 38 Average, 37% Women, 34 =>Independents, 19 Democrats 17 Liberals 16 25
CSLI Semi-annual Survey: Spring 2006 Bush Approval by Federal Issues+ Homeland security, 58 (10% overall) Local economy “excellent, ” 58 (14%) Terrorism, 57 (10%) Immigration, 50 (3%) Favor “no gay marriage amendment, ” 46 (53%) Average 37% Local economy less than excellent, 34 (86%) War in Iraq, 32 (41%) Deficit/debt, 29 (12%) Oppose “no gay marriage amendment, ” 27 (39%) Healthcare, 25 (4%) Bush leadership, competence, 13 (5%) 26
CSLI Semi-annual Survey: Spring 2006 Other Issues covered in Spring Survey: Cancer, Charities, Seniors How serious a concern are cancer rates in Anne Arundel County, very, somewhat or not serious? (1) Very serious 54 percent (2) Somewhat serious 25 percent (3) Not very serious 10 percent (0) No opinion 11 percent How important are each of the following factors in increasing the risk for cancer in Anne Arundel County – Are they ‘very important, ’ ‘somewhat important’ and ‘not very important? ’ Very important Somewhat important Not very important No answer Smoking 77 17 5 1 Air or water pollution 67 26 4 3 Exercise 55 33 11 2 Heredity 55 34 8 4 Eating habits 44 42 12 3 Work-related factors 39 41 15 4 27
CSLI Semi-annual Survey: Spring 2006 Other Issues covered in Spring Survey: Charities For the following charities, I will ask you if you have heard of each, whether you have a positive, negative or neutral impression of each, and whether you have contributed to each any time over the last two years. Impression Heard of it Yes Contributed over 2 years No Pos Neg Neut Yes No Unsur e The YWCA 88 11 63 4 33 14 85 1 The YMCA 96 4 64 5 31 11 88 1 The United Way 95 4 56 17 26 46 58 2 The Chrysalis House 25 74 31 3 53 10 74 16 The Salvation Army 99 1 89 4 7 78 22 0 The Red Cross 98 1 80 10 10 64 35 1 28
CSLI Semi-annual Survey: Spring 2006 Other Issues covered in Spring Survey: Seniors Is someone in your immediate family going to be 55 or older in the next three years? Yes 75% No 24% N. A. 1% How familiar are you with the services available to seniors in this area such as transportation assistance or volunteer opportunities? Very familiar 16% (Somewhat familiar 28 % Not very familiar 55 % N. A. 1% How confident are you that should the need arise, you could become very familiar with seniors’ services - are you very confident, somewhat confident, or not very confident? Very confident 59% Somewhat confident 28% Not very confident 11% N. A. 3% 29