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CSI 3140 WWW Structures, Techniques and Standards Chapter 4 Browsers and the DOM CSI 3140 WWW Structures, Techniques and Standards Chapter 4 Browsers and the DOM

Overview w The Document Object Model (DOM) is an API that allows programs to Overview w The Document Object Model (DOM) is an API that allows programs to interact with HTML (or XML) documents n n In typical browsers, the Java. Script version of the API is provided via the document host object W 3 C recommendations define standard DOM w Several other browser host objects are informal, de facto standards alert, prompt are examples Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 2

DOM Introduction w. Example: “Rollover” effect Cursor not over image Image changes when cursor DOM Introduction w. Example: “Rollover” effect Cursor not over image Image changes when cursor moves over Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 3

DOM Introduction Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. DOM Introduction Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 4

DOM Introduction Import Java. Script code Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : DOM Introduction Import Java. Script code Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 5

DOM Introduction Default language for scripts specified as attribute values Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : DOM Introduction Default language for scripts specified as attribute values Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 6

DOM Introduction Calls to Java. Script show() function when mouse moves over/away from image DOM Introduction Calls to Java. Script show() function when mouse moves over/away from image Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 7

DOM Introduction Notice that id of image is first argument to show() Guy-Vincent Jourdan DOM Introduction Notice that id of image is first argument to show() Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 8

DOM Introduction Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. DOM Introduction Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 9

DOM Introduction DOM method returning Object Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : DOM Introduction DOM method returning Object Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 10

DOM Introduction Returns instance of Element (DOM-defined host object) representing HTML element with given DOM Introduction Returns instance of Element (DOM-defined host object) representing HTML element with given id Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 11

DOM Introduction Some properties of Element instance correspond to attributes of HTML element Guy-Vincent DOM Introduction Some properties of Element instance correspond to attributes of HTML element Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 12

DOM Introduction Method inherited by Element instances for setting value of an attribute Guy-Vincent DOM Introduction Method inherited by Element instances for setting value of an attribute Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 13

DOM Introduction Effect: src attribute of HTML element with specified elt. Id is changed DOM Introduction Effect: src attribute of HTML element with specified elt. Id is changed to specified URL Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 14

DOM Introduction Image src changed to CFP 22. png when mouse is over image, DOM Introduction Image src changed to CFP 22. png when mouse is over image, CFP 2. png when leaves Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 15

DOM History and Levels w. Very simple DOM was part of Netscape 2. 0 DOM History and Levels w. Very simple DOM was part of Netscape 2. 0 w. Starting with Netscape 4. 0 and IE 4. 0, browser DOM API’s diverged significantly w. W 3 C responded quickly with DOM Level 1 (Oct 1998) and subsequently DOM Level 2 We cover Java. Script API for DOM 2 + some coverage of browser specifics Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 16

Intrinsic Event Handling w. An event is an occurrence of something potentially interesting to Intrinsic Event Handling w. An event is an occurrence of something potentially interesting to a script: n Ex: mouseover and mouseout events w. An HTML intrinsic event attribute is used to specify a script to be called when an event occurs n n Ex: onmouseover Name of attribute is on followed by event name Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 17

Intrinsic Event Handling Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey Intrinsic Event Handling Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 18

Intrinsic Event Handling Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey Intrinsic Event Handling Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 19

Intrinsic Event Handling Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey Intrinsic Event Handling Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 20

Intrinsic Event Handling w. Intrinsic event attribute value is a script; what language is Intrinsic Event Handling w. Intrinsic event attribute value is a script; what language is it written in? w. HTTP Content-Script-Type header field specifies default scripting language wmeta element allows document to specify values as if they were header fields Header field name Header field value Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 21

Modifying Element Style Change background color of element containing cursor Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : Modifying Element Style Change background color of element containing cursor Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 22

Modifying Element Style Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey Modifying Element Style Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 23

Modifying Element Style Like rollover, style needs to be modified both when entering and Modifying Element Style Like rollover, style needs to be modified both when entering and exiting the element. Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 24

Modifying Element Style Reference to Element instance representing the td element Guy-Vincent Jourdan : Modifying Element Style Reference to Element instance representing the td element Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 25

Modifying Element Style Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey Modifying Element Style Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 26

Modifying Element Style Reference to Element instance Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : Modifying Element Style Reference to Element instance Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 27

Modifying Element Style All Element instances have a style property with an Object value Modifying Element Style All Element instances have a style property with an Object value Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 28

Modifying Element Style Properties of style object correspond to CSS style properties of the Modifying Element Style Properties of style object correspond to CSS style properties of the corresponding HTML element. Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 29

Modifying Element Style w. Rules forming style property names from names of CSS style Modifying Element Style w. Rules forming style property names from names of CSS style properties: n If the CSS property name contains no hyphens, then the style object’s property name is the same l n Ex: color Otherwise, all hyphens are removed and the letters that immediately followed hyphens are capitalized l Ex: background-color background. Color Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 30

Modifying Element Style Net effect: “silver” becomes the specified value for CSS background-color property Modifying Element Style Net effect: “silver” becomes the specified value for CSS background-color property of td element; browser immediately modifies the window. Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 31

Modifying Element Style w. Alternative syntax (not supported in IE 6): Guy-Vincent Jourdan : Modifying Element Style w. Alternative syntax (not supported in IE 6): Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 32

Modifying Element Style w. Alternate syntax (not supported in IE 6): Every DOM 2 Modifying Element Style w. Alternate syntax (not supported in IE 6): Every DOM 2 -compliant style object has a set. Property() method Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 33

Modifying Element Style w. Alternate syntax (not supported inproperty IE 6): CSS value CSS Modifying Element Style w. Alternate syntax (not supported inproperty IE 6): CSS value CSS property name (unmodified) Empty string or “important” Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 34

Modifying Element Style w. Advantages of set. Property() syntax: n n Makes it clear Modifying Element Style w. Advantages of set. Property() syntax: n n Makes it clear that a CSS property is being set rather than merely a property of the style object Allows CSS property names to be used as-is rather than requiring modification (which can potentially cause confusion) Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 35

Modifying Element Style w. Obtaining specified CSS property value: w. Alternate DOM 2 syntax Modifying Element Style w. Obtaining specified CSS property value: w. Alternate DOM 2 syntax (not supported by IE 6): Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 36

Document Tree w. Recall that HTML document elements form a tree structure, e. g. Document Tree w. Recall that HTML document elements form a tree structure, e. g. , w. DOM allows scripts to access and modify the document tree Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 37

Document Tree: Node w. There are many types of nodes in the DOM document Document Tree: Node w. There are many types of nodes in the DOM document tree, representing elements, text, comments, the document type declaration, etc. w. Every Object in the DOM document tree has properties and methods defined by the Node host object Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 38

Document Tree: Node Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey Document Tree: Node Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 39

Document Tree: Node Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey Document Tree: Node Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 40

Document Tree: Node Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey Document Tree: Node Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 41

Document Tree: Node Example HTML document Function we will write that will use Node Document Tree: Node Example HTML document Function we will write that will use Node methods and properties to produce string representing Element tree Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 42

Document Tree: Node w. String produced by Tree. Outline(): Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI Document Tree: Node w. String produced by Tree. Outline(): Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 43

Document Tree: Node w. Example: “walking” the tree of an HTML document n n Document Tree: Node w. Example: “walking” the tree of an HTML document n n Reference to html element is contained in document. Element property of document object Use Node-defined methods to recursively create an outline of node. Name’s: Depth in tree Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 44

Document Tree: Node Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey Document Tree: Node Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 45

Document Tree: Node Contains node. Type value representing Element Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI Document Tree: Node Contains node. Type value representing Element Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 46

Document Tree: Node Ignore non-Element’s Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based Document Tree: Node Ignore non-Element’s Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 47

Document Tree: Node Add node. Name to string Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 Document Tree: Node Add node. Name to string Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 48

Document Tree: Node Recurse on child nodes Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : Document Tree: Node Recurse on child nodes Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 49

Document Tree: Node w. For Element’s, node. Name is type of the element (p, Document Tree: Node w. For Element’s, node. Name is type of the element (p, img, etc. ) w. Case: Name will be lower case if browser recognizes document as XHTML, upper case otherwise n Can guarantee case by using String instance to. Lower. Case() / to. Upper. Case() methods Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 50

Document Tree: Node w. Convention: write code as if browser is DOM -compliant, work Document Tree: Node w. Convention: write code as if browser is DOM -compliant, work around non-compliance as needed In a DOM-compliant browser, we would use this symbolic constant rather than the constant 1. Problem: IE 6 does not define ELEMENT_NODE property (or Node object). Solution: Use symbolic constant if available, fall back to numeric constant if necessary. Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 51

Document Tree: Node w. Convention: write code as if browser is DOM -compliant, work Document Tree: Node w. Convention: write code as if browser is DOM -compliant, work around non-compliance as needed This expression is automatically cast to Boolean. IE 6: no Node global, so evaluates to false DOM-compliant: Node is an Object, so evaluates to true Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 52

Document Tree: Modification Initial rendering After user clicks first list item Guy-Vincent Jourdan : Document Tree: Modification Initial rendering After user clicks first list item Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 53

Document Tree: Modification Find the li Element following the selected one (if it exists) Document Tree: Modification Find the li Element following the selected one (if it exists) Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 54

Document Tree: Modification Returns null if no next sibling Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI Document Tree: Modification Returns null if no next sibling Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 55

Document Tree: Modification Converting null to Boolean produces false Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI Document Tree: Modification Converting null to Boolean produces false Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 56

Document Tree: Modification Swap nodes if an li element follows Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : Document Tree: Modification Swap nodes if an li element follows Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 57

Document Tree: Modification Operate on a node by calling methods on its parent Guy-Vincent Document Tree: Modification Operate on a node by calling methods on its parent Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 58

Document Tree: Modification Remove following element from tree Re-insert element earlier in tree Guy-Vincent Document Tree: Modification Remove following element from tree Re-insert element earlier in tree Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 59

Document Tree: document w. The document object is also considered a Node object w. Document Tree: document w. The document object is also considered a Node object w. Technically, document is the root Node of the DOM tree n n html Element object is a child of document Other children may also include document type declaration, comments, text elements (white space) Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 60

Document Tree: document Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey Document Tree: document Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 61

Document Tree: document Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey Document Tree: document Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 62

Document Tree: Element Nodes Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Document Tree: Element Nodes Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 63

Document Tree: Text Nodes wdata property represents character data of a Text node n Document Tree: Text Nodes wdata property represents character data of a Text node n Modifying the property modifies the corresponding text in the browser w. By default, the DOM tree may contain sibling Text nodes n n Example: © 2007 might be split into two Text nodes, one with copyright character Call normalize() method on an ancestor node to prevent this Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 64

  1. First element" src="https://present5.com/presentation/032df9489a771091c3ca9f35c524b698/image-65.jpg" alt="Document Tree: Adding Nodes
    1. First element" /> Document Tree: Adding Nodes
      1. First element of ordered list.
      2. Second element.
      3. Third element.

      Paragraph following the list (does not collapse).

      Body of original HTML document: Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 65

Added to DOM tree: Added to DOM tree: Document Tree: Adding Nodes Added to DOM tree:

  1. First element of ordered list.
  2. Second element.
  3. Third element.

Paragraph following the list (does not collapse).

Effect of executing make. Collapsible(): Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 66

Document Tree: Adding Nodes Added element is displayed as if it was part of Document Tree: Adding Nodes Added element is displayed as if it was part of the HTML source document Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 67

Document Tree: Adding Nodes Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Document Tree: Adding Nodes Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 68

Document Tree: Adding Nodes Node creation Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : Document Tree: Adding Nodes Node creation Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 69

Document Tree: Adding Nodes Node addition to DOM tree (rec. doing this immediately after Document Tree: Adding Nodes Node addition to DOM tree (rec. doing this immediately after creation). Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 70

Document Tree: Adding Nodes Attribute addition Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : Document Tree: Adding Nodes Attribute addition Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 71

Document Tree: Adding Nodes Before clicking button: After clicking button: Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : Document Tree: Adding Nodes Before clicking button: After clicking button: Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 72

Document Tree: Adding Nodes Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Document Tree: Adding Nodes Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 73

Document Tree: Adding Nodes Modifying text. Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : Document Tree: Adding Nodes Modifying text. Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 74

Document Tree: HTML Properties w. Attribute values can be set two ways: w. As Document Tree: HTML Properties w. Attribute values can be set two ways: w. As with CSS properties, former has some advantages: n n Makes clear that setting an HTML attribute, not merely a property of an object Avoids certain special cases, e. g. element. set. Attribute(“class”, “warning”); //DOM class is reserved word in Java. Script element. class. Name = “warning”; //req’d in IE 6 Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 75

DOM Event Handling w. Note: IE 6 has a different event model w. Event DOM Event Handling w. Note: IE 6 has a different event model w. Event instance created for each event w. Event instance properties: n n type: name of event (click, mouseover, etc. ) target: Node corresponding to document element that generated the event (e. g. , button element for click, img for mouseover). This is the event target. Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 76

DOM Event Handling w. Java. Script event listener: function that is called with Event DOM Event Handling w. Java. Script event listener: function that is called with Event instance when a certain event occurs w. An event listener is associated with a target element by calling add. Event. Listener() on the element Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 77

DOM Event Handling Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey DOM Event Handling Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 78

DOM Event Handling Event target Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based DOM Event Handling Event target Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 79

DOM Event Handling Event type Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based DOM Event Handling Event type Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 80

DOM Event Handling w. DOM event types: n n All HTML intrinsic events except DOM Event Handling w. DOM event types: n n All HTML intrinsic events except keypress, keydown, keyup, and dblclick Also has some others that are typically targeted at the window object: Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 81

DOM Event Handling Event handler Definition of event handler Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI DOM Event Handling Event handler Definition of event handler Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 82

DOM Event Handling Event instance Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based DOM Event Handling Event instance Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 83

DOM Event Handling Normally false (more later) Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : DOM Event Handling Normally false (more later) Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 84

DOM Event Handling Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey DOM Event Handling Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 85

DOM Event Handling: Mouse Events w. DOM 2 mouse events n n n click DOM Event Handling: Mouse Events w. DOM 2 mouse events n n n click mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout w. Event instances have additional properties for mouse events Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 86

DOM Event Handling: Mouse Events Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based DOM Event Handling: Mouse Events Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 87

DOM Event Handling: Mouse Events w. Example: mouse “trail” Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI DOM Event Handling: Mouse Events w. Example: mouse “trail” Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 88

DOM Event Handling: Mouse Events w. HTML document: w. Java. Script init() function: Create DOM Event Handling: Mouse Events w. HTML document: w. Java. Script init() function: Create “blips” String uniquely identifying this div Add event listener Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 89

DOM Event Handling: Mouse Events w. Style sheet for “blips”: Initially, not displayed Guy-Vincent DOM Event Handling: Mouse Events w. Style sheet for “blips”: Initially, not displayed Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 90

DOM Event Handling: Mouse Events w. Event handler update. Divs(): Convert mouse location from DOM Event Handling: Mouse Events w. Event handler update. Divs(): Convert mouse location from Number to String and append units Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 91

DOM Event Handling: Mouse Events w. Event handler update. Divs(): Mod (remainder) operator used DOM Event Handling: Mouse Events w. Event handler update. Divs(): Mod (remainder) operator used to cycle through “blip” divs (least-recently changed is the next div moved) Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 92

DOM Event Propagation w. Target of event is lowest-level element associated with event n DOM Event Propagation w. Target of event is lowest-level element associated with event n Ex: target is the a element if the link is clicked: click w. However, event listeners associated with ancestors of the target may also be called Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 93

DOM Event Propagation w. Three types of event listeners: Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI DOM Event Propagation w. Three types of event listeners: Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 94

DOM Event Propagation w. Three types of event listeners: Capturing: Listener on ancestor created DOM Event Propagation w. Three types of event listeners: Capturing: Listener on ancestor created with true as third arg. Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 95

DOM Event Propagation w. Three types of event listeners: Target: Listener on target element DOM Event Propagation w. Three types of event listeners: Target: Listener on target element Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 96

DOM Event Propagation w. Three types of event listeners: Bubbling: Listener on ancestor created DOM Event Propagation w. Three types of event listeners: Bubbling: Listener on ancestor created with false as third arg. Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 97

DOM Event Propagation w. Priority of event handlers: 1. Capturing event handlers; ancestors closest DOM Event Propagation w. Priority of event handlers: 1. Capturing event handlers; ancestors closest to root have highest priority body ol li a Target Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 98

DOM Event Propagation w. Priority of event handlers: body ol li a 2. Target DOM Event Propagation w. Priority of event handlers: body ol li a 2. Target event handlers Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 99

DOM Event Propagation w. Priority of event handlers: body ol li a 3. Bubbling DOM Event Propagation w. Priority of event handlers: body ol li a 3. Bubbling event handlers; ancestors closest to target have priority. Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 100

DOM Event Propagation w. Certain events do not bubble, e. g. , n n DOM Event Propagation w. Certain events do not bubble, e. g. , n n load unload focus blur Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 101

DOM Event Propagation w. Propagation-related properties of Event instances: n event. Phase: represents event DOM Event Propagation w. Propagation-related properties of Event instances: n event. Phase: represents event processing phase: 1: capturing l 2: target l 3: bubbling l n current. Target: object (ancestor or target) associated with this event handler Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 102

DOM Event Propagation w. Propagation-related method of Event instances: n stop. Propagation(): lower priority DOM Event Propagation w. Propagation-related method of Event instances: n stop. Propagation(): lower priority event handlers will not be called w. Typical design: n n Use bubbling event handlers to provide default processing (may be stopped) Use capturing event handlers to provide required processing (e. g. , cursor trail) Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 103

Example: Drop-down Menus When cursor moves over upper menu … Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : Example: Drop-down Menus When cursor moves over upper menu … Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 104

Example: Drop-down Menus … a drop-down appears Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : Example: Drop-down Menus … a drop-down appears Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 105

Example: Drop-down Menus Background color changes as cursor moves over drop-down items Guy-Vincent Jourdan Example: Drop-down Menus Background color changes as cursor moves over drop-down items Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 106

Example: Drop-down Menus Drop-down disappears when cursor leaves both drop-down and menu Guy-Vincent Jourdan Example: Drop-down Menus Drop-down disappears when cursor leaves both drop-down and menu Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 107

Example: Drop-down Menus w. Document structure: Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : Example: Drop-down Menus w. Document structure: Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 108

Example: Drop-down Menus w. Document structure: Event handlers will be added by Java. Script Example: Drop-down Menus w. Document structure: Event handlers will be added by Java. Script code Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 109

Example: Drop-down Menus w. Document structure: Top menu is a table Guy-Vincent Jourdan : Example: Drop-down Menus w. Document structure: Top menu is a table Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 110

Example: Drop-down Menus w. Document structure: CSS: Each top menu item is a (positioned) Example: Drop-down Menus w. Document structure: CSS: Each top menu item is a (positioned) div Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 111

Example: Drop-down Menus w. Document structure: CSS: Associated drop-down is in a div that Example: Drop-down Menus w. Document structure: CSS: Associated drop-down is in a div that is out of the normal flow and initially invisible Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 112

Example: Drop-down Menus w. Document structure: Associated drop-down is a table Guy-Vincent Jourdan : Example: Drop-down Menus w. Document structure: Associated drop-down is a table Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 113

Example: Drop-down Menus w. Full style rules: Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : Example: Drop-down Menus w. Full style rules: Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 114

Example: Drop-down Menus w. Full style rules: Top menu item div is “positioned” but Example: Drop-down Menus w. Full style rules: Top menu item div is “positioned” but not moved from normal flow location Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 115

Example: Drop-down Menus w. Full style rules: Upper left corner of drop-down div overlaps Example: Drop-down Menus w. Full style rules: Upper left corner of drop-down div overlaps bottom border of top menu Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 116

Example: Drop-down Menus w. Full style rules: Drop-down drawn over lower z-index elements Guy-Vincent Example: Drop-down Menus w. Full style rules: Drop-down drawn over lower z-index elements Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 117

Example: Drop-down Menus w. Adding event handlers to top menu: n Document: n Java. Example: Drop-down Menus w. Adding event handlers to top menu: n Document: n Java. Script add. Event. Handlers(): Target event handlers Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 118

Example: Drop-down Menus w. Adding event handlers to top menu: n Document: n Java. Example: Drop-down Menus w. Adding event handlers to top menu: n Document: n Java. Script add. Event. Listener(): menu. Bar 1 will be target of events; adding reference to the drop-down div makes it easy for event handler to access the drop-down Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 119

Example: Drop-down Menus Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey Example: Drop-down Menus Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 120

Example: Drop-down Menus Basic processing: change visibility of drop-down Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI Example: Drop-down Menus Basic processing: change visibility of drop-down Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 121

Example: Drop-down Menus Ignore bubbling mouseover events from drop-down Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI Example: Drop-down Menus Ignore bubbling mouseover events from drop-down Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 122

Example: Drop-down Menus Ignore mouseout event if cursor is remaining over menu item or Example: Drop-down Menus Ignore mouseout event if cursor is remaining over menu item or drop-down (self or descendant) Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 123

Example: Drop-down Menus Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey Example: Drop-down Menus Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 124

Example: Drop-down Menus w. Adding event handlers to drop-down: n Document: n Java. Script Example: Drop-down Menus w. Adding event handlers to drop-down: n Document: n Java. Script add. Event. Listener(): Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 125

Example: Drop-down Menus Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey Example: Drop-down Menus Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 126

Example: Drop-down Menus Don’t bother changing style if this event bubbled from a descendant. Example: Drop-down Menus Don’t bother changing style if this event bubbled from a descendant. Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 127

Example: Drop-down Menus Don’t bubble up to show. Drop. Down since the drop-down must Example: Drop-down Menus Don’t bubble up to show. Drop. Down since the drop-down must be visible Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 128

Example: Drop-down Menus Ignore mouseout to a descendant Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 Example: Drop-down Menus Ignore mouseout to a descendant Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 129

DOM Event Cancellation w Browser provides default event listener for certain elements and events DOM Event Cancellation w Browser provides default event listener for certain elements and events n n Ex: click on hyperlink Ex: click on submit button w Default listeners are called after all user-specified listeners w stop. Propagation() does not affect default listeners w Instead, call prevent. Default() on Event instance to cancel default event handling Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 130

DOM Form Validation Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey DOM Form Validation Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 131

" src="https://present5.com/presentation/032df9489a771091c3ca9f35c524b698/image-132.jpg" alt="DOM Form Validation " /> DOM Form Validation

Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 132

DOM Form Validation Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey DOM Form Validation Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 133

DOM Form Validation Listen form to be submitted Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 DOM Form Validation Listen form to be submitted Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 134

DOM Form Validation Must use value property to access value entered in text field DOM Form Validation Must use value property to access value entered in text field on form Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 135

DOM Form Validation Regular expression literal representing “set of strings consisting only of white DOM Form Validation Regular expression literal representing “set of strings consisting only of white space” Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 136

DOM Form Validation Cancel browser’s default submit event processing Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI DOM Form Validation Cancel browser’s default submit event processing Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 137

DOM Event Generation w. Several Element’s provide methods for generating events n Ex: causes DOM Event Generation w. Several Element’s provide methods for generating events n Ex: causes text in text field to be selected and a select event to occur Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 138

Detecting Host Objects w. How can a Java. Script program test for the existence Detecting Host Objects w. How can a Java. Script program test for the existence of a certain host object? n n Does the style element have a set. Property() method? If we’re also not sure that element is defined or that style exists: Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 139

Detecting Host Objects w. Is a browser DOM-compliant? n n Ex: document. implementation(“Core”, “ Detecting Host Objects w. Is a browser DOM-compliant? n n Ex: document. implementation(“Core”, “ 2. 0”) returns true if browser implements all of DOM 2 Core module, false otherwise Problem: what does false tell you? w. Many scripts attempt to directly determine the browser, but… n n What about new browsers? Some browsers can “lie” about what they are Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 140

IE 6 and the DOM w. There a number of non compliance to the IE 6 and the DOM w. There a number of non compliance to the DOM specification in IE 6. w. We do not cover these in class, but you are encouraged to read the book and the coming slides in details, as this problem is very representative of web programmer’s real life. Dealing with these issues is part of the trade! Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 141

IE 6 and the DOM w. No Node object (and associated constants) w. No IE 6 and the DOM w. No Node object (and associated constants) w. No set. Property() or get. Property. Value() w. Must use “class. Name” rather than “class” in set. Attribute() and get. Attribute() w. Empty div/span height cannot be made less than character height Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 142

IE 6 and the DOM w. No add. Event. Listener() (so no multiple listeners) IE 6 and the DOM w. No add. Event. Listener() (so no multiple listeners) w. Cannot use set. Attribute() to specify intrinsic event attribute n DOM: n IE 6: Value assigned is a function Object (method) rather than a String. Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 143

IE 6 and the DOM w. Adding listeners to both IE 6 and DOM: IE 6 and the DOM w. Adding listeners to both IE 6 and DOM: String-valued in DOM, initially null in IE 6 Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 144

IE 6 and the DOM w. Passing arguments to event listeners: n DOM: n IE 6 and the DOM w. Passing arguments to event listeners: n DOM: n IE 6: Listener is called as a method in IE 6, so this is a reference to button Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 145

IE 6 and the DOM w. Passing arguments to event listeners: Test that arguments IE 6 and the DOM w. Passing arguments to event listeners: Test that arguments are defined DOM approach Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 146

IE 6 and the DOM w. Passing arguments to event listeners: Test for host IE 6 and the DOM w. Passing arguments to event listeners: Test for host object created by IE 6 when event occurs IE 6 approach Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 147

IE 6 and the DOM w. Passing arguments to event listeners: DOM approach IE IE 6 and the DOM w. Passing arguments to event listeners: DOM approach IE 6 approach Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 148

IE 6 and the DOM w. Passing arguments to event listeners: DOM approach IE IE 6 and the DOM w. Passing arguments to event listeners: DOM approach IE 6 approach Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 149

IE 6 and the DOM w. IE 6 does not pass an Event instance IE 6 and the DOM w. IE 6 does not pass an Event instance to event listeners w. Instead, IE 6 creates a global object event when an (intrinsic) event occurs w. Testing for non-DOM call: In a DOM-compliant call to event listener there is one argument that is an Event instance Basically an Array of call arguments Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 150

IE 6 and the DOM w. Converting event object to Event-like: Undefined if IE IE 6 and the DOM w. Converting event object to Event-like: Undefined if IE 6 Global object created by IE 6 In IE 6, evaluates to Object value of DOM’s Event current. Target property Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 151

IE 6 and the DOM w. Converting event object to Event-like: Guy-Vincent Jourdan : IE 6 and the DOM w. Converting event object to Event-like: Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 152

IE 6 and the DOM w. Converting event object to Event-like: Use exception handling IE 6 and the DOM w. Converting event object to Event-like: Use exception handling for convenience rather than testing for existence of properties Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 153

IE 6 and the DOM w. Converting event object to Event-like: Most type values IE 6 and the DOM w. Converting event object to Event-like: Most type values (except dblclick) are copied without change Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 154

IE 6 and the DOM w. Converting event object to Event-like: IE 6 uses IE 6 and the DOM w. Converting event object to Event-like: IE 6 uses a different name for target Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 155

IE 6 and the DOM w. Converting event object to Event-like: current. Target passed IE 6 and the DOM w. Converting event object to Event-like: current. Target passed in from event listener: within event. Convert(), this refers to the global object! Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 156

IE 6 and the DOM w. Converting event object to Event-like: Guy-Vincent Jourdan : IE 6 and the DOM w. Converting event object to Event-like: Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 157

IE 6 and the DOM w. Converting event object to Event-like: Use function expressions IE 6 and the DOM w. Converting event object to Event-like: Use function expressions to define DOM methods as setting IE properties Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 158

IE 6 and the DOM w. Converting event object to Event-like: Most mouse-event properties IE 6 and the DOM w. Converting event object to Event-like: Most mouse-event properties are identical Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 159

IE 6 and the DOM w. Converting event object to Event-like: Buttons are numbered IE 6 and the DOM w. Converting event object to Event-like: Buttons are numbered differently Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 160

IE 6 and the DOM w. Converting event object to Event-like: Different names for IE 6 and the DOM w. Converting event object to Event-like: Different names for related. Target Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 161

IE 6 and the DOM w. Converting event object to Event-like: n Capturing listeners IE 6 and the DOM w. Converting event object to Event-like: n Capturing listeners behave somewhat differently in IE 6 and DOM, so event. Convert() did not attempt to simulate the event. Phase DOM property Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 162

Other Common Host Objects w. Browsers also provide many non-DOM host objects as properties Other Common Host Objects w. Browsers also provide many non-DOM host objects as properties of window w. While no formal standard defines these objects, many host objects are very similar in IE 6 and Mozilla Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 163

Other Common Host Objects Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Other Common Host Objects Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 164

Other Common Host Objects Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Other Common Host Objects Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 165

Other Common Host Objects Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Other Common Host Objects Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 166

Other Common Host Objects wopen() creates a pop-up window n n Each window has Other Common Host Objects wopen() creates a pop-up window n n Each window has its own global object, host objects, etc. Use pop-ups with care: Pop-ups may be blocked by the browser l They can annoy and/or confuse users l Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 167

Other Common Host Objects Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Other Common Host Objects Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 168

Other Common Host Objects Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Other Common Host Objects Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 169

Other Common Host Objects Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Other Common Host Objects Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 170

Other Common Host Objects Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Other Common Host Objects Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 171

Other Common Host Objects Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Other Common Host Objects Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 172

Other Common Host Objects Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Other Common Host Objects Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 173

Other Common Host Objects Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Other Common Host Objects Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 174

Other Common Host Objects Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Other Common Host Objects Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 175

Other Common Host Objects Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Other Common Host Objects Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 176

Other Common Host Objects w navigator: (unreliable) information about browser, including String-valued properties: n Other Common Host Objects w navigator: (unreliable) information about browser, including String-valued properties: n n n app. Name app. Version user. Agent w screen: information about physical device, including Number properties: n n avail. Height, avail. Width: effective screen size (pixels) color. Depth: bits per pixel Guy-Vincent Jourdan : : CSI 3140 : : based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides 177