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CSCE 492 Software Engineering Lecture 3 Software Process Models / Requirements Analysis Topics n n Mythical Man Month Waterfall model Spiral Method Requirements Analysis Readings: Chapter 3 January 15, 2009
Overview Last Time n Overview n Quality Software Today’s Lecture n Pragmatics l UML references, Teams n Models for the process of software development l Waterfall model, Spiral model, Agile, n Requirements References: n n Chapters 2 and 3 of the text Boehm paper “Spiral Model” Next Time: – 2– CSCE 492 Spring 2009
UML – Unified Modeling Language UML reference n http: //www. holub. com/goodies/uml/ Website of Quickreference Cards n – 3– http: //www. digilife. be/quickreferences/quickrefs. htm CSCE 492 Spring 2009
Working in Teams l Be conscientious about due dates l Meet regularly with your team l Always create an agenda for every team meeting l Rotate responsibility for chairing team meetings Authors’ slide modified – 5– CSCE 492 Spring 2009
Holding Effective Team Meetings l Create a clear agenda addressing the essential tasks that must be accomplished in order to complete the necessary deliverables l Stick to the agenda during the meeting l Ensure that each team member understands his or her tasks before the meeting is adjourned l Ensure that tasks are equitably distributed Authors’ slide modified – 6– CSCE 492 Spring 2009
Class Project Deliverables l The deliverables associated with the class project are essential to successfully completing the project l The class project is not merely a programming assignment l The deliverables result from completing tasks associated with analysis, design, implementation, and testing the class project Authors’ slide modified – 7– CSCE 492 Spring 2009
General Project Parameters l Type 1 Projects: Web-enabled System n Web interface n Database backend Publically accessible Security/permissions issues Examples: appointment calendar, scheduling system n n n l Type 2 Projects: Stand-alone Systems n n n More elaborate graphics May require a database Examples: games, mobile data collection tool l Suggestions from the floor? – 8– CSCE 492 Spring 2009
Should we fix this bug or not? Four questions when a bug is discovered 1. (Severity) When this bug happens, how bad is the impact? 2. (Frequency) How often does this bug happen? 3. (Cost) How much effort would be required to fix this bug? 4. (Risk) What is the risk of fixing this bug? – 9– http: //software. ericsink. com/articles/Four_Questions. html CSCE 492 Spring 2009
Severity and Frequency The vertical axis is Severity. n The top of the graph represents a bug with extremely severe impact: "This bug causes the user's computer to burst into flame. " n The bottom of the graph represents a bug with extremely low impact: "One of the pixels on the splash screen is the wrong shade of gray. " The horizontal axis is Frequency. n n – 10 – The right side represents a bug which happens extremely often: "Every user sees this bug every day. " The left side represents a bug which happens extremely seldom: "This bug only affects people who live in eastern Washington state and who have both Visual Studio 2003 and Visual Studio 2005 installed and it only happens during leap years on the day that daylight savings time goes into effect and only if the first day of that month was a Tuesday. " http: //software. ericsink. com/articles/Four_Questions. html CSCE 492 Spring 2009
Mythical Man-Month Main Ideas in “Mythical Man-Month” collection of essays l Mythical Man-Month l Second-system effect n IBM 7094 360, the second system an engineer designs will be too ambitious, including way too much l Progress Tracking n Question: How does a large software project get to be one year late? Answer: One day at a time! l Conceptual Integrity l The Pilot System l Communication n – 11 – http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/The_Mythical_Man-Month CSCE 492 Spring 2009
Waterfall Model of Software Life Cycle Not the first iterative method But the first paper to explain why to use the iterative method – 12 – Figure from Barry Boehm 88 CSCE 492 Spring 2009
Water Fall Model l Requirements analysis l Design l Implementation l Testing (validation) l Integration l maintenance Reference l http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Waterfall_process – 13 – CSCE 492 Spring 2009
The Spiral Model Note iterative repetition of the cycle! – 14 – CSCE 492 Spring 2009
Requirements Analysis Software requirements analysis is the activity of eliciting, analyzing, and recording requirements for software systems. 1 Eliciting Requirements 2 Analyzing Requirements 3 Recording Requirements – 15 – CSCE 492 Spring 2009
Requirements Analysis l A requirement is a feature of the system l Requirements analysis seeks to assess and specify the behavior of the final system l Requirements analysis can be iteratively carried out or done in a top-down fashion l It is desirable to establish the breadth of behavior of a system to determine the primary classes that will comprise the system Reference: n – 16 – Most requirements analysis slides are from authors CSCE 492 Spring 2009
The Importance of Requirements Analysis Frederick Brooks: “The hardest single part of building a software system is deciding precisely what to build” Barry Boehm: by investing more up-front effort in verifying and validating the software requirements, software developers will see reduced integration and test costs, as well as higher software reliability and maintainability – 17 – CSCE 492 Spring 2009
Examples of Good Requirements Analysis Participatory analysis n Involves staff members of all levels from the domain area interacting directly with the development team Negotiation-based technique n n – 18 – Developed by USC Center for Software Engineering Collaborative analysis approach involving end-users CSCE 492 Spring 2009
Requirements Specification Requirements analysis results in a complete, consistent, correct, and unambiguous requirements specification The initial specification may be created by the end users or by the technical staff Independent of the source of the initial specification it must be refined and verified to be correct and complete – 19 – CSCE 492 Spring 2009
Possible Elements of Requirements Specification l Supported activity list l Human-computer interface description l solved problem list l Information source list l Information requesting organization list l Checks and balances l Security and fault-tolerant requirements – 20 – CSCE 492 Spring 2009
More: Possible Elements of Requirements Specification l Inter-operating systems list l Estimates of present information capacity and projected growth l Project time frame l Prioritization of requirements l Ethical concerns list – 21 – CSCE 492 Spring 2009
Case Study: Library Management System Independent of who creates the requirements specification (end users or technical staff), it is the responsibility of the system developers to ensure the user requirements are adequately fleshed out The first step of requirements analysis is to establish and refine the problem statement which takes the form of the requirements specification – 22 – CSCE 492 Spring 2009
LMS Case Study: Clarifying the Requirements Specification l What sort of human-computer interface is envisioned? l What sort of search facility is necessary for library patrons? l Will patrons be assigned a unique ID number? l Should the system support inter-library loan requests? – 23 – CSCE 492 Spring 2009
LMS Case Study: More Clarifying the Requirements Specification l Are there any limits on patrons’ use of research databases? l How are books retired from the library collection? l How long are requested books held for patrons? l Are overdue fees the same for all type of library resources? l Which online databases will the system interact with? – 24 – CSCE 492 Spring 2009
Creating Quality Requirements Specifications l The key is to keep in close communication with the end users throughout the development process, but especially during requirements analysis l Ideally, a whole array of different end users should be involved with the development team to gain sufficient breadth of input – 25 – CSCE 492 Spring 2009
LMS Case Study: Supported Activity List l Support Library staff activities like checking out resources to patrons l Validating patrons n n n Current membership No resources more than two weeks overdue Not over maximum of checked resources l Assigning library numbers to patrons – 26 – CSCE 492 Spring 2009
LMS Case Study: More Supported Activity List l Deleting expired library numbers and associated patron records l Checking out library resources: books, CDs, etc l Checking in library resources l Changing the status of a library resource l Allowing materials to be placed on reserve l Allowing the searching of the library’s holdings on line l Additional activities listed in text – 27 – CSCE 492 Spring 2009
Other Elements of the LMS Requirements Specification l Human-computer interface l Solved problems list l Information source list l Information requesting organizations l Automated checks and balances l Security and fault-tolerant requirements l Present information capacity and projected growth – 28 – CSCE 492 Spring 2009
More Elements of the LMS Requirements Specification Projected time frame Prioritization of requirements Ethical concerns Who has access of borrowing history of patrons? n How are children protected from questionable materials found on the Internet? n – 29 – CSCE 492 Spring 2009
Verifying Requirements l A structured walkthrough with the end users is a good technique for ensuring that the user needs are being addressed l To ensure that the resulting software supports the requirements specification, items on the supported activity list are numbered and propagated through the software models and source code – 30 – CSCE 492 Spring 2009
The Process of Requirements Analysis l Create verified requirements specification l Create list of primary classes l Create informal scenarios l Create use cases l Create scenarios l Create class diagrams l Create use case diagrams – 31 – CSCE 492 Spring 2009
Identifying Use Cases l A use case is a description of a scenario (or closely related set of scenarios) in which the system interacts with users of the system l The behavior of the system is expressed without specifying how the behavior is implemented l Use cases are initially described narratively, and then modeled graphically by class diagrams and interaction diagrams (to be discuss later) l Informal scenarios are a good starting point for use cases – 32 – CSCE 492 Spring 2009
Characteristics of Use Cases l Use cases are more abstract than informal scenarios l A single use case may encompass multiple scenarios l Use cases avoid redundancy l Use cases are more formally structured than scenarios l Use cases seek to capture complete breadth of system behavior – 33 – CSCE 492 Spring 2009
Use Case Layout l Precondition n What conditions must be true at the beginning of the use case? l Main flow of events n Describe the essential behavior associated with the use case l Post condition n What occurs as a result of the use case executing l Exceptional flow of events ( zero to many) n – 34 – Enumerate possible erroneous flow of events CSCE 492 Spring 2009
LMS Case Study: Use Cases l Validate patron l Check out resource l Check in resource l Request resource l Reserve resource l Manage Resource l Manage Patron l Generate from letter – 35 – CSCE 492 Spring 2009
LMS Case Study: Check out Resource Use Case Precondition n n Library staff and patron validated to LMS Library DB initialized Main flow of events n n Enter resource Determine due date Exceptional flow of events n n n – 36 – Patron ID not valid Patron has over due resources or too many checked Resource number not valid CSCE 492 Spring 2009
More LMS Case Study: Check out Resource Use Case Postcondition n Patron DB entry updated to reflect new resource n Resource DB entry updated to reflect changed status: checked out Due date assigned to the resource DB entry n – 37 – CSCE 492 Spring 2009
Scenario Development Scenarios are derived from use cases Scenarios are like informal scenarios, but are more formally structured Informal scenarios may be modified to produce scenarios Use cases are abstract because they do not reference specific values Scenarios are concrete because they do reference specific values Multiple scenarios may be required for a single use case – 38 – CSCE 492 Spring 2009
UML Use Case Diagrams l Use case diagrams depict use cases interacting with external actors l External actors are entities that interact with the software system, like system users, databases, or books l Use cases represent system requirements and show a functional partitioning of the system l Functional partitioning is useful for a dividing a system into smaller pieces – 39 – CSCE 492 Spring 2009
Notational Elements of Use Case Diagrams Actor Use case name Relationships: Dependency – 40 – Association Generalization CSCE 492 Spring 2009
LMS Case Study: Use Case Diagram Browse Resource Request Resource Patron – 41 – Reserve Resource CSCE 492 Spring 2009
Steps in UCCD Analysis Process Create/refine requirements specification Create informal scenarios Create list of primary classes Create use cases Create scenarios from use cases Create class diagrams showing basic inter-class relationships Model key class collaborations Create use case diagrams – 42 – CSCE 492 Spring 2009