Скачать презентацию Cryptanalysis of LHL-key authentication scheme Source Applied Mathematics Скачать презентацию Cryptanalysis of LHL-key authentication scheme Source Applied Mathematics


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Cryptanalysis of LHL-key authentication scheme Source: Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 152, pp. 721 Cryptanalysis of LHL-key authentication scheme Source: Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 152, pp. 721 -724, 2004 Authors: A. Peinado Speaker: Jui-Yi Kuo Date : 11/8/2004 1

Outline n n Review LHL scheme Cryptanalysis of LHL scheme Improved scheme Conclusions 2 Outline n n Review LHL scheme Cryptanalysis of LHL scheme Improved scheme Conclusions 2

Flow chart of key authentication UA Cert, public key Secretly Cert, public key Server Flow chart of key authentication UA Cert, public key Secretly Cert, public key Server Data for UA UB Get non-repudiation public key 3

Notation PW: password of UA x: private key of UA y: public key of Notation PW: password of UA x: private key of UA y: public key of UA ( y= gx mod p) C: certificate of UA r: random number generated by UA f(. ): one-way hash function f(m)=gm mod p 4

Review LHL scheme 1. a*(PW+r)+b*x = 1 2. R = g r mod p Review LHL scheme 1. a*(PW+r)+b*x = 1 2. R = g r mod p 3. f(PW+r) UA Server Secretly a, b, R, f(PW+r) Check ? f(PW+r) = f(PW)*R ? f(PW+r)a*yb = g mod p public C, y {id. A, f(PW+r), a, b} UB ? f(C )= f(PW+r)a*C∙y b*C mod p 5

Cryptanalysis of LHL scheme a*(PW+r)+b*x = 1 (PW+r)= (1 -b*x)/a public C, y {id. Cryptanalysis of LHL scheme a*(PW+r)+b*x = 1 (PW+r)= (1 -b*x)/a public C, y {id. A, f(PW+r), a, b} 6

Improved scheme 1. a*(PW+r)+b*x = 1 2. R = g r mod p 3. Improved scheme 1. a*(PW+r)+b*x = 1 2. R = g r mod p 3. f(PW+r) Check ? Server f(PW+r) = f(PW)*R UA ? f(PW+r)a*yb = g mod p Secretly a, b, R, f(PW+r) public y public {id. A, f(PW+r), a, b} UB ? f(PW+r)a∙y b = g mod p 7

Cryptanalysis of Lee-Hwang-Li’s Key Authentication Scheme Source: to appear in Applied Mathematics and Computation. Cryptanalysis of Lee-Hwang-Li’s Key Authentication Scheme Source: to appear in Applied Mathematics and Computation. (accepted in November 2003) Authors: Fangguo Zhang and Kwangjo Kim 8

Improved scheme (2) 1. a*(PW+r)+b*x = 1 2. R = g r mod p Improved scheme (2) 1. a*(PW+r)+b*x = 1 2. R = g r mod p 3. f(PW+r) C=(PW+r)+x*y mod q, where q | (p-1) UA Server Secretly a, b, R, f(PW+r) Check ? f(PW+r) = f(PW)*R ? f(PW+r)a*yb = g mod p public C, y {id. A, f(PW+r), a, b} UB ? f(C )= f(PW+r)a∙y y mod p 9

Conclusions n n n LHL-scheme is not security The modifications can be protected against Conclusions n n n LHL-scheme is not security The modifications can be protected against this problem The modifications are still proposed the guessing attack prevention and the user’s key non-repudiation 10