- Количество слайдов: 80
Crossing cultures?
The Bible
Biblical or cultural?
Interpreting the Bible
Genesis 1 -3
Genesis 1 -3
What kind of literature?
What kind of literature?
What kind of literature?
What kind of literature?
What kind of literature?
What kind of literature?
Jewish Commentators
Writers of “the Fundamentals”
The Bible and Science
The Bible and Science
Advice from Schaefer
History of life on earth
History of life on earth
Aside: Defining Evolution
Christian approaches to emergence of biological complexity
What kind of literature?
Aside: Emergence of Humans?
Advice from Billy Graham
Warfield on evolution
C. S. Lewis When the author of Genesis says that God made man in His own image, he may have pictured a vaguely corporeal God making man as a child makes a figure out of plasticine. A modern Christian philosopher may think of the process lasting from the first creation of matter to the final appearance on this planet for an organism fit to receive spiritual as well as biological life. Both mean essentially the same thing. Both are denying the same thing -- the doctrine that matter by some blind power inherent in itself has produced spirituality. . . . Does this mean that Christians on different levels of general education conceal radically different beliefs under an identical form of worlds? Certainly not. For what they agree on is the substance, and what they differ about is the shadow. When one imagines his God seated in a local heaven above a flat earth, where another sees God and creation in terms of Professor [Albert North] Whitehead’s philosophy, this difference touches precisely what does not matter. (C. S. Lewis, God in the Dock Eerdmans (1970), p 46)
More reading
The Bible. . .
Biological self-assembly
Biological self-assembly
Self-assembly with legos?
Thinking Christianly about biological complexity. .
Christian approaches to emergence of biological complexity
Church fathers and nonchronological interpretations
Aside: Emergence of Humans?
Advice from Billy Graham
History of life on earth
History of life on earth
Nothing Buttery
Nothing Buttery
Nothing Buttery
Limits of Science?
God of the gaps?
Newton and the planets
Newton and the planets
Leibnitz objects
Leibnitz objects
Laplace and Napoleon
Chaos and the planets
Science and Beauty
History of life on earth
Aside: Defining Evolution
Language: Random or stochastic?
Lego blocks or clay?
Why so few genes?
Why so few genes?
Gene language
Gene language
Convergent Evolution?
Convergent Evolution
Convergent Evolution
Convergent Evolution?
Origins and biological complexity