Critical thinking Oops!. . I did it again Silko Julia Burmistrova Olga
Why? Current tendency in education in most developed countries all over the world Exam success Personal development Spoken language enables us to do more than share information – it enables us to think together. But as teachers, do we always use it to best advantage? And do we give enough attention to enabling learners to use language as a tool for learning and problemsolving? Neil Mercer
What is CT? It’s thinking about thinking while thinking in order to think better. The ability to analyze facts, generate and organize ideas, defend opinions, make comparisons, draw inferences, evaluate arguments and solve problems. Способность анализировать информацию с позиции логики и личностно-психологического подхода с тем, чтобы применять полученные результаты, как к стандартным, так и нестандартным ситуациям; способность ставить новые вопросы, вырабатывать разнообразные аргументы, принимать независимые продуманные решения.
CT and language. Why? Language works as an obvious “vehicle” for the development of thinking skills Combating the banal Fostering curiosity From Rod Bolitho’s webinar on Thinking Skills
CT and language. How? Do we use CT in our lessons? How can you prove that you use it? Standard and system list of skills lesson schemes extra activities box
CT Skills Interpretation Analysis Evaluation Inference Explanation Self-regulation
CT Subskills 1. Interpretation Categorization 2. Analysis … Decoding significance Clarifying meaning
To do list Age division coursebooks standards Lesson schemes (Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing) Extra activities box (warm up, vocabulary revision, ice breaking, follow up)
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