- Количество слайдов: 24
Critical Success Factors for Institutional Change ECDL 2006 Caroline Breslin and David Nicol University of Strathclyde
Project Programme JISC/NSF 2003 -2008 Digital Libraries in the Classroom Programme Transform the education process using innovative applications of emerging technologies and electronic resources
the project “digital libraries for global distributed innovative design education and teamwork”
Project Vision To enhance student learning opportunities by enabling them to participate in global team-based design engineering projects that give them experience of working within multi-cultural contexts. Make this possible through a range of information and communication technologies.
Project Team Design Manufacture and Engineering Management Centre for Digital Library Research Learning Services Centre for Academic Practice and Learning Enhancement
Nature of Design Engineering Open-ended, Collaborative Requires complementary skills and a wide range of resources All design is re-design
Informal Design Knowledge Capture Store Reuse Share
Supporting the Design Process How do we support student teams to achieve this?
FORMAL INFORMAL Lecturer LDL (process, formalised knowledge) LLE Team (practice, tacit knowledge) Coach Learning Loop 1: supporting the design process Learning Loop 2: coaching Learning Loop 3: formalising and re-using content Revised Design Knowledge Framework (after Eris, 2003) information from other sources
Lau. Lima Digital Library (LDL) Lau. Lima Learning Environment (LLE) longer term: reuse by staff and students a workspace environment: point of need Formal and More Permanent Less Formal and Dynamic Retrieval of resources Storing and sharing content Reuse of student-generated resources, design concepts and sharing processes Group Collaboration/ Team communication Quality assurance Metadata and standards Granularity Browse/ search Cross team activities Workfow management (process) Manipulation of information Capturing tacit information Knowledge structuring Lau. Lima System Architecture
Class contexts use Wiki pages: interlink resources Capture: create and upload resources Groupware: communicate & share ideas Lau. Lima LDL Digital library: find relevant information and examples Lau. Lima LLE Wiki pages: store development impact Class activity Reuse: search and re-use previous material
Key Features of Lau. Lima • Capturing explicit (formal) and tacit (informal) knowledge • Two digital repositories – LLE and LDL with established workflow between them • Digital repository for student-created resources for reuse in projects • Strong pedagogical integration with discipline • Cross-institutional in the classroom (Stanford University/Olin College)
Embedding Technological Pedagogical Cultural
Single Discipline Embedding Framework Institutional Multi-Institutional Cross- Discipline
Single Discipline Embedding Framework Institutional Multi-Institutional Cross- Discipline
Single Discipline Technological Well supported, adapted to local needs, linked to University portal, hardware in place. Pedagogical: Use of LLE and reuse of resources embedded in classroom teaching, training, evaluation and quality checks in place. Cultural: Funding, buy-in, collaboration, course team approach remains, uptake Institutional Multi-Institutional Cross- Discipline
Single Discipline Technological: LLE and LDL potentially useful, some access issues Pedagogical: Remains pedagogy-led but different training and support in place. Quality checks different. Resource reuse requires similar course frameworks and cultures Cultural: institutions favour own technology; different focus at different institutions (e. g. research, teaching), legislation differences (IPR, DRM). Institutional Multi-Institutional Cross- Discipline
Single Discipline Institutional Multi-Institutional Technological: LLE transferable but different versions and methods of use, different support issues. Pedagogical: disciplinary differences, Use of LDL transferable rather than resources within it. Cultural: Culture of use – is use of tool appropriate for different disciplines? What resources would be stored? Cross- Discipline
Single Discipline Institutional Multi-Institutional ? Cross- Discipline
Embedding Key Questions • What is embedding? Class Course Department Faculty Institution? • Why Embed? Add Value, Improve Quality, Ensure Consistency
Critical Success Factors What is critical to our success? … and Why?
Critical Success Factors Technological Pedagogical Cultural Project Evolution
Where are we now? Global Team Design Project
Q&A Further information Q&A… www. didet. ac. uk caroline. breslin@strath. ac. uk d. j. nicol@strath. ac. uk