- Количество слайдов: 31
Criminal liability of political decision makers Hate speech offences in Belgian politics Munich, 28 May 2016 Prof. dr. Wendy De Bondt t. +32 9 264 69 84 f. +32 9 264 69 71 Wendy. De. Bondt@UGent. be research publications consultancy conferences www. ircp. org Prof. dr. Wendy De Bondt +32 9 264 69 84 Wendy. De. Bondt@UGent. be
2 Hate speech offences in Belgian Politics 28 May 2016 | Hate Speech in Belgian Politics X%*L!§ @%XH &!! X%*L! §@% XH&!! X%*L! §@%X H&!! X%*L! §@% XH&!! research publications consultancy conferences X%*L!§ @%XH &!! www. ircp. org Prof. Dr. Wendy De Bondt Prof. dr. +32 9 264 69 84 Wendy. De. Bondt@UGent. be
3 Hate speech offences in Belgian Politics 28 May 2016 | Hate Speech in Belgian Politics X%*L! §@%X H&!! research publications consultancy conferences www. ircp. org Prof. Dr. Wendy De Bondt Prof. dr. +32 9 264 69 84 Wendy. De. Bondt@UGent. be
4 28 May 2016 | Hate Speech in Belgian Politics PART 1 – INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY X%*L! §@%X H&!! Duties Levels Courts Critique research publications consultancy conferences www. ircp. org Prof. Dr. Wendy De Bondt Prof. dr. +32 9 264 69 84 Wendy. De. Bondt@UGent. be
5 PART 1 – INDIVIDUAL RESPONSILITY 28 May 2016 | Hate Speech in Belgian Politics Duties Levels Courts Critique Art. 58 Constitution X%*L! §@%X H&!! research publications consultancy conferences No member of either House can be prosecuted or be the subject of any investigation with regard to opinions expressed and votes cast by him in the exercise of his duties www. ircp. org Prof. Dr. Wendy De Bondt Prof. dr. +32 9 264 69 84 Wendy. De. Bondt@UGent. be
6 PART 1 – INDIVIDUAL RESPONSILITY 28 May 2016 | Hate Speech in Belgian Politics Duties Levels Courts Critique Art. 58 Constitution X%*L! §@%X H&!! research publications consultancy conferences No member of either House can be prosecuted or be the subject of any investigation with regard to opinions expressed and votes cast by him in the exercise of his duties www. ircp. org Prof. Dr. Wendy De Bondt Prof. dr. +32 9 264 69 84 Wendy. De. Bondt@UGent. be
7 PART 1 – INDIVIDUAL RESPONSILITY 28 May 2016 | Hate Speech in Belgian Politics Duties Levels Courts Critique Art. 58 Constitution X%*L! §@%X H&!! research publications consultancy conferences No member of either House can be prosecuted or be the subject of any investigation with regard to opinions expressed and votes cast by him in the exercise of his duties www. ircp. org Prof. Dr. Wendy De Bondt Prof. dr. +32 9 264 69 84 Wendy. De. Bondt@UGent. be
8 PART 1 – INDIVIDUAL RESPONSILITY 28 May 2016 | Hate Speech in Belgian Politics Duties Levels Courts Critique Art. 58 Constitution X%*L! §@%X H&!! research publications consultancy conferences No member of either House can be prosecuted or be the subject of any investigation with regard to opinions expressed and votes cast by him in the exercise of his duties www. ircp. org Prof. Dr. Wendy De Bondt Prof. dr. +32 9 264 69 84 Wendy. De. Bondt@UGent. be
9 PART 1 – INDIVIDUAL RESPONSILITY 28 May 2016 | Hate Speech in Belgian Politics Levels Duties Courts Critique Art. 58 Constitution X%*L!§@%XH &!! research publications consultancy conferences No member of either House can be prosecuted or be the subject of any investigation with regard to opinions expressed and votes cast by him in the exercise of his duties www. ircp. org Prof. Dr. Wendy De Bondt Prof. dr. +32 9 264 69 84 Wendy. De. Bondt@UGent. be
10 PART 1 – INDIVIDUAL RESPONSILITY 28 May 2016 | Hate Speech in Belgian Politics Levels Duties Courts Critique Art. 58 Constitution X%*L!§@%XH &!! research publications consultancy conferences No member of either House can be prosecuted or be the subject of any investigation with regard to opinions expressed and votes cast by him in the exercise of his duties www. ircp. org Prof. Dr. Wendy De Bondt Prof. dr. +32 9 264 69 84 Wendy. De. Bondt@UGent. be
11 PART 1 – INDIVIDUAL RESPONSILITY 28 May 2016 | Hate Speech in Belgian Politics Levels Duties Courts X%*L! §@% XH&!! Critique X%*L!§ @%XH &!! What about communication with citizens to be able to exercise the duties ? ? research publications consultancy conferences www. ircp. org Prof. Dr. Wendy De Bondt Prof. dr. +32 9 264 69 84 Wendy. De. Bondt@UGent. be
12 PART 1 – INDIVIDUAL RESPONSILITY 28 May 2016 | Hate Speech in Belgian Politics Levels Duties Courts Critique Top political level X%*L! §@% XH&!! X%*L!§ @%XH &!! Local level research publications consultancy conferences www. ircp. org Prof. Dr. Wendy De Bondt Prof. dr. +32 9 264 69 84 Wendy. De. Bondt@UGent. be
13 PART 1 – INDIVIDUAL RESPONSILITY 28 May 2016 | Hate Speech in Belgian Politics Levels Duties Courts Critique Local level X%*L! §@% XH&!! research publications consultancy X%*L! §@% XH&!! conferences X%*L!§ @%XH &!! www. ircp. org Prof. Dr. Wendy De Bondt Prof. dr. +32 9 264 69 84 Wendy. De. Bondt@UGent. be
14 PART 1 – INDIVIDUAL RESPONSILITY 28 May 2016 | Hate Speech in Belgian Politics Levels Duties Courts Critique Local level X%*L! §@% XH&!! X%*L!§ @%XH &!! Art. 150 Constitution A jury is sworn in for all criminal matters, as well as for political and press offences (before Const≠ in 1999) research publications consultancy conferences www. ircp. org Prof. Dr. Wendy De Bondt Prof. dr. +32 9 264 69 84 Wendy. De. Bondt@UGent. be
15 PART 1 – INDIVIDUAL RESPONSILITY 28 May 2016 | Hate Speech in Belgian Politics Levels Duties Courts Critique Local level X%*L! §@% XH&!! X%*L!§ @%XH &!! DE FACTO IMMUNITY research publications consultancy conferences www. ircp. org Prof. Dr. Wendy De Bondt Prof. dr. +32 9 264 69 84 Wendy. De. Bondt@UGent. be
16 PART 1 – INDIVIDUAL RESPONSILITY 28 May 2016 | Hate Speech in Belgian Politics Levels Duties Courts Critique Local level X%*L! §@% XH&!! RACIAL XENO R/X research publications consultancy conferences X%*L!§ RACIAL @%XH XENO &!! RACIAL XENO X%*L!§ @%XH &!! Art. 150 Constitution A jury is sworn in for all criminal matters, as well as for political and press offences with the exception of press offences motivated by racism or xenophobia www. ircp. org Prof. Dr. Wendy De Bondt Prof. dr. +32 9 264 69 84 Wendy. De. Bondt@UGent. be
17 PART 1 – INDIVIDUAL RESPONSILITY 28 May 2016 | Hate Speech in Belgian Politics Levels Duties Courts Critique Local level X%*L! §@% XH&!! X%*L!§ @%XH &!! RACIAL XENO R/X research publications consultancy conferences DE FACTO IMMUNITY www. ircp. org Prof. Dr. Wendy De Bondt Prof. dr. +32 9 264 69 84 Wendy. De. Bondt@UGent. be
18 PART 1 – INDIVIDUAL RESPONSILITY 28 May 2016 | Hate Speech in Belgian Politics Levels Duties Courts NORMAL COURTS Critique JURY TRIALS • Oral statements - Outside Duties – all politicians - Within Duties – local politicians • Written statements that are racial or xenophobe in nature - Outside Duties – all politicians - Within Duties – local politicians research publications consultancy conferences • Written statements that are NOT racial or xenophobe in nature - Outside Duties – all politicians - Within Duties –local politicians www. ircp. org Prof. Dr. Wendy De Bondt Prof. dr. +32 9 264 69 84 Wendy. De. Bondt@UGent. be
19 PART 1 – INDIVIDUAL RESPONSILITY 28 May 2016 | Hate Speech in Belgian Politics Levels Duties Courts NORMAL COURTS Critique JURY TRIALS • Oral statements - Outside Duties – all politicians - Within Duties – local politicians • Written statements that are racial or xenophobe in nature - Outside Duties – all politicians - Within Duties – local politicians research publications consultancy conferences • Written statements that are NOT racial or xenophobe in nature - Outside Duties – all politicians - Within Duties –local politicians www. ircp. org Prof. Dr. Wendy De Bondt Prof. dr. +32 9 264 69 84 Wendy. De. Bondt@UGent. be
20 PART 1 – INDIVIDUAL RESPONSILITY 28 May 2016 | Hate Speech in Belgian Politics Duties Local level Levels Courts Critique “Lack of protection for local level politicians is inacceptable” Jury Trials X%*L!§ @%XH &!! Case examples: • “I was shoqued seeing a man getting into his car followed by something sad and pathetic wearing a burqa” • “Instead of the waste of the slaughtering, we should trough the Turkish into the wast containers” • Petition against the building of a Mosque research publications consultancy conferences www. ircp. org Prof. Dr. Wendy De Bondt Prof. dr. +32 9 264 69 84 Wendy. De. Bondt@UGent. be
21 PART 1 – INDIVIDUAL RESPONSILITY 28 May 2016 | Hate Speech in Belgian Politics Duties Local level Levels Courts “Lack of protection for local level politicians is inacceptable” Jury Trials X%*L!§ @%XH &!! research publications Critique consultancy conferences Courts’ approach (Cass. & Const. ) • Statements made by local level politicians fall within competence of regular courts without it affecting their independence • Not all statements are problematic; Only problematic if statements made with bad intentions with the aim to harm • Statements made in good faith, in the interest of the community, to ensure good governance are inacceptable www. ircp. org Prof. Dr. Wendy De Bondt Prof. dr. +32 9 264 69 84 Wendy. De. Bondt@UGent. be
22 PART 1 – INDIVIDUAL RESPONSILITY 28 May 2016 | Hate Speech in Belgian Politics Duties Local level Levels Courts Critique “De facto immunity for religious hate crimes is inacceptable” Jury Trials research publications consultancy conferences www. ircp. org Prof. Dr. Wendy De Bondt Prof. dr. +32 9 264 69 84 Wendy. De. Bondt@UGent. be
23 PART 1 – INDIVIDUAL RESPONSILITY 28 May 2016 | Hate Speech in Belgian Politics Duties Local level Levels Courts Critique “De facto immunity for religious hate crimes is inacceptable” Jury Trials research publications consultancy conferences www. ircp. org Prof. Dr. Wendy De Bondt Prof. dr. +32 9 264 69 84 Wendy. De. Bondt@UGent. be
24 PART 1 – INDIVIDUAL RESPONSILITY 28 May 2016 | Hate Speech in Belgian Politics Duties Levels Courts Critique Local level “De facto immunity for religious hate crimes is inacceptable” Jury Trials Double layer in this critique: 1. Race = Religion is a choice i Burning Quran = Racism ? ! 2. All grounds should be equal Duality in press offences is discriminatory in itself research publications consultancy conferences www. ircp. org Prof. Dr. Wendy De Bondt Prof. dr. +32 9 264 69 84 Wendy. De. Bondt@UGent. be
25 28 May 2016 | Hate Speech in Belgian Politics PART 2 – IMPLICATIONS FOR PARTY (MEMBERS) X%*L! §@%X H&!! research publications consultancy conferences www. ircp. org Prof. Dr. Wendy De Bondt Prof. dr. +32 9 264 69 84 Wendy. De. Bondt@UGent. be
26 PART 2 – IMPLICATIONS FOR PARTY (MEMBERS) 28 May 2016 | Hate Speech in Belgian Politics X%*L! §@%X H&!! research publications consultancy conferences Art. 22. Racism Law Will be punished with a prison sentence of one month to one year and a fine of € 50 -1000 he who is part of or grants his cooperation to a group or union that expressly and repeatedly proclaims discrimination or segregation based on one of the protected criteria, in the circumstances provided for in Art. 444 of the criminal code www. ircp. org Prof. Dr. Wendy De Bondt Prof. dr. +32 9 264 69 84 Wendy. De. Bondt@UGent. be
27 PART 2 – IMPLICATIONS FOR PARTY (MEMBERS) 28 May 2016 | Hate Speech in Belgian Politics Sloganesk statements • Foreigners are criminals responsible for feelings of insecurity • Foreigners take away our jobs and are responsible for unemployment • Foreigners abuse our social wellfare system • Foreigners are religious fanatics that cling to habits and moral values that are incompatible with our views on society • … Concrete proposals in their political program • Limit right to ownership • Limit social security and wellfare system • Introduce mandatory separate education system • Withdraw the recognition of Islam as an acceptable religion • … research publications consultancy conferences www. ircp. org Prof. Dr. Wendy De Bondt Prof. dr. +32 9 264 69 84 Wendy. De. Bondt@UGent. be
28 PART 2 – IMPLICATIONS FOR PARTY (MEMBERS) 28 May 2016 | Hate Speech in Belgian Politics 1999 2000 CC≠ Liability of legal persons 10 October 2000 Complaint filed By the Human Rights Ligue and the Center for Anti-Racism and Equal Opportunities Against non profit organisations linked to Vlaams Blok Const≠ Art. 150 excluded racism and xenophobia research publications consultancy conferences 2001 2003 First instance & Appeal: Political Offence Jury Trial Cass. “Not a political offence” 2004 Appeal in Gent: Accept criminal liability for being affiliated to group that consistently violates antiracism law www. ircp. org Prof. Dr. Wendy De Bondt Prof. dr. +32 9 264 69 84 Wendy. De. Bondt@UGent. be
29 PART 2 – IMPLICATIONS FOR PARTY (MEMBERS) 28 May 2016 | Hate Speech in Belgian Politics 1999 2000 2001 2003 • Pluralism is a necessary precondition in a democratic society heavy criticism should be accepted • Underlying intention is decisive element deliberatly causing incorrect image of part of the population • Theory of “Guilt by Association” what about regular members? research publications consultancy conferences 2004 Appeal in Gent: Accept criminal liability for being affiliated to group that consistently violates antiracism law www. ircp. org Prof. Dr. Wendy De Bondt Prof. dr. +32 9 264 69 84 Wendy. De. Bondt@UGent. be
30 PART 2 – IMPLICATIONS FOR PARTY (MEMBERS) 28 May 2016 | Hate Speech in Belgian Politics X%*L! L*%X! §@%X H§@% H&!! research publications consultancy conferences Art. 22. Racism Law Will be punished with a prison sentence of one month to one year and a fine of € 50 -1000 he who is part of or grants his cooperation to a group or union that expressly and repeatedly proclaims discrimination or segregation based on one of the protected criteria, in the circumstances provided for in Art. 444 of the criminal code www. ircp. org Prof. Dr. Wendy De Bondt Prof. dr. +32 9 264 69 84 Wendy. De. Bondt@UGent. be
www. ircp. org Contact Prof dr. Wendy De Bondt t. +32 9 264 69 84 f. +32 9 264 69 71 Wendy. De. Bondt@UGent. be IRCP Ghent University Universiteitstraat 4 B – 9000 Ghent research publications consultancy conferences www. ircp. org Prof. dr. Wendy De Bondt +32 9 264 69 84 Wendy. De. Bondt@UGent. be