Скачать презентацию Creating a market place for energy efficiency Christiane Скачать презентацию Creating a market place for energy efficiency Christiane


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Creating a market place for energy efficiency Christiane Egger O. Ö. Energiesparverband Landstraße 45 Creating a market place for energy efficiency Christiane Egger O. Ö. Energiesparverband Landstraße 45 A-4020 Linz, Austria T: +43 -732 -7720 -14380 office@esv. or. at www. esv. or. at ESV-Design 051129 en

Oberösterreich - Upper Austria Capital: Population: Area: GNP: Final energy cons. : Unemployment: economic Oberösterreich - Upper Austria Capital: Population: Area: GNP: Final energy cons. : Unemployment: economic activities: ESV-Design Linz 1. 38 mio 12. 000 km² 30. 400 mio € 273 PJ; 33 % renewables (93 PJ) 4. 4 % industry, service sector, tourism, 25% of the Austrian exports 051129 en

Energy Action Plan of Upper Austria 1994 - 1999 • 30 % renewable energy Energy Action Plan of Upper Austria 1994 - 1999 • 30 % renewable energy (14 % hydro, 14 % biomass, 2 % solar) • energy consumption in new housing reduced by 30 % • 15, 000 jobs 2000 - 2010 • double biomass & solar • increase energy efficiency by 10 % Energy Efficiency Programme • implements the planned "Energy Service Directive" • 1% energy saving/year • 1. 5% for the public sector ESV-Design 051129 en

O. Ö. Energiesparverband Objectives • Energy Efficiency • Renewable Energy Sources • New Technologies O. Ö. Energiesparverband Objectives • Energy Efficiency • Renewable Energy Sources • New Technologies Organisation • Regional Energy Agency • set up in 1991 • Services for private households, public bodies & businesses • Member of the European networks (OPET, FEDARENE, EUFORES) ESV-Design Services • Information and public awareness • Energy advice • Events & publications • European projects • Energy certification for buildings • Training • Third party financing • Research and pilot projects • OEC - green energy network 051129 en

Towards Sustainable Buildings in Upper Austria Energy performance indicator Training & education Energy certificate Towards Sustainable Buildings in Upper Austria Energy performance indicator Training & education Energy certificate Subsidy programmes Advice & information Legal measures In Austria, the regions are responsible for the implementation of the Buildings Directive. ESV-Design 051129 en

Energy Performance Indicator fuel consumption: e. g. 3 l/100 km ESV-Design energy consumption: e. Energy Performance Indicator fuel consumption: e. g. 3 l/100 km ESV-Design energy consumption: e. g. 45 k. Wh/m², year 051129 en

The Upper Austrian Energy Performance Certificate • Issued as part of funding programme since The Upper Austrian Energy Performance Certificate • Issued as part of funding programme since 1993 • Legal obligation since 1999 • 40, 000 certificates issued by O. Ö. Energiesparverband since 1993 • Further development until 2006 ESV-Design 051129 en

Towards Sustainable Buildings in Upper Austria Energy performance indicator Training & education Energy certificate Towards Sustainable Buildings in Upper Austria Energy performance indicator Training & education Energy certificate Subsidy programmes Advice & information Legal measures In Austria, the regions are responsible for the implementation of the Buildings Directive. ESV-Design 051129 en

ESV-Design ld ho es thr k 94 19 toc 19 ESV-Design ld ho es thr k 94 19 toc 19 "en 99 ho erg us y e e" 19 fficie 93 nt "en ho erg us y e e" 19 fficie 95 nt "en h er mi ouse gy e req nimu " 19 fficie 9 nt uir m em pe 7 en rfor "lo ts m w 20 an en 05 ce erg yh "lo we ou se st "1 en erg 99 9 yh ou se "pa "2 00 ss 5 ive ho us e" 20 05 al leg ex bu istin ild g ing s Building Trends in Upper Austria 051129 en

Results Sustainable housing programme 1993 -2004 • 40, 000 homes (new & renovation) • Results Sustainable housing programme 1993 -2004 • 40, 000 homes (new & renovation) • calculation of the energy performance indicator ("Energiekennzahl") • individual energy certificate • individual energy advice session • 7 million m² • 285 mio. k. Wh energy savings/year • average energy indicator: - 2001 (4, 150 homes): 65 k. Wh/m² - 2004 (5, 700 homes): 54 k. Wh/m² - 2005 (so far): 52 k. Wh/m² ESV-Design 051129 en

Third Party Financing ( Third Party Financing ("Contracting") • existing economic energy efficiency potential • owner can not/does not want to invest • ESCO makes energy efficiency investment contract start ESV-Design refinancing investment energy cost reduction energy costs after investment before investment energy costs • investment is paid back over contract period contract end time 051129 en

How to create a regional/local TPF market? ESCOs: advice & training General promotion of How to create a regional/local TPF market? ESCOs: advice & training General promotion of the instrument Support the decision making process Clients: advice for projects ESV-Design 051129 en

The Upper Austrian TPF Programmes • interesting principle, but no market development by itself The Upper Austrian TPF Programmes • interesting principle, but no market development by itself • promotion & advice to clients and ESCOs & (small) subsidy • municipalities & one type of TPF only • more than 100 projects realised • more than 15 ESCOs active in the region ESV-Design 051129 en

Examples of TPF Projects Energy performance contracting in Freistadt • 7 public buildings retrofitted Examples of TPF Projects Energy performance contracting in Freistadt • 7 public buildings retrofitted • 24 % reduction of energy costs • savings of 66, 205 €/a Energy efficient street lighting in Gunskirchen • Total investment: 138, 931 Euro • Guaranteed savings of 20% • Reduction of energy consumption: 24, 615 k. Wh/a Energy performance contracting company Acamp • Total investment: 380, 200 Euro • Guaranteed savings of 71, 500 Euro/a • Reduction of energy consumption: 809, 000 k. Wh/a ESV-Design 051129 en

1 - 3 March 2006 Wels/Austria Topics: Energy Efficiency Conference ▌Green Electricity ▌Renewable Heating 1 - 3 March 2006 Wels/Austria Topics: Energy Efficiency Conference ▌Green Electricity ▌Renewable Heating & Cooling ▌European Pellets Forum ▌Green Energy Business ▌ www. wsed. at

Creating an energy efficiency market… • takes time! • much faster if a mix Creating an energy efficiency market… • takes time! • much faster if a mix of policy instruments is used ("stick & carrot & tambourine") • information, information! • address demand for & supply of energy efficiency products & services • change is possible! ESV-Design 051129 en